D6-Lincaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998 Tough Potato Pests Face Newer ; Tougher Insecticides WOOSTER, Ohio Potato growers need new strategies for the entire complex of pests that attack potato crops, and they may find these at the Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress, February 4-6 in Toledo. Ohio State University's Casey Hoy, who works at the Wooster campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, will be speaking at this year's Congress. His ' session "New Options and Shifting Strategies for Potato Pest Control" will address a primary concern of the potato industry. They need stronger, more innovative strategies to conquer potato pests. "New insecticides are soon going to enter the marketplace," Hoy said. "They tend to be safer than older insecticides for both farmers and the environment." Hoy said many of these new chemicals can be used together with biological and cultural con- HC*rH *l% U«J CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 10,000 lb. skid loader trailer, $lOOO. 717-442-9552 1966 Barber Green, PFIIS, 10’ finish paver, IH gas powered motor, rubber tires, runs good, $1950. (610)489-4744 1976 955 L loader. 55#85J08937, U/C 75%. very nice machine, MUST SEE! $22,000. 717-252-4328 1982 JD 410 backhoe loader, cab, VG condition, VG tiros. $1 1,750. (301)371-5500. 1983 Case 580 SE back hoe, flood tires, has plumb ing for braker, $13,500 (717)274-3305. 1986 JO 350-D dozer, 980 hrs., $15,000. 1981 Case 450-B dozer $15,000.1986 JOB 1400-B backhoe E R O P S - $11,200. 9 ton low profile trailer, $1,500. 1984 Volvo Nl2 tandem dump,. $22,500 (732)657-8830. 1988 Corley 20-ton tag-a long, good condition, 1-ton roller, 10‘ snow-plow. (610)767-2217 1969 Western Star tandem dump truck, 46,000 mi., 300 hp CAT, 61,520 GVW, 10 spd, stereo, air gale, $47,500. (610)404-0665 RUY SEILTRADE Oft ftFNT THROUGH THE PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon.. Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM 1994 Bobcat 709 backhoe with 12",16",24” buckets. $5OOO. 1996 Allied 8700 C tamper, $4OOO. 717-522-0364 after 6pm 1994 Bobcat 7438 skid steer loader, VG condition, $9,250. (301)371-5500. 1995 10,000 lb. 16’ trailer w/ramps, $l5OO. 717-442-9552 350 KW generator set, 1994,1400 hrs., Onan gen w/Cummins motor, $35,000 neg. 717/544-3825. 36* Stow cememt trawler, Honda motor, excellent condition w/original blades, $9OO. (610)593-6265. 86 Case 18358 Uniloader, GP bucket, good tires, many new parts, excellent engine, new hyd. pump chains & sprockets, 3500 hours, original, $5BOO. 410/893-2405, AH is Chalmers HDS, craw ,ler loader. 2CYI Detroit, runs, operates, good, $3OOO. 814-376-5568 American wood hog, 125 HP electric motor, CAT generator for grinding bark, scab wood, etc. $6,000.00 for all 060(717)367-0338 Ford loader frame w/all mounting attachments, hyd. sweeper, PTO pump included, fits 1710, 1910 Ford tractor, $l2OO. 609-894-2849 JCB 214 Site Master 4x4, Extra dig, QT bucket & forks, 2200 hrs, very dean. Jay Weaver, 717/336-7375 No Sunday calls. trols more effectively than older insecticides. A systemic insecticide called imidacloprid (Admire), is put in the soil at planting. The insecti cide controls aphids all year, as well as the first generation of Colorado potato beetle. Hoy said it's a very effective insecticide, and it's relatively safe. It has lit tle effect on beneficial insects that my be residing in potato fields. The problem with imidaclo prid—and other insecticides used at planting—is that farm ers can't determine whether it is really necessary. Sometimes these insecticides aren't used because no visible problems exist at planting. They arise later—and then it's too late for the farmer to use these solu tions. Imidacloprid insecticides have been used extensively for three years now, and Hoy said farmers must be concerned about the beetles developing resistance. Other pests like the Austin Western diesel road grader w/cab and heater, 4WD, clean. $5,500. (717)764-1829. Bridgewood moulder, 1992, model 8W462M, 4 sided, 4 spindle, heavy cast iron construction, ex cellent condition, $B,OOO. Call (301)791-7880. Case 5860 forklift, 60001 b. 21' lift, runs nice, available rubber belting steel wheels or rubber lire elevator, hyd cylinder operated, 27'8* travel, 10X13 platform B’X6'Xl6' sharing wagon with tarp. Pa (717)656-8529 Crawler loader, CAT 9418, good oond. $ll,OOO. For more information call (717)632-0043 DS3A Komatsu crawler loader, 16 ton machine, good condition, $20,000. Union Co. 717-922-1135 No Sunday calls. DISTMANTLING FOR PARTS; Case 580 K, 4WO w/extendahoe, 18' hoe tires available. Many good parts available. