Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 21, 1998, Image 8
AB-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Fabmary 21, 1998 " Ia w * Shrove Tuesday The 1804 [Old] Farmer's Almanac reminded us, “This I month is short, then work brisk to get done your stint. I Waste nothing in house or bam. ‘A diligent hand maketh rich.’ Remember that moments make days and days make years ..” Mardi Gras, French for “fat Tuesday,” is celebrated this week mark the increasing light of February and March, so we know those days that make years are getting longer, anyway. February 24 is also Shrove Tuesday, a day to confess and obtain absolution for the coming year Also called Fastnacht, it’s the “eve of fast” in Germany, the last day before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday To-morrow and to-morrow cheat our youth ns* Use a tall wastebasket to store long tubes of wrapping paper. Quick Beet Risotto 3 cups chicken broth 3 medium beets, cooked, then peeled and diced 2 tablespoons butter 1 medium onion, chopped 1-1/2 cups arborio rice 1/2 cup red wine or water 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar salt and pepper, to taste Bring broth to a boil, #1 add beets, and set aside. Melt butler in'* a large skillet and saute United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave (Printed in the U S A ) NY, NY 10016 (212-293-8500) AVAILABLE WjSi] SPRING *9B SS! Ash Wednesday - Anne Finch the onion until soft Add rice and cook another 5 minutes. Add wine or water, and vinegar, and stir until absorbed Slowly add broth and beets to rice mixture, stimng until liq uid is absorbed and rice is tender, about another 20 minutes. Season Mf with sa l ( and pepper This is great with meats Makes 4 to 6 servings. USDA NATIONAL CARLOT PORK REPORT Equated to FOB Omaha Basis as 3:00 P.M. Feb. 25 Compared to Tuesday’s Close: Fresh bone-in 13-19# loins mostly 1.00 lower; butts steady to 2.00 higher, sknd. hams steady to 2.00 lower; sdls. bellies steady to firm; lean trimmings 1.00 lower. Trading moderate to active, with light to moderate demand and offerings. 'Sb OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS •PRESENT FOR CORRECTION ON 13-19#, 1/4“ TRIM LOINS.*** - Loads PORK CUTS : 126.38 Loads TRIM/ PROCESS PORK : 38.0 -- USOA ESTI MATED COMPOSITE PORK CARCASS CUTOUT Based on FOB Omaha cariot pork prices and industry yields. >!&(!• if a, ere is enough blue Calculations for a 185 lb Pork Carcass 51-52% lean. o.Bo*-0.99‘ backfat at last rib • Total Today’s Primal Composite Val ues Date Loads Cutout Loin Butt Pic Rib Ham Belly-02/18 164.454.0674.4153.80 36.16 128.00 47.31 44.61 Change : -0.35 -1.27 0.38 0.98 1.45 -1.21 0.41 - 02/17 178.0 54.41 75.69 53.42 35.18 126.55 48.52 44.19 02/16 625 54.87 75.98 53.40 35.60 131.05 48.8644.71 02/1377.5 54.88 76.56 53.30 36.20 131.05 48.06 44.66 02/12 124.0 53.83 75.79 52.90 36.14 129.93 47.81 40.48 Current Five Day Simple Avenge - 54.41 75.69 53.37 35.86 129.32 48.11 43.73 • NOTE: Value may change without adequate test sky to make a baby's coat, tke weather will dear. Three fogs in a row, then a ram. FRESH PORK CUTS LDS PRICE RANGE WGHTD AVG. LOINS, BONE IN. FRESH 1/4“ Trim 13-t9# 30.0 94.00 - 102.00 99.20 1/8“ Tnn/less 13-19# 9.0 107.00 107.00 1/4“ Bladeless 1/4“ Trim 19-23* 97.00 97.00 A combos 23/Up# 1.0 57.00 57.00 LOINS.CNTRCUT.IO-II RIB, 1/4“TRM Tender-in FLO 8-13# 140.00 140.00 B Tender-out FLO 8-13# BNLS Strap-on 5-9# 148.00 - 152.00 149.80 A BNLS Strap-off 5-9# 10.0 165.00 - 176.00 169.30 WHLE BNLS LOINS 7-11# 159.00 159.00 A BNLS SIRLOIN .75-1# 1.5 114.00 114.00 BONE-IN SIR 2.5-3.S# 75.00 75.00 E BLADE ENDS 2-4# TENDERLOIN 1.25/DN# 0.38 195.00 - 211.00 200.33 LOIN BACKRIB (BOXED) FRSH/FRZN 1.5/DN# “ 1.75/DN# * 1.75-2.00# 0.5 250.00 - 260.00 255.00 “ 2.00/UP# LOIN BACKRIB (COMBOS) 1.75/DN# 1.0 303.00 303.00 PICNIC, FRESH Smkr On the first of March, the crows begin to search Got a Question? Every day, the editors of The Old Farmer’s Almanac answer a question on the Internet All