,ps wmrtti i^ssßoni C3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 199(i i aiHliaßfc . -• | Casa ISl* Umloader Case IH 695 62 HP, MFD/ROPS w/roof, Case IH 8(5 shuttle transmission, Cab, MR) 1450 hours, loader J2J,900 AG TRACTORS MAGNUM 8920, MFD Maxxum 5240 Cab MFD w/Loader Maxxum 5230, ROPS, 2 WD, 600 Hours Case 2294, 130 H.P, Cab Case IH 585, MFD, ROPS, loader Case IH 695, MFD, ROPS, loader Case IH 885, MFD, Cab Case IH 885, Cab, 2WD Case 1394, 65 HP Case IH 1594, Cab, Power Shift, 85 HP Case IH 4210, ROPS, MFD, Loader, 62 hp Yanmar 20 HP Diesel, 2WD, w/5’ Rototiller INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CASE 580 E Loader Backhoe, 2WD, POPS, Extendahoe CASE 1845 C Uniloader, Cab. Low Hours CASE 1845 C Uniloader Case 1816 Uniloader Skid Steer Trailer - 5000 lb, s’xlo’ Eager Beaver 5 Ton Trailer, 6’6”xl4', Elec Brakes HAY & FORAGE New Idea 406 Bar Rake, 9'6" w/Caster Wheel Case IH 8520 Retangular Baler w/ Engine NH 315 Baler w/chute NH 30 Forage Blower IH 600 Forage Blower IH 56 Forage Blower Gehl 1580 Forage Blower, 1000 PTC, Real Nice MISCELLANEOUS Gehl 910 Forage Box w/Roof 9' Cultipacker White 6 Row Cultivator BW 10’ Offset Disk Harrow JD 235 Wing Disc 18’ JD 494 A Corn Planter, 4 row IH 19' Disc Harrow, manual fold Gehl 315 Scavenger A. I. HCAR & BrA> Park Ave., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-3521 W t Ship Paris U.P.S. •) 1998 CASE CORPORATION mam Visit us on the Internet at hifp wwvv cosecoip com Case IH is <i registered trademark ul Case Corporation SMITH FARM EQUIPMENT 30 Acker Road Newport, Pa. Perry County 717-567-3562 Famuli A 1H 464 w/Loader IH 674 D w/Loader IH 684 D IH 856 D WFE IH 766 IH 1086 Cab & Air Ford 8N JD B Tractor ]D 272 Finish Mower Wic Bedding Chopper Pequea 710 Tedder Case 1840 Skid Loader NH 455 Skid Loader NH 553 Skid Loader IH 2 MH Corn Picker NI 323 Com Picker NH 851 Round Baler NH 855 Round Baler IH 440 Baler w/Kicker IH 80 Combine IH 715 D Combine NH 680 Manure Spreader Hardi 500 gal. Sprayer IH 315 Cultimulcher PTO Generators Tye 10' Drill Case IH 860 Hay Rake m . . s' Cast IH Maximal 5230 2WD/ROPS, 16 Speed Powersoft, Low Hours w/Warranty GRINDERS & MIXERS NH 352 long unloading auger extension NH 357 w/extension auger, aux drive $2 850 Gehl 120, extra screens, nice LOADERS « SNOW BLOWERS 3pt 6 snowblower (2) Heavy duty JO 3010 utility, 2010 hankhnp NH 30. Round Bale Mover IH 2000 off 574 MF 246 QT loader wide QT bucket nice $3 500 JD 3pt 7', Snowblower, $1,500 IH 3pt 7’, Snowblower, $1,250 3pt B’. Snowblower, $1,650 IH 3pt, 7', Snowblower, $1,650 Farmall C loader 9 extra loader buckets Used 7’ Motor Mount Front End Snow Blower, $750 8’ Front Snow Plow, $450 Ford HD Loader w/Pump & Valves, $1,500 (2) Case Loaders Off 310 & 440 Case Kelly w/Hyd Bucket & Pump, Valves IH Fast Hitch Blades 7' & 8' Tractors w/Loaders Snow Blades for Loader or Front Mounted Sauder Front Mounted Blades TRACTORS JO 3010 gas, w/side mount JD mower Farmall 656 diesel MF 2244 crawler loader w/3 cyl Perkins diesel, 4NI bucket Oliver 770 gas, WF, flat top fenders, new paint $2,850 MM 5 Star, WF JD 530 roll canopy, WF Farmall H Ford 3600 dsl, w/Ford loader $7500 nice IH 574 diesel, row crop, $4,500 IH 966 diesel, fender tractor, $7,250 Farmall 230 w/fast hitch, $1,850 IH 5488 diesel, cab, air duals, 187 hp, $18,500 KEITER’S FAR Halifax, PA 17032 Rt. 225 20 mi. north of Harrisburg Mon.