Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FEBRUARY 13, 1998 14 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 5106 Compared with 4865 head last week and 4577 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary slaughter steers 75 to 150 lower, instances 300 lower, si heifers I 00 to 200 lower, si cows 75 to 1 50 higher, bulls steady to 2 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice & Prime 63 50-67 75, Choice 59 GO -64 75, Select and Low Choice 57 25- 63 00, Select 54 00-60 00, Standard 45 00-55 00 HOLSTEINS few High Choice & Prime 56 00-60 25, Choice 52 00-57 00, Se lect 47 00 53 00, few Standard 38 00- 49 00 HEIFERS Choice 58 00-63 50, few to 64 50, Select 53 00-60 75, Standard 40 00-54 00 COWS Breaking Utility & Commercial 36 00-43 75, Cutter & Boning Utility 30 00-43 50 mostly 3150-4100, Can ner and Low Cutter 26 00-36 00, few to 24 00 Shells down to 16 00 BULLS Yield Grade No 1 1000/2400 lbs 43 00-56 00, No 2 900/2000 lbs 39 00-45 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame No I 5 lbs 60 00- 80 00, few to 90 00, 600/97S lbs 64 00 64 00, Medium & Large Frame No 2 400/860 lbs 46 00-60 60, few Large Frame No 2 276/62,6 Holsleins 60 00-64 00, HEIFERS Medium & Large Frame No I 400/700 lbs 68 00 76 00, Medium & Large Frame No 2 400/776 lbs 46 00-60 00, BULLS few Medium & Large Frame No I 400/660 lbs 70 00-86 00, Medium & Large Frame Frame No 2 460/860 lbs 40 00 68 00 CALVES 4479 Compared with 4276 bead last week and 2978 head a year ago VEALERS steady to weak few Choice 140/460 lbs 70 00 89 00, Good 140/426 lbs 64 00-70 00, Standard and Low Good 70/110 lbs 18 00-48 00, Utility 60/100 lbs 10 00-26 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bull calves L ancaster !f ==^===f== s - Poured Walls • Agriculture _ • Commercial • Residential if —— Call for Prices On: • SCS approved Manure Storage Pits • Basements • Retaining Walls • Footers • Floors Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal Lancaster Poured Walls 2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lancaster, PA • (717) 299-3974 Announcing ****** 1998 Area Meeting Series ****** ALL DAIRYMEN ARE INVITED SELECT 1 SIRES This year. Two Great series of meetings Select Sires Sire Analyst Mr. Charlie Will from Plain City, Ohio, or VA/NC Select Sires Dairy Coordinator and SMS Evaluator Mr. Scott Johnson or Mr. John Forster DATE TIME MAR 2 10:30 AM TROY. PA MAR 3 10:30 AM BEDFORD, PA MAR 3 7 00 PM OAKLAND, MD MAR 4 NOON VIRGIIJVILLE, PA MARS NOON CLIFFORD,PA MAR 9 7 15 PM MYERSTOWN, PA Country Fare Rest MAR 10 10'30AM LEWISTOWN, PA Moss’s Steakhouse MAR 10 7 00 PM NEW HOLLAND, PA Yoders Steakhouse MAR 11 10.30 AM EAST EARL. PA Shady Maple Rest MAR 11 7:00 PM QUARRYVILLE, PA Robert Fulton Inn MAR 12 10:30 AM CHAMBERSBURG, PA Moss’s Steakhouse MAR 12 7:30 PM FREDERICK.MD Dan-Dee Country Rest For additional details or for reservations, contact your nearest Select Sires representative or call 1-540-483-5123 VA/NC SELECT SIRES, INC., PO Box 370, Rocky Mount, VA 24151 steady to 10 00 lower, Holstein heifers steady to 10 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90/130 lbs 8000-12500, 80/95 lbs 50 00-100 00, No 2 80/125 lbs 45 00-85 00, few to 25 00, No 1 Hol stein heifers 85/125 lbs 70 00-137 00, No 2 75/125 lbs 50 00-80 00, few to 30 00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/130 lbs 45 00-10000, few to 34 00 HOGS 2664 Compared with 2702 head last week and 3324 head a year ago Bar rows and gilts uneven, mostly steady to I 00 lower, sows uneven, mostly steady to 2 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 220/265 lbs 37 00-48 00 few to 39 85, US 1-3 210/270 lbs 35 50-37 50, LS 2-3 220/300 lbs 34 00-36 00, few LS 1-3 150/215 lbs 30 00-35 00 SOWS US 1-3 300/500 