Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 21, 1998, Image 7
Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, OK Wed Feb 18, 1996 USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News Oklahoma National Stockyards - Week ly Cattle Summary Compared to last week: Stocker and feeder cattle 1.00-3.00 higher. Calves under 500 lbs firm to 2.00 higher. Demand very good for all classes. Quality average to attrac tive. Weigh-ups average to many gaunt. Feeder cattle in medium to moderate flesh, few slightly thin. Stocker cattle in thin to medium flesh. Slaughter cows steady to 1.00 higher. Slaughter bulls 30 higher. Packer demand good for light tun of cows. Demand remains good for thin stock cows. Total of 265 cows and bulls sold with 55 percent going to packers. Receipts this week 8,834; last week 7,742; last year 16,564. Supply consisted of 67 percent yearlings ovesr 600 lbs; 30 percent calves under 600 lbs; 3 percent cows and bulls. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1 300-400 lbs (330 lbs) 106.00-114.00 (108.37); 400-450 lbs (433 lbs) 96.00- (97.93), Fancy 104.00- (105.85); 450-500 lbs (470 lbs) 92.00-100.50 (96.63); 500-600 lbs (550 lbs) 86.75-94.00 Fancy 91.00-98.50 (92.36); 600-650 lbs (633 lbs) 80.50-87.75 (84.44), Fancy (611 lbs) 87.75-92.25 (91.29); 650-700 lbs (677 lbs) 78.00-82.25 (80.14), Fancy (661 lbs) 82.75-85.00 (84.26); 700-800 lbs (750 lbs) 76.00-80.60 (77.90); 800- 850 lbs (827 lbs) 73.50- 78.25 (76.55); 850-900 lbs (872 lbs) 71.00-77.00 r « Farmer Boy Ag Systems Inc. FEEDING FEED BINS We assemble deliver and set up bins on your farm ’ Weather tight die-formed roof 'Stronger engineered sidewalls 'Ground controlled fill caps 'Galvanized roll-formed legs "Engineered leg braced systems * Fast flowing hopper bottom AUGER SYSTEM in 2 1/4" dia. to 5” dia. HEATING /d/RSIR&UfML r mvt ntihtlKtn Nyv/r/iivfill ▼ / tt ft If\*s JL/LAJ^y Agricultural Heaters Models from 40,000 BTU to 225,000 BTU The Purafire heater provides a consistent, cleanburning and tuel efficient source of warmth for all types of poultry and swine houses With near 100% efficiency, it uses less energy to yield greater ,BTUs for your money MEDICATORS I 2-YEAR / GUARANTEE wirectly Into y»... Flow To Be Mixed) CHEMICAL PUMP Hours: Mon-Fri 7 to 6:30 Sat to Noon Service Farmer Boy Ag Systems lnc. ~c 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 LaM Mk 2/21/90 717-866-7565 • 1-800-845-3374 S * ** (74.12); 900-950 lbs (926 lbs) 68.00-74.tM (71.35); 950-1000 lbs (969 lbs) 68.25-69.00 (68.84); 1050-1100 lbs (1069 lbs) 6650-70.25 (67.68). Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large I 300-400 lbs (350 lbs) 86.00-96.50 (94.26); 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) 78.25-88.00 (82.87); 500-600 lbs (550 lbs) 75.25-83.00 (7854). Fancy 8050-86.75 (82.66); 600-650 lbs (622 lbs) 73.00-8050 (77.64); 650-700 lbs (674 lbs) 72.75-7-.00 (75.81), 700-800 lbs (750 lbs) 69.25-75.75 (73.38); 800-850 lbs (830 lbs) 67.00-71.00 (69.68). Slaughter Cows: Average dressing: Cut ters 37.00-38.50, Utilities 3750-40.50; high dressing Cutters 39.0041.00, Utilities 40.50-43.50; lo dressing Cutters 33.00-36.50, Utilities 345038.00. Can nets scarce. Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma National Stockyards: Cutters 80.05; Bon ers 79.05; Breakers 73.75; Cannets scarce. Bulls 88.25. Slaughter Bulls; Yield Grade 1 1350-1950 lbs average dressing 465050.50; hi dressing 51.0054.00; lo dressing 45.50-4650. Source: USDA Market News Service, Oklahoma City, OK Robert Miles - Tina Colby Telephone (405) 232-5425. Westminster Livestock Auction Hagentowa, Md. February 17, 1998 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: 122 HEAD, 2.00- HIGHER. UTILITY 36.50-40.50; HIGH DRESSING 41.00- CANNERS 33.00-37.00; with the Flex-flo™ HN 55 MEDICATOR The Smart 2 Part System 1. Water Motor 2. Chemical Pump □VAL The VAL Drinker is watering equally well 0029 from day old to maturity with three individually designed drinkers • Roaster Nipple Roasters, Turkeys & Ducks tr |||^B • Layer Nipples BUk (VLISO), Layers • Broiler Nipple Breeders, Ducks Livestock Waterers m JUG Froal-Fraa Linstock Watarar Clean, Clean. Clean Animals adapt easily, Low/No electric use. Frost Free Water and Dairy Approved. W r I WATCH FOR OUR BIG ON I FARM POULTRY OPERATION OPEN HOUSE COMING SOON! lASBI Model 70 SWING-SIDE FARROWING CRATE The A-P ADVANTAGE: • Baked on Powder Coating • Rubber Bumper Guards • 3-position Sow Comfort • Front & Rear Gates • No Sharp Edges • 1" Schedule 40 Pipe T HOG and POULTRY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE L Contact 0s Today! SHELLY 32.00 DOWN. BULLS; 6 HEAD, MOSTLY STEADY. YG#l 46.00-45.50, YG#2 43.00-46.00. FED STEERS: STEADY. HIGH CHOICE 1200-1450 LBS. 64.00-66.00, CHOICE 62.00-64.00; SELECT 55.00- LOW CHOICE HOLS THINS 52.00- FED HEIFERS: LOW CHOICE 1050-1200 LBS. 59.50. VEAL CALVES: 136 HEAD. CHOICE 250-325 LBS. 70.00-74.00; GOOD 200-275 LBS. TO 62.00; CULLS 85-110 LBS. 24.00-34.00; 60-85 LBS. 18.00- FARM CALVES: 5.00 HIGHER. HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 95-120 LBS. 90.00- 85-95 LBS. 60.00-100.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS «1 90-120 LBS. 100.00- «2 TO 85.00; BEEF X BULLS 45.00-85.00; HEIFERS 35.00- BUTCHER HOGS: 45 HEAD. US# 1-2 225-265 LBS. 34.25; US#l-3 32.00-33.00; 2 HEAD 307 LBS. AT 35.00; «2A3 280-400 LBS. TO 30.50. SOWS: 15 HEAD. 350-475 LBS. TO 26.25; 500-700 LBS. 25.00-2750; THIN 500-750 LBS. 22.00-2350. BOARS: 7 HEAD. 400-650 LBS. 14.00- 1 250 LBS. AT 2250. STOCK CATTLE: 100 HEAD, GOOD DEMAND. STEERS 300-500 LBS. 70.00- 500-700 LBS. NONE; 700-900 LBS. FEW 56.00-59.00. HEIFERS: 300-500 LBS. 60.00-74.00; 500-700 LBS. 60.00-70.00; 700-800 LBS. FEW TO 62.50. BULLS; 200-400 LBS. 70.00-87.00; 400-600 LBS. 68.00-75.00. LAMBS: 6 HEAD. FEW 70-80 LBS. WATERING SYSTEMS v 4 W ! 97.00- 1 125 LB. AT 7750. SHEEP: 10 HEAD. LGIHTWEIGHTS 50.00- HEAVY 25.0(Ma00. GOATS: 15 HEAD, GOOD DEMAND. LARGE 75.00-95.00; MEDIUM 45.00- SMALL 30.00-55.