-Frl. 8-5 • Sat. 8-12 PHONE: 717-362-9574 POSITIVELY NO OUT-OF-STATE PERSONAL CHECKS Financing or Lease Available rSensenig’s Machine! (gf 03 Hydraulics and Pneumatic’s • manufacturing of custom hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders • cylinder repairs • wet line installations • machine shop services/small production runs “No Job too small!” Call Earl at 717/BS9-4989 Fax 717/85M422 22 Cocalico Creek Road Ephrata, PA 17522 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone:7l7-263-0705 «feI\EWHOLLAN) Sales-Parts-Service "7 Credit Company KWHOUAW BEST BUYS IN USED FARM EQUIPMENT Ford 7740,4WD, Cab & Air, nh 469 Haybme I 16x16 Trans w/Loader, NH 489 Haybme PnrHTTin ™/n ~ , (2)NH 499 Haybmes Ford 7740,2WD, cab & air, *./, Ann .. ’ ~ .. 16x16 trans NH 499 Mower Conditioner Ford 6610, new paint Gehl 2240 Swln 9 Ton 9 ue Ford 5000 w/DP Mower Conditioner Ford 5000 w/730 Loader NH 28 Blower Ford 5000,8 spd , New Paint NH 27 Blower Ford 5640,2WD, cab & air, JD 660 Hay Rake w/Dolly 12x12 trans. Whig! Ford 4610 w/Loader, 1,500 NH 411 Discbme/540 PTO Hrs NH 411 Discbme/1000 PTO Ford 4000 SU, New Paint nh 1411 Discbme !l ord G ® s NH DlOOO Baler, 2x3 Bales c° f H u NH 570 Baler w/72 Thrower IH 826,' New fires Pa ' n ' 1977 Chev V C7 ° Tow Truck. Case 1690 Good Cond JD 750, 4WD w/Mower JD 1030 w/Cab, Low Hrs JD 1530, Fresh Engine, Canopy MF 275 Cub Low Boy w/Mower, New Paint SPRING CLEARANCE SALE OF QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT March 6, 1998 Located: 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:00-5:00 Mon. Thru Fri. . 8:00-12:00 Saturday SHSHrSSEJ IH 4166 4WD, 2400 hrs , original w/10' IH dozer blade & tire chains, Nice, $17,500 MM UB l llftnavF PS, 1928 AC Green 2035 on factory steel Farmall 300 utility, PS, 3pt, clean IH 1466 red cab diesel MF 1085 diesel w/cab, Mf 246 loader clean unit JO 630 NF roll guard, roof, $5500 IH 706 diesel WF, $5,500 IH 856 diesel. 18x38 rubber, 3pt, nice JD high crop, WF sprayer w/dual belly tanks, $3,850 IH 1206 diesel, 20 38 rubber S cab AC Dl4 WF w/loader, $2,350 Oliver 880 Gas, High/Low, PS, 3Pt, Extra Sharp. $4,500 JD D, oßtlfilrv steel IH 400 oasTPS. $2.000 Case SC vta»H»l Hitch, $l,OOO JO 620 NF, $3,500 IH 300 forklift Ford 6000 diesel WF, $2250 Oliver 77 Gas, $l5OO HAYBINES IH 225 self-propelled w/cab, 10' (2) IH 1190, 9’ MF 725 7' bad roll, real nice Case IH 1570 Hydraswing AC 9' discbme, $3,250 Hesston 1180 Discbme, $1.500 NH 499 Hydro, Swing, 12' NH 404 Hay Crusher Gehl 440,9' MC Rotary Scythe MF flail Mower JD 1209,9' SPREADERS (2) Martin lift side throw choice $l,OOO IH 595 tandem, needs work, $1,500 NH 329 for horse farmer NH lank