BENNECOFF HOGS Boars, Hampshire. Poland China, I Berkshire, 610-285-6582. Boars for sale. $225 to 250. Delivery available. Don't wait! 717-345-8035. * Duroc * Yorkshire * Spotted * Chester * Landrace * Hampshire * Pietnun * Bred Gilts & Boars for sale Bred gilts .trc bred for purebred & crossbred litters Also. Club Pips for sale PRV & Bnic validated herds A -r-y '/ —> -y Calvin Lazarus & Sons 6XO-799-3375 ' Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 931-364-7050 BERKSHIRES Industry's Meat Quality leader PRV Herd #l4 Bruc Free Herd #135 Stress Free Herd Boars & Gilts for Sale Scan Figures Available (naersfa Berkshire* Greg & Beth Innerst 5140 Deer Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356 717-Z46-1731 Will Deliver The Pig Of Tomorrow at Our Place Today! sa rjVfi S==, /’ARA*fS BRED GILTS TO FAUOW EACH MONTH Open Gilts In Large Quantities • Boars SEW - AIAO I Certified Brucellosis and Paeudorables Free Herd Reno Thomas Park Thomas Mark Stehr (717) 658-5821 (717) 658-6544 (717) 658-7007 RD #l, Box 2449, Beavertown, PA 17813 f¥IHOGEQUPUENT SUPPUES *.44 a * * «*•«** At Mk 4?* m AiNou menus ROAPQ I selection Scan figures available BRED GILTS (75) Due Feb., Mar., Apr. Bred for pure and show litters OPEN GILTS Delivery to western New York, late February if enough interest. Taking orders tor bred gilts to be delivered to Storrs, Conn. March 21,1998. Herd Health Dr. Tim Trayer 1-800-222-4084 Yorkshire - Landrace - Crossbred - Hampshire - Duroc Leon L. Arnold Lawrence Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd 38 W. Four Point Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-273-5880 717-933-8153 I mate* |£l POULTRY t SUPPLIES Increase the efficiency of your farm w/high pressure cleaning, disinfecting and paint stripping. We clean all types of buildings and equipment. Agriculture, residential and commercial. * Breeder Houses * Turkey Houses * Hog Barns * Dairy Barns * Milking Parlors * Veal Barns Call to check our prices. Your satisfaction is our goal! 1 Country Power Washing and Restoration QUAIL 270 ea.-1000 gs Util DOUBLE R.,FfIRMS Chicks shipped anywhere in U.S.A. • Live delivery insured HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING - - • Breeder Houses • Hog Finisforo| oams _ Houses • Sow Units ' “ " ■ • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses We Spfljiy Of Beetles and Insects Thaf Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED * * «M»t*AAt»t • * A * AA«i»kA« A *V A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING’S CLASSIFIED ADS MBhogequpuent & SUPPLIES 36 pet., 6 X - heavy duty woven wire hog flooring, best offer. (717)658-6529 Gestation and farrowing crates, pre-nursery pin ning, SS fans, wet and diy feeders. (301)432-7793 (301)432-8332 Reason Bros. Honey Wa gon, 1100 gallon, good working shape, $l5OO 302-653-4538 Ui Ited Hog Confinement Equ: Fane, heaters, gesta tions stalls, wire, grip cool ing system, nursery fenc ing and feeders. (717)375-4831 |£| POULTRY i SUPPLIES (7171 762-8406 CHUKAR 710 ea. • 1000 NORTHERN CHUKAR 808 WHITE Senil&Aß $3O ■ SO $42 ■ ICO $95 - 250 $l6O - 500 $270 - 1000 Double R. Hatchery RD # 2 Box 92 • Templeton, PA 16259 412*868*2173 EE9 POULTRY « SUPPLIES 76 Leghorn pullets, 20+ weeks old, 5 3,000 brown puflets, 17 weeks April 1. Moyer's Chicks,. (215)536-3156. 900* rolls nylon egg belts, egg cooler, 4-fan evapora tor w/remote, 3hp com pressor, R-22 Staalkat packer motoring feeder and collector. Motor's tike new. Must sell. Cooler and belts used less than one flock. (610)845-8463. Baby Chicks: fast growing broiler chicks, high produc tion layer chicks, brown and white egg. Call Moyer's Chicks, Quaker town, PA, (215)536-3155. FOP SALE: 30' portable manure elevator designed for layer or broiler litter w/ engine, excellent condi tion. (717)948-0208. Order now! Brown Dekalb pullets, read to lay April 10th. 10-25 $4.65, 25-100 $4.40,100+ $4.20. Samuel Lapp, 1598 Noble RD., Kirkwood, PA 17536 $4B - 50 $B5 - 100 $2OO - 250 $370 - 500 $7lO - 1000 incastw Firming, Saturday, Fabruaiy 21, 199*023 WANTED: Poultry houM, minimum 10,000 sq.ft., to be used for growing ducks. 610/562-3825. WANT used Shenandoah pancake gas brooder stoves. (717)587-3258. Wanted: Male Mute Swan, WANTED; Fancy, heavy 5-7 yrs. old, 610/377-1760. roosters for January, Fe- Phaasants WANTED, cash paid. telephone Pr,ce8 (609)758-8755. (609)758-8755. 717-484-4549 POWER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC, INC. SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES, SERVICE AND RENTALS (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 (1) 175 KW Volvo Diesel, Used (1) 100 KW AC, Diesel 35 KW CryslerL-P-G (1) 24 KW AC LPG Used \i,r (!-■ //-<■</ r s,c//i/)('s FREE NEW 1998 CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexlmks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, Plus Buff Orpingtons, Araucans, Golden Laced Wyandottes. Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted White and Giant Bronze Turkey Poults, Special Wholesale Prices Write or Phone For Free Catalog Today ■tel vO PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 For Sale; Rhode (aland Red Pullets, 20 weeks old, $4.35. 717/656-0102. FREE catalog. Wild Turkey. Ringnocks. Bob white, Gamble, Valley, Blue Scale Quail. Chukar, Red leg, Hungarian Pv thdge. Mallards. Guineas. HORAN'S TURKEY FARM. RR4, Box 417-L, Tamaqua, PA 18252 717-467-3683. CHUKAR CHICKS 72(6 Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 20,000 weekly WOLFES GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa 15825 (814)849-3430 RINGNECK PHEASANTS, chicks to mature bird, must be ordered by 4/15 for your tali field stocking. Breeder hens available July, $5/each. 610/856-7671 af ter 4pm. RATITES (0) Emu's, 4 years old, (6) female, (3) male. Incuba tor, hatcher, a< for $llOO. 717-665-5563 Now booking '9B Emu hatchlings. Some '97s left Good strong healthy stock from Penna. Reasonable prices. 717-364-5246 KQ FEED t SEED 1,000 bales, mulch hay, bam kept 814-427-2517 ISO tons of corn silage, $3O/b>n, 75 ton of haylege $4O/ton. Can deliver to Montour or Northumber land (717)437-2811. 220 Ton Corn Silage, rolled, treated, $3O/ton picked up. 717/523-9598.
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