C2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday. February 21, 19S STOLTZFUS TRACTOR SERVICE Rebuilding engines, transmissions, PTO’s, tune-ups. 1715 Beaver Valley Pike, Strasburg, PA 17579 717-756-0256 Amos Stoltzfus “15 Years Experience” P Excellent Ford Tractors { f TW-25, cab, air, tnple remotes, 20 Bx3B, weights, 4,200 hrs ft TW-20, w/canopy, triple remotes, DP, 4,200 hrs. \ TW-5 11, 4WD, canopy, 20 Bx3B, 1,900 hrs Y 8000, cab, turbo, 30.8x38, DP, 4,000 hrs. k 8210, cab, air, 4WD, 18.4x38, weights, 4,100 hrs. \ 7700, cab, air, DP, 16.9Rx38, 5,800 hrs r 7610 11, cab, air, 1990 model, 2,600 hrs p 7610, DP, dual remotes, 16.9x38, 2,600 hrs. ft 7600, DP, dual remotes, 18.4x34, weights, 4,100 hrs K 7000, DP, 1 remote, 16.9x38, 1975 model f 6610 11, cab & air, DP, dual remote, creeper, 2,800 hrs k 6610 11, rollbar, DP, 18 4x34, 1,800 hrs. \ 6610, rollbar, DP, dual remotes, 16.9x30, 3,400 hrs. f 6610, DP, 18.4x34, 1985 model, 1,600 hrs p 5600, dual remotes, 16 9x34, weights, 3,100 hrs ft 5000, diesel, DP, dual remotes, QQJJf), 5,400 hrs \ 4630, 4WD, shuttle w/Ford Idr, 1,000 hrs p 4610 11, 4WD, rollbar w/Ford loader, 500 hrs k 4610 SU, diesel, 14.9x28, 3,200 hrs \ 4600, diesel, 8 spd, w/Ford QT Idr, 3,200 hrs Y 4000 SU, diesel, 14.9x28,2,300 hrs p 4000 SU, diesel, 14 9x28, 3,800 hrs ft 335, diesel, 8 spd, LPTO, 1 remote w/ldr, 2,800 hrs. Y 3910, diesel. 14 9x28 w/Ford QT Idr, 1,400 hrs f 3610, diesel, Bx 4, dual remotes w/Ford Mr, 1,900 hrs. ft 3000, gas, 8 spd, PS, 1973,2,300 hrs \ 3000, gas, 8 spd, PS, 1975, 5,000 hrs r 1520, 4WD, gear shift w/Ford Mr., 700 hrs p NH 555, skid loader, 2,700 hrs., local, one owner trade ft JD 2750, hi-low, 18.4x30,1985, 2,100 hrs Y IH 674, gas, 8 spd, 16.9x30, 2,800 hrs pIH 460, gas, TA, narrow front, 4,900 hrs * Equipment jy Case IH 600 blower S FNH 492 haybine f Ford 151 plow, 4xlB btms, auto reset C Sauder T snow blade f 18 4x38 Ford Axle Duals Weights to fit most Ford tractors Ford Loaders I 7410 QT fits 2910 4WD thru 5030 4WD r 777 D fits 6700 thru 7710 2WD £ Dunham fits 2000 QQQIO SU 6 All Tractors Tested On Our Farms. K Tractors Stored inside If -Please Call For Appointment- Burkholder Bros. Lebanon, PA 17042 (2 miles West of Schaefferstown) 2 Locations 717-272-2352 717-949-2123 Lloyd Leon 330 Crest Rd. 400 Flintville Rd. 831 S. College St. (P.O. Box 409) Myerstown, PA, 17067 RENTALS AVAILABLE HOURS: Mon-Fri* 7:30-5:00 Saturday • 7:30-Noon CRAWLER DOZERS JD 450 D-1984-6 Way Komatsu 031 A-17,1986 R.0.P.5., 6 Way CaseSSOC, 6 Way-1983 CAT D7F-1974R0PS ST/Tilt Komatsu D-31 P-20 6 Way-1993 CAT D6D-1977-ROPS JD6SOG, 1988 6 Way CRAWLER LOADERS JD 555 1980 w/9300 Hoe (will separate) Fiat FLS, 1988, 800 hours '■ BAdCHOES Ford 4500 Tractor loader-Cab-1972... 