MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION MIDDLEBURG, PA MARKET NEWS SERVICE February 24, 1998 CATTLE 303 [PDA] SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1380/1560 lbs 63 25-65 00, Choice 1125/1425 lbs 59 50-62 75, 1520/1690 lbs. 57.75-61 25, Select 54 25-59 75, few Standard 49.00- 51 00. HOLSTEINS; few High Choice and Prime 1430/1520 lbs 56 75-57.00, Choice 1365/1590 lbs 52 50-56.75. Select 47 00-53.25, Standard 39.25- 46 25. HEIFERS: High Choice and Prime 1145/1430 lbs 61.75-64.75, Choice 1070/1205 lbs. 59.75-61.75. Select 51.00-59.50, few Standard 42.50- 50 00. COWS; Breaking Utility and Commer cial 37.75-42.50, Cutter and Boning Utility 34.25-40.25, Canner and Low Cutter 28.00-37.50. Shells down to 20.50. BULLOCKS: few Select 44.75-47.75. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 1 1130/2000 lbs 43.00-45.00, couple No 2 1470 & 1735 lbs. 42.00 & 42.25. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; few Medium & Large Frame No. 1 450/700 lbs. 6100-8100, Medium Frame No. 2 470/670 lbs, 43.50-56 00, few Large Frame No. 2 490/735 lbs Holsteins 44 50-55 00; HEIFERS: Medium & Large Frame No I 525/665 lbs. 61.50- 64 50, 830/915 lbs. 42 50-49.50, few Medium & Large Frame No 2 400/785 lbs 34 00-41 00, one @ 57 00, BULLS few Medium & Large Frame No 2 485/695 lbs 39 00-47 50 CALVES 202 VEALERS Standard and Good 80/115 lbs 20 00-26 00, Utility 55/85 lbs 10 00-19 00 Charolais-sired Smokies Increase Profit. reports prove Charolais-sired Smokies consistently top the market. More pounds and a premium price paid per hundred weight increases profit for the commercial cow-calf producer. Charolais-cross Smokies enter the feedlot sooner and realize heavier and more efficient gains. This results in earlier marketing and added profits for producers. Lloyd Cook (816) 587-3070 CentraUNortheast Field Representative American-International Charolais Association RO. Box 20247 • Kansas City, MO 64195 • (Bit) 464-5977 • FAX (816) 464-5759 • E-Mail; thoruu@soumi.nil • www.dwrolaisusa.toni IhiAlUislkoffidalrif^faChinloistnlOttrbray. FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95/125 lbs 75.00-112 50 mostly 90,00-110.00, 80/90 lbs 62 50-87 00, No 2 80/115 lbs 30 00-72 06, few down to 24 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 80/100 lbs 72 50-120 00, No 2 80/115 lbs 20 00-4000, one @ 60 00 HOGS 153 (2/23 & 24/98) Bulk of supply sold on Monday and supplied by the auction BARROWS AND GILTS- US 1-2 245/270 lbs. 36 00-38 25, couple lots 45 00 & 46 00, US 1-3 225/265 lbs 32 50-35 50. SOWS. US 1-3 355/495 lbs 23 00- 27.50, one @ 37.50, 500/580 lbs 23.50-30.00. BOARS' 390/650 lbs. 14 00-1800 FEEDER PIGS 93... US 1-3 25/40 lbs 12.00-20.00, 40/60 lbs. 25.00-40.00. ■ -per head. SHEEP S...SLAUGHTER LAMBS' couple Choice 5>5 & 115 lbs 78.00-88,00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: few 37.00-49 00. GOATS 5...C0up1e Medium Billies 58.00 & 64.00, couple Large Nannies 58.00-64.00. per head. MERCER LIVESTOCK AUCTION PA DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE MERCER, PA February 24, 1998 CATTLE 360...[PDA]...Compared with lasi week's sale...s). steers 2.00 to 2.50 lower, si. cows steady to 1.50 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 1075/1400 lbs. 59.50-63.75, Select 54.50- HOLSTEINS: Choice 1160/1770 lbs 54.25-58.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS- Choice 1000/1400 lbs 58 00-62 00, Select 53.50- few Standard 49 50- 52 00 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 37 00-42 50, few to 45 50, Cutter and Boning Utility 32 50-40 50. Can ner and Low Cutter 30 00-37 00 Shells down to 20.50 BULLOCKS few Choice 1320/1455 lbs 57 50-62 25 BULLS few Yield Grade No I 1300/1950 lbs 48 00-56 75, few No. 2 1060/1795 lbs 37 50-47 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS - few Medium Frame No 1 450/550 lbs 65 00-81 00 HEIFERS Medium Sc. Large Frame No. 1 375/675 lbs 60 00-75.00, Medium & Large Frame No 2 300/900 lbs 47 00- 61 00, BULLS' few Medium Frame No. 1 500/600 lbs. 66.00-68 00. CALVES 128. .VEALERS: Standard and Good 75/100 lbs 20 00-31.00, few Utility 55/75 lbs. 17.00-29.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs. 80JOO-110.00 "No. 2 90/140 lbs 30.00-85.00; few No. 1 Holstein heifers 90/110 lbs 110.00-132.50, few No. 2 80/160 lbs. 30.00-85.60. Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/105 lbs. 39.00- HOGS 15... BARROWS AND GILTS few US 1-3 240/260 lbs. 36 50-37.00. SOWS: couple US 1-3 495 Sc. 500 lbs 29.00- FEEDER PIGS O. ..NO MARKET TEST! SHEEP 0...N0 MARKET TEST! GOATS 1...0ne Medium @ 52.00 per head. NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEW WILMINGTON, PA February 23, 1998 CATTLE 122. [PDA]. Compared with last Monday's sale, .si cows higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 1160/1435 lbs 60 00-63 75, one Stan dard® 53,00 HOLSTEINS couple Choice 1445 & 1590 lbs 60 00 & 63 75. HEIFERS Select & Low Choice 1220/1280 lbs 55 00-59 00 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer- As documented by the American-International Charolais Association (AICA) Beef-Charolais program, Charolais-sired cattle return more profit from the feedlot. The average added value returned on this program has been $8.36 per head with premiums paid as high as $43.97 per head. Contact the AICA for information about the breed, commercial-focus programs, and local bull sale dates. Floyd Wampler (423) 878-4607 Southeast Field Representative Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Fabruary 28, 1998-Al5 cial 37 00-39 25, one @ 41.50, Cutter and Boning Utility 32 00-38 60, (in ner and Low Cutter 28 00-32 50 Shells down to 22 SO BULLS few Yield Grade No 1 1350/2195 lbs. 45.75-47 00 CALVES 167. VEALERS Standard and Good 70/110 lbs 27 50-44 00, Utility 60/85 lbs 10.00-27 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95/120 lbs. 85 00-93.00, 85/90 lbs 40 00-67 50, No. 2 90/120 lbs 65.00- 85.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 90/130 lbs 125.00-130.00, few No. 2 80/135 lbs. 40 00-97 50. Beef cross bulls and heifers 85/125 lbs. 37.50-110.00. HOGS 2SS...Bam>ws and gilts lower BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 220/270 lbs. 37 00-39.00, US 1-3 220/270 lbs. 35.25-37.00, US 2-3 240/2tk) lbs. 34 75-35.75, few US 1-3 175/200 lbs. 30.00-32.00 SOWS - few US 1-3 335/585 lbs 24 00- 31.50 BOARS; few 220/645 lbs. 17 25- 21.50. FEEDER PIGS 14. Few US 1-3 40/45 lbs. 21.00. - per head. Rsw US 1-3 100/175 lbs. 26.00-38 00 percwt. SHEEP 35... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 80/100 lbs. 80.00-107.50 SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 20.00-45.00 GOATS 9...0ne Large @ 80.00, one Large Nanny @ 58.00, few Large Kids 17.00 per head. BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK AUC- TION BELLEVILLE, PA February 25, 1998 CATTLE 254 [PDA] Compared with last week's sale si cows steady to 1 00 I WHAT’S AHEAD FOR | | CATTLE & HOG FUTURES | |• We Deal Exclusively in Commodity Futures | | & Options | |*2s Years of Trading & Hedging Experience | I • We Handle Commercial & Personal jc I Accounts i I i i (610) 366-7979 or 800-543-8939 | i LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. | e Commerce Plaza, Suite 249, 5000 Tilghman Street, i n Allentown, Pa 18104 | | The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be ji B substantial Futures and options trading may not be suitable for £ B everyone You should carefully consider the risks in light of your {j t financial condition in deciding whether to trade B Custom Design Comes To Us Naturally higher [Supply included 175 cows and heifers in Dairy sale] STEERS, couple Standard 44 50 & 50 00. HEIFERS couple Standard 37 50 & 42 75. COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 37 00-44.50, Cutter and Boning Utility 33 75-41 75, Canner and Low Cutter 28 00-35 00 Shells down to 23 00. BULLS- few Yield Grade No. I 1245/1625 lbs. 43.75-45.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: one Large Frame No I 635 lbs. @ 62.50, few Laige Frame No. 2 750/950 lbs Hol steins 25.50-32.00; HEIFERS: few Laige Frame No. 2 340/375 lbs Hol stems 61.00-76.00. CALVES 57...VEALERS few Standard 80/95 lbs 20.1)0-21.00, Utility 60/80 lbs. 12 00-20.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls mostly steady.. No. I Holstein bulls 95/120 lbs. 70.00-110.00 mostly 82.50- 105.00, No. 2 85/125 lbs. 30 00-85.00 mostly 40.00-70.00, one No. 1 Hol stein heifer 90 lbs. @ 92.50. Couple beef cross bulls and heifers 115 & 120 lbs. 77.50-90.00. HOGS 14... BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-3 250/260 lbs 34.25-36 00. SOWS- one US 1-3 385 lbs. @ 33.50. FEEDER PIGS 107 ..US 1-3 20/35 lbs 9 00-20 00. 40/55 lbs 22 00-30 00 per head SHEEP 6. SLAUGHTER LAMBS one Choice 135 lbs @ 67.00 NEW CROP LAMBS' couple Choice 50 lbs 137 50 & 140 00 GOATS 9 One Medium @ 56 00, Large Nannies 47 00-77 50 per head For Free Information or For A Personal Consultation, Please Ca 11... We Also Manufacture: • Free Stalls • SS Tip Waterers • Indexing Rails • Gates & Fencing • Headlocks • Hoof Trimming Tables Call Us for the name of local dealer and ask about a Parlor Tour. KIPE STEEL 1-800-432-4797 3791 Church Rd., Chambersburg, PA 17201 FAX: (717) 267-1580 Dealer Inquiries Invited ARLORS- Milk your cows faster, more comfortably we offer the “one person chore pack age” designed to make your dairy operation more efficient We provide flex ibility in design - our parlors will fit any facility l We build parallel, herring bone, or flat parlors with standard or rapid exit
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