D22-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 21, 1998 Tennesse Walking mara, easy rider, due to foal in 4/98, also her stud colt bom 5/97. (717)966-2339. Team Haflinger mares, 3 and 4 years, broke to ride, green broke to work, heavy build, sound, S67S each. 717-582-4953 /oa \ /IT a'l/oaN /iToN /Son fQa} /'fTcT'i /'q”q s \ s \ /ITq'N/o’o''* @ WANTED i pH® "P" s 05 ?Ue © ~=kt--~ - ------1 r ,, CO ® fW Ifi f-ZJC-** I M CD fWlffl # *omr 0© 11 s S S # HY-TECH Mushroom O S § m West Grove, PA 19390 M CO Sfij Work horses, pairs & sin gles, Belgian & Percheron. 717/744-1024. Reg. Percheron Horses, four mares, pair five year olds, pair 4 year olds, broke to drive, all full or 14 half sisters, four year old stal lion sired by cash, 17h pair of foal's from above horse’s (802)633-3927 Team 6 year old bay draft horses. 1700, 1800 pds. quiet, broke and kid safe, $4BOO. 814-495-4427 evenings. EM SHEEP A GOATS 10 fall born Dorset and Dorset cross ewe lambs, also 2 black and while ram lambs. $ 100/ea. (610)488-9349 BOER GOATS improve the genetics of your goat herd. (40) 3/4 and 7/B's kids available as future stud bucks, pets, 4-H projects, or meat animals. Reserve for Easter. Also adult 1/2 blood does. Gettysburg, PA. (717)337-2280. Boer Goats, aU ages, regis tered from 50% to 100%. Priced rasonably upon in spection. (410)969-9324 HARD ROCK FARM BOER GOATS: Top quality kids are on the ground and ready for show whethers or breeding stock. 1/2&1/4 bloods available. 717-445-9536 Jacob Sheep; (2) 4-horned rams, (6) ewes, (lock price available. 609/935-0613. Meat goats for sale, 20 head available right now, 25-40 lbs. Best offer. HIS KIDS. 717-746-1664 Morning Star Ranch offers llamas as GUARDIANS for your smaller livestock. Choose from two geldings whose protective instincts are coupled with their own beautiful fiber. Competitive Crice. Delivery possible, isit us at our central New Jersey ranch. (609)298-2666., Purebred Border Leister, yearling ram, twin/ beauti ful fleece, $75. Berks Co, (610)689-5893. Pygmy Goats born 1/98, $5O-75. Silver adult buck, $5O. (717)548-3958 Reg. Finn Lambs white 6 colors; Finn crosses; pygmy kids. 609/935-0613. Reg. purebred boar goals, bucks and does. (703)378-5809 eve (703)260-0021 day Top of the Hill Club Lamb Sale, 4/18/98, 6;3opm, Bedford Co. Fairgrounds. 814/623-7778. WANTED: Several black Welsh Mountain sheep. 301-724-4333 Full-blooded Boar Goats (717) 455-5472 (717) 4,55-;iisi I^Ug^jylSiJp*** ■ (717) 455-557 D tax SWINE PARRISH FARMS HOG SALE Saturday, March 7,1 ;00 P.M. 2 1/4 miles east of Edon, Ohio, in heated sale barn. 150 BRED GILTS (Due in Late March, April, May) ■ Bred to some of the leanest, heaviest, muscled Boars in the USA, capable of siring 54% to 56% (Bred Gilts are a cheap way to buy boars and gilts for the future) 50 DUROC BOARS (Extra Growthy, Lean and Aggressive) 25 HxD BLACK LINE TERMINAL MEAT SIRES 25 YORK BOARS (Extra maternal, excellent for feeder pig production) 75 OPEN GILTS (Ready to breed, Both Pure & FTs) THIS IS A VERY GOOD GROUP OF HEALTHY, FAST GROWING, LEAN GENETICS We have excellent kill sheets from Thorn Apple Valley. Talk to the hog buyers at Michigan Livestock, Archbold, Ohio. If you can't attend this sale, we offer a free buying and delivery service. Satisfaction guaranteed. CALL 1-800-551-4647 TODAY All hogs from Ohio PRV Free Herd PARRISH FARMS 1(800) 05140 Co. Rd. J 1(800) 551-4647 Edon, Ohio 43518 551-4647 public Auction LOCATION: Swine Barn - Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Fa. From Route 72 South of Lebanon - East on Rocherty Road to fair grounds on light. BRED GILTS Scan figures by Mike Cherchuck available on boars & open gilts HEALTH: All animals will originate from a validated herd or will have a neg ative test within 30 days of the sale. Catalogs available by contacting auctioneer. JUDGE: Jim McCoy - Ohio. Food 6e toilet facilities HARRY H. fRACHMAN 138 College Avenue, Annville, Pa 17003 (717)867-1809 Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids 915-336-4431 SWINE 25 farrowing crates, $45/ea. 25 metal wire floor frames $25/ea. 25 wire flooring $2O/ea. 24' varibie Duroc and Yorkshire James Parlett, (7127)8962-3610. Purebred Duroc & York/ Duroc crossbred boars, $l5O/each. 717/484-2233. State Association's Annual Spring Sale Sale indoors •*! Neutzel Yorkshires (717)993-6237 Yorkshire boars, bred gilts, open gilts available, Scan figures available * Special pricing on young boars * Validated herd • Delivery available MCHS HYBRID HOG SERVICE LEAN BOARS GUARANTEE SBF or Less/6 sor Greater LEA /159 days or Less to 230 LEAN GILTS GUARANTEE 6BF or LESS Breeding stock gills available at 50 lb size and puce Feeder Pigs Available/Single Source Contracts for producing SEW pigs available Phone: 800-446-6247 800-782-0448 : HO!IX)WiiyGENEnCS I DUROCS /HAMPS |l : Up-date & Modernize Your Breeding Program [| ; • New crop of excellent young [ | - Discount on purchases of boars & bulls or any multiple purchase Call Dave 717-235-6966 | Truly Commercial Terminal Boar Semen TL 6000^“ s 140,000 progeny records verify customer results for efficient, high lean gain on the farm and top carcass premium at the packers. Available also is genetically consistent pure and hybrid maternal lines via semen Let us design an A.I. Production Plan to optimize your profit OPEN GILTS BOARS Barn Telephone (717) 273-3793 Sale sponsored by PA. YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION .•vf.rw COMMERCIAL VO NCERTS BEE HCR 80, Box 86 Needmore, PA 17238 Call for free catalog „ * SATURDAY MARCH 7,1998 1:00 P.M.
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