Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 04, 1998, Image 139
DON'T LOSE YOUR CROPS TO FROST! PUMPS - PIPE - SPRINKLERS YOUR COMPLETE SOURCE FOR IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE 5301 E. Trindle Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717)796-1630 800-999-1630 Best Buys in Used Equipment TRACTORS Just In: Ford 7710, MFD w/Loader, 360 Hrs...(o) Case 1070 w/Cab (N) Case IH 8840 SP Mower Conditioner Case IH 7240 MFD, ESTTH; Priced Right (O) Gehl 2140 7 ’ Mower Conditioner, Real Nice Case IH 7130 MFD, 3,608 hrs Special Price O 2170 ?’ M ° w ® r , Conditioner Case IH 7130 MFD, 824 hrs , Real Nice (O) ~ in u o 1. n n \ni IH 1190 Mower Conditioner £?!?' H 3240 MFD ' 1 ' 035 hrs Ca " For Prlce BIH 3104 Disc Mower IH 966 w/cab (N) NH 48 g Haybme IH 2404 w/90” cutter Very Nice (O) Gehl 600 Harvester IH 856 w/Cab (N) Gehl 418 Wheel Rake . IH 706 Diesel, 50 hrs on rebuild (O) Gehl 408 Wheel Rake, Tow Type IH 454, Gas (N) Pequea 710 Tedder Same 100, MFD, Cab, 2,740 Hrs Coming In (B) Kuhn 452 Tedder ■ Ford 9N (N) 4845 Flound Baler.EflEl Ford TWIO, 4,400 hrs $10,500 (O) 433 „ , „ AC 180. Diesel (O) NH 166 Ha * ,n " c| , AMC „, le AC 180, Diesel (B) MISCELLANEOUS AC 6070 (O) Hardi TR6OO Trailer Sprayer, Air Blast Aihs wd $1,750 (O) Ha^;J n R |°°Bp; t a y er ' 45 ' Manual 800m ' 361 Case 530 gas tncyde $3,850 (O) Hard| 500 Ga | Sprayeri 45' Manual Kubota 87100 4WD (B) Boom 54,500 (B) MF 1085, Very Nice (B) IH 510 Gram Drill, 21 x 7 . (O) Ford TWIS (O) NH 355 Grinder Mixer, Like New, Priced To Sell(O) Case 1845 C Skid Steer, 1,265 Hrs (B) Cole Powell 3Pt 1R Planter (B) (2) Case 1845 C Skid Steers (N) Loftness 962 H Snowblower (O) Case 18458 Skid Steer (N) Westfield 8” x 41' Auger, Like New .. (N) Gehl 3610 Skid Loader. $8,900 (O) USED TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Case IH 510 Loader -(B) Oliver 565 4-16" Plow (N) Hydramac Commander 8000 Skid Loader, track JD 516 5 Bottom Plow (N) machine (N) JD 2500 5 Bottom PlowßHEl (N) COMBINES White 348 Auto Reset Plow (N) N H TR7O w/ Hydro, Ford Engine, 5000 Hrs , 962 F ° r^ l43 fn! C 6°6o SSnS 15R Head$11 ' 00 ° ( ( o! oble3Pt TbotliChisell Plow B («f)(1) IH 1660, Real Nice (O) , H g. Pu | ( Type D|SC (B) 'HI® 4B (°) IH 181 Rotary Hoe . .(N) (25(1) IH 1460, Nice Condition (O) m 53, 3 Pt 4 Row Cultivator (N) MF 550 w/4 Row Corn Head, 13’Gram Case IH 183 4 Row Cultivator (B) Head IH 93 w/Gram Head Eckroth Bros. Farm Eg. Inc. Eckroth Bros. Farm Bq. Junction of Hwy 443 & 895 New Ringgold, Pa. 717-943-2131 800-237-4591 717-943-7651 (fax 1998 CASE CORPORATION 5f §U Visit rnsp's Wph Ritp at hrln /Avivrv cnsocnro com WBm Case IH and Case Credit are registered trademarks ol Case Corporation Parts Shipped Dally • Service - Parts - Sales w^Y Qvr t vmoos, UPS - FedEx -us Mail M. Quality Customer Satisfaction ° eHL H£p£' SfJSSSS ffgfS You Be The Judge Eckroth Bros. Farm E HAY & FORAGE Case IH 8850 SP Mower Conditioner (B) (2) Bnllion 16’ Harrows Call (N) Pertecta II 13’ MM FARM MMequipment Mr Farney is talking about mixing 11 5% wetter forages, while the Reel Auggie 3450 long stem dry hay by ration weight in the Knight ‘fluffs' the ration ” Reel Auggie 3450, which he and his sons