1978 Ford 515 Tractor Loader w/Cab Case 580 SE, HOPS, ext. Hoe-1983- Case 580 SE, ROPS, ext. Hoe-1984... JD 410 B-CAB-1984-STD JD 5108-1984-ROPS-Std JCBI4OOB Standard-1989-Cab Case 580 K 1989-Cab-Ext JD 710 C 1989-Cab-Std.-As Is 1988 J.C.B 14008 4x4, Ext. Hoe, Cab JD 7108 1987-4x4-Cab-Std., 4NI Ford 575 D, 1993 4x4, E-Hoe-Cab-Air. Case 680 L 4x4-1990-Cab-Std JD 710C-1989-Cab-Std JD 710 C, 1990, Cab, Air, Standard.... Chipmore, 6”, gas.. Asplundh, 16”, gas. ' '■* • > «»v»m i > • i « « • « » » »• w» v . » » » n i %«J. CHIRPERS AEWHOLLAAD FORD TRACTORS New 66405 L 76 HP, 2WD, 24x24, shuttle, dual power trans 1 Only Used 1720 w/Loader (2) Used 8N w/Loader Used 9N NEW HOLLAND New LX465 Skid Steer Loader New 256 Rakes Used 770 Harvester Used 310 Baler w/Thrower Used 469 Haybine Used 489 Haybine OTHER EQUIPMENT New Kuhn Tedder New Bnllion 11 ’ Packer Used Ford 142 48x16” Auto Reset Plow Used IH 250 A Backhoe Used JD 500 C Backhoe Sweigard Bros. Inc. 3882 Peters Mtn. Rd. Halifax, PA 17032 717-896-3414 Since 1937 IS White 1 AOOOI * CCA BUSH HOC USED EQUIPMENT White 2-155 Tractor Gleaner 6R 30 Hugger Head Ford 2110 4WD Tractor w/Loader NH 258 Rake Bush Hog 2615 IS’ Rotary Cutter Oliver 1855 White 2-105 White 8800 Combine MF 4X Semi Mount Plow Ml 362 Manure Spreader (2) Grove Forage Box Gehl Forage Box Nl 5112 Mower Conditioner Hesston 1090 Wmdrower Hesston 1160 14’ Wmdrower Nl 484 Round Baler NH 315 Baler w/Thrower Gehl 1200 Forage Harvester Fox 2200 Forage Harvester Bnllion 10’ Cultimulcher Bullion 10' Seeder Miller Pro Forage Boxes in Stock Demco3oogal Trailer Spreader Westfield 6x51 Auger STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Box 46 Klingerstown, PA 717-648-2088 WE ALSO STOCK NEW VICON OP MYERSTOWIM HJp Construction Equipment & Parts EXCAVATORS Cat E7OB, 1984,3500 Hours Cat Ell 08, 4,700 Hrs, 1989 Cat EI2OB, 3,600 Hrs, 1990 Cat 1108 Cab/Air, 2,250 Hrs., 1989 Hitachi EX120,1990, 3600 Hrs Cat 307,1994, 2600 Hrs Komatsu PC-150-5 5,600 Hrs., 1991, Thumb... Cat 320,1992, 3500 Hours, Air Cat E2OOB, 1988, 4150 Hrs $24,500 $24,500 $26,500 $35,000 .$39,500 $42,500 $43,500 .$23,500 $25,500 JD 6758, 1988.. JD 6758, 1993.. NH LX665-1994 ...$4,950 $12,500 $17,800 $18,500 $18,500 $18,500 .$19,500 $21,500 Dresser 510, Cab, 1979 Fiat FR10,1983, cab Cat 1T18,1985, cab Cat ITIBF, 1993, Cab Cat IT 148, 1993, cab, low Hrs JD 544 G 4 in 1 Bucket, Cab, 1994. ....$23,500 ....