M-Uncastar, Faming, Saturday, February 21, 1998 HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.) Pennsylvania’s 1997 tomato growing champions were honored on Tuesday, Jan. 27 during the To mato Awards Luncheon at the 1998 Pennsylvania Vegetable Conference and Trade Show at the Hershcy Lodge and Convention Center, The State Champion Tomato Growers’ Club annually recog nizes growers who produce out standing yields of tomatoes for processing. It is sponsored by The Pennsylvania State University Hunt Named Limousin Supporter ENGLEWOOD, Colo. For hard work and dedication to serv ing the commercial cattle produc er, Charlie Hunt of Oxford, Neb. has been named the Erst recipient of the Limousin Seedstock Sup porter of the Year Award pre sented by the North American Limousin Foundation’s (NALF) Commercial Marketing Program. “Charlie Hunt has demon strated a remarkable commitment to the beef industry, to his com mercial customers, and to the Li mousin breed,” said Troy Mar shall, NALF director of commer cial programs. “He is a man of integrity that embodies everything this award was intended to be.” A family business, Charlie and Nancy, along with son Daniel, run about 300 Limousin cows and ac tively market Limousin genetics regionally and internationally. In addition to selling cattle into Latin America, Hunt hosts foreign dele gations at the ranch and has con ducted seminars in Mexico through the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. A leader in service to the breed and the industry. Hunt has served on the NALF board of directors Introducing the new and improved F-Series Bobcaf 753 Skid-Steer Loader NEW-' 43 5 HP Kubota diesel engine for improved performance! NEW! Larger tilt cylinder, more rollback power for improved digging and loading capability! NEW! Faster travel speed (6 6 mph) for quick cycle times! NEW! More hydraulic flow (14 3gpm) for faster cycle times, better attachment performance 1 NEW! Higher Rated Operating Capacity (1,350 lbs) for more lifting, carrying ability' NEW/ Strong one-piece tailgate design resists damage' See One Of These Local Dealers Today! Quarryville, PA GRUMELLI’s FARM SERV. 717-786-7318 Lebanon, PA EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO. 717-866-2585 1-800-441-4450 Mifflinburg, PA BS & B REPAIR 717-966-3756 • •«»•«««•* ♦ •««*«** **«««** ft* ftft« 4 Cooperative Extension Service and Furman Foods, Northumber land. Top growers in the different classes receive an engraved plaque for their high tomato pro duction and record-keeping prac tices during the ‘Tomato Day” session of the Vegetable Growers Conference. The aims of the Champion To mato Growers’ Club are to stimu late interest in growing tomatoes for processing in the state, to en courage growers to adopt prac tices which will enable them to ef and was a founding member of the Heartland Limousin Association. He also served as an original com Charlie Hunt of Oxford, Neb., right, was honored as Li mousin’s Seedstock Supporter of the Year. Troy Marshall of the North American Limousin Foundation made the an nouncement and presented Hunt with a custom belt buckle. Top Performance. Top Value. Harrisburg, PA HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT 717-564-3031 Lititz, PA 717-625-2800 Bethlehem, PA 610-868-1481 Muncy, PA BEST LINE LEASING, INC. 717-546-8422 INC. 800-321-2378 814-793-2194 Tomato Growers Honored Reading, PA CSI ENTERPRISES INC. 610-926-4400 Martinsburg, PA BURCHFIELDS, fectively produce the best yields of high quality tomatoes, to pro mote a closer feeling of coopera tion between tomato growers and the processors, and to give recog nition annually to those growers producing outstanding yields. Following is a list crif growers honored. Pennsylvania’s 1997 Tomato Growing Champions MACHINE HARVEST CtaM 1 (over N acraa): 1. Cliff Charts, LancMlcr 08.0 A - 42.2 YA; 2. Furman Farm, Northumberland 90.3 A - 26.8 YA. Cleee 2 (40-59 aorta): 1. Clyde Kreidar, mittee member for the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic and on the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Board. Chambersburg, PA CLUGSTON AG & TURF INC 717-263-4103 to? bobcat' Lancaster 40.0 A ■ 32.0 YA; 2. Eart Laka. Pennsylvania Fumaoa 53,3 A - 25.0 YA; 3. Richard Novak. Lancaster 50.0 A - 25.5 YA; Camanr'a Farms, Inc., Jaraay Shore 51.5A -24.6YA. Ctaaa 3 (2540 aerat): 1. Nalaon Gindsr 32.0 A • 30.5 YA; 2. Frad Kiatlar, Bloomsburg 25.0 A - 27.0 YA; 3. Barry Hellar, Liodan 25.0 A - 24.0 YA; 4. Hawbakar Brother*, Waynes boro 30.0 A - 22.0 YA; 5. Daniel Weaver, Lswisburg 25.0 A - 21.4 YA; 6. J. Parke ' m BrUUanmm If Fuel Economy and Soil Conservation Are Concerns Of Yours, Buy Brillion T COMPACTION COMMANDERS 1 NO-TILL RIPPER/DEEP RIPPER - 3-5-7 Shanks Bnllion introduces their new JtJL pan and compactionas deep as 20" The standard V-shaped alloy point &jl ill H V<Fl and wear strip leaves residue on 111 J J the surface with minimal soil i if disturbance. Auto-rest shanks with 20" of trip height allows for non-stop tillage. Parabolic shanks lift and fracture the soil. 39" of underframe clearance assures trouble free operation even in heavy residue I BRILLION COMMANDER SYSTEM j Versatile tillage tools such as Billion’s Soil Commander allows the use of Chisel Shanks or Deep-npper Shanks to break up soil compaction Front disk gangs and optional rear leveling disks cut residue, breaks clods, level the field and prepare the field to absorb moisture from melting snow and to reduce soil erosion Brifßon’s Field Commander combined with a Brillion Pulverizer excels at creating the perfect seedbed for spnng planting C-Shanks or S-Tme Shanks leave a uniform mixture of soil and surface residue for the most effecient chemical incorporation The X-Fold Pulverizer (shown below) breaks up clods, firms the soil without compacting, eliminates air pockets in the soil and levels the soil for optimal seed placement For less time in the field and better yields, go Bnlllion For More Information Contact Your Brillion Dealer LOYSVILLE Gutshall's, Inc. AD AMSTOWN Adamstown Equip. Inc. ALLENTOWN Lehigh Ag Equipment BECHTELSVILLE Miller Equip. Co. CARLISLE Gutshalls Inc CENTRE HALL Dunkle & Grieb, Inc. CRESSON & BELLWOOD Hines Equipment, Inc DOVER George N. Gross, Inc. EASTON Geo. V. Seiple ELIZABETHTOWN Messick Farm Equipment Co. INTERCOURSE C.B. Hoober & Son GREENCASTLE Meyers Implement GREENSBURG J&M Machinery Co. LEBANON Umberger’s Of Fontana Lft ftft ftft ft ftftft ft* ftftft ftft ftftftftft ftft ftftftfttmftJftftftAftftftftJLftftftJl MMMi Sttltzftj*, Lewitbwg 28.0 A - 21.1 VA. CUM 4 (15-24 KIM): 1. Hidden Acrw Farm, Manhaim 16.0 A - 37.7 YA; 2. Stepp* Brother* Fvm, WMamiport 22.5 A - 30.1 YA; 3. Leroy Zimmerman, Mariana IS.O A ■ 27.1 YA; 4. Thoma* L. Dunlap Farm, Jersey Shore 20.0 A - 26.3 YA. HAND HARVEST CUaa 2 (6-14 acfM): 1. Steve and Elm Groff, Hdtwood 92 A - 25.5 YA. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS *r»a* Cloch level Piefd Prevent Erosion : • *■ : i ‘ '**!*«! L . ■■ -ovV. OAKLAND MILLS Peoples Sales & Service OLEY Pikeville Equipment, Inc. QUARRYVILLE Grumelli Farm Service TAMAQUA Charles Snyder, Inc. WATSONTOWN Deerfield AG & Turf Center, Inc. | MARYLAND RISING SUN Ag Industrial Equipment | NEW JERSEY BRIDGETON Leslie Fogg ELMER Pole Tavern Equip. Sales Corp | VIRGINIA HARRISONBURG Rockingham New Holland, Inc.
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