Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 21, 1998, Image 9

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Feeder Sales
Richmond, VA
Wed Feb 18, 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Summary of Livestock Auctions by
Areas: Northern Virginia Livestock Sum
mary including
Orange, Rockingham, Shenandoah and
Staunton Union Virginia for the week of
February 9-14, 1998
Feeder Cattle £O4 head
Steers Med&Lge I Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 81.00 - 86.50 300-400
85.00 - 95.25 80.00 83.00 400-500 83.00 -
89.50 68.00 - 71.00 - 500-600 77.00 -
85.50 68.00 600-700 72.00 - 85.00
7OO-800 64.00 - 76.00
800-900 67.00 - 69.00
Heifers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 77.00 - 82.50 - 300-400 76.00
- 81.25 70.00 - 70.50 400-500 67.00 -
78.50 62.00 500-600 66.00 -78 JO 62.00 -
69.00 600-700 61.00 - 74.00 65.00
700-800 65.00 -68 JO 800-900 52.00
- 57.00
Bulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2
300-400 76.00 77.00 400-500 72.00 -
86.00 71.50 500-600 70.00 - 78.00
- 71.50 600-700 64.00 700-900
Slaughter Cattle 291 head
Slaughter Cows 264 head Breaking utili
ty and Commercial 2-4 31.00 - 40.50 Cut
ter and boning Utility 1-3 34.00 - 41.75
Calmer and low Cutter 1-2 25.00 - 34.75
Slaughter Bulls 27 head YG 1-2
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In the Northeast PA, KY MI VA OH WV IN WI, IL NC, SC AL GA TN MN MO and IA Mm lease $5 000
900-1300 lbs 40.50 - 47.00 YO 1-2
1300-1600 lbs 43.00 - 47.25 YG 1-2 1600
lbs and over 44.50 - 50.50
Cows returned to farms 19 head -
Medium and Large 1, 4-10 yrs old
900-1100 lbs 400.00-450.00 per head.
Cows with calves at side 30 pairs -
Medium and Large 1, 4-10 yrs old
900-1100 lbs with calves 250 lbs
530.00-640.00 per ■ pair. Baby calves
returned to farms 81 head newborn to 4
weeks 17.00-52.00 per head. Over 100 lbs
42.50-77.50 per cwt.
Lambs total receipts 286 head Slaughter
Lambs 192 head New Crop Choice few
Prime 1-2 few 3 100 lbs 88.50 Wooled
Choice and Prime 3-4 115 lbs 72.25
Choice few Prime 1-2 few 3 85-114 lbs
81.50 - 90.00 Good and few Choice 1-2 88
lbs 89.00 Good and few Choice 1-2 95-98
lbs 86.00 - 87.00 Good and few Choice 1-2
112 lbs 75.00 - 82.50 Feeder Lambs 32
head Medium and Large Frame 1-2 70-85
lbs 88.50 - 101.50 Medium and Large
Frame 1-2 60-70 lbs 90.50 Slaughter Ewes
and Rams 62 head Ewes Choice 2-4 15.00-
23.00 Utility and Good 1-3 30.25 Cull and
low Utility 1-2 30.00 - 38.00 Rams all
25.00 - 26.50
Richmond, VA
Wed Feb 18, 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Summary of Livestock Auctions by
Areas: Southwest Virginia Livestock Sum
mary including
Abingdon Stockyard Exchange, Hollins
and Wytheville Virginia for the week of
uilding you want.
Lease you need.
Him ark Inc.
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. S&*
Frank Hunter
February 9-14, 1998
Feeder Cattle 774 head
Steers Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 91.00 - 105.00 83.00 - 94.00
300-400 90.00 - 104.00 64.00 - 76.00
80.00 - 101.00 400-500 77.00 - 92.30
65.00 - 75.00 73.00 - 86.00 300-600 75.50
- 86.00 65.00 - 76.00 73.00 - 85.00
600-700 74.50 - 80.00 - 69.00 - 72.00
700-800 66.00 - 79.00 65.00 - 66.00 72.50
- 74.00 800-900 63.00 - 67.00
Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 200-300
69.00 - 72.00 300-500 60.00 - 67.00
500-700 51.00
Heifeis Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge
2 200-300 77.00 - 85.00 80.00 74.00 -
81.00 300-40074.00 - 85.00 64.00 - 68.50
70.00 - 80.00 400-500 72.00 - 82.50 65.00
- 71.00 71.00 - 80.00 500-600 72.00 -
80.00 55.00 - 72.00 65.00 - 70.00 600-700
61.00 - 73.00 700-800 62.00 -
69.00 800-900 5350 - 55.00
Bulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 94.00 - 95.00 300-400
88.00 - 97.00 77.50 - 86.00 400-500
79.00 - 87.00 - 69.00 - 82.00 500-600
72.00 - 84.00 72.00 - 81.00 600-700
61.00 - 7750 56.00 - 62.00 5650 - 75.00
700-900 6050 - 66.00 - 57.00 - 6350
Slaughter Cattle 230 head
Slaughter Cows 220 head Breaking utili
ty and Commercial 2-4 26.75 - 41.00 Cut
ter and boning Utility 1-3 30.00 - 4250
Conner and low Cutter 1-2 25.00 - 33.00
Slaughter Bulls 10 head YO 1-2
900-1300 lbs 42.00 - 43.00 YG 1-2
1300-1600 lbs 42.00 YG 1-2 1600 lbs and
over 44.00 - 4850
Baby calves returned to farms 14 head
newborn to 4 weeks IS.OO-75.00 per head.
