ONE ONLY - REDUCED TO 50% OFF LIQUID MANURE PUMP All Igup FEATURES ON HUSKY H5OOO AND NE3531 Husky K3l • Bolted frame for easy service 7 Foot Pump, List Price $7,600 • Curved impeller blade prefer hp effi less 50% - Only $3,800 .« a „ laMe Ask For Merv Nissly • Hydraulic propeller available Added improvements provide • Shallow concavity blades the versatility to incorporate reduce compaction residua urt ‘ Open frame design allows control weeds residue to pass through • Precision depth control machine smoothly and quickly across the entire working width for uniform seedbed prepara- • 19 to 33-foot versions avail don able in standard flex wing or • Better penetration with less cushion gang versions weight cuts your fuel costs You can count on ua for quality tillage equipment, genuine Case IH parts, professional service support and flexible financing. Degelman Heavy Duty Dozer In Stock - Complete With Mounting For Case IH Maxxum Tractors Built For Excavating And Silage Pile Building. Call And Ask For Rick Todayl Conveyer Boxes In Stock! .... See the New 81-Dlrectlonal Model with Great Versatility - Super Deals at Binkley & Hurst Bros. On Dumping Station Conveyor Box Blower Feeders - Speed Up Your Silo Filling Operation By Seeing Binkley & Hurst Bros. Now! NOTICE: CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 10.1998 BINKLnfcHURST 133 To-zr- Rd sassss m m BROS. INC 1 _—/ Litltz, PA 17543-0395 Fax 717-626-0996 gwm Don’t Miss This One Case IH 3950 Tandem Disk Harrow In Stock For immediate Delivery 20’9” Cut With Rock Flex Hangers List Price $21,900 $15,900 A Great Cut & Finish Disk Weight Approx. 4 Tons Harvest More Acres In Less Time With Unverferth McCurdy Grain Carts See Binkley & Hurst Bros. Today Case Credit Financing Round Bale Wrapper SIURBY BLADE A Quail Cleaning Barns with Simplicity Auto Rollover. The blade automatically rolls into a working position when changing the direction of the tractor Pulling to pushing slurry is made simple The ' Barnboy 600 Slurry Balde” has two 3/4" reversible wiper blades that will flex to smoothly contour over uneven surfaces leaving a clean, puddle free floor The rubber blade also prevents _ __ shining or damage to concrete one In Stock For Case 1840-1845 C and Several Bobcat and Rubber wiper Blede l>l • ll • New Holland Models - Ask For Amos Sr. SAVE $l,OOO If You’re Looking For A Small Round Baler For A Small Price, See Binkley & Hurst Bros. Today! If You’re In the Market For a Round Baler, Make Sure You Look At the Case IH 8420 * Many standard features you might * And big value You can probably pay extra for with other machines - buy a new 8420 for what other used features like dual tension arms, side ■ models would cost you mounted gathering wheels centrally . located drive system bale counter y° u 9®* more than an economi mechanical bale-full alert and a tail- ca | baler We are committed to pro gate latched" indicator vlding genuine value-pnced Case IH parts professional and reliable * Make up to a 550-pound bale service and flexible financing Requires just 30 PTO horsepower Open Throat Design to Eliminate Plugging Variable Height Bale from Only 30" Up To 54" for Manual Handling in Small Barns and 39" Width Works in all Types of Crop Residue including Corn Fodder Ask For