El SILOS AND JNLOADERS <^ ssi Reroofing Tear Down Rebuild Manufacturer & I Call For Free Estimal 3114 Compass Rd.. Hi RESURFACES INTERIORS: • Coats the silo’s interior • Protects feed in storage • Durable, tough, acid-resistant • Increase useful life • Economical REPAIRS HOLES: • Repairs even large holes • Up to twice the strength of the original stave ■ Rapid application • Durable surface EXTENDS USEFUL LIFE; • Support for old foundations • Special repairs can be made quickly and economically • Little or no forming needed • Stronger than the original Just Arrived - Buy While Supply Lasts - 20'x60' Lane. Silo w/Hanson Ring Drive Unloader, Unloaded Silo 1 time 20’x60’ Ribstone w/Badger Unloader 16x60 Ribstone 12x60 Fickes 14x60 Fickes 16’, 22’, 24’ Used Roofs New, Used & Reconditioned Silos Available We Do Silo Repair Work. Buy Shotcreat luilders of New Silos te 610-273-3993 >ney Brook, Pa. 19344 Before The slto’i Interior After . The surface Is with piaster damaged and reconditioned, and a new, stave exposed thick tough surface will pro tect stored feed. Before A bole It wont After With the bole completely through the tllo repaired by SholCrete and a wa U new surface applied, the tllo Before The bottom part of the ttave • arc completely worn away Sell Extensions No Job Too Small or Too Large U ready tor yean of ute After The SbotCrete System repairs and replaces Ute missing structure Will tsar down and rebuild Barns, Factories, Ware silos. Also reline silos with houses, Log Cabins sholcrete. 610/273-9211. WANTED for Salvage. We buy building. Fully insured since 1983. Call 717-993-9037 Rebuilt Patz 988 silo unloaders, 12-30 ft. Used, dropped and worn out ones taken in trade Will install and/or Deliver Anywhere Call 716/532-2919 If no answer, leave message ■ BADGER’S ]j& AGRI ■ SERVICE V me. • 717-432-8377 Harvestore Unloader Parts and Service * COMING SOON * “TITAN” HEAVY DUTY CONVEYOR CHAIN Not Affiliated With AO Smith Harvestore Products Inc H buildings and SUPPLIES 1920 mule barn, FREE, good condition, U-remove. Orofield, PA. 610-395-9096 #3 pine boards, 1"x12’x10-15', $2.25/each. Must take 25 or more. 717/764-8337. All Steel buildings, all sizes available, specials 24X30X10 to 75X168X16 complete turnkey pack ages available or kit deliv ered to your doorstep. (717)367-9753 Alt steel buildings, 21'x24' to 150'x300’. Factory de als. Save Big I Quality con struction. 717-367-2688 Aluminum 30' pieces; painted steel lO'S’ pieces; 16' steel beams; bagged insulation; fir lumber: 2x12x1 T, 2x6xB', 2x4's; treated 6x6x6 posts; 30' roof trusses. 717/442-9173 leave message. ANTIQUE LUMBER; re sawn Oak, heart Pine, kUn drying, custom mill to spec's, flooring. Other building materials avail able. 610-760-9533 Antique building materials, beams, wide pme boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/240-2304 Antique lumber- resawn heart pine, white pine, chestnut, and native yellow pine, wide plank flooring. Timbers and frames avail able. (717)374-7122. Arenas, bams, shops, '97 hold overs. Save I,ooo‘s 24X36, 30X36, 36X72, 54X87, 72X120. Will de liver & erect. Ronald Rishel. 814-349-5587. Ends 2/28 BARN FLOORING; new, kiln dried, T&G Y-pine 2xB's for floors and stalls, also plain 2xB’s 2x6's 2x4's. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717/354-0192. Bam, 50x75', sound struc ture, good condition, un painled, you remove en tirely, best offer. 814-832-2164 Bam w/slate roof, antique 40x66' on U.S. #ll, WV, best offer. 304-229-0394 B grade glass board and fastening accessories. Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, Snyder Co., PA, (717)539-8993. BUYING Boards and Logs. 1* boards, Oak and White Pine. $l-SI.SO bd.ft. Chestnut $2-$2.50 bd.ft. and UP. Buying timbers and logs. Call for quote 717-993-9037 Building for sale. Antique post and beam, bam frame available to rebuild on your property. Other restoration materials. (888)261-4284 CECO... KIRBY... CORLE... Steel buildings and components. Retrofit steel re-roofing. Com merce. Industry, Ag. Supply or supply erect. Standard or custom. Com plete or addition. Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd.. Coatesvills, PA 19320. 610-942-2591 1-800-942-2591 Voice Mail or Fax White Cedar Log Home. Build yourself! Call for log prices. 717/354-3105. Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3' 90*/ft; 3V SI /ft; 4’ $1.20/ft; 5' 51.50/ft; 6’ $1.60/ft; T $l.BO/ft; 8’ $2.00/ft Vinyl coated also available. (717)822-7820 7-Bam or after spm, leave message. Flooring 3/4’ T4G, 3-7’ widths, OAK $2.25/ sq. ft, knotty pine $1.60/ sq. ft. Westminster, MD, (410)875-1321. Flooring, 4-12* wide plank, T&Q, timbers, Cypress de cking, siding, fence boards. See our display ad. 610/565-6038. For Sale: Tobacco shed to be removed, 32x57, good condition. Lancaster Co. 717/733-6333. Gebhart’s Quality con structed pole buildings, garages, horse bams, ad ditions, and commercial buildings. We also do demo, take down old build ings. Call today so we can plan your projects. (717)259-9438 or 1(800)537-1480 Hardwood Maple flooring, $1.50/sq.fL Also old Pine flooring, old doors, etc. Write: Dan Kauffman, RDI, Box 229, Loganton, PA 17747 Metal Roofing; 2% dis count for house roof, plus 10% Maryland. Installation available. 610/593-1140. Old boards & logs. Adams Co. 717/624-2848. Old Post & Rail Fencing, $2 each. 610/431-2119. OUTDOOR FURNACES Classic stoves are a safe efficient answer to your healing needs. Please call for free literature. Installa tion and accessories avail able. Ken Stauffer (717)539-4606. (888)539-4606, (717)539-4703 fax. Overhead doors, (4) 9'xT . (1) 10'x6’, all hardware in cluded. (6) Triple track storm windows. (4) Goo dyear tires, LT235x85R16 low range E. Many other doors & windows. Maple wood ladder. 32’ exten sion. 610-588-5989 PAYING UP TO $2.50/sq.ft. for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pine and oak siding 1* & thicker. 800/765-3966. Paint $4/gallon. Latex, oil & stains. Interior & exterior. 717/944-5389. Peach Bottom slate for sale, sizes Bxl4- 7247 pieces, 7x14- 8345 pieces approx., excellent quality. After 6pm, (717)872-5788. Pole Building: display model, 24x32x10, 1 entry door, 12* eave overhang, (2) 9xB overhead doors, (2) 36x54 screened windows and (1) Bxlo sliding door. Green and while, $4,500 delivered. Conestoga Buildings, 1(800)544-9464. Pro-engineered steel build ings, designed, built, turn key, commercial shops and buddings, horse barns and tractor storage. Rumsey Constrtuction (717)854-8803. Pre-engineered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Gulf States Dealer. We wil build from your plans or will design. WEAVER CONSTRUC TION, East Earl. PA. 717-445-5165. Railroad ties #2 grade, 7*x9’xB‘ long, full load price, $4/ea. Delivery avail able. 717-224-4352 phone/ tax Steel storage trailers, 36' LG $250 to $650 each. Caterpillar road grader 12' blade antique $1,500. (215)886-5000. WANTED FOR SALVAGE old bams, mills, houses and outbuildings. (410)357-5236 WANTED TO BUY: Old at tic flooring and log houses. Lane. Co. 717/626-4520. WANTED TO BUY: Locust Fence Posts, 3’x6". T or O'. Paying $5.75 410-833-9091 WANT; Old bams and mu- shroom houses to disman tle for building material (610)367-8193. Weather and emergency related repairs of bams, houses, garages. Call Woodford Bros., Inc. for straightening, leveling, foundation, repairs. 800/653-2276 www.dreamscape.com/wo odford Well weathered Hemlock bam boards, long lengths, random widths. 717-955-5592 White pine log home. Build yourself, 24x32 logs only $4900. Can tim-bor treat, build. Models open for in spection FRONTIER LOG HOMES 717-532-4882 NATIONAL SALVAGE Free demolition plus cash for the right bams or farmhouse. (330) 922-9844 Reducedfate for 8.000 sq lnsulatep*anels .. . lor Buildings Benjamil pox 67 L PA 17810 8-9634 RDI, Allenw 717- ||k7XTXTIXXXIT.T7.T9| |: WANTED :l Oil h vf« ?! jj Furnace/Furnaces !>i H Hot Air, H 1; 120,000 BTU £| }J to 360,000 BTU Sj |I 1 (800) 638-0296 £1 H Glen Rock, PA jj S<| Os & A Lumber Co. 'I Plywood, some light stains, luwan, 4xB sheets: 3/16* $5. ’/. * $6, V. * $2l ’/. * oak sliced 4xB $9. Vi * Fir CDX 42x90 $7.50, ** $lO, V.* $l2. Call for skid lot prices. 717/354-3105. ACR Metal Roofing Dist Agricultural, Commercial & Residential Metal Roofing a Sidling Low cost, Fast delivery, Free info. Call (610)670-6523 130 Bran Rd, Sinking Spring, PA 19608 Fiberglass WALLBOARD PANEL White & Colors 0908 Grade 4xB 4xlo 45c —48 C Ft. ODD SIZES & COLORS 15C —40 C Ft. Also Full Line Of Roofing & Siding Large Inventory in Stock 1 Call For Low Prices! A.B. MARTIN ROOFING Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 445-6885 Pennyan, NY (315) 536-0944 I wanted:] Old barns, t { i f granaries, ; f outbuildings, \ ►I FOR PAY, FOR '} j SALAVAGE, OR j f TO BUY $. \ { i f We recycle { history, 23 year \ \ experience. } Terms neg. I? INSURED and !( i REFERENCES, '} f A (Will travel anywhere) J .j (301) \ 724-4333 \ The Old Mule \
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