Central Cariot Pork Report DES MOINES, lOWA Wednesday, February 25, 1998 USDA NATIONAL CARLOT PORK REPORT Equated to FOB Omaha Basis as 3:00 P.M. Compared to Tuesday's Close: Fresh bone-in 13-19# loins steady to 2.00 higher, butts steady to 2.00 lower, sknd. hams 1.00-2.00 lower; sdls. bellies 2.00-4.00 lower, lean trimmings mostly 2.00 lower. Trading on retail items moderate with light to moderate demand and offerings while processing cuts are actively trading with moderate demand and heavy offerings. - Loads PORK CUTS : 171.5 Loads TRIM/ PROCESS PORK : 65.13 - USDA ESTI MATED COMPOSITE PORK CARCASS CUTOUT Based on FOB Omaha cariot pork prices and industry yields. Calculations for a 185 lb Pork Carcass 51-52% lean, 0.80“-0.99“ backfat at last rib - Total Today's Primal Composite Val ues Date Loads Cutout Loin Butt Pic Rib Ham Belly - 02/25 236.6 52.48 75.69 51.04 34.92 128.48 45.18 38.71 Change : -0.58 1.31 -1.59 -1.66 unc -132 -131 - 02/24 153.0 53.06 74.38 52.63 36.58 128.48 46.49 40.22 02/23 72.0 53.92 74.10 54.03 36.74 132.34 47.18 42.90 02/20 1133 54.01 73.96 54.28 36.78 132.34 47.24 43.42 02/19 140.654.3374.1054.15 36.43 132.34 47.15 45.34 Current Five Day Simple Average - 5336 74.44 53.23 36.29 130.80 46.65 42.12 - NOTE: Value may change without adequate test. FRESH PORK CUTS LDS PRICE RANGE WOHTD AVG. LOINS, BONE IN. FRESH 1/4* Trim 13-19# 10.5 97.00 - 103.00 100.43 l/S* Tnn/lcss 13-19# 105 101.00-109.00106.67 1/4* Bladeless 1/4“ Trim 19-23# 6.0 99.00-101.0099.67 com bos 23/Up# 1.5 57.00 57.00 LOINS.CNTRCUT. 10-11 RIB.I/4TRM Tender-in FLO 8-13# 14X00 14X00 D Tender-out FLO 8-13# 137.00 137.00 D BNLS Strap-on 5-9# X 0 15X00 - 159.00 15550 BNLS Strap-off 5-9# X 5 160.00 - 174.00 165.60 WHLE BNLS LOINS 7-11# 134.00 134.00 C BNLS SIRLOIN .75-1# 2.25 113.00 - 121.00 113.89 BONE-IN SIR X5-35# BLADE ENDS 2-4# TENDERLOIN 1.25/DN#O5 190.00 - 248.00 219.00 LOIN BACKRIB (BOX ED) FRSH/FRZN 1.5/DN# 350.00 350.00 C “ 1.75/DN# “ 1.75-2.00# 0.25 25X00 252.00 * 2.00/UP# LOIN BACKRIB (COMBOS) 1.73/DN# 303.00 303.00 E James & Clark, llp “Serving the Needs of Lancaster County Farmers” Conveniently located between Ephrata, New Holland and Blue Ball, the law office of James & Clark, LLP is devoted to addressing the unique needs of farm families. Our mission is to provide excellent legal counsel in the following areas of law: Estate Estate Real Estate Business Planning E-Mail Address JClark@PaEstatePlanning.com PICNIC. FRESH Smkr Trm, RS, combo SmkrTnn, SS. boxed 55.00 55.00 E PICN IC CUSHION MEAT Combo 92% Fresh 2.63 90.00 - 93.00 91.76 Boxed 92% Fro zen BOSTON BUTT 4-9#,FRESH 1/4* Trim 113 62.00 • 68.00 64.87 1/8* Trim 72.00 72.00 E 1/4“ Trim Neck-off 43 71.00- 1/B*Trim Neck-off 1.0 79.00 79.00 BNLS, Cellar Trim combo's 9/UP# SPARER®, FRESH 3 BAG/3 PCVAC 3.8/DN# 03 133.00 133.00 2 BAG/3 PCVAC 3.8-5.S# COMBOS 3.8/DN# COMBOS 3.8-5.8# HAM.BONE-IN,TRIMMED 17-20# TSI (sel) 10.0 57.00 - 58.00 57.20 17-20# TS2 (com) 20-23# TSI (sel) 36.0 46.00 - 50.00 47.67 20-23# TS2 (com) 1.0 44.00 44.00 23-27# TSI (sel) 5.0 44.00 - 45.00 44.80 23-27# TS2 (com) 20-27# TSI (sel) 19.0 43.00 - 46.00 44.21 20-27# TS2 (com) 44.00 44.00 B 27#/up TS2 (com) HAM.BNLS MUSCLES 94-96% * 3 Muscle Group * 4 Muscle Group 7.0 110.00 110.00 * 5 Muscle Group 6.0 102.00 - 103.00 102.17 Inside Outside Knuckle Lite Butt Inner Shank HAM TRIMMINGS (CHEMICAL LEAN) Combo 72% Fresh 1.0 2930 2930 Boxed 72% Frozen Combo 90% Fresh Boxed 90% Frozen Outer Shank Frozen BELLY, SDLS, FRESH SKIN-ON, TRIMMED Fresh 10-12* 1.0 35.50 3530 Fresh 12-14# 73 39.25 - 40.00 3937 Fresh 14-16# 8.5 39.00- Fresh 16-18# 9.0 36.00 - 3630 36.25 Fresh 18-20# 8.0 3130 31. 