D26-U-CMW Fwnlnfl. Saturday, Fatoanr 21,1 M» | nA nE'D 9*l fl BUTTOgISr Cora { ■■■ Tffifr JL XmJT £/X\ Ipß i Shelled Corn & Soybeans ■ lea FEED A " Contract or Daily Price ■■■ open Picked Up At Field r Or Delivered To Manhelm =Ss== =i Baled • Clean (717)665-4785 More Absorbant ■»] fl'lVfrl*] *11: hVi I; trVM Delivered in your Area : NOLL GRAIN | Callfor Price I HARRY WILL Ms» T® 1-800-782-1757 JLI ATTENTION FARMERS Paper Bedding More Absorbant than Straw. Less Flies. $65/ ton FOB ices Subject to Change Without Notice STOLTZFUS ENTERPRISES Box 704, RD 1, Honey Brook, PA 19344 or call answering service 610/273-9266 7-8 am M-F or contact our sales rep. Irvin Martin 717/768-3076 or your nearest dealer James Kreider Quarryville 717/786-3936 DES Experience the difference that top quality CONVECTION ROASTED FULLY HEAT CONDITIONED SOYBEANS can m; in your Dairy herd’s health milk production, a: YOUR BOTTOM LINE Windn Oui state of the ai, the soybean withoui fully anti properly protein! Feed the Soybe Feed Windridgt Paul Armstrong Port Royal 717/527-4554 Gee t* ‘'Z T^OtO'rS. David Rohrer Mt. Pleasant Mills 717/539-8508 (Snyder Co.) 2: 3 WET BREWERS GRAIN j*' -*'* Check It Out! ✓ High Protein 32-35% Wi ✓ Excellent source of essential \r-H . , T i«Vi ammo acids ✓ Large or small dairy Trn ✓ Consistent & reliable source Commodity V! Specialists Company BOO-443-6774 HAY Dairymen Some Alfalfa & grass listings Mid size & large squares Ist crop starting at $165/per ton 2nd, 3rd, 4th crops Starting at $205/per ton Proteins from 20%-24% RFVs from 150 to 200+ Cleaned dry grass hay at $145/per ton While supply lasts Lowell A. Horning 507-285-9709 BREWERS WET GRAINS FROM MIRACLE IS A GOOD WAY TO SAVE ON YOUR FEED BILL • Replace the soybean meal and part of the corn in your feed with brewers grain. • Get quality McNess vitamins and minerals from the same source. • Free ration balancing to build the most cost effective ration. • Call toll-free 800-888-0230 Miracle Feeds Div. of Furst McNess MOLDY CORN? Let Schnupp's Grain Roasting SAVE Your Moldy Corn! • Flame Roasting Kills the Molds Present in Corn. • Flame Roasting Will Reduce Toxins to Safe Levels. • Flame Roasting Will Remove Odor and Increase Payability. A g^ns 3 '^ are really tasty w Mulch P roa qu®' Uc ts M.H. Martin Co. 717-738-1312 Ephrata White Pine shaving 3.55 cu. ft. bale Picked up at barn: $3.75 Delivered: 40 Bales = $lB6 80 Bales = $340 Shaving & Sawdust Mix 3.5 cu. ft. bag Picked up at barn: $2.75 Delivered: 40 bags = $146 80 bags = $260 12 yd. bulk; $225 Mileage charge after the Ist 10 mi. Bark Mulch & Mushroom Soil Call For Prices' CHNUPP’S N ROASTING iox 840, Lebanon, PA 17046 5-6611 Fax #865-7334 100-452-4004 ROFF, RD #3 Lewisburg, PA 17-568-1420
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