A6-Lancastar Finning, Saturday, February 14, 1998 Pa. Grain February 9, 1991 Report fupplled by PDA COMPARED TO LAST MONDAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CENTR AL PENNSYLVANIA: CORN STEADY TO MOSTLY .05 LOWER. WHEAT STEADY TO .05 SPOTS .10 LOWER. BARLEY MOSTLY STEADY. OATS STEADY TO STRONG, SOYBEANS STEADY TO .10 HIGHER. EAR CORN STEADY TO WEAK. PRICES PAID DELIVERED TO DELIVERS DOCK: ALL PRICES PER BUSHEL. EXCEPT EAR CORN PER TON. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 3.00-3.17, AVERAGE 3.10, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.83-3.10, WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.25-3.45, AVERAGE 3.40, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 3.32-3.54; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.30-2.70, AVERAGE 2.51, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST. FEW REPORTED 1.95; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.60-1.80, FEW RE PORTED 2.00, AVERAGE 1.73; SOY BEANS RANGE 6.75-7.01, AVERAGE 6.89, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 6.58-6.67; FEW REPORTED GRAIN SORGHUM, RANGE 2.95, AVERAGE 2.95; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN RANGE 71.00-110.00, MOSTLY 80.00-94.00, AVERAGE 89.89. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.95-3.10, FEW REPORTED 3.26, AVERAGE 3.07; WHEAT NO. 2 3.00-3.20, FEW REPORT ED 3.40, AVERAGE 3.13; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.00-2.60, AVERAGE 2.24; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1 JO-1.75, FEW RE PORTED 2.40, AVERAGE 1.77; SOY BEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.46-6.80, AVER AGE 6.63; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN, RANGE 75.00-90.00, AVERAGE 82.58. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.90-3.17. AVERAGE 3.06; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.19-3.49, AVERAGE 3.28; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.00-2.70, AVERAGE 2.40; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-2.00, AVERAGE 1.76; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.50-7.01, AVERAGE 6.73; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN, RANGE 70.00-94.00, AVERAGE 82.43. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.60-3.05, AVERAGE 2.95; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.00-3.26, AVERAGE 3.14; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.20-2.38, AVERAGE 2.29; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-2.10. FEW REPORTED 2.25, AVERAGE 1.86; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.43-6.60, AVERAGE 6.52. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.95-3.15. Aj Pt (Kp Dlffenbach L Auction Inc. 100 West Jackson Street • New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 Office: (717) 355-7253 • FAX: (717) 355-9547 HAY & GRAIN SALE EVERY MONDAY ■ 10;00 A.M. WED MAR 4 WINROSS, HESS, FARM & TOYS 630 PM FRI MAR 13 TRAC, FARM EQUIP, & SUPPLIES 900 AM TUES MAR 24 QUILT, CRAFT, & BUGGIES 900 AM WED MAR 25 QUILT & CRAFT 900 AM EQUIPPED FOR AN AUCTION AT YOUR PLACE OR OURS ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT.-AU2258-L • Market • Boars *Sows C • Cull Pigs GOOD’S LIVESTOCK. INC. Monday 6:30-11:00 A.M. Friday 6:30-10:00 A.M. Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa (717) 445-5776 » Fax (717) 445-6963 AVERAGE 3.06; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE FEW REPORTED 3.19-3.25. AVERAGE 3.22; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.15-2.65, AVERAGE 2.44; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1,50-2.00, AVERAGE 1.74; SOYBEANS RANGE 6.50-6.75, AVERAGE 6.61; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN RANGE 66.00-85.00. AVERAGE 77.29. LEHIGH VALLEY AREA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.93-3.06, AVERAGE 3.00; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.25-3.49, AVERAGE 3.36; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.35-2.55, AVERAGE 2.44; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.75-1.85, AVERAGE 1.80; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.60-6.80, AVERAGE 6.71; GR. SORGHUM RANGE 5.60, AVERAGE 5.60 PER HUNDREDWEIGHT: AVER AGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN RANGE 71.00-86.00, AVERAGE 76.00. MONTH AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 3.02; WHEAT NO. 2 3.26; BARLEY NO. 3 2.38; OATS NO. 2 1.71; SOYBEANS NO. 16.58; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN 78.65. YEAR AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 3.07; WHEAT NO. 2 4.11; BARLEY NO. 3 3.22; OATS NO. 2 2.27; SOYBEANS NO. 17.24; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN 82.12. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Price* FOB Truck) CORN 2.60-2.78; WHEAT 3.17-3.30; SOYBEAN MEAL: BULK 44% 194.00-195.00. BULK 48% 206.10-209.00. National Grain Market St. Joseph, MO Wed, Feb 11, 1998 USDA-MO Dept Ag Market News DAILY NATIONAL GRAIN SUMMARY Grain and soybean bids declined at the close today, with wheat slightly lower, com and soybean bids sharply lower. Wheat I to 6 cents lower. Com 2 to 6 dents lower. Sorghum 9 to 10 cents lower. Soy beans 9 to 18 cents lower. Wheat bids slid lower in sympathy with lower com and bean bids, despite pretty good export sale announcements. Com and soybean bids fell sharply lower in reaction to USDA‘s drop in the 1997-98 export estimate by 125 million bushels and a significant jump in the Argentine crop estimate. Continued lack of export sales this week was also a pressure factor for com and soybean bids. U.S. Export Sales: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DEL DATE South Korea 11.5 pet Hard Red Winter Wheat 10,300 Apr/May 14.0 pet DN Spring Wheat 11,300 Apr/May Any pro tein Soft While Wheat 17.400 Apr/May 9.5 pet Soft White Wheat 2.500 Apr/May Tai- wan 12.5 pet Hard Red Winter Wheat 10,200 Feb/Mar 143 pet DN Spring Wheat 18,300 Feb/Mar Western White Wheat 5,500 Feb/Mar Totals; Wheat 75300 tonnes. Date Change Year ago Truck Bids; 02/11/98 02/10/98 02/12/97 Wheat: Kan sas City (HRW, ORD) 3.50-3.52 dn 5 4.52 Minneapolis (DNS. 14%) 3.99 3/4 dn 1 1/4 4.16 Portland (SW) 3.58-3.60 dn 6-4 4.10-4.12 St. Louis (SRW) 3.31-3.36 dn 5-4 3.46 Com, US 2 Yellow: Kansas City 2.65 dn 2-4 2.73-2.75 Minneapolis 2.42 1/4 dn 5 1/2 2.54 3/4 Southern lowa 2.63-2.64 dn 4-5 2.68-2.69 Omaha 2.48-2.50 dn 5-6 2.58-2.60 Soybeans, US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 6.72- dn 18 7.59-7.64 Minneapolis 6.52 1/2 dn 9 1/2 7.36 1/4 Southern lowa 6.73- dn 12-11 7.59 Cent IL Proces sors 6.80 1/2-6.91 1/2 dn 12 1/2 7.69 1/4-7.74 1/4 Futures; Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 3.45 1/4 dn 4 1/2 4.20 3/4 Minneapolis (Mar) Wheat 3.74 3/4 dn 1 1/4 3.89 1/4 Chicago (Mar) Wheat 3.32 1/2 dn 5 1/2 3.57 1/4 Chicago (Mar) Com 2.68 1/4 dn 5 1/2 2.73 3/4 Chicago (Mar) Soybeans 6.75 1/2 dn 12 1/2 7.64 1/4 Export Bids: Barge or rail, Pott of New Orleans or North Texas Gulf. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord. Protein: 3.79 1/4-3.81 1/4 dn 4 1/2 4.69 3/4 US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: 3.51 1/2-3.52 1/2 dn 6 1/2 3.84 1/4-3.87 1/4 US 2 Yellow Com: 2.85 1/4-2.86 1/4 dn 4 1/2 3.00 3/4-3.02 3/4 US 2 Yellow Sorghum; Rail 5.06 dn 10 4.91 Barge 5.09-5.11 dn 12-10 5.16 US 1 Yellow Soy beans: 7.07 1/2-7.09 1/2 dn 12 1/2- 8.00 1/4-8.01 1/4 11 1/2 Source: USDA- Missouri Department of Ag Market News, St Joseph. MO Belinda Hedrick 816 238 0678 Hay And Straw Sales Will Start At 10 A.M. Every Wed. WOLGEMUTH’S AUCTION formerly Good’s Auction 11 North Maple Ave. Leola, PA 17540 717-656-2947 717-656-9558 1 NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. THE ACTION AUCTION MONDAY J _ SLAUGHTER HOGS EARLY BIRD HOG SALE 7:30 A.M. Sell Your Hogs At New Holland Sales Stables Inc See them weighed sold and pickup your check 10:00 A M. 9:00 A.M. Sjr SHEEP. GOATS & A CALVES I 7l 1:30 P.M. BEEF SALE ER SALE 11: COW SALE 12:00 NOON We have the usual run of 50 to tOO Heifers all ages Loads of fresh cows and springers from our regular shippers Also some local fresh cows and springers NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster Off Route 23, New Holland, Penna MANAGERS Field Representatives For Beef and Fei Norman & David Kolb- 717-397-5538 Eberly 610 267 6608, 717 738 1865 - ■- Ram Office Manaoer: Homer Eberl V ’ 610-267-3047 ~ a Nevin Martin - 717-354-7186 Ron Ranck - 717-656-9849 "'•'id Representatives For Goats. Sheep & Cab Roger Floyd- 717-354-4341 FAX #717-355-0706 Order Buyer: Paul Good - 215-445-6662 Kirkwood Hay Auction Kirkwood, Pa. Tuesday, February 10, 199* Report Supplied by Auction 95 LOADS CM 3 HAY. MIXED HAY: IST CUTTING 106.00- 2ND 185.00-204.00. TIMOTHY: 121.00-165.00. ALFALFA: IST CUTTING 128.00- 2ND CUTTING 130.00- 3RD CUTTING 140.00- 4TH CUTTING 197.00- CLOVER: 130.00-152.00. GRASS: 82.00-162.00. WHEAT STRAW: 94.00-134.00. BARLEY STRAW: 110.00-116.00. RYE STRAW: 92.00. CORN FODDER: 47.00. SALE DAYS. TUESDAYS. 11 A.M. Middleburg Grain & Hay Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday Feb. 10, 199 S Report Supplied by PDA 110 LOADS OF HAY; 67 LOADS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 60.00-190.00. MIXED HAY: 6150-197.50. ROUND 20.00-33.00. TIMOTHY: 65.00-140.00. CLOVER: 95.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 75.00-117.50. ROUND 25.00. STRAW: 82.50-87.50. EAR CORN: NEW 72.50-107.50, OLD 85.00-107.50. OATS: 1.90-2.20 BU. Livestock Is Our Only Business HORSES MULES WEDNESDAY j Report Supplied by Auction 133 LOADS. ALFALFA: 110.00-230.00. MIXED HAY: 92.00-170.00. TIMOTHY: 64.00-137.00. CLOVER: 147-50. BROMEGRASS; 90.00-162.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 46.00-165.00. STRAW: 84.00-122.00. EAR CORN: 85.00-125.00. CORN FODDER: 22.00. OATS: 2.20-2.50 BU. TIMOTHY SEED: 25.00 BAG. WOOD: 18.00-52.00 LOAD. North Jersey Livestock Hackettstown, NJ Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, February 10, 1998 CALVES .02-1.17V4. COWS .18V4 -.40Y.. EASY COWS .06V1-33K . FEEDERS 300-600 LBS. .26-1.05. HEIFERS .34V.-.70. BULLS .40* -.66. STEERS .2S-.69. HOGS .15-.40. ROASTING PIGS EACH 9.00-22.00. BOARS .21* -.32. SOWS .12-.24. SHEEP .05-.75. LAMBS EACH 10.00-55.00. LAMBS PER LB. .61-1.72, GOATS EACH 37.00-157.00. KIDS EACH 9.00-82.00. HIDES EACH 21.00. TOTAL: 677. u:iL-|LnL»tLiLncn:tL‘iL:|iJu:|iqmLr}L|L:n:|Lni:imi:|LiLii:iLni:iL-u:iL-|L:iL‘n:iLnL:iLauiL>iL|Lii; I WHAT’S AHEAD FOR j I CATTLE & HOG FUTURES 1“ | »We Deal Exclusively in Commodity Futures | & Options | • 25 Years of Trading & Hedging Experience | • We Handle Commercial & Personal I Accounts i For Free Information or For A Personal Consultation, I Please Ca 11... | | (610) 366-7979 or 800-543-8939 | | LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. | m Commerce Plaza, Suite 249, 5000 Tilghman Street, g | ' <• Allentown, Pa 18104 I jjj The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be H E substantial Futures and options trading may not be suitable for i }e everyone You should carefully consider the risks in light of your [ _ financial condition in deciding whether to trade | THURSDAY J Beef Auction BULLS, STEERS, BEEF COWS npi STOCKERS & FEEDERS >Q P.M. ■M. GOATS, SHEEP CALVES JJLJI 10:0 1:30 P FEEDER PIG SALE Pigs. jptb. _ Dairy Barn and Feeder Pig Barn are cleaned and disinfected weekly for your protection Ken Smoker - 610-593-2123 Leinbach’s Hay Shippensburg, PA Feb. 7 and 10
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