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 Equipment: Dauphin Co., PA. AD-1974 Tree Farmer Log Skidder Model# CSD w/353 Detroit Motor, 18-4-26 tires, completely gone over machine. 1977 John Deere 310 2WH Backhoe, 3 cyl, good tires. Call (717)469-2518 ask for Keilh. FOR SALE: Fuel 500 gal lon lank, heavy duly, above ground. Pump, rear bum per for F 250 truck, 16" wa gon tires. 717-273-6018 Ford engine, 444 T, rebuid able, $6OO firm. 609-894-2849 potato leafhopper and European corn borer are not controlled completely by imidacloprid— they require additional sprays. As new insecticides and bio logical and cultural practices make their way into the indus try, farmers must determine the best methods for use. When, where and what effects these solutions have on the pests and the environment must be taken into consideration. "In the end, it's up to the growers to decide how to use these new materials," Hoy said. "We'll use our time at Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress to share what we know about these new insecticides." Hoy also hopes to discuss, as a group, economically and envi ronmentally beneficial ways for potato growers to use new insec ticides as they become available. Finding the best methods for pest control-methods that pro tect the pocketbook and the environment—is the key to suc cess for Ohio's potato growers and others in the fruit and veg etable industry. For more information or to register for the Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress and Roadside Marketing Conference, contact the Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association at (614) 249-2424. Forklift Wholesalers 2000 to 92000 Lb. Lifts Avail able. 70 in Stock. Sale- Rental-Finance w / Warranty. Chalk Equip ment (410)686-6800. For Sale: Hough 100 straight frame loader w/250 Cummins power, soft cab, 3 'A yd. bucket. Runs and operates, needs some work. $4,500. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 1975 CAT highlift 977 L, series #11K7366, ROPS, u/c 70%, tracks and pads 80%, engine perfect, new head, new injectors, new blower, new final drive, rebuilt radiator. $21,500 Clark Crider (717) 263-2026 1950 CMC With 8 Ton P&H Crane, 50’ Boom, Gas UP & Down Call Jim Seibert 717-367-4830 For Sale; Case 580 CK, rough terrain forklift, gas powered, power shuttle trans., has block forks, runs, operates but needs LH side gear repaired, $4,500. BALANOA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 Hobart 250 amp Mic wel der 3 phase, good condi tion, grinder, buffer, vise, Ihp air compressor, Un coln 225 amp welder. $2,200 for all. (609)267-6071. - RENT FOR LESS - STONEY CREEK JfeRENTALSfIi Kutztown, Pa. 19530 NOW RENTING: CRAWLER LOADER CRAWLER DOZER FULL-SIZE BACKHOE HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR - DAILY, WEEKLY, OR MONTHLY RENTALS - 610-653-9553 } DITCHWITCH WALK-BEHIND TRENCHER^ I $1,250 ! Heavy 'Equipment Loader Parts, Inc. <i *5 10070 Allentown Blvd , Grantville, PA 17028 f (717)469-0039 (800)446-0505 j kT* t. V Jr’ Ditch Witch Ditcher, Nice Shape $2,400 717/529-2512 No Sunday Calls CMAfiAQA&ABASNMSA&I 11991 NH 785 New Rubber, New Paint, Auxilary, Winterized, Cab w/Heat. $13,500 | 717/529-2512 g No Sunday Calls jßujUaiai?uauiiauiiquiuiuiuiuiiq4ai^u|iqqiauiiauiuiuiiauiuiiaiauiiaqu|t!|mirjin CATERPILLAR 416 WHEEL LOADER BACKHOE, 2X2, EROPS $16,000 Heavy Equipment Loader Parts, Inc. 10070 Allentown Blvd , Grantville, PA 17028 (717) 469-0039 (800) 446-0505
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