D2O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 21, 1998 r A -,oON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING’S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! U CATTLE 10 large Holstein heifers due to freshen soon A 6 Holstein cows due w/2nd calf. All good size & out of good herd. 717/328-2236. 12 Holstein just fresh thru dry first calf heifers. Rea son for selling- over stocked. 814/793-3006. 22 head Angus cows, 1-Angus bud, mostly alt re gistered, calving soon. 301-582-4068 26 Brood cows, 30 steers and heifers, 300-700 lbs. Franklin Co. (717)532-4565 2 Limousin reg. bulls, 7 months old, from 747 & 16-Ton background, 1 red, 1 black, both polled, show quality. 302/674-4068. (2) Reg. Jersey heifers, due March 10, TPE herd. 410-775-7693 2 yr. old Angus bull, $1100; 2 Angus cows w/calves, S7SO/ea; 4 Angus feeder calves, $350/ea. Baltimore Co. (410)817-4674 (36) Holstein dairy bred young herd, 20,000 herd average, O.S. (8) cows due March/April. Juniata County. 717-527-2667 (3) beef shorthorn cows due to calve late spring to a Roan Super Oazder son. (410)848-7203. 3 bred heifers, 3 breeding age heifers, and 4 smaller heifers. Make offer. Frank lin County, (717)375-2075. (3) Reg. Angus cows due March & April. (10) Angus cross heifers, (2) Longhorn cross heifers, ready to breed. 814/766-3887 Bed ford Co. (4) Large Ist calf Holstein Heifers, Due February. (2) Excellent 2nd calf Holstein cows. 717-538-2160 4 Large Holstein heifers due to freshen soon, out of good herd. 717/328-2235. 50 Close Up Heifers due within 2 weeks; 50 due within 30 days; also good tie stall herds available. Joe Oistelburger, 914/343-1726. 50 cow Holstein herd, milked in tie stalls, some housed in free stalls, good production, DHIA records. (717)899-6665. 50 cow holstein hard, milked in tie stalls, housed in free stalls, 22,200 RHA Qenix, bred low SCC young herd. (814)259-3221 50 head feeder cattle, 700400 Ibe, 55c and 60c/ lb. (215)249-1826. 5 Hereford steers, shots & wormed, 650-850 lbs, 68C. Also available heifers 4> cows. Adams Co. 717/642-9199. 60 head hois tain herd, cer tified and accredited, many two year olds. (717)529-2307 62 Black Angus feeder steers, avg. weight 800 lbs. 540-436-8336 80 Dairy cows, will sell some or all, 55 milking, 6 springing dose, rest dry. 717/942-6477. 95 Cow Holstein Al Sired Herd, 60% reg., free stall & tie stall trained, 21,000 herd avg.. 150,000 SCC. Currently avg. 75lbc. 40 first calf heifers. Probably the best herd for dairy nets & type I've seen in the last 12 months. 717/284-3562. V<«J, Angus Bulls, Cows A heif ers for sale. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County. Angus March bulls, Sexed Embroys. Sired by Mo narch, Bon View Bando, Whites tone Widespread as pictured on cover January Angus topics. Out of Syk mere cowl Dave HoHoway 717-235-6966 Buyers = Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results! 717-394-3047 or 717J626-1164. Chariots and shorthorn mixed, 6 cows, all bred. 610-488-1350 Five registered Angus cows, Al bred, top sires, spring calving. Hope NJ, (908)459-5022. FOR SALE: 10 Purebred Open Angus Heifers, approx. 800 lbs. Good recipient Heifers. 814-926-2570 FOR SALE OR LEASE; Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams re cords to over 30.000 M. Many to choose from. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610/488-1965. FOR SALE: Registered Polled Hereford buds, Il ls months old. (717)867-4860. For Sale: Complete Jersey herd, 38 cows, 32 heifers, 1 young herd bull. Schuylkill Co. 717/467-2039. Fullblood Limousin Bulls; yearlings and calves (red) a few polled, good blood lines and EPD’s. Call Le nape Limousin, (215)723-2906. Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca nadian Herds. For further info, (717)671-5990. Guernsey & Jersey heifers, some good Reg. show ani mals. BEATTY FARM 412-465-0602 Holstein Heifer, fresh 12/15, milking 70 lbs., dam has record over 33,000 m, ISOOf. 717-442-4452 Large Dairy Wants To Buy Holstein Heifers, due within 3 months. 410-358-0412. LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOODS: Heifers and bulls of all ages. West m ins ter, MD (410)8570176. Polled purebred Simmen tal bulls, Big Sky, 600 u Red General, V, Simmen talXßed Angus. Lebanon Co. 717-865-4420 Proven polled Hereford bull, Reg. w/papers, 4 years old, gentle, shown as 4-H project. 304-7250294 Red Angus bulls, regis tered, one year old. (717)726-7889 Reg. Highland Cattle. Pr iced to sell can deliver. (717)253-1810 Reg. highland cattle, bulls, cows, yearlings, all colors and ages, pasture and hay fed. Call (732)3000902 PA ANGUS ON PARADE SALE 1:00 PM Ag Arena - Penn State University SHOW HEIFERS BRED HEIFE COW/CALF PAIRS HARRY H. *l3B College Avenue, Annville, Pa 17003 (717) 867-1809 _ ■ {fM / * J *•4 rtOi p * «Oya I inn .-v i Registered Polled Here ford bull. Al sired from good cow. Bom 3/97. Good conformation. Halter broke, pigmented. Carlisle, (717)249-8694. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 tot Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County. Reg. Bull; dam EX92 2E 34,200 4.2 1450; second EX92 2E QMO 31,780 4.4 1394; third dam EX9O GMO 15 Excellent daught ers, fourth EX97 4E GMD 16 Excellent daughters; fifth EX9O. From the fam ous “Queen of the Breed' Roxy family. (717)548-2597. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. (717)637-3090. Reg. Jersey's: Bull breed ing age, cows, some due March/April. Calves for 4-H project work. 814-466-6660 Reg. Jersey heifer, show quality, sire Imperial, brad to Marcus, Due March 3. Schuylkill Co. 717-943-2663 Reg. Polled Hereford Bulls, low birth weights, milk & muscle, Guidelines breed ers. SBSO-$1250. Stone Ridge Manor, Adams 717/642-9199. Service age Holstein bud: Dam VGB7 28,510 4.4 1255, 2nd dam EX92 2E GMO 41,920 3.8 1603, 3rd dam EX94 SE GMD 40,030 3.6 1427 lifetime 336,126, 4th dam EX94, sth dam EX93. 717/548-2597. SIMMENTAL CATTLE, Reg. & Polled. Open heif ers, bred cows due early spring. 410-679-0882 Simmentall More meat! Mora milkl Mora maternal I Choose calving ease Sim mental bulls; get more pounds when you wean calves. Red, polled, halter- broke. Buy now get choice! Can deliver. Females also. 610469-1766 Springing Holstein heifers, ready to start calving in two weeks. (717)284-4618. Super Pedigree Holstein Herd Sire Belltone, son dam 87, GOM Dam 2y, 32,105,5.0%, 1594 f, 3.6%, 1164 p. Many brothers sold worldwide to studs. Grand dam 87 GMD Dam 41,596, 4.5, 1878 f, 3.6, 1495 p. 3rd Dam 87 GMD Dam 35,145, 5.2, 1828,3.4, 1193p.Next 2 dams, both over 35,000 & 1500 fat 717-285-7426 WANT: 500800 lb open Holstein heifers. (814)542-2102 or (814)542-9507. WANT Holstein heifers, 200-600 lb. (717)263-7737. If you are looking for FEEDER CATTLE if Call Willier, Inc. 717-626-3113 This Date Sale™ cattle, black and red. Heifers, bred cows and buds, from champion (lock. Lyn-Lee Farms. State College, PA (814)238-1233 Buffalo for sale 6 month old heifers Mature cows & bull 614-542-9940 614-542-1216 Fresh and Springing cow* and heifers. Reg. and grade. 