CUSTOM SEMEN COLLECTING Bulls collected on your farm. Semen frozen In French straws at $1.45 per unit 14 years freezing experience. Complete mobile lab. and wilt travel. ZIMMERMANS CUSTOM FREEZING 131 Redwell Road, New Holland, PA 17557 1-717-355-2048 Evenings 1-800-472-2641 Evenings Holstein Heifers * 3 just fresh * 3 close springers * 2 red & white close springers * ait raised on this farm Good size & udders will sell 1 or'all FREE delivery within 100 miles PLEASANT HILL FARMS 717-637-7586 f FOR RENT I ] FLOAT-A-COW { — ■, With The Aqua-Cow Rise system 'j Get that down cow up on her feet with warm i water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a I 1 cow stretcher - a well designed cart to get j. down cows out of barns For More Information: « LEE-MAR FARM J jS 2724 Conestoga Creek Rd. t H Morgantown, PA 19534 \ |i (6*o) 28§-905? { tti Willier. Inc. ™ Quality Cattle We are always looking (or Dairy Cattle - Registered & Grade Call 717-626-3113 WANTED N Dairy Cows or Hcilcrs. all ages, registered or grades '(610) 28~909T ’ '(7 lT) 656-8420 ’ Leroy Smucker No Sunday CalK Herd 55 Grade Holstein Cows Milked in parlor and free stall set-up. - 39 Cows 2,3 & 4 year olds Averaging 67 lbs. Milk with a 3.8 T, 3.2 P. NY Dairy Herd For Sale 43 Head, shipping 4600 tbs., 35 are first lactation, 100,000 SCC, very good young herd. Earlyam or evenings (914)48*4380 EXOTIC ANIMALS LLAMAS*** See the dif « ference that exceptional breeding and ** insightful training produces. A We offer the finest in breeding stock. M pets, guardians, quality tibei A All our llamas are 4-H experienced « Visit MORNING STAR RANCH in ® nearby New Jersey where great prices, • continuing service and support go with • each purchase • (609) 298*2666 THINK tftvMAS Several reuales and y^ldx^traila^ h Call anytiml^^o2/239 i £R^5* S* T * KM HORSES A m^nnjLES^ 11 Year old Standard bred solid trotter, sate a sound, very reliable older peoples horse, $BOO. Jonas S. Esh, 307 A Queen Rd., Gordon villa, PA 17529, 717/768-3487 leave message. 2 pair big 3 year old mules, acclimated, ready for work. 3 pair shipped mules, big. Ben Kauffman, 1113 Park RO., Honeybrook. PA 19344 610-273-9224 Bam-B:3oam ~ flaw.:*** Worn Out and Crippled Cows (717) 789-3689 50 Cow Herd Pick 40 all PB, Avg. 661bs, 3.8%, 120,000 SCC, Milk Quality Award for 1997, fancy udders & type. No BST. 717/768-8497 717/354-6274 EXOTIC ANIMALS Llamas: 2 females, one 1 year, one 3 year, reg. shots, med wool, $l5OO/Pr. 609/261-8195 NJ. I mart (6io) 86S " # 0186 Log Cabin Lfamas ✓g—. David & Flo tefii Harmsh 717-733-1700 117 Valley View Road Ephrata, PA 17522 Large Number of Llamas For Sale White Tail Deer Ex P & Y and B & C bucks, bred does & bottle fed fawns. '.all for photo & price sheet showing bloodlines (trades considered) (717) 686-3480 1 pr. 17 hand mules- Jacks, blacks, white nosed. (3) 5- yr-olds. Safa A sound, lot of snap. Also trade-in mulee -1 pr. 4-year-old Molly Mule Sorrels. Henry E. Kauff man, 717/529-6952. 15H Belgian mare, bred to jack $1,500. Pair Belgian stud colts, 17 mon, 5 mon old, full brothers, $1,85Q/pr. 2 year old Sad dlebredx Belgian cross mare $1,450. (3) Jersey family cows $6OO/ea. Can deliver. Berks Co, (610)682-6445. carts, $lOO each. 2-horse competition or breaking cart w/brakes, $950. Carriage w/roof, room for 10 people, good shape, $1,850. (717)949-3800. 2 sorrel mules, smooth mouth $650 & $750. Elam B. Stoltzfoos, RRI, 80x203, Loysville, PA 717/536-3144 Perry Co.. Mon. 6pm. 4 Year old reg. Morgan, traffic safe & sound, ready to go, takes trips. David F. Stoltzfus, 5130 Mine Road, Paradise, PA 17562. 4 year old Saddlebred, classy, rides and drives, white markings, needs work. $1,775. (717)442-9432 (717)442-4196. 4yr old Apps. green broke, stud and gelding, $l,OOO/ea. (717)485-4376. 586 year old Morgan Per chion cross, broke double, needs work. 717-656-6712 5 year old standardised, solid trotter, has style & snap. 8 year old solid trot ter, has style, anybody can drive. Both horses traffic safe, sound. Also, other horses. 717-442-9559 evenings. 6 year old bay mare, bred to Belgian stud, due soon, farm machinery broke, lots of snap. Hidden Acres, 956 Fallow Field RD., Atglen, PA 19310 6 year old Standardbred classy solid trotter, snug in the lines, ready for lots of miles, $1,575. 3 year old Standardbred trotter, 16H, solid built, good prospect, in the lines, $1,275. (71 7)442-9432 (717)442-4196. 6 yr. old Saddlebred, traffic safe, sound, lots of style, snap, just shipped. 