50 Fresh 20-25# unq SKINLESS, SQUARED Fresh 9-11# Fresh 11-13# Fresh 13-15* Fresh 15-17# SKINLESS. CENTER CUT Fresh 8-10# Fresh 10-12# Fresh 12-14# Fresh 14-16# PORK TRIMMINGS/BONELESS PROCESS ING PORK (CHEMICAL LEAN) Combo 42% Fresh 13.0 1730 -1830 17.62 Boxed 42% Frozen Combo 72% Fresh 29.0 2930 - 3130 30.13 Boxed 72% Frozen 10.0 36.00 36.00 BONELESS PICNIC MEAT Combo 72% Fresh 2.0 4630 4630 Boxed 72% Frozen 54.00 54.00 C SKINNED JOWLS Combo Fresh unq Boxed Frozen 2.0 22.00 - 2230 22.25 FAT. VISUAL TRACE OF LEAN Combo Fresh 14.00 14.00 B Boxed Frozen TRIM, VISUAL TRACE OF LEAN Combo 12-16% Fresh S 3 15.00 - 17.00 16.18 Boxed 12-16% Frozen Specifications for all repotted cuts avail able upon request STANDARD CONVERSION FAC TORS FOR RETAIL CUTS (all retail Planning Settlement items vacuum packed unless otherwise noted.) Loins (13-22#'s): Butts (4-9#'s): Vacpak - report basis Vacpak - report basis Gas Pak - add $2.00 Gas Pak - no conver sion Paper - add $3.00 Paper ■ add $3.00 Combo - add $6.00 Combo - add $4.00 Spareribs: Bone-in Center Cut Loins: Vac pak - report bes False Lean Off - basis Polywrap - add $7.00 False Lean On - add $5.00 Boneless Center Cut Loins: 1/4* Trim - report basis 1/8* Trim - subtract $6.00 ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test Quotes are dropped after S days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions. USDA PORK CARCASS CUTOUT Wednesday, February 23, 1998 Estimated gross cutout values of a 173 lb hog carcass based on USDA cutting yield tests and car lot prices. Wednesday's carcass grades & prices per cwk: US #1 US #2 US #3 US #4 Change from 51.79 30.24 48.68 47.12 Tuesday’s value: -0.55 -0.55 -0.57 -0.58 Today's calculations for US #2 175 lb pork carcass; % OF FOB CHANGE FROM ITEM WEIGHT CARCASS VAL UE Tuesday Skinned hams 14-20 Lb 21.01% $54.00 Loins, 1/4* Trim 14-22 Lb 20.33% $96.00 1.00 Bellies. Sdls. 12-14 Lb 13.90% $36.00 -3.00 Spareribs 3JDn Lb 3.03% $114.00 1.00 Picnics 8-12 Lb 10.31% $30.50 -2.00 Butts. 1/4* Trim 4-8 Lb 7.25% $62.00 -2.00 Jowl - 2.85% $19.00 Neckbones - 1.52% $13.00 Feet - 1.05% $23.50 Tails - 0.22% $30.00 Trim 72% --2.19% $28.50-1.00 Lard— 10.85% $14.75 Total carcass % --> 94.51 % US «2 Carcass Value per cwt m $50.24 NOTE: Value may change without adequate test ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test. Quotes ate dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions. Central Carlot Beef Report DES MOINES, lOWA Wednesday, February 25, 1998 USDA NATIONAL CARLOT BEEF REPORT (includes major production areas in the Midwest and TX) as of 3:00 PM COW & BULL CARCASS FOB OMAHA 3.0 Loads Reported. Compared to Tues day's 3:00 P.M. report: Utility carcasses 1.00 lower; Cutter not established. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1907 Division Hwy. (Route 322) Ephrata, PA 17522 717-355-2800 Demand and offerings light to moderate: Lds Price Range Latest Estb. Mkt, UT.brk 2-4 450#/up 1.0 62.00 62.00 UT,bng 1-3 400#/up 2.0 66.00 66.00 Cut ter 1-2 330#/up 68.00 C Bulls YO 1 500#/up COW A BULL CARCASS CAF WEST COAST Loads Repotted. Compared to last week; Market for Week Ended: February 20, 1998 Lds Price Range UT.brk 2-4 450#/up UT.bng 1-3 400#/up 68.00 Cutter 1-2 350#/up 68.00 Bulls YG 1 500#/up BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/ BEEF TRIMMINGS 208.0 Loads Reported. Lean boneless processing beef 4.00-7.00 lower; 85% 