Idaho Alfalfa Top Quality, High Protein Call Brad or Kaye 800-223-7163 FOR SALE HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORN out of Harvaatore Delivery Available John Wfcer Conestoga, PA 717/872-4209 WANTED Hay & straw Square or Round Bales John Llpyd 610-869-2078 i|3iaaMiaamauuauiuimaiaiaui>aiag § CORN I I SILAGE I | top quality | I kernel | I processed, I I inoculated, I I $4O/ton I I 717/261-0127| y CORN SILAGE Delivered to Your Farm Dump Station Blower Available WEBB’S /o PRODUCTS, me. Mill Hall PA 17761 (717)726-4525 / HAY DAIRYMEN Offering Top Quality Western Dairy Hay - Call - Lowell A. Horning Rochester, MN 507-285-9709 \ NEW HIGHER | PRICES Ii Giorgi Mushroom * Company p is now purchasing /■ mulch hay in < round or square £ bales. £ Please call ; 610-926-8811 £ ext. 634 p for our latest price p and delivery r information Buying Mulch Hay Large Chester Co mushroom farm buying mulch hay, square bales, Timothy Orchard Grass Good Prices Year-a-round contract 8HM38448T R.K.UIOGT — G rain 1225 Colebrook Rd BUYING BAR CORN. SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract prices available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM KILN DRIED WOODSHAVINGS BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER 2.8,3.0,3.25 Cu. Ft. Paper/Plastic Bag 2.5 to 1 Compression Grade of Fine, Medium or Flaky Woodshavmgs Year-Round Supply for Year-Round Customers Distributors Welcomed APPALACHIAN SHAVINGS QUEBEC, CANADA For Delivered or FOB Plant prices Tel: 514-425-0835 Fax: 514-425-8871 Sawdust & Shavings! Quality Kiln Dried Hardwood or Softwood. Bulk Trailer Load Delivery. Call Jay Fared AWFInc. 1-800-624-9663 CORN SILAGE Approx. 400 Ton out of 16’x70’ Silo Good Corn Content - You Haul It Irwin H. Martin 717-949-6817 - Lebanon County, PA Marietta, PA 17547 5-10 ton loads, sound, small, square bales: Bright grass hay mix Reg. Grass Hay Bright Wheat Straw. Grass Hay, 4x4 round bales.. ★ Ideal Material For Dairy Cows ★ Bales of Pine Shavings ★ Clean Shavings and Sawdust * Mushroom Mulch a Straw Clarence Bange York Co. (717) 292-6595 Kiln Dried Wood Shavings & Sawdust Delivered* in Bags or Bulk For Horses Penn Ag /fsammis Products (f j 403 S. Custer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 Ph. 717/354-4174 Wet Brewers Grain - Sawdust Ernest J. Tomer Trucking, Inc. 3109 Belvidere Rd. Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 908475-2578 .Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998-D25 *lso/ton ‘l3O-135/ton »125/ton »115/ton (m PARS, INC. V»P—VPositive Approach for Revitalizing Soils A NACHURS. NA-CHURS Liquid Fertilizer Provides High Quality P-K Phosphorus Benefits • Increases Root Development • Provides Energy for Plant Reproduction • Helps Development of the Crop’s Seed/Fruit • Helps Speed Plant Maturity Potassium Benefits • Improves Crop Quality • Helps Retard Crop Diseases • Reduces “Lodging” Caused by Weak Stalks • Improves Drought Resistance • Improves Sugar Translocation 805 MILTON GROVE ROAD SOUTH ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 17022 1-800-929-2676 Oil Meal In Bags App. $225/ton Delivered (973)764-4681 n. Ear Corn and Soybeans - Barley & Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 |[*ATTINTION*|| M&R Grains would love their dairy customers to try our new flame roasted flakes. So, in celebration of Valentines Day, we are offering a 10% discount off our quoted price of roasted soybean flakes or our roasted corn flakes for the month of February You will love it for the quality, your cows will love the taste. Maximum discount on 20 ton Mftß V»*W/N^ r«VS, o'* 0 '* L. ROHRER * Soybeans 10 lb. or Bulk' 1110 Newcomer Road Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 Phone (717)653-8846 Fax (717-653-2385 Cellular (717)575-4406
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