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: GRADED SALE 126 HEAD. BY THE LB., *l*2 30-39 LBS. 75.00-79.00; 40-49 LBS. 69.00- 5065 LBS. 69.0072.00; 1 LOT 68 LBS. AT 59.00 SPECIAL SPRING FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUBS., FEB. 24. 7:15 P.M. Four States Livestock Hagcntanra, Md February IS, 1998 Report aippUed by Auctloa SLAUGHTER COWS: 94 HEAD. UTILITY 36.0040.00; HIGH DRESSING 40.00-42.00; CANNERS 32.00-36.00; SHELLY 31.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG#l 46.0053.50; YG#2 44.0046.25. FED STEERS: 57 HEAD STEADY TO 1.00 HIGHER. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 12001550 LBS. 65.0066.50; CHOICE 11001550 LBS. 62.0065.00; LOW CHOICE 600062.00, SELECT 55.0061.00. FED HEIFERS; 10 HEAD. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1300-1450 LBS. 63.00- VEAL CALVES; 113 HEAD. CHOICE 200-300 LBS. 70.00-75.00; CULLS 85-110 LBS. 26.00-35.00; 60-85 LBS. 19.00- FARM CALVES: 5.00 LOWER. HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 95-120 LBS. 85.00- 85-95 LBS. 50.00-70.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS FEW 90-120 LBS. 80.00- 112.00; FEW 75-85 LBS. TO 82.00; BEEF X HEIFERS 40.00-75.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 1.50 LOWER. US#l-3 220-265 LBS. 32.00-33.50; 265-285 LBS. 32.00-35.00; 300-325 LBS. 34.00- Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil or Gas Adapts to any existing heat system Installation & Accessories Available No Equity Deductions? No Co-op Dues? Farmer Owned-Farmer Controlled? No Bull Talk-Straight Answers? Secure Milk Market? No Gimmick Milk Prices? Top Competitive Milk Price? Fewest Deductions? Top Notch Trucking? Milk Check Never Late? Member Services? Fair Treatment to all Members? 10 11. 12, If You cannot say YES to all of the tr tr t ■ • Milk M ket, C- II Lancaster Ruining, Saturday, February 21, 1998-A7 SOWS; PRICES HIGHER. 300600 LBS. 24.0028.00. SOME 30.0034.00. STOCK CATTLE: 144 HEAD. STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME 20040 LBS. 79.0087.00; 400600 LBS. 77.0091.00. HEIFERS: 300300 LBS. 64.0072.00; 300700 LBS. 57.0069.00; 700900 LBS. 48.0053.00. BULLS: 200-400 LBS. FEW TO 88.00; 400-600 LBS. 69.00-83.00; 600-700 LBS. 37.00-70.00; 1 UMI X 107 S LBS. AT 53.00. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS: 16 HEAD. LARGE FRESH AND SPRINING 830.00- MEDIUM 600.00- SMALL 330.00600.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 60.00800.00; SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 130.00300.00; MEDIUM 400.00303.00; 1 LARGE AT 630.00. LAMBS: CHOICE WOOLED 100120 LBS. 83.0088.00 SHEEP: 40.0049.00. GOATS: MED. TO LARGE 60.0070.00. NEXT WED., FEB. 25 SPECIAL SPRING FEEDER CATTLE SALE AT 7:30 P.M. 272 HEAD. MARKET STRONGER. DRIVING 450.00-1325.00. RIDING 415.00-910.00, BETTER 1000.00- REGISTERED RIDING 675.00- KILLERS, 2 AT 910.00 AND 950.00, HEAVYWEIGHTS 600.00-785.00, LIGHTWEIGHTS 410.00-535.00. PONIES 140.00-385.00. LARGE PONIES 435.00-475.00, 2 AT 500.00 AND 512.00. COLTS 150.00-350.00. New Holland Horses New Hoi land Sake Stable* New Holland, PA Monday, February 16, 199* Report Supplied By Auction Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!