Over 100 lbs 65.00-110.00 per cwt.
Lambs total receipts 10 head Feeder
Lambs 4 head Medium and Large Frame
1-2 79 lbs 80.00 Slaughter Ewes and Rams
6 head Ewes all grades 80-200 lbs 30.00
Richmond, VA
Wed Feb 18, 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Mike Fullam
Summary of Livestock Auctions by
Areas; Central and Southeast Virginia
Livestock Summary including
Southside (Blackstone) and Lynchburg
Virginia for the week of February 9-14,
Feeder Cattle 498 head
Steers Med&Lge I Small 1 Med&Lge 2
300-400 94.
00 - 99.00 89.00 - 97.00 400-500
78.00 - 86.00 65.00 - 72.00 75.00 - 85.00
300-600 - 65.00 - 70.00 74.00 - 82.00
600-700 75.00 62.00 - 72.00 700-800
66.00 900-1000 5350
Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 700-900
Heifeis Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge
2 200-300 65.00 - 70.00 80.00 - 86.00
300400 75.00 - 77.00 65.00 - 72.00 70.00
- 76.00 400500 68.00 - 70.00 58.00 -
62.00 65.00 - 70.00 500600 55.00 -
58.00 61.00 - 63.00 600700 45.00 -
56.00 - 800900 55.00
Bulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200300 9650 81.00 - 85.00 88.00 - 94.00
300400 89.00 - 95.00 77.00 - 84.00 85.00
- 92.00 400500 75.00 - 875 0 72.00 -
75.00 81.00 - 85.50 500600 725 0 57.00 -
65.00 65.00 - 70.00
Slaughter Cattle 108 head
Slaughter Cows 105 head Breaking utili
ty and Commercial 24 2750 - 32.00 Cut
ter and boning Utility 1-3 30.00 - 37.00
Canner and low Cutter 1-2 18.00 - 2550
Baby calves returned to farms 10 head
over 100 lbs 25.00-30.00 per cwt
Lambs total receipts 14 head Slaughter
Lambs 6 head New Crop Good and few
Choice 1-2 100-105 lbs 73.00 - 84.00
Slaughter Ewes and Rams 8 head Ewes
Choice 24 31.00 - 3950
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Factory Direct 800/825-5059 1 SKPISK
Lancaster Arming, Saturday, Fabruary 21, 1998-A9
Richmond, VA
Wed Feb 18, 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Special State Graded Slaughter Cattle
Staunton, Virginia on February 17, 1998
25 head sold.
Steers Choice 2-3 1300-1450 lbs 61.85 -
62.50 Choice 2-3 1530 lbs 59.50 me
pt,4BTc id Ui i i
PHONE 717-828-1184 or 717 384-3047
FAX 717 733-6058
Moo Toe* , Wod Prt BAM to SPM Thun 7AM to SPM
Goats 12 head Billies - Large 61.00 per
cwt - Medium 31.00 • 40.00 per head Nan
nies - Medium 33.00 per head
Slaughter Hogs IS head Sows US 1-3
300-500 lbs 24.25 - 2650
State Graded Feeder Cattle 184 head sold
at Lynchburg, Virginia on February 9,
1998. Steers 105 head. Heifers 79 head.
Steers Med&Lge I Med&Lge 2 300-400
93.50 9150 - 94.50 400-500 86.00 - 92.00
87.00 - 88.75 500-600 80.00 - 90.00 80.00
- 87.50 600-700 82.00 77.00 - 81.50
700-800 74.75 6950
Heifers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2
300-400 78.50 - 79.00 79.25 - 80.00
400-500 76.25 - 76.50 7650 - 77.00
500-600 70.25 - 70.50 66.00 - 72.50
600-700 63.00 63.75 - 64.00
State Graded Feeder Cattle 123 head
sold at Southside (Blackstone) on February
11, 1998. Steers 64 head. Heifers 59 head.
Steers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2 300-400
97.00 94.00 400-500 84.00 - 85.00 79.00 -
82.00 500-600 72.00 - 79.50 75.00 - 80.00
600-700 66.50 - 73.50 72.00 - 76.00
700-800 67.00 - 69.00 72.25 800-900
6350 - 64.00 -
Heifers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2
300-400 72.00 - 75.00 76.00 400-500
70.00 - 76.00 70.00 - 77.00 500-600
65.00 - 6850 600-700 58.00 - 63.00 -