A2O-TinfcSif|r TaftNfltf SSttKfffl Mottir'llN" 1 Junior production award winners with trophy donors are from left, seated, Jam! Savage, Kelly Myers, and Kelli Sav age. Standing, Dick Sutton, Jason Myers, Cart Bender, Dou glas King, and Matt Deßaugh. Maryland Holstein Convention Held In Timonium (Continued from Pago A 1) of agriculture as it relates to public perception issues. In talk ing about the business lifecycle, he explained that growth is the number one reason businesses both prosper and fail. Carl Bender, a dairyman from Accident, in Garrett County, was elected president of the Maryland Holstein Association He steps into the role after serving as vice-presi dent for the past two years. Mr Bender and his wife, Martha, milk 182 registered Holstems at two different farms in Garrett County Bender replaces Jason Myers of New Windsor, who stepped down after serving two years as president Elected vice-president of the organization was Arthur Rhoderick, of Hagerstown. Anita Hill, Thurmont, will continue to serve as secretary-treasurer Mr. Bender thanked the group for the opportunity to work with a great group of breeders He credits much of the success of Maryland's club to Anita Hill Her behind the scenes work enables the organi zation to run as smoothly as it does, he said, enabling the lead ership to reach its full potential "Two years ago when they asked if I'd be vice-president, if Anita Hill hadn't been secretary, I'm not sure if I would have accepted it," he said. Mr Bender said he feels another strong point of the Maryland club is its youth par ticipation. He is encouraged by the young people who are so active in agriculture and in the youth programs "If you watch how you do things, there's still a future in farming," he said. No new directors were elected at this year's meeting. Jessica Fritz was awarded a $2,000. scholarship by the Maryland Holstein Association to continue her studies in Dairy Science at the University of Maryland. Four $750. scholar ships were also awarded, and went to Autumn Guyton, Kelli Savage, Kelly Myers, and Jana Edwards. (Turn to Pago A2l) The new officers are from left, Carl Bender, president; Anita Hill, secretary/treasurer; and Arthur Rhoderlck, vice president. Record Book winners are from left, standing, Intermedi ate girls, Emily Yelster, first; Courtney Smith, second; Kelly Burrler, third. Intermediate boys, David Smith, first; Andrew Lenhart, second; and Jacob Pleper, third. Senior girls, Kris ten Myers, first; Barbara Schenning, second; Jamie Sav age, third. Senior boys, Ryan Savage, first, Justin Watt, sec- Senior production award winners from left, standing, Marlin Hoff, Tom Crothers, Jay Phlpps-Douthlt, Wayne Savage, Mike Doody, and Greg Wiles. Seated, Charles Dean, Cindee Savage, Liz Doody, Becky Wiles, and In from, Casey Doody. Scholarship award winners are from left, Jessica Fritz, Kelly Myers, Kelli Savage, Jana Edwards, and Autumn Guyton. ond; and Danlol Magnets, third. Seated, Andrew Herbst, first year record book winner; Junior boys, Christopher Beachy, first; T. J. Remsberg, sec ond; Ryan Haines, third. Samantha Satterfieh, first year record book winner; Junior girls, Erin Magness, first; Hanna Smith, second; and Ashley Lenhart, third.