spreaders (3) Nl PTO spreaders MISC Low Boy Trailer, new floor, good tires NH L 553, 220 Hrs NH L 455 NH L 775 Bobcat 642 JD 6758 MOWERS/ROTARY MOWERS Finish Mowers, Sickle Bar Mowers, Stalk Cutters, Batwing Mowers All different sizes WAGONS {gj Bate rack 9 New S,oltzlus (3) New Gravity bin [bale rack wagons (3) Used Gravity Richardson side dump DRILLS & PLANTERS IH 620 Drill w/press wheels & grass seed, $3,500 excel IH 400 AIR. 4R AC 333 AIR, 4R AC 600 4R nice BALERS A RAKES Nl round baler NH 276 w/thrower NH 256 raEaßifSO NH 276 w/thrower, $2,250 Late Hesston 5540 round baler DISCS-HARROWS-PACKERS « CULTIVATORS MF 4R cultivator IH 4R cultivator 271 White, 20' rock flex off-set, $6500 nice IH 315 12'roller harrow. $2500 IH 475 hyd wing, 18', sharp, $5500 IH 480 hyd wing, 20' nice, $3,800 IH 475 hyd wing, 18' nice, $4,200 White 271 rock flex, 20' offset, nice, $5,500 JD 220 hydraulic wing, 20' offset JD 360,14' offset JDRWApIow disc, 12’ Kawanee 18' field cul, hyd wings PLOWS & CHISEL PLOWS MF 3b 3pt 2 & 3 bottom 3pt plows White 4x16 trip IH 6x16 trip IH 5x16 trip JD 3x16 3pt trip IH 6x16 toggle trip, hill side hitch (2) IH 720, 5b 20 ,6b, 18" IH 450,3 b. 16", 3pt spring reset (5) JD 450,4 b, sb. 16" L 18" MACHINERY WE DO NOT SHIP Case 1H 8420 Round Baler Like new UM Round About Bale Wrapper Like New (215) 536-8674 CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WEEK MON., MARCH 2 thru SAT., MARCH 7 refreshments each day 15% disc, on PARTS 10% disc, on OILS, LUBES and TIRES Special Discounts on Equipment CASH & CARRY NEW TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT Case-1845C Uni-Loader Case-IH 4210 2WD& POPS Case-IH 2250 Loader Case-IH 600 Blower Case IH 955 6R Planter USED TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT MF 2200 D tractor w/ldr. (industrial) IH F-SC w/2pt, 50 hrs, overhaul, 2B plow Case 1845 C Uniloader New Engine, Tires & Pump Case 1840 Uni-loader IH 7105F16”Ploww/Cyl . . . NH 30 Forage Blower GehIBU 910 Forage Wagon Kubota B-6100, hydro, 2WD, w/mwr Most all combines we have houuht in the List years are lonunq out of Western Canada and West & Northwest USA Diy county nno clean iiunhmes IVo ha ve most any sue pram heads <? com heads to qo with the combine i-.r have advertised CWE awggfi*' “ Late 1993 JD 9600 w/all the toys 1865 hrs 1-owner, real clean 1985 JD 7720 Titan II w/new 30 5x32 tires, 4300 hrs, clean $21,000 AC N 6 rotary, 2100 hrs, 20' flex, 6R 30" corn available JD 45 round back 10 head, nice IH 915 hydro diesel, sharp Late JD 4400 diesel. 2600 hrs, black seal, clean Late NH TRBS hydro Cat diesel, 2700 hrs IH 1660 hydro diesel specialty rotor, reverse feeder, 3200 hrs, sharp IH 1460 Rotary, new tires, 3600 hrs. nice $19500 1981 JD 6620 hydro diesel, 2800 hrs $17,500 AC K gas w/hill side blower JD 4400 diesel. $2,600 in new parts, real clean AC M 3 hydro diesel w/hill side blower AC 315 flex 8 choice of com heads sharp 1981 JD 4420 diesel, 2071 hrs, super sharp JD 3330 gas. 3200 hrs JO 3300 gas Late AC F2D diesel, roll up