I *w*» Mnifnc? I CIS-Lancastef Fuming, Saturday, April 4, 1998 heat, wgts front & rear, 18 4-34 @BO% JD 4320, 5,700 Hrs, 18 4-38 R @ 70%, 1972, Side Console, Dual Hyd w/pwr beyond, 115 H P, Must See this clean Midwest tractor $lO,OOO Also Available: JD 3020 D, wfe, 70 H P JD 3020 G, wfe, Pwr Shift JD 2940 D, Hi-low, 85 H P Financing & Trucking Available 410-833-9091 Take Delivery Now! Jump on a REAL wagon Richardton makes Hie best high dump wagons...bar none! Series 700 Load Capacity - 20,000 lbs @ 750 cu. ft • Box Length - 12’ Dumping Angle - 45° • Dumping Clearance - 10’ 9" • Dump Cycle - 1 Mm Series 750 Load Capacity - 30,000 lbs. @ 1000 cu. ft. • Box Length - 15’ Dumping Angle - 45° • Dumping Clearance - 11’ 5" • Dump Cycle - 1 Min. Series 770 Load Capacity - 30,000 lbs. @ 1050 cu. ft. • Box Length - 15' Dumping Angle - 48° • Dumping Clearance - 15’ • Dump Cycle - 1 Mm. Demand the best... Demand a Richardton Wagon! Available at your REAL Wagon dealer • Krause model 1588, 18’, single fold, $3,000 • Potato planter, McConnell. • Irrigation pipe, 6” aluminum. • Potato harvester. • Potato trailer loader. Other potato growing related equipment, cutter, grader, etc. $7,750 $B,OOO $6,600 $9,500. 717/752-6SBI ar”equTp’me“ "ts wn Road 410-751-1500 | ■® King Kutter ■ mm Mil White 598 6x20 variable width plow, spring reset, coulters, VG, $4OOO. White 588 plow, 4xlB spring re set coulters, VQ, $3OOO. Lackawana Co.. 717-587-1854 Vegetable Packing Line: 36' receiving belt washer and sponger, 48* waxer, 4 drop 52’ paddle sizer, grading belts, $6,000. InL 460 tricycle w/2R cultiva tor, good paint and motor, $3,000. (609)561-6822. Get Ready For Spring! Visit Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. Your Case Uniloader Connection and Your Case IH Farm Eq. Dealer Choose a Case Uniloader with the Attachments You Need! Service To Back Every Sale! MODEL OPERATING NET OPERATING TIPPING LOAD NUMBER LOAD HP WEIGHT CAPACITY 1825 800 LB. 25 3158 LB. 1600 LB. 1835 C 1,200 LB. 44 4950 LB. 2400 LB. 1838 1,300 LB 46 5166 LB. 2600 LB. 1840 1,350 LB. 50 5458 LB. 2700 LB. 1845 C 1,700 LB. 56 6085 LB. 3445 LB. BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 17M\ 626-4705 1-800-414-4705 \* lf / Fax 717-626-0996 133 Rothavlllo Station Rd. P.O Box 0395, Lllltz, PA 17543-0395 Located 1/2 Mile North ol Rothsvllle V 1998 CASE CORPORATION - Visit us on the Inlornot at http //www cjsvcorp com mmu Cefsc 1H is <i rc(|istfMf'fl fr,ut('in.i(k nl C.isi; Corporation !■■■■■■■ WANTED: 4xlB plow. Lids for 7000 dry fertilizer planter. (717)899-7269. WANTED: Business inter ested in buying used trac tors and equipment for re sale. Contact: C.L AB SHER EQUIPMENT 717-786-2246 717-786-8473 (fax) WANTED: Old motorcy cles, minibikes, scooters, ATVs, etc. Private collec tor. 610/692-6079. WANTED TO BUY: Scrap metal. Highest price paid. 717-284-2800 Lancaster Co. Weaver 9000* 2-post HUD truck, lift above ground 220 u hyd powered. Ford 3-cyl. dies si engine, small Ditch Witch trencher. 609-658-3414 Welger RP 200 master cut baler, used. Lely 280 C 3pt disebine mower, demo. Call (717)369-5702. Grapple Bucket Picks up awkward, abrasive loads like scrap, salvage and recycled material. Landscape Rakes Multi-purpose tools break up and level lumpy soil, grades and distributes loose materials. Auger Dig vertical holes, even on slopes Sweepster Brooms In Stock With Universal Quick Attach 4»in-1 Bucket Clam, Scrape, doze or fill ,/ Rotating Coupler For hillside application ~U r White 6400 Plant-aire, 30* 4R dry fertilizer, no till coul ters, Dicky John hookup, no marker arms, $lBOO. 814-383-2259 Diltz Wetzel potato seed cutter and Haines seed tre ater $1,650. Call (717)532-9108. Whits 543 6R dry fertilizer com planter w/monitor; JD 7200 6R liquid corn planter, vacuum w/monitor. $l3OO. 717/438-3205.
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