$24,500 ON RENT ■ fiotyms 1 Ton Asphalt Roller Elec. Start Gallon 3-5 Ton, tow package Gallon 9PC, 1970, Rubber Tired Mauldin 302-3,1985, Dsl., Vibratory. Bombag BWI2OAD, 1986, 48", Articulated Ingersol Rand DD24,1991 Tampo RP2BD, 84” Padsfoot, DD ....$34,500 ON RENT ....$35,500 ....$36,500 $3,000 .$5,000 • JD 4420 combine w/213 and 443 heads * • Ford F6OO cattle grain truck • JD 7000 corn planter • JD 8300 double disc grain drill • NH 355 feed grinder w/scale • (3) 18' hay wagons w/8 ton running gear • Int. 6 Row cultivator (6IO) 746-1824 „ Model # 2045 w/5 ft. belly mower & ROPS 532 w/2445 Bush Hog loader 6345 New models w/synchromesh transmission Freight & Dealer Prep not included in 9KJD LOADERS i ■ IW*s»ißw3lW»F»39nßß^'* 'Hlf Belarus trices above. ....$28,500 536,500 ....$39,500 ....$39,500 ....$44,500 ....$47,500 ....$57,500 ....$74,500 ON RENT ...$10,500 ....$12,500 ...$15,500 $22,500 ....$24,500 ON RENT 553,500 ....$56,500 569,500 ’ x t *.t** ~ ...$1,900 ...$3,000 ...$4,500 ~.$7,500 $10,500 $19,500 $21,500 JD 4RN Silage Head $B,OOO Miller Pro 4100 Silage Wagon Dion Silage Wagon IH 5100 21x7 Drill w/Unverferth Harrow Ml 802 Uni Tractor Cab and Air 4WD... Nl 839 Husking Bed Ml 744 4RN Snapper Head Adapter to Put JD Heads on 839 Husker $5OO CALL 610/926-5869 FOR MORE INFO HE 22 HP 55 HP 65 HP Hi [Belarus 717-866-2130 Nights: (717) 272-9583 or (717) 866-6030 .iaeiS&tiUSiaSr'MS* a x’hEDe l . (2) Huber Malntainers 1956/1959... Huber Dl5OO, Cab, Scarifier, 1972 1997 5 Ton Tag-a-Long, 6.5x14 1997 5 Ton Tag-a-Long, 6.5x16 1997 5 Ton Tag-a-Long, 6.5x18 1996 6t2 Ton Tag-a-Long, Bxl9 1997 10 Ton Tag-a-Long w/eiectric , 199710 Ton Tag-a-Long w/air brakes.. 1997 20 Ton Trailer, Air, F.E.T. Paid (3) 15 Ton Tag-A-Long (1) (2) White Tow Motor, LP Gas Marklift M 25 Scissor Lift, 1985 Casa 586 E, 1989,4x4,14, ROPS 1995 J.C.B 505-19 w/Forks & Bucket. «ISCa4ANEOU»y Cinder-Salt-Sand Spreader Schramm 160 Air Compressor (3) Root Rakes Advance Retriever 6600 G Sweeper... Ripper For Case SSOD, Excellent Tennant 925 E Sweeper, 1983, LPG.... Vermeer 265 Stump Grinder, diesel... Puckett Bros. T 650 1984 Puckett Bros. T 6508, 1988, paver..... Ford FBOO Dump Truck, Diesel, 1988 Puckett Bros. T 6508 1990.... Puckett Bros. T 6508 1990 ... Euclid R 22 End Dump, 1967 #o* °f*i° SALE PRICE $10,250 $17,995 $18,950 Drive 4WD 4WD 4WD ...$4,500 ..$1,900 ...$5,000 $12,500 ..$4,000 ...$l ,BOO $4,500 Each 58,500 51,595 52,095 52,195 53,500 56,900 57,900 512,800 $3,900 $4,500 ..$2,000 ~.$6,750 $25,500 .$38,500 sl,ooo 52,000 ,$2,000-$2,750 53,500 54,500 55,900 58,500 58,500 514,500 514,500 515,500 516,500 522,500
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