auger, super sharp Late IH 915 hydro diesel sharp White 8600 diesel Nl 706, Perkins diesel, 2650 hrs w/770 combine, will separate Nl 801 hydro diesel, 4x4, wdh super chopper 3R. 30" or 38’S pickup 2700 hrs Late NH TRBS hydro, new Cat diesel, $13,000 JO 4420 diesel, sharp 2,400 hrs JO 3300 gas rotary screen, 2,100 hrs AC M 2, hydro diesel w/hillside blower AC G gas w/heads NH 975 gas, cab w/12' gram MF 550 diesel, nice AC M 2 hydro diesel Nl 717, clean Nl 717 combine Nl 717 Uni combine, harvester 200 acres, like new Ml 702 gas w/767 harvester, 3 R head & pickup Nl 702 diesel w/767 harvester 3R corn & pickup Nl 705 diesel w/838 husker CORN HEADS & GRAIN HEADS 200 To Choose From 2,3,4,6 Row Com Heads. All Size Grain heads, Flex & Rigid CAS Case-IH 1260 Grinder Mixer Case-iH 8420 Round Baler Case-IH 8309 Disc Mow/con Case-IH 8340 Mower Conditioner .$6,000 NH 520 Spreader w/Gate. .. Ford 9N (1941) .$2,850 ACC Tractor (1941) Gehl MXI2O, Grinder Mixer. $15,000 jd BOH Forage Blower. . $13,500 NH 27 Forage Blower . . .$1,350 nh 675 Spreader IH 35 Hay Rake .. . $1,600 $4,250 MF 540 gray cab, REAL CLEAN Nl 708 Perkins dsl hydro w/737 busker, 1800 hrs, 1 owner, nice JD 6620 hydro dsl, sharp Nl 702 diesel w/combme JD 55 square back w/cab, 12’ flex, 3R 30" corn, 2R 38" JD 42 pull type w/1 O' head Late JO 7700 hydro dsl w/heads JD 4400 Diesel w/Heads AC K W/10' gram, 3R, 30" corn Late IH 1440 Rotary Combine MF 510 diesel w/heads IH 315 Hydro, Gas, 10' Gram (2) IH 93 w/10' NH TR7O Cat Diesel, Hydro CORN PICKERS Nl 325, 2R 30" 8 roll bed. $3,250 Nl 324 w/12 roll bed, 2R, 38" Grey Nl 839 husker w/feeder housing, Nl 838 husker w/feeder housing Nl 323 JD 300,3 R Nl 325 2R.30" COMBINES JD 5820 Nl 801 JD 7700 FLAIL CHOPPERS & HARVESTERS JD 5200 diesel hydro, 4WD, 3R, 30” corn & pickup head, gone over, new paint, $22,500 IH #8 flail chopper CONIINES FOR SALVAGE IH 1410,1400 rainy, >15,115, 715,115.315,205,203, 503,403,303, IS. 01,141,105,101,, JO 7720,7700,0020, 0000,4420,4400,3300,116, 06,55, 45.40 MF: 560,700,750,510,410,300,205,35,12. >2. 72, N, 00, 70, 60,27.26, AC OltiMr, AC NS. F, F 2,1. M, M 2, K. G, E, C, C 2, A, 00.06. ONnr 7000,545,535, 525,430,40,35,33 Nl: Uni. 002, TOO, 710 CmiOlm, Nl 717, Kokin: 70S, 702, 701, CimUm Slnllin A Hirudin. Cm: 1100, 000, 700, COO, COO NH' 1400, 976, 905, INTO. NH TIM 6, MM: 5207,3406, MM Uni, Whltl 0)0), WMI 0600, WMM 9700, Fill! Om. 7300, Many 7500, Mm IpniOin I Muffin A) 7720, MUM, ftmnkdio, Tim, Cm A Grain Imds, Grain tom, 1004 JO 0020 Sill Hill w/Hnvy Muring Aill JO W2I CMfftr Fer Parts, MM. MM IP Hamster. HHIMI IP, Parts Far WI4M. 14M Peter** A Nl 717 Cwrtine. Nl IU w/HamstCf, JO MIS HI His , JO MW A H2O SIM Hills New Campbell Tire Chains Most Sizes Available DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: Balers Mowers Combines Pickers Cultivators Planters Discs Plows Drills Spreader $1,650 $1,850 $1,250 $2,850 $4OO .. $750 $1,450 $1,150 4 WHEEL DRIVE UNITS TRACTORS FOR SALVAGE GOOD RUNNING MOTORS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers