Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 21, 1998, Image 18
AiS-Lanctstof Fanning, Saturday, February 21,1998 St. Louis Cattle, Hogs Springfield IL. Monday February 16, 1998 USDA-D Market News Service Farmers livestock Marketing Association Green ville Illinois Receipts this week: 125 Last week: 150 Last year: na Compared to last Monday all classes sold steady. Supply mainly Choice and mixed Select and Choice slaughter steers and heifers, no holsteins, around 15% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1050-1275 lbs. 60.00-62.00.YG 2-3 and fancy YG 2-4 1125-1300 lbs. 62.00-63.00. Select and Choice 2-3 950-1150 lbs. 57.00- Select 2-3 950-1175 lbs. 54.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 950-1175 lbs. 60.00-62.00; YG 2-3 and fancy 2-4 975-1200 lbs. 62.00-63.00. Select and Choice 2-3 875-1150 lbs. 57.00- Select 2-3 850-1100 lbs. 54.00- SLAUGHTER COWS: Cutter, Boning and Breaking Utility 1-4 32.00-36.00; Few High Yielding 36.00-38.00; Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 28.00-32.00; Shelly Can ner 1-2 24.00-28.00, low yielding 20.00-24.00 BULLS: Few Yield Grade 1-2 1250-1800 lbs. 35.00-40.00 Source: USDA-Illinois Dept of Ag Market News Springfield 11. 217-782-4925 in state only toll free 888-458-4787 New Holland ' Dairy New Holland Sale* Stable! Wedncaday, February 18, 1998 Report aupplled by auction 75 DAIRY COWS, 135 HEIFERS. 9 BULLS. MARKET STEADY. LOCAL FRESH COWS 735.00-1175.00. For Installed STANDING SEAM ROOFING STRICKLER METAL ROOFING 717-865-3093 Specializing in double crimp standing seam Available In prefinished in 20 + Colors Galvalume - Galvanized - Tern - Etc. FREE ESTIMATES Work Approx. 80 Mile Radius of Lebanon, Pa. RD #2 Box 350-A Annville, PA 17003 Have “Strawberry-Warts?” Apply TETRA-SALVE M I I I i I :■ ;i ■ ■ ■ Call any dealer above 0r... ■ * Send $20.00 plus $2.00 S&H - check or money order t 0... ■ ■ HAWKEYE-JENSEN, INC. Call I 51 Faust North Road or 717-933-5595 Jjl Bethel, PA 19507 '73 ' P -L From -1% Tetracycline HCL in waterproof base • Waterproof base acts like a liquid bandage and prevents wash-off due to mud, wet floors, wet grass, and snow. • 4-oz. Tube Treats 5 Head • Also useful for cuts & abrasions • Excellent for preventive use from bacterial infections , fisher ft f THOMPSON | ,iofwgdwC«x«ly, PA >4 * • ?.?. Solaoco Ueterinary Service ■ I 496 Solanco Rd., Quarryville, PA ; , 717-786-1303.1-800-262-7331 PHONE NO. : * 717-786-8550 Evenings NAME ADDRESS LOCAL SPRINGERS 675.00-975.00. FRESH HEIFERS 375.00-825.00, BET TER 1025.00-1100.00. BETTER 1300.00-1450.00. UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 650.00-1450.00, 1 AT 180000. SPRINGING HEIFERS LARGE 1000.00-1200.00, SMALL 460.00-885.00. SHORTBRED 735.00-1075.00 OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 585.00-750.00. REGISTERED HEIFERS 735.00-1010.00 SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 185.00-51000. BULLS 40000-575.00, PUREBREDS 61000-85000. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday at 4:00 pju. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction Thursday, Feb. 19, 1990 RETURN TO FARM CALF 50.00-90.00. GOOD VEAL: 30.00-49.00. COMMON VEAL: 10.00-29.00. CHOICE STEERS; 62.00-64.50. SELECT STEERS: 55.00-61.00. COMMON STEERS: 43.00-54.00. COMMERCIAL COWS: 35.00-43.75. CANNERS-CUTTERS: 28.00-34.00. SHELLS: 20.00-27.00. CHOICE HEIFERS: 58.004)2.50. SELECT HEIFERSE: 55.0057.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 40.0054.00. GOOD FEEDERS; 60.0080.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 30.0059.00. BULLS: 38.00-44.00. HOGS: 35.0042.00. contact HUBESrSAWMAi HEAUHSUffUES LabcrKjn/B^^Coorttte l *, PA FRESH COWS HEIFERS J.G. AGRI SERVICE ,■ iebcfxSri * * * a ■* North Jersey Livestock Hackcttatowu, NJ Report Supplied by Audios Tuesday, February 17, 199* CALVES .02-1.22 K. COWS .23 V 4 -.42V.. EASY COWS . 15V4 -37. FEEDERS 300-600 LBS. .30-.88. HEIFERS Jl-.66. BULLS ,36-.66. STEERS .41*-.71. ROASTING PIGS EACH 7.00-29.00. SHEEP .15-.75. LAMBS EACH 7.00-101.00. LAMBS PER LB. .26-1.51. GOATS EACH 23.00-142.00. KIDS EACH 10.00-78.00. HIDES EACH 15.00. TOTAL: 721. Pennsylvania livestock Auction Waynesburg, Pa. Thun, Feb. 19, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE: SU COWS: UTILITY & COMMERCIAL37.OO-42.50; CUTTER & BONING UTILITY 31.00-3650; CAN NER & LOW CUTTER 30.00-34.50; SHELLS 30.00 A DOWN. BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 15004-2000# 41.00-53.00; YIELD GRADE 2 1000#-1400# 38.00-44.50. FEEDER STEERS: M&H 300-500# 50.00-90.00; 250-280# 66.00-95.00, M 600-900 LBS. 54.00-74.00. HEIFERS M l&L-l 300-500# 40.00-90.00; L-l 400-6SO# 38.0079.00. BULLS M&H 300620# 42.0087.00. CALVES: VEAL.. PRIME 40.0080.00; CHOICE 38.00-72.00; GOOD 35.0048.00. FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90120# FEW 35.0069.00; #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 80-100# FEW 20.0040.00; BEEF X BULL&HFRS./HD. 20.0055.00. V Penn leaf Tobacco Company 609 Tobacco Growers If you want to sell part or all of your crop now, check with us before delivery. We feel it is best to wait to process tobacco Feel free to check with us as time goes along and stay in touch for any jnarket change. « Keep an eye on your crop for heating - restack or set bales on end if necessary 3 bin bale boxes on special - what we have in stock Rentals available 609 seed, tobacco paper & cotton twine for sale .661 Vintage RcL Christiana, PA 17509. Mon-Frl. 8-9 am Si or leave message \W co **°*;k^ With the Hydro Cow Flotation System you can float a down cow back onto its legs harmlessly without using clamps, belts or chains. The Hydro Cow is a natural way to get a cow back on its legs using only warm water. * Hydro Cow Flotation Service is available in Lancaster, York and Chester Counties, and northeastern Maryland HOGS: BARROWS & GILTS #l-2 210-255# 35.50-50.00; #2-3 255-280# 33.00- SOWS #l-3 300-500# 27.00- FEEDER PIGS: 1-3 15-20# 5.00- 17.00/HD.; 1-3 25-35# 10.00- LAMBS: HIGH CHOICE 80-100 LBS. 82.00- CHOICE 70-90 LBS. 84.00- FEEDER LAMBS GOOD 80.00- SHEEP 20.00-48.00; FAT SHEEP 30.00 & DOWN. GOATS: LARGE 70.00-IOO.OtyHD.; MEDIUM 30.00-57.00/HD.; SMALL 10.00-29.00/HD. HORSES: 35.00-60.00. PONIES 20.0041.50. (Conttnuod from Pago A 2) DUAL 1220 LBS. 66.25. FEW SELECT 2-3 1080-1300 LBS. 54.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: BRKG UTIUTY/COMMERICAL 2-3 LOW DRESSING 38.50-40.75, BULK 395047.00, HIGH DRESSING UP TO 49.25. CUTTER/BONING UTILITY 1-3 LOW DRESSING 34.50-3750, BULK 37.00-42.00, HIGH DRESSING 405043.75. CANNER/LOW CUTTER 1-2 LOW DRESSING 2950-35.00, BULK 3450-3950. SLAUGHTER BULLS: YIELD GRADE i 1200-2070 LBS. 48.00-54.50, INDIVIDUAL 1280 LBS. 59.00. FEW YIELD GRADE 2 1000-2480 LBS. 40.50-48.50. CALVES: COMPARED TO MON DAY’S AUCTION. VEALERS SOLD 5.00 LOWER SLAUGHTER CALVES WERE NOT WELL TESTED. TRADE WAS MODERATELY ACTIVE FOR CALVES RETURNING TO THE COUN TRY WITH PRICES TRENDING MOST LY STEADY, INSTANCES 5.00 HIGHER. VEALERS: FEW GOOD AND CHOICE 75-100 LBS. 15.00-22.00. STANDARD AND LOW GOOD 65-80 LBS. 11.00-15.00. ut till later. fv RETURNED TO FARM: HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-123 LBS. 15.00-115.00, FEW TO 123.00. SMALL FRAME CALVES 70-95 LBS. 30.00-85.00. FEW WEAKER CALVES 25.00-40.00. HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS 90-125 LBS. *O.OO-122.00. SMALL FRAME CALVES 70-90 LBS. 45.007000. SHEEP; COMPARED TO MONDAY’S AUCTION, SLAUGHTER lAMBS AND SLAUGHTER EWES SOLD STEADY TO 5.00 LOWER IN A LIGHT TEST. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: CHOICE 2-3 60-85 LBS. 95.00-110.00; 95-130 LBS. 75.0095.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: CHOICE 2-3 30-70 LBS. 150.00-190.00; 7090 LBS. 120.00130.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: UTILITY AND GOOD 1-3 35.0050.00 GOATS: ALL GOATS SOLD BY THE HEAD. BULLIES: LARGE 100.00130.00. MEDIUM 75.00100.00. NANNIES: LARGE 50.0080.00. A tragic house fire has devas tated the Douglas Stauffer farm family in the Lovevillc area of Maryland. All the members of this Mennonite family were burned and the oldest boy later died from his injuries. Friends of the family have set up a relief fund for the family at the First National Bank of St. Mary’s at Box 655, Leonard town, MD. 20650. You may make donations directly to the fund. If you would like more information you may call (301) 884-3487 to reach the friend who set up the fund at the bank. Devastated By Fire