The Farney’s herd average is up about 1,000 decided to purchase in September of 1994 lbs , and they have a higher protein test as well Herbert was born the day Herbert Hoover was They milk 160 Holstems. and feed a total of 260 elected piesident head They like the low power requirement The Farneys previously owned a three-auger the 390 cubic foot machine is powered by a John Oswalt stationary unit They state that the “old Deere 2030 tractor mixer tended to ball material up, especially in 3000 Reel Auggie TMR Mixers Now available in seven si/es with capacities from 147 to 600 cubic feet USED EQUIPMENT • VD Lagoon Pump Demo • Stationary Knight 147 w/Electronic • Harsh 200 cu ft Portable Mixer Scale Used 1 Year • 285 Henke portable • Rjssler Stationary Mixer w/Beam •VD Slinger Spreader 3300 gal tank Scales 105 Cu Ft • Heavy Duly Post Dmcr • 3 pt Lagoon Pump Rent or Sale • Stationary Knight 147 cu ft Mixer (11 • Demo Unit Mixer In Stock • Call w/New Electronic Scales (l)w/Beam p or a FREE Demonstration Scales THE TRACTOR YOU’LL Introducing the new Case IH CX Series general purpose tractors. • 40 to 84 horsepower • Perfect for all loader and hay and forage applications • Quiet, spacious cabs provide superior comfort and visibility • Powerful, turbocharged engines offer up to 37% torque rise • Forward/reverse shuttle for faster cycle times • Smooth-shifting transmission stands up to the toughest operating conditions $1,500 $5OO CAftVOIMMMT IBSBWiIBI~~sLiPPQRT 1 JOSSSmm hkb You can count on us for high-quality farming systems, genuine Case IH parts, superior service and flexible financing COMMUTED TO IVt.» M«t CO 1998 CASE CORPORATION _ MMM Visit Case's Web Site at http //www cnsccorp com r/f Case JH and Case Credit are registered trademarks of Case Corporation Perfectly Adapted To Their Environment - Introducing The 8900 Series • -£ JKj MAGNUM™ Tractors % JSf The tractor that set the standard for performance and ' f comfort is now even better Today more than 60,000 . are ,n ,he ,leld Wl,h OV6r 110 milllon Slfespons/S y • The industry s quietest cabs help you stay alert and comfortable all day • Durable full powershift transmissions provide effortless shifting under any condition • New end-of-row function and slip limit control lets you complete work faster and be more productive • 23% more hydraulic flow at the remotes for more responsive implement control lenuine • Demonstrated reliability less downtime greater productivity and outstanding resale values . ,(N) $l,BOO (O) ckroth Equipment Co. 4910 Kernsville Rd. Orefleld, Pa. 610-366-2095 I 800-237-4592 610-366-1660 (fax . Inc. - 3 Locations to Serve You. NH 405 Slinger Spreader 135 (100 KW) 8910 155 (115 kW) ‘ 8920 8930 180 (134 kW) ’ 8940 205 (152 kW) • 8950 225 (167 kW) " * 2 Wheel Drive or MFD "MFD Lancntar Fahning, Saturday, ApHl 4, 199003? Herbert Hoover Farney says, “I didn’t think they could mix it.” Steve, Dale, and Herbert Hoover Farney Silvery Falls Farms - Lowville, NY MILLCREEK FENCE & FARM SYSTEMS 2285 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 t'*# { . Locations to Serve You (B) D& E Equipment 307 Edgar Ave Bloomsburg, PA 717-784-5217 800-237-4593 I 717-387-1739 (fax) (717) 396-8987 frl