EH FEED l SEED mmsb le : ; SAWDUST • Quality Mulch • • Two Grades Available • • Fresh Shredded Wood • We Deliver WANTED *..—&***.*. . .» . Standing Saw Timber ; TUSCARORA HARDWOOD, toe. Manufacturer of Hardwood Lumber f P.O. Box 64, Route 274 $ Elliottsburg, PA 17024 | 800/253-0263 or 717/582-4122 I Hay for Sale 1 st & 2nd cutting alfalfa. (304) 263-4572 ★ Corn Silage 9.5% avg. protein $3O per ton at farm. Delivery available with 60 cu. yd. live bottom trailer High Maple Farms 410-275*2605 " SHELLED v CORN SOYBEANS • Drying • Storing WEBB’S n FRODUCTSinc Mill Hall PA 17751 (717)726-4525 / WANTED EARLY ORDER TWINE SPECIAL mws SKID LOTS 7200’-9000’ Brazilain Top Knot Guaranteed 40 lb Rt. 272 South 14 Herrvllle Road Willow Street, PA 17584 Ph. 717-464-3321 or Ton Free 800-732-0051 5 Acres or More mFERHUZBI G'jOU’S <\G SERVICE I 0. 0 Liquid Fertilizer Sales & Application 9-18-9 6-24-6 30% N 5-15-15 10-34-0 12-0-0-26 S 3-18-18 7-21-7 Liquid Calcium For more information call: DALE GOOD-717-949-2371 ASK ABOUT EARLY DISCOUNTS For All Your Non-Chemical Organic Fertilizer Needs • General Farm Crops border Nowt. • Gardens •> F ord« y i • Homeowners - lawns, etc. Soil test taken as needed. Also available for local farmers • Fertilizer bins • Spreaders for customers and non-customers • Mulch to meet all your needs - mushroom soil, bark mulch, screened top soil • Delivery service on all above. Symo-Llfe, Inc./Erth-Rite |ri 633 Quarry Rd., Gap, PA 17527 1 717-442-4171 Plant Mgr. Home Phone 717-354-0316 Rt 10 North of Rt 30, Left on Quarry, 1/2 mi on right - Dealer inquiries welcome • available in some areas - Ufl PLANTS We are taking orders for Early blooming Primula cabbage, broccoli, caulif- Pansiee, Johnny Johnupe, lower plants for spring seedlings, large Dracaena planting. Christian K. Esh, plugs. Lancaster Co, 2008 Horseshoe RD., Lan (717)898-8741. caster, PA 17602 ■ Taking orders for 609 and 41 greenhouse tobacco plants. 717-786-2493 lisl FRUITS A VEGETABLES Bryon 103 tweet corn harvester, like new, asking $7500. Central PA 717/433-3580. E-ZY Grower green houses, in stock, 21x48' $880; 21x96' $1,660; 24x96' $1,886. Tufflite greenhouse plastic, Med ina gas heaters, potting soil, flats, inserts, plastic mulch and drip irrigation supplies. Write or call for FREE catalog. Martin's Produce Supplies, 625 Bri tian Rd., Shippensburg, PA, 17257 (717)532-5918. «vA‘ N V/ ertu * FARMS 25840 Worton-Lynch Rd, CRAWFORD EVERGREENS Wholesale Price List Spring ‘9B State inspected Christmas trees • Transplants • Seedlings Top Quality - Low Prices 2yr seedlings 3yr seedlings Concolor FI 2 yr seedlings 3 yr seedlings 4 yr transplants 2/2 4 yr transplants 2/2 White Pine 3 yr transplants 2/1 Complete tomato grader Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998-D27 s'M’ component*, Haines water flume, grading tablet & sizing units, Lobee brush waxer, tri-pack dryer, as sorted conveyors, 9 auto matic tri-pack box fillers w/75’ power rollers and automatic traffic cops. Complete price $30,000. Call for detailed informa tion. 717-587-1726 Sprayer, Agrotec 3004 air blast, working condition, $1000; Vegetable Grading Line, 24' wide, receiving belt, washer, inspection rollers, two sizing belts, Y and 2.5' and rotating table, $1700; PTO hydraulic or chard prunnar, hoses, long handled topper, $350; Re frige milk tank, SS 300 gal lon complete with com pressor, used for cider, $5OO. (301)926-6999 7-9 am 778-1065 HI LEARANCE MACHINES 4 Models For Various Applications learances Up To 83” 10 Machines In Stocks all For Specs per 100 per 1000 $27 00 $135 00 $35 00 $175 00 6-12" 10-18” $27 00 $37 00 $9O 00 $llO 00 6-12” 10-18" 12-20” 