questions are archived there as well Goto Central cariot Pork Report DES MOINES, lOWA Wednesday, February 18, 1998 Ttm, RS, combo 39.00 39.00 DSmkr Trm, SS. boned 0.5 55.0055.00 PICNIC CUSH ION MEAT Combo 92% Fresh 90.00 - 91.00 90.67 A Boxed 92% Frozen BOS TON BUTT 4-9#,FRESH 1/4“ Trim 5.0 68.00 - 70.00 69.00 1/8“ Trim 2.0 72.00 72.00 1/4“ Trim Neck-off 5.0 73.00 - 76.00 74.50 1/8“ Trim Neck-off 1.5 81.00 81.00 BNLS, Cellar Trim combo's 9/UP# SPARERIB, FRESH 3 BAG/3 PCVAC 3.8/DN# 2.0 132.00 - 133.00 132.50 2 BAG/3 PCVAC 3.8-5.8# COMBOS 3.8/DN# 119.00 119.00 D COMBOS 3.8-5.8# HAM.BONE-IN.TRIMMEO 17-20# TSI (sel) 6.0 58.00 - 61.00 59.50 17-20# TS2 (com) 55.00 55.00 C 20-23# TSI (sel) 4.0 50.50 - 54.00 52.13 20-23# TS2 (com) 50.00 50.00 B 23-27# TSI (sel) 1.0 52.00 52.00 23-27# TS2 (com) 20-27# TSI (sel) 12.049.00 - 50.00 49.54 20-27# TS2 (com) 1.0 48.00 48.00 27#/up TS2 (com) HAM.BNLS MUSCLES 94-96% • 3 Muscle Group * 4 Muscle Group 9,0 113.00 - 114.00 113.78 * 5 Muscle Group 4.0 10850 - 109.00 108.75 Inside Outside Knuckle Lite Butt Inner Shank HAM TRIMMINGS (CHEMICAL LEAN) Combo 72% Fresh 32,00 32.00 A Boxed 72% Frozen 40.00 40.00 D Combo 90% Fresh Boxed 90% Frozen Outer Shank Frozen 46.00 46.00 E BELLY. SDLS, FRESH SKIN-ON, TRIMMED Fresh 10-12# 40.00 40.00 E Fresh 12-14# 10.0 43.75 - 47.50 44.98 Fresh 14-16#4.044.00 -475045.75 Fresh 16-18# 6.0 44.25 44.25 Fresh 18-20# 3950 3950 A Fresh 20-25# 34.00 - 3550 34. 75 A SKINLESS. SQUARED Fresh 9-11# Fresh 11-13# Fresh 13-15# Fresh 15-17# SKINLESS. CENTER CUT Fresh 8-10# Fresh 10-12# Fresh 12-14# Fresh 14-16# PORK TRIMMINGS/BONELESS PRO CESSING PORK (CHEMICAL LEAN) Combo 42% Fresh 6.0 24.00 - 28.50 25.42 Boxed 42% Frozen Combo 72% Fresh 24.0 34.50 - 36.50 34.81 Boxed 72% Fro zen 41.00 41.00 B BONELESS PICNIC MEAT Combo 72% Fresh 3.0 49.00 - 49.50 49.17 Boxed 72% Frozen 54.00 54.00 B SKINNED JOWLS Combo Fresh 4.0 18.50 - 20.50 19.25 Boxed Frozen 22.00 22.00 B FAT, VISUAL TRACE OF LEAN Combo Fresh 1.0 18.00 18.00 Box ed Frozen TRIM, VISUAL TRACE OF LEAN Combo 12-16% Fresh Boxed 12-16% Frozen Specifications for all reported cuts available upon request STANDARD CONVERSION FAC TORS FOR RETAIL CUTS (all retail items vacuum packed unless otherwise noted.) Loins (13-22#’s): Butts (4-9#'s): Vacpak - report basis Vacpak - report basis Gas Pak - add $2.00 Gas Pale - no conver sion Paper - add $5.00 Paper - add $3.00 Combo - add $6.00 Combo - add $4.00 Spareribs: Bone-in Center Cut Loins: Vao pak - report bas False Lean Off - basis Polywrap - add $7.00 False Lean On - add $5.00 Boneless Center Cut Loins: 1/4* Trim - report basis 1/8* Trim - subtract $6.00 ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test. Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions. USDA PORK CARCASS CUTOUT Wednesday, February 18, 1998 Estimated gross cutout values of a 175 lb bog carcass based on USDA cutting yield tests and car lot prices. Wednesday’s carcass grades & prices per cwt: US #1 US#2US#3US#4 Change from 53.40 51.84 50.28 48.72 Tuesday’s value: -0.04 -0.02 unchgd 0.01 Today’s calculations for US #2 175 lb pork carcass: % OF FOB CHANGE FROM ITEM WEIGHT CARCASS VAL UE Tuesday Skinned hams 14-20 Lb 21.01% $56.00 Loins. 1/4* Trim 14-22 Lb 20.33% $95.00 -1.00 Bellies. Sdls. 12-14 Lb 13.90% $42.00 1.00 Spaieribs 35Dn Lb 3.03% $11250 050 Picnics 8-12 Lb 1051% $3250 Butts, 1/4“ Trim 4-8 Lb 7.25% $6550 Jowl - 2.85% $lB.OO 1.00 Neckbones- 152% $16.00 Feet - 1.05% $23.50 Tails - 0.22% $30.00 Trim 72% - 2.19% $34.00 Lard - 10.85% $ 14.75 Total carcass % ■•> 9451% US #2 Carcass Val ue per cwt • $51.84 NOTE: Value may change without adequate test. ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test. Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions. Morrison Cove Produce Hay Auction ROARING SPRING, PA Feb. 19, 1991 Report Supplied by Aactioa ALFALFA: 160.00-185.00. MIXED HAY: 145.00-175.00. TIMOTHY: 110.00-140.00. STRAW: 75.00-80.00. HAY ROUND BALES: 85.00. FIREWOOD: 27.50-85.00 PICK-UP LOAD. SALE EVERY TOURS. AT 1 P.M.