300 on hand. Perry Co. (717) 789-3241 Always Wanted complete Dairy Herds Have Immediate Buyers Waiting Give us a call also groups of open and bred heifers. Quality Herds for Sale at All Times Happy Hollow Farms John H. Wetmore 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 barn 717-470-3364 car BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WELK-CREST HOLSTEINS Matthew T. We Ik 717-548-2597 SLICK CONCRETE? Scabbling is the answer. Groove 2" wide 2-I/2" apart will provide good fooling lor ye,ns lo come Moor icv'unng and I' gioovc available The Scabbier Man 800/692-0123 Call An\linic Service and Rentals ft FOR SALE Holstein Dairy Herds 1) 36 Cow Reg. Dairy in Canada, 16,000 M, Low SCC, Not Pushed 2) Pick 50 cows from 62 cow dairy, 16,000 lb. herd avg., quality milk awarda. Really good udderad young hard. 3) Pick 36 from 44 Cow Wayne Co. Dairy, 2/3 Reg., 21,000 M, 100,000 SCC 4) SO Head Northern PA Dairy, man is overstocked and abort of feed. Your pick of 35-50. These are good young cows. Transportation available to view any of these herds John H. Wetmore 717/253-6995 717/253-5329 ANS, Agricultural Washdowns 717-949-3*l* SPECIALIZING IN Poultry Houses: Layers, Breeders, Broilers Hog, Veal and Dairy Barns High Pressure, Low Volume Washing RD #1 Box 147, Newmanstown, PA 17073 .W> TRIPLE RING CATTLE CO. TEXAS LONGHORNS We like to show our horns! Gettysburg, PA (0) 717-334-4908 (H) 717-334-4136 717/470-3364 Car V - d aG^G FOR SALE Open Shortbred and springer Holstein heifers I 717-789-3003 j LIVESTOCK HAULING 1 To & From New Holland Sales. Areas slaughter plants, etc. "ALSO DOWN & CRIPPLE CATTLE" Serving Berks, Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, Lehigh & Northhampton Counties, PA TOM MULVANEY JR. & SON l-80O*789*”COWS" (2697) \ 7-DAY SERVICE BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop Do you have grades that are as good as Registered Holsteins? If so, why not prove it by registering them. Increase the value of your Holsteins! We have several new software programs available and have reduced prices on our Registry program. We can also help you buy or sell your Holsteins Clarence Stauffer or David Lentz or Dave Paddon Throughout the Expo Thursday, March 26, 1998 • Trade Show Set-Up • Cattle Arrival • Quality Assurance Exhibit/Beef Management Demo • PCA Annual Banquet - 6 00 pm Friday, March 27, 1998 • Trade Show Opens - 8 SO am •Bull Sale - II 00 am • Simmental Female Sale - 2 00 pm • Quality Assurance Exhibit - 4-6 00 pm Saturday, March 28,1998 • Junior Skill-o-thon - 8 SO am • Commercial Heifer Sale - 11 00 am i* Special Purebred Breeding Cattle Sale -11 00 am • Angus Female Sale - I 00 pm i • Junior Cattle Weigh In - S 00 pm J I • Junior Quiz Bowl - 6 00 pm I Sunday, March 29,1998 • Junior Heifer Show - 9 00 am • Junior Steer Show - 10 SO am BULLS ON TEST S 2 Angus, 2 Charolais, 2 Limousin, 2S Polled Herefords, 15 Simmentals BREED FEMALE SALES Angus and Simmentals For Information Comae I Glrnn bherh Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture s Meat Animal Evaluation Center 651 Fox Hollow Road, Slate College, PA I6BOS Phone 814-238-2527 or 814-g65-sa<7 t»o,ti mtA GERLACH SIMMBNTALS Manheir.i, P/y 717/665-6982 Cows, Bulls & Heifers 717-738-2406 717-834-6786 716-584-8145
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