Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1998, Image 1
Q p w f-'ERini) i r ai n r t -P 1 -- i —- F'FWKI '-'TArr nP Hi _ Ini [? ri" is?? €ft‘®|? ITV ls^' ■ ■■■ V 01.43 No. 21 The John and Betty Herbst family form, run by John and son David, is a Maryland Agricultural Hall of Fame inductee. Their Misty Meadow Farm was recognized for its conservation efforts and nutrient management. From the left are John, Betsy and David and children Andrew, Jenny, Katie and Kimberly, and Betty Herbst. See story on page A 34. YORK (Yoik Co.) Like the Colonial settlers who rose up against what they felt was unfair taxation by the ruling government, York County farmers and land owners are participating in a 1990’s form of tax revolt They’ve filed a class action lawsuit to buttonhole tax monies bom public use. The Fair Reassessment of York County (FRYC) committee is urg ing property owners in Clean and Green preferential tax valuation to pay their taxes “under protest” The FRYC group is a sub-com mittee of the York County Farm Bureau, which has taken die lead in protesting the 1997 county tax Mid-Am Finishes Business, Celebrates Merger Into Dairy Farmers Of America EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor KANSAS CITY, Mo Under thebannerof“A Vision of Unity,” the annual meeting of Mid- American Dairymen's Associa tion, Inc. (Mid-Am) took into account the 1997 year’s activities but focused even mere on the mer ger of Mid-Am with the Southern Region of Associated Milk Pro ducers Inc. (AMPI), die Western Dairymen Cooperative Inc. (WDCI), and Milk Maiekting Inc. (MMI) that began operation on January 1,1998, as Dairy Farmers of America (DFA). Gary Hanman, president and chief executive officer of DFA, presented his annual report to the mote than 1,200 dairy farmers in attendance at the Hyatt Regency Grown Center Hotel. Herman said that 30 years ago the leaden of five Four Sections York Farmers File Property Tax Lawsuit reassessments and methods used in valuing properties. Sent in early March to several thousand owners of Clean and Green preferentially valued prop erty was a second mailing encour aging affected property owners to participate in the tax protest With that mailing went a sample “tax protest letter” which the commit- tee is encouraging recipients to file with their spring tax payment as well as copy and share with others similarly affected by the re assessments. According to Bill Buser, York grain fanner chairing the FYRC committee, under certain circum stances, when a tax payment is dairy cooperatives came together, convinced that dairy farmers could increase their income potential. As time progressed, more than 100 dairy cooperatives seeking similar benefits merged with Mid-Am to make it the largest dairy marketing cooperative in the nation. Early in 1997, dairy leaden again came together, unified in their desire to find a way to over come difficult economic condi tions. The cooperatives they repre sented had more members in much larger geographic regions than those who met in 1968. But the challenges of the industry were similar. And out of this latest mer ger has come Dairy Farmers of America with 22,000 members and marketing and brand recognition in every part of the nation. According to Herman, milk Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 28, 1998 made “under protest” in Pennsyl vania, 25 percent of the tax pay ment must be put in a speciid escrow find and held it until the tax dispute is resolved The FRYC committee is hoping that many of the county’s affected owners of Clean and Green tax valued land are aggravated enough with their increased tax bills to make the ef fort to file their spring tax pay ments “under protest” and thus es crow from governing bodies’ use significant amounts of tax dollars. And Buser notes that, even if property owners have already paid their tax bills, they can follow up and participate in the protest by prices for 1997 ended the year at $13.29, up almost $2.00 from December of 19%, but the average price was $12.05, down $1.34 from the 19% average. Member volume declined slightly, mostly due to members retiring or quitting the dairy business. The cooperative handled 17.2 billion pounds of milk, a reduction of nearly 99 mil lion pounds. Total milk handled, which includes milk purchased from others, was up slightly to 20.6 billion pounds. Net savings of $26,015 was realized on $3,861,519 of revenues. Guest speaker was the honor able Charles Stmholm, U.S. rep resentative from Texas and rank ing member on the House Ag Com mittee. He said in the last farm bill, we in the United States decided (Turn to Pag* A 22) $28.50 Per Year Dr. Beegle Clarifies Phosphorus Report DOUGLAS BEEGLE, PH.D. Penn State University Professor of Agronomy UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) lam writing in response to an article in the March 14 edi tion of Lancaster Farming, “Nutri ent Management Proposals Chal lenge Future of Farming.” Part of this article was based on a presentation that I made to the (State Conservation Commission) Nutrient Management Advisory Board at their meeting in Harris burg on March 10. I was asked by the Nutrient Management Advisory Board to give them an overview and update on the technical background on the phosphorus issue to help them to evaluate the implications of this issue for nutrient management in Pennsylvania. This was prompted by the intense media attention that has been focused on phosphorus filing with their tax collector a completed copy of the tax protest letter. Earlier this year, the FYRC had filed a class action appeal to the Assessment Board for reson cideration of Clean and Green land values following county real estate reassessment last year. Since the class action activity first At the Mid-America Dairymen Inc. annual meeting in Kan sas City, Missouri, Monday, Everett Newswanger (left) received the Salute Award from Carl Baumann, the national cooperative’s president. The award was given “in recogni tion of outstanding service to dairy farmers as editor of Lan caster Farming .” 600 Per Copy recently and the legislative action that has been taken in Maryland. I would like to clarify what I believe was a misinterpretation of what was discussed. Tills presentation was not, as implied, an announcement of a major policy change or release of surprising new findings on this issue. The article stated that what I presented was a “complete turnar ound on what had been considered scientific fact” in regard to the issue of phosphorus and nutrient management. It was also stated that “the switch to emphasizing phosphorus as the nutrient of equal or most concern has been sudden and unexpected.” Because the nutrient content of manure does not match the nutrient requirement of most crops, it is necessary to make a decision on which nutrient we will balance in (Turn to Pag* A 24) step was an appeal, the escrowing of tax protest funds was initially disputed by the Assessment Board. By Pennsylvania law, tax protest funds monies need only be escrowed if the dispute has reach ed the courts. On March 12, the FRYC, with two individuals, did indeed file a (Turn to Pago A 29)