C22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998 i—i | Forklifts I I New and reconditioned In For Sale or Rent Heavy duty fork VQ ■ ■ extentions Call For Prices Don't trade or throw out that old engine. Have it overhauled for a fraction of the cost of new l All work is guaranteed For Sale 8000# Yale 18' Lift, Side Shifter 6000# Clark Pneumatic Tires 3000# TCM Cushion Tire Masts for back of tractors SAM’S MECHANICAL SERVICE O GUNTHER HEUSSMAN INC. 4801 S. STH ST., EMMAUS, PA 18049 610-965-5203 \>e^ & JD 4255 Cab, Air, 15 Speed Power Shift, 20x38 Radials, MFD, 20001-Owner Mrs., Excel. Cond. 1997 JD 6400 Cab, Air, MFD, Power Quad, w/Reverser, 18x38 Radials, w/640 Self-leveling Loader, Like New JO 6200 4x4 Power Quad, Open Station, 1180 Hrs., 18x38 Rubber, Excel. Cond. 1982 JD 4440, Cab, Air, Power Shift, 4000 Mrs., Good Cond. 1980 JD 4440, Cab, Air Quad Range, Excel. Cond. JD 4240 Cab, Air, Quad, 18x38 Rubber, Good Cond. JD 2955 Cab, Air, Hi-Lo, 2 Wheel, 3200 Hrs., Excel. Cond. , JD 2355,4x4, hi-10, 1000 Hrs., Excel. Cond. JD 3020 Diesel, Power Shift, WF, 16x38 Rubber, Dual Hyds., Very Nice JD 2520 Diesel, WF, 15x38 Tires, Good Cond. JD 4010 Diesel, Tricycle 16x38 Tires, 1-Owner, 4500 Hrs., Good Cond. Case IH 5240, Cab, Air, Power Shift, w/Reverser, MFD, 1700 Hrs., Excel. Cond. 1980 IH 1486 Cab, Air, 3700 hrs., Excel. Cond. 1980 IH 1486 Cab, EEQ3OO hrs., Excel. Cond. IH 1486 Red Power, Cab, Air, 5400 Hrs., Triple Hydraulics, 20x38 Rubber, Good Cond. 1981 IH 1086 Cab, Air, Duals, 4000 1-Owner Hrs., Good Cond. IH 1066 Year-A-Round Cab, Good Condition IH Farmall M Tricycle, Good Cond. MF 2705 Cab, Air, 24 Speed, PowEEH3ft, 26001-owner LOADER TRA 1995 JD 6200 Cab, Air, Power Quad, 4x4 w/640 Loader, 1900 Hrs., Excel. Cond. JD 2555 Diesel w/Reverser & Loader, Excel. Cond. JD 2640 Hi-Low Indept. PTO w/146 Loader, Good Cond. JD 2440 Tiger Stripe, Hi Lo, w/146 Loader, Excel. Cond. NH L 555 Delux Skid Loader, 460 Hrs., Like New PLOWS IH 720,6x18 Spring Reset Onland Hitch IH 720,5x18 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch IH 720,4x18 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch IH 710,4x18 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch IH 710,5x18 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch IH 700,4x16 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch JD4420 Combine, Cab, Air. JD 3010 Diesel WF, Poor Engine. SAM STOLTZFUS 39 Colonial Rd., Gordonville, PA For Service Calls 717-768-7492 WE ARE CASH BUYERS FOR CLEAN, LATE MODEL FARM E ITYTI le Buildii TORI Trade In Specials Gehllo6o it chopper, tandem, \ hyd. tongue, p electric controls, A metal stop, 2RN \ corn and 7’ f pickup head, p field ready /;■ $9,000 \ NH 489 haybine, r field ready, new p paint $3,000 P 717/530-0406J Used NH Hay & Forage Parts Dismantling the following equipment; Balers, 567, 315, 