14-24” $135 00 $lB5 00 $450 00 $550 00 $6O 00 $295 00 6-12” rM not 1i0n... THE CLASSIFIES LIVESTOCK SECTION HAS BEASTLY SELECTIONS! UJ NURSERY (14) 30' XS Smith Criterion greenhouse frames, good condition, can deliver in Lane. Co. Samuel Stolt zfus, 2017 Furniss Rd., Drutnore 17518. B'-10' Nigra Arfaovitae, 3'-4’ Globe Arbovitae, yews, juniper- you digl Cheap I (717)244-1756. '97 commercial Bunton lawn mower, 61' deck, 25 hp Kohler engine, hydro static driven, 1 season op eration, VG condition. (717)483-6882. Vandana vacuum seeder, plug seeder, shutde con veyor, top dresser. 5 seed plates, Oibbler, excellent condition, $2,500. (717)687-0980. Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. German's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. Caretree Compact Model 632-4 tree spade, like new, used once, 2 complete sets of spades, cone and trun cated, w/guides for quick change, quick disconnect for skid loader. 908/479-6304. Clearing NURSERY STOCK, row run prices, Hemlocks, Arts, yews etc Call for prices. (410)398-3062. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPUNTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-296-0477 Japanese Maples, Blood good, 8-12*, $3.00; Garnet & Red Select, 12-15', $4.00; 15-18*. $5.00. Lar ger sizes available. Cavag naro Nursey, 154 Fairview Drive, Neshanic, NJ. 08853. (908)369-5899 LANDYSHADE MULCH PRODUCTS 717-898-7689. Mushroom Mulch lOObu, $7O; SOObu, $l7O, 1200 bu $l9B. Mulch delivered FREE within 25 miles of Lancaster. We carry Bark Mulch, Topsoil FOR SALE 12’ Law/n Roller (717) 748-1093 STONE MOUNTAIN GROWERS MIFFLINTOWN, PA White Colorado White Concolor Spruce Blue Spruce Pine N/A $2B N/A $34 N/A $34 N/A N/A N/A $4O $36 N/A $45 $5O $36 N/A $65 $74 $5O N/A 1 1/2'2 C 2 21/2 C 21/2 -3' C $55 $65 $B5 $55 $65 $B5 $55 $65 $B5 $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 $75 $55 $65 $75 $55 $65 N/A $45 $55 N/A $45 $55 N/A $55 $65 $75 $45 $55 $65 $45 $55 N/A $45 N/A N/A $55 $65 N/A $4O $5O $6O Norway Spruce $26 $32 $4O $5O $7O 4’-5’ s’-6' 6’-7’ 7’-8' 8-9’ Red Sunset Maple Autumn Blaze Maple Sugar Maple Deborah Norway Maple Royal Red Maple Super Form Maple Emerald Queen Maple Weeping Cherry Mulberry Kwanzan Cherry Krauters Vesuvius Plum Honeylocust Shademaster Pm Oak Camperdown Weeping Elm Zelcova Ash 3 Species Glenleven Linden Jacquemonti Birch Crabs White Pink Red Trees l‘/j” Caliper & Less Available - $35 Red Sunset Autumn Bi e?e tnd Sugar M iple A\ nl ihk in C+ tat SlOO 00 ami Weeping C hem Av ul ihle Ai iTS <X) 717/436-9564 TC-120 ULTRA ALUMI NUM pickup dumpers, light-weight, dumps 5000#. TRUCK—CRAFT OR WIGSB U R Q . 717/3664)790. TREESPADE- 32* Care tree w/hyd stabilizers, like new. Shed-kept, mounts skid loader, $B,OOO. 36' McMillan Auger, new, $5OO. Call 610/942-3386. Trailer, 2-axle, 24' deck, 5' Beaver tail, 12,000# ca pacity, needs new decking, $2OOO firm. 609-894-2849 Tree Spades. 20' to 60*; Tree Planters, 3’ shoe to 24' shoe; Tree Boss, one- man tree loading system. TREE EQUIPMENT DE SIGN INC. RD 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717/386-3515. Want to buy Chirstmas tree farm or Douglas A Frazer Fir on the stump. Please call 814)692-4110. GROFF TREE MOVING SERVICE Contract Digging 24" to 84" Ball (B&B) Any Amount - Anywheie -Buy Sell Wholesale - Call Don 717-664-4587 Container & B&B Nursery Stock, Wide Selection For free price list Stoudt Landscape & Nursery RD 2, Box 1324 Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 717/739-4650 Landyshade Mulch Products Lancaster, PA 17601 717*898*7689 Railroad ties #1 & #* We also sell mulch & topsoil
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