lbs 22 00-27 00, few to 3150, 500/700 lbs 24 00-T1 00 BOARS 15 00-1700 FEEDER PIGS 174 Compared with 417 head last week and 294 head a year ago Feeder pigs US I-3 20/40 lbs 12 00- 27 00, 35/60 lbs 29 00-45 00 - per head SHEEP 1219 Compared with 840 head last week and 991 head a year ago Slaughter lambs weak to 1 5 00 lower SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 60/90 lbs 9000-12000, 80/120 lbs 75 00- 102 00, few to 60 00, few Good and Choice 60/100 lbs SO 00-89 00 NEW CROP LAMBS Choice 40/70 lbs 110 00-200 00 mostly 117 00-1 SO 00, few 70/90 lbs 115 00-185 00, few 90/115 lbs 100 00-115 00 SLAUG H TER SHEEP 24 00 55 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 900 Compared with 825 head last week and 789 head a year ago Feeder pigs steady to 10 00 higher US 1-2 2S/40 lbs 60 00-85 00, 40/50 lbs 70 00- 90 00, 50/60 lbs 60 00-70 00, 60/70 lbs 55 00-82 00, few 70/90 lbs 45 00- 60 00, Slaughter 20/55 lbs 85 00 120 00 per hundredweight ♦ Good Food (No Charge) ♦ Free Semen Drawings ♦ New Dairy Sire Information featuring TOWN LOCATION Edgewood Rest Moss’s Steakhouse Pleasant Valley Com. Ctr Virginville Grange Hall Mountain View Rest LEESPORT LIVESTOCK AUC TION LEESPORT, PA February 18, 1998 CATTLE 458 [PDA] [Supply included 136 slaughter steers and heifers, 158 si cows and 151 feeder cattle] Compared with last Wednesday's sale si steers mostly 1 50 to 200 higher, si cows ac live, 200 to T 00, spots 400 higher, si heifers steady to 100 higher, si bulls I OO to T 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 1120/1515 lbs 62 00-6.5 25, Select 55 00-6100, Standard 50 00-54 25 HOLSTEINS STEERS High Choice and Prime 1350/1575 lbs 57 25-60 50, Choice ITSO/1625 lbs 54 50-58 00, few to 52 00, Select 48 00-5 T 00, few Standard 43 75-45 50 HEIFERS Choice 1020/1355 lbs 59 50-64 25, Select 55 00-58 75, few Standard 42 00-45 75 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 39 75-44 25, few to 46 75, Cutter and Boning Utility 36 75-41 50, din ner and Low Cutter 32 00-37 75, few to 38 75 Shells down to 21 00 BULLS Yield Grade No I 1335/1925 lbs 48 00-5150, one 53 50, No 2 1125/1580 lbs 43 00-47 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Large Frame No I 575/450 lbs 77 00-79 00, ‘SOO/77‘> lbs 67 SO 71 00, few 1000/1050 lbs 56 50-57 50, Medium Frame No I 450/700 lbs 65 00-69 00, few Medium Frame No 2 4TO/850 lbs 55 00 56 00, Large Frame No 2 500/825 lbs 54 00-65 00, one lot 49 00, HEIFERS Large Frame No 1 570/800 lbs 65 00-68 00, one lot 71 00, Large Frame No 2 550/825 lbs 48 00-49 00, one lot 59 00. Medium Frame No I & 2 525/650 lbs 60 00- 66 00, few Medium Frame No 2 550/825 lbs 44 00-59 00, BULLS Me dium Frame No 2 450/525 lbs 45 00- 50 00, Large Frame No 2 Hoi steins 450/525 lbs 45 00-50 00 525 lbs @ 75 00, few Good 110/195 lbs 40 GO -67 50. Standard and Good 80/135 lbs j 24 00-55 00, Utility 65/90 lbs I 5 00- 20 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES Good and Forney Longenecker Vice Prestdent/Fmancial Consultant Commodities Only Smith Barney 717-295-8914 - 800-441-1997 A Ufamhorof SMITH BARNEY INC A Member of TraveUrsGroupT 2g Eas , K|ng street Suite 200 Lancaster, PA 17602-2852 Machinery Sales PWR imTITT TYcIII IDCT M-F 7to 5 Sat. 7to 11:30 053 fecEx Kl 1 PARTS PERT. HOURS: V^ A fiOAG TTW / Monday-Frlday 7AMto 5 PM [■hv ol|Uva lllVi Saturday 7 AM to Noon AM m 133 Rothsville Station Rd. • Lititz, Pa 17543 After Hour? Emergencies 717 COR d7n*; Call (717) 626-0885 7i7-D2d-4700 (717)626-5159 WE SHIP PARTS DAILY I Sun •AIR FREIGHT- B&H DELIVERY SERVICE CASE lk CASE ik David Brown HUSKZ ("BETTER-BILT”) (aionosenQ KINZE CORN PLANTERS & This Is Our Fax No. 717-626-0996 If You Have A Fax No., Let Us Know, We Can Communicate With You B SEE US FOR KINZE PLANTER PARTS SPECIALS NOW THRU FEB. 28 •* *■ m- ** *.