283,66, 68, 268, 269, 270, 276, 310, 320, Thrower 54, 70, 75 Haybines, 469, 479, 489, 411 Discbine, 1495 463 Disc Mower Forage, 1895 harvester, 770, 880 Harvester, heads, 880R2, 717N2, 890 A, 890 W, 822, #8 Crop Carrier We Purchase NH Hay & Forage Eq. For Salvage!! AG Industrial Inc. 1-800-442-5043 Ask for Terry or Larry in Service 7200 4R Conservation, Frame Mounted Coulters, Dry Fed, Insecticide, Monitor, Excel. Cond. 7200 4R Conservation, Frame Mounted Coulters, Dry Fed., Insecticide, Monitor, No Markers, Good Cond. 7200 4R Dry Fed., Insecticide, Monitor, Unit Mounted No-Till Coulters, Excel. Cond. 7000 6R Dry Fed., Insecticide, Monitor, Minimum till Coulters, Good Cond. 7000 6R Dry Fed., Unit Mounted Coulters, Insecticide, Monitor, Good Cond. 7000 4R Conservation, Dry Fed., Insecticide, Monitor, Very Nice 7000 4RN Minimum E&B3>ulters, Dry Fed. Monitor 7000 4RW Dry Fed., Insecticide, Monitor JD 244 2RW JD 343 3RN JD 344 3RW JO 443 4RN JD 443 4RN Oil Bath JD 444 Oil Bath JD 643 6RN, Hi Tin JO 643 6RN Oil Bath JO 343 3RN Snapper Head JD 243 2RN Snapper Head JD 244,2RW, Snapper Head, Like New TILLAGE Miller 12' 3-Bar Offset Disc, 24" Blades, Excel. Cond. Krause 900 18' Hyd. Fold Wing Disc JD BWF 18' Wing Fold, Rock Flex Disc, Excel. Cond. Glenco 9 Shank Stretch Frame Soil Saver, Good Cond. Glenco 7 Shank Soil Saver _____ Brillion 16' Transport CultipacESsS3- w Style) Rock Master S' Heavy Duty Rock Picker, Like New JD 265 Self-Leveling Loader, To Fit 2940 Thru 3155 Cab To Fit JD 2040 Thru 2155 JD 300 Husker w/2RW or Narrow Head, Good Cond. Nl 324 2RW w/12 Roll Husking Bed, Late Model, Excel Cond. Gehl 125 Mixer w/12" Roller Mill attachment digital scales, hyd. drive, Like New 18x38,18x34,20x34, Duals JD 725 4R Front Mounted Cultivator JD 350 3 Pt. Sickle Bar Mower, Very Nice McGee Double Auger Snow Blower IH 2350 Quick Attafcwaader. Good Cond. Grapple Fork Loader Attachment JD 158 Loader w/96” Bucket $7,850 $3,850 IMF 3525 Tractor 4WD w/Cab. 105 HP | MF 1080 diesel engine new paint | IMF 290 good rubber diesel, very nice 2300 hrs B MF 275 w/roll bar and new paint I MF 165 gas clean tractor w/or without loader ■ IMF 150 w/ new paint & rubber, overhauled ■ MF 135 diesel tractor I MF 65 gas I MF 50 gas nice running tractor I. ■ MF 35 diesel, completely overhauled new paint new rubber I IMF 35 diesel tractor ■) Ferguson 40 gas. nice running new paint ■' MF 236 quick tach loader to fit MF 184x4. like new " I EQUIPMENT I I New Lorentz snow blower 6 1/2* Saudcr snow blade. 7 New 7 3 pt scraper blades INH 489 haybinc Glcnco field cultivators lOV2 ft and 13 Cultipackers 10 12 14 and different sizes I Used Brillion cultipacker and cultimulcher parts I MF 880 4 bottom, auto reset plow 12 & 3 bottom 3 pt plows New gates & hay feeders i 1 MF Tractor parts Dismantling 20, 30, 35. 40. 50, 65. 85, 90. 