Al4-Lanctstar Faming, Saturday, Fabmaiy 28, 1998 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FEBRUARY 20, 199 S 14 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 4223... Compared with 5106 head last week and 4085 head a year ago. Compared with last Friday's sum mary...slaughter steers, heifers & cows 1.00 to 2.00 higher, bulls 1.00 to 3.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS. High Choice & Prime 65.00-68.75, Choice 62.00- 66.75, Select and Low Choice 58.75- 64.75, Select 54.00-63.00, Standanl 45.00- HOLSTEINS: few High Choice & Prime 57.25-60.50, Choice 54.00- Select 48.00-54.00, few Standard 43.75-48.00. HEITORS; Choice 60.00-65.00, few to 66.00, Select 54.00-61.50, Standard 39.50-51.00. qOWS: Breaking Utility & Commercial 37.00-46.00, few to 49.25, Cutler & Boning Utility 32.00- 42.00, Canner and Low Cutler 27.50- 36.00, few to 25.00. Shells down to 19.50. BULLS; Yield Glide No. 1 1000/2400 lbs. 46.00-57.00, No. 2 900/2000 lbs. 40.00-47 00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medium & Large Frame No. 1 375/775 lbs. 62.00- 80.00, few Medium Frame No 2 430/850 lbs 53.00-56 00, few Large Frame No. 2 500/825 Holsteins 54.00- 63.00. HEIFERS. Medium & Large Frame No. I 370/850 lbs 60.00-75 00. few Medium Frame No. 2 300/800 lbs 45 00-59.00, few Large Frame No. 2 550/825 lbs. Holstein 48.00-49 00, BULLS' few Me dium Flame No. I 525/700 lbs. 60.00- Leesport Farmer’s Market, Inc. Leesport, Berks Co., Pa. (610) 926-1307 SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE • Consignments Welcome Refreshments Available WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18.1998 2:00 p.m. BUI Welst Regular livestock sale starts at 1:00 p.m. BUCKEYE TRACTOR COMPANY For Flat L ,or Raise Variable Width - 2 to 6 ft. Mulch Superior Versatility • Fully Adjustable Easy to Use • Multi-Row Models Many Drip Tape Attachments & Other Options Autowinders Available for Drip Tape/Mulch Compact JUNIOR SERIES Layer and Bed Shaper Available - Distributed By - J.S. Woodhouse Co.. Inc. 572 Industrial Drive, P.O. Box 313 Lewisberry, PA 17339 (717) 938-5100 • FAX (717) 938-8769 83.00, Medium Frame No. 2 400/825 lbs. 45.00-60.00. CALVES 2716.. Compared with 3379 head last week and 2748 head a year ago. VEALERS: steady to weak...few Choice 140/350 lbs. 82.00-95.00, Good 130/325 lbs. 40.00-67.50, Standard and Low Good 70/110 lbs. 15.00-31.00, few to 35.00, Utility 60/100 tbs, 10.00- 22.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bull calves ft heifer calves steady to 10.00 lower... No. 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs. 70.00- few to 50.00, No. 2 80/125 lbs. 40.00-80.00. few to 25.00: No. 1 Holstein heifers 85/125 lbs. 80.00- No. 2 75/125 lbs. 40.00- few to 30.00. Beef cross bulls Md heifers 70/115 lbs. 35.00- 125.00 mostly 60,00-100.00. HOGS 2617.. .Compared with 2664 head last week and 2355 head a year ago. Bar rows and gills 2.00 to 2.50 lower, tows steady to weak. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 220/265 lbs. 34.50-36.50, US 1-3 210/270 lbs. 33.00-35.50, few US 2-3 220/320 lbs. 30 00-33.00. SOWS; LB 1-3 300/700 lbs. 22.60-28.00, few to 31.75. BOARS: 15.00-20.00. FEEDER PKJS 191... Compared with 174 head last week and 215 head a year ago. Feeder pigs... Few US 1-3 20/35 lbs 11 00-20.00, few 40/60 lbs. 36 00- 46 00 per head. SHEEP 1418. ..Compared with 1219 head last week and 1124 head a year ago. Slaughter lambs weak to 15.00 higher SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 60/85 lbs 100.00-140.00, 80/125 lbs 85.00- BB Kenneth Luce \ 'Alfalfa - dairy quality \ midsize bales A 3x3xB \ Shop Mobile Home JOMB7-536S JOMKMOO6 30M8W7M 7260 Dodge Road • Hemingford, NE 69348 T4£rSH€ ■■ EQUIPMENT CO., 717-393-5807 1-800-432-0988 “YOU PLAN ALL WINTER WHAT SEEDS TO SOW” LET US PLAN HOW TO HANDLE THE FRUITS OF YOUR EFFORT WITH QUALITY INSTALLATION We Have 24 Hr. Service Technicians Available To Assist You 365 Days A Year Alrstream Automatic Batch and Continuous Flow Grain Dryers. 110.00, few to 75.00, few 120/140 lbs. 70.00-90.00. NEW CROP LAMBS; Choice 30/75 lbs. 125.00-185.00. few to 200.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 25.00-55.00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 1755.. ,Compared with 900 head last week and 1341 head a year ago. Feeder pigs very uneven, 8.00 lower to 20.00 higher...US 1-2 30/40 lbs. 62.00- 104.00, few to 46.00, 40/50 lbs. 62.00- 86.00, 50/60 lbs. 60.00-77.00, few to 46.00, 60/70 lbs. 60.00-75.00, 70/80 lbs. 35.00-69.00, Slaughter 20/40 lbs. 70.00-105.00, per hundredweight. LEESPORT LIVESTOCK AUCTION LEESPORT, PA February 23, 1999 CATTLE 458...[PDA]..(Supply included 109 slaughter steers and heifers, 113 si. cows and 50 feeder cattle]...Compared with last Wednesday's steers mostly 1.00 to 2.50 lower, cows 1.00 to 2.00, spots 3.00 lower, si. heifers mostly 1.00 to 3.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 1140/1485 lbs. 59.75-62.00. few Yield Gtade 5 down to 58.75, Select S 3 75- 59.25, Standard 51.00-53.00. HOLSTEINS STEERS; High Choice and Prime 1330/1595 lbs. 58.00-59.50, Choice 1210/1755 lbs. 53.00-58.50, Select 48.75-53.75, few Standard 42.75- 44 75. HEIFERS: Choice 990/1490 lbs 59.00- 61.25, Select 53 00-59 00, few Standard 45.00-50.00. COWS' Breaking Utility and Commer cial 37 00-41 SO, Cutter and Boning Utility 35.50-39 75, Canner and Low Cutter 31 75-36 75. Shells down to 19 50 BULLS- couple Yield Grade No I 1140 & 1350 lbs. 47.50-49.50, few No. 2 1195/1475 lbs. 41.00-45.00 FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Large Frame No. 1 & 2 465/800 lbs. 58.50- 64.00, one 9 77.50, Large Frame No. 2 575/1000 lbs. 49.00-55.00; HEIFERS: few Large Fnme No. 1 520/560 lbs. 63.00-68.00, Large Frame No. 2 350/800 lbs. 55.00-61.00. few Medium Rame No. 2 600/625 lbs. 9 60.00; BULLS: few Large Frame No. 2 Hol steins 300/725 lbs. 39.25-45.00. CALVES 205...VEALERS: one Choice 195 lbs. 9 83.00, few Good 110/195 lbs. 47.50-60.00, Standard and Good 80/110 lbs. 20.00-30.Q0, Utility 60/100 lbs. 10.00-22.50. SLAUGHTER CALVES; few Choice 295/460 lbs. 59.00-67.50. FARM CALVES; Holstein bulls 10.00 to 20.00 lower... No. 1 Holstein bulls 95/120 lbs. 85.00-105.00, No. 2 90/120 lbs. 45.00-77.50; No. I Hol stein heifers 90/120 lbs. 110.00- 112.50, few down to 85.00, few No. 2 80/115 lbs. 50.00-65.00. Few beef cross bulls and heifers 90/110 lbs. 50.00-75.00. HOGS 123...8arr0ws and gilts 2.50 to 3.75 lower, sows 1.75 to 2.00 lower. BARROWS AM) GILTS; US 1-3 220/275 lbs. 31.25-32.25, one lot 9 33.50, US 2-3 215/295 lbs. 28.00- 30.25, few US 1-3 195/200 lbs. 29.00- 30.00. SOWS; US 1-3 300/450 lbs. 22.00- 24 00, 465/600 lbs. 24 00-26.75, Me dium 350/465 lbs. 20.00-23 00. BOARS: 225/830 lbs. 15.00-17.75. FEEDER PIGS 88 ..US 1-3 20/30 lbs 67.50-80 00, 35/55 lbs 57 50-77.50.- percwt SHEEP 56 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 70/90 lbs. 100 00-107 00, few 100/145 lbs 70.00-77 50. NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice 20/50 lbs 170 00-200.00, 55/70 lbs 130.00- 147 00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 36.00-58.00, few to 23.00 GOATS 22. .Few Laige Billies 112.50- 137.50, Nanny and Kid pairs 50.00- 62.50, one pair @ 95.00, one Large Kid @67 50, few Small 10 00-27.50 per head. (|g|) FARM STORAGE BINS E HANDLE A FULL LINE PRODUCTS TO STORE, DRY AND HANDLE YOUR GRAIN PRODUCTS GSI AIR STREAM • BUCKET ELEVATORS • WET TANKS FANS AND HEATERS . GRAIN DRYERS • FEED BINS • FULL-LINE AUGERS • STIRATOR SYSTEM • GRAIN BINS • TRANSPORT AUGERS . FLEX AUGER SYSTEMS We Stock Parts For: GSI, Bazooka, DMC, Farm Fans, and Hutchinson Call Today And Talk To One Of Our Sales People EIGHTY-FOUR LIVESTOCK SALES, INC. EIGHTY-FOUR, PA February 23, 1998 CATTLE 199...(PDA]. SLAUGHTER STEERS; few Select 50.50-55.75, few Standard 39.00- 50.00. HEIFERS: few Standard 35.00-44.50. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commer cial 35.75-39.75, Cutter and Boning Utility 31.00-36.00, Canner and Low Cotter 24.50-31.50. Shells down to 19.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 1 1275/1860 lbs. 45.00-5?.00, few to 57.00, few Na 2 960/1585 lbs. 40.00- 44.00. H2EDER CATTLE- STEERS: Medium A Large name No. 1 29V500 lbs.. 68.00- 90.00, 525/875 lbs. 63.00-75.00, Me dium & Laige Frame No. 2 645/900 lbs. 42.00- HEIFERS; Medium & Large Frame No. 1 325/690 lbs. 60.00- 73.00, few Medium & Large Frame No. 2 375/830 lbs. 44.50-60.00, few to 30.00; BULLS: Medium & Large Frame No. 1 410/625 lbs. 69.00-84.00. Me dium £ Large Frame No. 2 355/875 lbs 47.50-66.00, few to 35.00. CALVES 181...VEALERS: Choice 155/235 lbs. 70.00-82.50, Good 135/220 lbs. 42.50-60.00. Standard and Good 90/115 lbs. 27.00-35.00, 65/85 lbs. 20.00-34.00, Utility 50/60 lbs. 15.00- FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 90/130 lbs. 70.00-96.00. No. 2 85/125 lbs. 35.00-70.00, few No. I Holstein heifers 100/115 lbs. 80.00-112.00, few No. 2 80/110 lbs. 45.00-77.50. Beef cross bulls and heifers 80/125 lbs. 45.00- 00. HOGS US 1-3 440/490 lbs. 25.50-29.00, BOARS: few 220/595 lbs. 16.00- 20.50. FEEDER PIGS 0 NO MARKET TEST' SHEEP 62... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: High Choice and Prime 105/110 lbs 71.00- 76.00, Choice 65/80 lbs. 98.00- 130.00, 95/100 lbs. 93.50-97.00, Good and Choice 90/110 lbs. 54.00-72.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 20.00-49.00. GOATS II ..Large Billies 79 00- 116.00, Medium 46.00-52.00, Large Nannies 45 00-54.00, Large Kids 24.00-40 00 per head. 1-800-432-0988 “If It’s Worth The Investment, Then You Need The Best” TKrshcv mKm equipment co., inc. SYCAMORE IND. PARK fvsTl 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 717-393-5807 FAX 717-291-1534
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