717/786-8154. 8 Belgian work horses for sale, 5-7 years old. 717-786-3394 8 year old chestnut sad dlebred, 16H, well broke mannered, pulls in lines, traffic safe, sound, ready tar work. Stop to see even ings or Saturday. Reuben Fisher, 434 Newport RD., Ronks, PA 17572 9 year old standardised mare, mans horse) Sired by Speed Dazzle, due April, c/o Benj Stoltzfus, $1350. 717-626-0359 Amish pick-up for sale. Good condition, $3,000/obo. David B. Seller, 874 Pumping Sta tion Road, Kirkwood, PA 17536 Belgian 4 year old, 17H, sorrel gelding w/white mane & tail, broke to ail farm machinery. John Stoltzfus 717/354-9496. Belgian gelding, works anywhere, middle aged. Percheron stallion, works. $BOO choice. Can deliver. (717)993-6627. Carriage for sale, fiberg lass front, needs some re pairs, $925. Henry Stolt zfus, 1978 Junction Road, Manheim 17545. FOR SALE: Galled Horses, Kentucky Ml., Ten nessee Walkers, Spotted Saddle, etc. 13.2-16 Hands. SPOTTED FEVER FARM 717-582-7831 717-582-8808 (tax) Horse stalls and pasture, Conestoga, PA. Trails A ring available. $lOO/per month per stall. 717-872-8728 MILL RUN CARRIAGE Re storing and manufacturing carts, carriages, coaches to your specifications. (610)273-9665. RD«2, Box 7J, MIN Rd., Honey Brook. PA 19344. Miniature and smaN pony carts, harness, miniature horses, miniature donkeys. 717/442-9248 leave message. Miniature Horae, 7 month colt, red/whrte Ptn*, weN socialized w/people and other animals, $750. (610)869-8883. MORGAN stallion, 4 years old, 14.1 H, broke to drive, Tedwin Topic's grandson. 7am-4pm, (610)593-6112, FOR SALE; Ortho-Flex saddles. Hours 4;30-9pm weekdays. Weekends by appointment. TNT Horse Equipment, dealer for Ortho-Flex Saddle Co. 71 7-582-7831 717-582-8608 (fax) Palomino gelding 14H, great for kids, $7OO. Bel gian Cross quiet $650. Re scued. (717)993-6627. Reg. 5 year old miniature donkey Jack, 36* gray/dun, $350; also available 7 month old miniature Jen net, $l2OO. 717/273-7568 Andy. Reg. Belgian Stallion, 18H, red sorrel, light mane & tail. 540-885-5625 Registered Haflinger Horse Stud Service. 610/273-7540. Registered Percherons;, (1) grey 4 year old mare, (1) sorrell 3 year old geld ing. Both drive single, dou ble, 3&4 abreast (1) black 2 year old filly. Delivery possible. (410)928-3276. Registered Percherons; 1 grey stallion, 4 grey mares, 4 black mares. Work single, double, and nde. 1 load from NY, 1 load from OH. (717)365-3920. Standardbred horses; 2-3 and 4 year old filly's, 2 black and 1 bay dam by Speedy Somoli, 4 year old by On The Road Again. Lancaster Co. (717)354-0038 Standardbred, 8 yrs old, in the lines, ready for tripe. $1450 717/687-0307 Standing at Stud, Williams Pride, Canadian import, re gistered Hafflinger, 53V4 * tall. L&E Farm, 135 Congo Niantic Rd., Barto, PA, 19504, (610)754-9799. TENNESSEE WALKER— Great on Trailsl Buy where you have choice. Will trade. Breed to a world champion. 717/2254811 Jack Russell St|id Service Exceptional Color and Confirmation, Outstanding I Temperment ! (717)872-8602 Mules From Roy Epperson from Virginia 540-251*5779 2 loads of mules coming In on February 2nd Jonas S. King MX Krantz Mill Road New Providence PA 17*50 717-786-7990 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998-D2l Restored late 1600 EJuckboard Rubber wheels, brakes, excellent condition - Call - (717) 374-0215 Click’s Horse Dentist Teeth Floating, Wormer. David S. Click 262 Cut RD Gap, PA 17527 717-768-8860 PIERCE TRAILER SALES S( HM I I LRSIOWN P\(717)94«-1246 MONARCH HORSI \NDSKXK IRAII 1 RS PA INTERNATIONAL UTILITY IRAILLRS AND LLAI ISLDS JL NOTICE 10 Head Reg. Belgian Mares for sale. Bred to the Jack 17-18 H tall Ivan K Stoltzfub 199 Shirktown Road Narvon, PA 17555 717/445-5956 Ask for Ivan $ 1 Load of Mules HA Just arrived from Kentucky /fiß • 2 pair 4 year old Mollies & Jacks broke • I pair 3 year old black Jacks green • 1 single 4 year old black Jack bioke • 2 single 4 year old blonde Mollies broke • 3 single 2 year old blonde Mollies • 14 yearlings, blond mollies Also many more mules coming to choose from Most all mules will be 16-17 H Ivan K. Stoltzfus j i 199 Shirktown Road, Narvon, PA 17555 ii Jk 717/445-5956 2k ask for Ivan Registered Half Blood Hafflinger/ Belgian cross, 2 year old and 3 year old, full brother and sister, 14.1 H - broke. Call (717) 786-4375 HAFLINGER STUD SERVICE Proven Breeder, Gentle, With Manners $250 Fee 717/786-3915
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