Landis or Leonard Was $8,980 now $7,980 One In Stock with Electric Controlled Tying One In Stock with Hyd Tie Don’t Miss A Spring Bargain! PRICES REDUCED CASH & CARRY PRICES ON NEW AND USED TIRES Come And Take A Look Inside Storage (2) NEW 14.9R28 10 Ply Galaxy Heavy Lug Tractor Ag Tire $340 Each .Now $295 Each (2) New Armstrong Hi-Traction Lug Radial 14.9R28 3 Star 10 Ply Ag Tractor Tire $465 Each Now $395 Each (2) Used 19.5Lx24 Industrial Tread Armstrong 10 Ply Minimal Tread, Used on Forklifts & Backhoes $20.00 Each Now $l5 Each (2) 20.8x42 2 Star Radial Rear Tractor Tires, Good Enough For Duals, Approx. 35% Note to Produce Farmers! Narrow Tire Row Crop Tractor Save $ Do A Hew 80 HP Demonstrator Tractor Check Out This Narrow Tire Row Crop Tractor Equipped with Cab & Air For Spraying Crops NEW - Priced Reduced Demo Rental Return Row Crop Special Transmission, Case Cummins Diesel, 12 4x42 Rear Tires and 7 50x18 Front Tires, NC5211 Special ipecial Application Speed Was $37,500 With New Warranty Lancastar Arming, Saturday, April 4,1998-C2l Best Buys In Used Equipment CALL FOR SPECIAL DEALS - NEW TRACTORS Case 1840 uni-loader (2) Case IH 5230 Maxum tractors, cab, 4WD TRACTORS IH 274 offset w/cultivators Case IH 2096, 2WD, cab Farmall M Tractor Case IH 5240 2WD, cab Case IH 5120 2WD, Case IH 7110, 2WD w/duals Farmall Cub w/cultivator, plow & snowblade IH 5288 w/duals cab, air COMBINES & HEADS JD 6600 cab, diesel Case IH 1644 combine w/1020 gram head, 17'/:’, 1800 hrs Case IH 1640 combine, w/1020 gram head, 15’, 1800 hrs Case IH 1640 combine, w/1020 gram head, 15', 1290 hrs. CaselH 1640 combine w/1020 gram head, 17 1/2’ IH 1420 combine w/15’ 820 head New Case IH 2166, 2WD, I7 1 /’ 1020 head, 270 hrs (demo) New Case IH 2166, 4WD 20’, 1020 head, 240 hrs (demo) IH 844 com head, 4R, 36" IH 815 combine, w/820 gram head, 13’ While 8600 w/gram head HAY & FORAGE NH 853 round balei (W) NH 575 wne baler (W) NH 256 hay rake, like new (W) IH 45 baler (W) NH 273 baler w/throwei (W) NH 320 baler (W) NH 467 haybme (W) Fox 2310 Forage Harvester, 2R (W) NH 425 Wire Baler (W) NH 718 Forage Harvester (W) Case IH 3650 Round Baler (S) NH 282 Baler w/thrower (W) $250 Each LAWN & GARDEN JD 261 finishing mower 5' JD F5lO front mount, 38" mower deck & snowblower Cub Cadet 2160,46” mower Cub Cadet 1320 w/46" mower deck & baggei JD tiller fits on JD 110,112 tractor IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Everßam hard hose, 3-l/2"xl000’ Capan D2/50 PTO pump Case IH 4390 power unit MISCELLANEOUS Cub I hot plow for fast hitch Friends 200 gal Air Blast Sprayer Unverferth Rolling Hanow 11, 27’, like new Unverferth Rolling Harrow 11, 28’ AC 600 no-till plantei, 9R w/markeis IH 365 S-tyne field cultivator, 19’8" Case IH 368 seed bed conditioner, 4R Bnllion 24’ crow foot packei IH 140 4X16 101 l over plow MF 620 disc harrow, 20’ IH 800 plate planter 4R, 36" w/fertilizer. gramulai insecticide FMC Sprayer, DO6O, 600 Gal Tank. 72’ Hyd Boom tPorm-Rile.. Agricultural (qutpmvnt, Supplies <1 Scrvlcit 122 Old Co'hansey Rd. 109 E., Avenue Shiloh, NJ 08353 Woodstown, NJ 08098 1-800-752-6373 1-800-848-5051 t99a CASE CORPORATION « Visit us on the Internet at http /Avww cosecorp com CASE HI Case iH is a registered trademark ol Case Corporation i Plan WfiiMiKni