135, 150, 165 175 178 180, 205x4 265 270 283 285 383 399 4WD 1080, 1085 1100, 1130, 1105 1135 1150 1155 2745 2775 2805 3090 3680 MH 22. 30 44 INOLT’S EQUIPMENT ■ 403 Centerville Rd Newville PA 17241 |i off 81 exit 11,2 miles N on 233 _ I (717)776-6242 No Sunday Calls | Out-Of-State Personal Checks We Ship UP^J >RN HEAP! AC 438 Black, 4RW AC 430,4 RN, Black Fll AC K 330, 3RN AC 330, 3RN Black IH 863 6RN IH 943 4RN MF 1143 4RN LLANEOUS LODI HAY EQUIPMENT NH 1037 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Capacity, Good Cond. NH 1033 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Capacity, Tandem Axle, Good Cond. NH 1034 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale, Single Bale Unload & Retrieve, Good Cond. Ford NH 316 Baler w/Hyd. 70 Thrower, Excel. Cond. Kuhn 171/2’ 4-Star Tedder, Good Cond. NH 855 Round Baler, Good Cond. NH 848 Round Baler w/Bale Command, Very Nice Ford NH 492,9’ Haybine, Very Nice Ford NH 488,9' Haybine, Cut 60 Acres JD 670 Hay Rake, Good Cond. NH 320 Baler w/70 Thrower, Hyd. Tension, Good Cond. JD 430 Round Baler w/Crowder Wheels & Bale Comand, Good Cond. JD 330 Round Baler, Excel. Cond. Ford NH 474, T Haybine, Good Cond. JD 1360 Disc Mower Conditioner, Excel. Cond. JD #4O Bale Ejector, Excel. Cond. NH 847 Round Baler, Auto Wrap, Good Cond. JD 7’ Pickup Head w/Gauge Wheel, Like New Ford NH 162 4-Star Tedder, Excel. Cond. NH 254 2 Star 3Pt. Rake Tedder 1994 JD 9500,858 Separator Hrs., 30x32 Rubber, Excel. Cond. 1992 JD 9500,1060 Separator Hrs., 30x32 Rubber, Excel. Cond. 1982 IH 1420 Hydro, 2200 Hrs., 23x26 Rubber, Very Nice 1990 JD 9400 30x32 Tires, Chopper, 1050 1-Owner Hrs., Excellent Condition 1988 JD 6620 Titan 11, 2000 Hrs., Heavy Rear Axle, Chopper, 28Lx26 Rubber, Excel. Cond. 1984 JD 6620 Hydro, 2800 Hrs., Heavy Axle, Dial-A-Matic, 28Lx26 Tires, Chopper, Very Nice 1980 JD 6620 Hydro, 2000 Hrs., Dial-a-Matic, 28x26 Tires, Chopper, Good Cond. 1980 JO 4420 Diesel, Cab, AHA Spreader, 1800 Single Owner Hrs., Excel. Cond. 1979 JD 4400 Diesel, Cab, Air, Chopper, 2200 Hrs., AHA Excel. Cond. Deutz Allis Gleaner Fill, Cab, Air, Hydro, 23x26 Rubber, Hill Side Air Flow Attachment, 2200 Hrs., w/Deutz Allis 315 Flex Head, Very Nice JD 213 & 215 Ridgid Heads MF 1859 13’ Flex Head, Excel. Cond. JD 213 & 215 Flex Heads lENT Exit * 17 I 78 *■_ * ' ' To ,T° . . New Harrisburg | 29 South Jersey |EMMAUS| ■ 29 South Chestnut Street! r II S. 6th Street Broad St. | *| |S. sth Street * * . Gunther iHeussman. Inc 55 Gal. Drum J **™o Delivered Free SAE 30 $194.50 SO Mi. Radius T [f c ‘ or ~ From York, PA VSS' Hydraulic $199.50 i S.«* . \ Hydraulic (No drum deposits) 01 , $159.60 , | , I p Bulk Oil available '—— pall for pricing! ,^s^- (717) 246-9741 • 800-755-OILS (6457) Call Early Morning Or Late Evenings 'UIPMENT (Displayed Inside Building) V*
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