« **a»-A<*m«* **«*>«* * « Choice 400/650 lbs 48 00-65 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady No I Holstein bulls 95/125 lbs 97 50-120 00, few to 125 00, No 2 90/120 lbs 50 00-75 00, few to 40 00, one No I Holstein heifer 95 lbs @I 10 00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 65/100 lbs 70 00-100 00, few to 30 00 HOGS 87 Barrows and gilts 100 to 200 lower, sows uneven, 50 lower to 50 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-3 225/275 lbs 34 00-36 00, US 2-3 220/300 lbs 3150 33 00, one lot 30 00, one lot US 1-3 205 lbs @ 30 00 SOWS US 1-3 330/685 lbs 24 00- 28 50, few Medium 330/500 lbs 16 00- 22 00 BOARS few 225/640 lbs 15 GO -22 00 FEEDER PIGS 103 US 1-3 25/30 lbs 62 50-65 00, 35/55 lbs 55 00-60 00 per cwt SHEEP 9 SLAUGHTER LAMBS few Choice 90/115 lbs 95 00-100 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 24 00-46 00 GOATS I One Medium @ 74 00 per head BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK AUC TION BELLEVILLE, PA February 18, 1998 CATTLE 221 [PDA] si cows steady to strong (Supply included 145 tows and heifers in Dairy sale] HEIFERS few Select 46 75-51 00, tew Standard 59 75-45 25 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 57 00-45 75, few low dressing 55 00-37 50, Cutter and Boning Utility 32 00-40 00, Canner and Low Cutter 24 00-34 00 Shells down to 19 50 BULLS one Yield Grade No 1 1070 lbs @ 46 50, couple Yield Grade No 2 1540 & 1540 lbs 57 50 & 40 00 FEEDER CATTLE HEIFERS couple Medium Frame No 2 500 & 650 lbs 54 50 & 58 50, BULLS one Medium Frame No 2 650 lbs @ 55 50 CALVES 59 VEALERS Utility 65/80 lbs 10 00-22 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls mostly steady No I Holstein bulls 95/120 lbs 80 00-105 00, with a few down to 70 00, No 2 90/125 lbs 40 00-75 00, . UPS « FedEx - TRUCK FREIGHT LB^»T trailfr * £PA,r parts IWOOPS] OMMn •( HM««r> ClTmll MOWEBat BLADES. KELDERMAN AIR RIDE few No 2 Holstein heifers 90/100 lbs 55 00-57 50 HOGS 15 BARROWS AND GILTS few US 1-5 240/260 lbs 35 75-57 25 SOWS US 1-5 410/550 lbs 24 00- 28 00, couple @ 50 50 & 51 00 FEEDER PIGS 81 US 1-5 20/55 lbs 11 00-20 00, 40/60 lbs 56 00-46 00 - - per head SHEEP 15 SLAUGHTER LAMBS few Choice 65/160 lbs 75 00-87 00 NEW CROP LAMBS few Choice 20/50 lbs 150 00-172 50 GOATS 27 Couple large 89 00 & 100 00, one Medium @ 60 00, couple Large Nannies 59 00 &70 00, few Me dium 49 00-56 00, few Large Kids 25 00-50 00, Small Kids 5 00-9 00, with a couple @ 50 00 per head HOLSTEIN COWS $6OO 00 $ 1175 00, with one @ $ 1450 00 per head Valley Stockyards AUwat, Pa. February 16, 19M Report Supplied By Auction HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES 90.00- BACK TO FARM CALVES 95-120 LBS. 70.00-115.00. 70-95 LBS. 50.00- SLAUGHTER CALVES 8.00-35.00. GRASSERS AND FEEDERS 38.00- FEEDERS 49.00-77.00. LAMBS 65.00-115.00, NEW 16100-177.50. SHEEP 33.00-47.50. HOGS, 200-250 LBS., 33.00-40.00. SOWS 23.00-24.50. BOARS 17.00-19.00. PIGS. EACH. NONE. HEIFERS 42.00-47.00. STEERS 37.50-49.00. BULLS 33.00-4415. COWS, GOOD 35.75-43.00. COWS, MEDIUM 30.00-36.50. COWS. POOR OR SMALL 10.00-3150. CATTLE MARKET ACTIVE. CALF MARKET STEADY. HORSES AND PONIES, NONE. GOATS 40.00-77.00. GOOD DEMAND FOR FEEDERS. EASTBROOK SEED CO. Barenbrug Group “World’s Finest Ferae* Stad far Hay Crop and Postura” Baralfa 54 Leading Alfalfa in Penn State Trials 800-680-3167 Also carrying a full line of pasture products... PASTURES UNLIMITED P.O. Box 490, Little York, NY 13087 No Matter K|| Where You Are - jSHK You’re Never IJTffIJ Too Far! Your Parts ha Are Just A Phone Call Away! by Athens Disk Hanows fflTlirilffl Coulter I tfliffiafJ Chisels Chisel Plows #5 ' Busy \ ' P As A w Bee? Fax.
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