3.00-SJO lower; 65% 3.00-4.00 lower. Demand and offer ings light to moderate. Beef trimmings weak on fairly good demand and heavy offerings. FOB OMAHA BASIS: dim Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 26 97.0 - 102.0 99.40 90% fz unq 85% fr 6 88J - 91.0 89.42 85% fz unq 75% ft 70.0 - 71.0 70.40 A 75% fz unq 65% ft 13 46.0 - 49.0 46.92 65% fzunq 50% ft 10023.00- 25.00 23.60 50% fz 26 29.00 - 29.30 29.12 50% bx unq Bull 92-94 116.0 -119.00 117 JO B FOB EAST TEXAS AND OKLAHO MA: Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 9 99.0 - 100.0 99.22 90% fz unq 83% fr unq 85% fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr6S% fz CAF NORTHEAST AREAS; Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 24 99J - 101.0 100.48 90% fz unq 83% ft 4 92.0 - 93.0 92.50 85% fz 73% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz CAF WEST COAST BASIS Market for Week Ended: 2/20/98 Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 95.00 -106.50 103.85 90% fz unq 85% fr 87.00 - 97.00 9137 85% fz unq 75% frunq 75% fz unq 65% fr unq 65% fz unq 50% frunq 50% & 35.00 - 36.00 3530 **ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions.** ' Morrison Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. February 23, 1998 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 97. STEERS CHOICE Raised on his family’s dairy farm. Jay is keenly aware of the unique legal issues faced by agricultural, family businesses. Jay’s practice focuses on the planning that is required to reduce tax burdens and to allow a smooth transition from one generation to the next. A strong accounting background provides Jay a solid basis for tax issues. Jay currently serves as chair of both the Agricultural Law Committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the Estate Planning Section of the Lancaster Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker on estate planning and agricultural issues to the public and to lawyers. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, February 28, 1998-Al7 6030-63.50; GOOD 563060.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 60.00-62.30; GOOD 35.50-59.50. COWS: UTILITY * COMMERCIAL 36.0044.00; CANNER A LOW CUTTER 22.0036.00. BULLOCKS: 42.0052.50. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 42.0044.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 55.0065.00; BULLS 48.0059.00; HEIF ERS 44.0063.00. CALVES lIS. PRIME, NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE 74.0083.00; GOOD 59.0073.00; STANDARD 1S.0031.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 4S.0090.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90130 LBS. 55.00105.00. HOGS: 154. US NO. 1-2 37.003830; US NO. 1-3 36.0037.00. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 22.0032.00. BOARS: 16.0020.00. FEEDER PIGS: 6 HEAD. US4IA3 2050 LBS. 120023.00. SHEEP: 38 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS 95.00-11S.00; GOOD LAMBS 85.0098,00; SLAUGHTER EWES. NO MARKET TEST. GOATS: 36.00126.00 BACH. North Jersey Livestock Herksllsfawm, NJ Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, February 24, 199 C CALVES .07-130. COWS 35-.42V.. EASY COWS .12* -33* . FEEDERS 300-400 LBS. .29-.55. HEIFERS 38-37 V.. BULLS .37-34*. STEERS J3-.65. HOGS .2S-3S. ROASTING PICS EACH ZOO-14.00. SHEEP Zl-.61. LAMBS EACH 40.00-78.00. LAMBS PER LB. 30-I.MI GOATS BACH 46.00-130.00. KIDS BACH 16.00-76.00. HIDES EACH 9.00-19.00. TOTAL: 646. Web Page www.PaEstatePlanning.com
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