Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 14, 1998, Image 5
NE Chicken Parts 1&2 ATLANTA, GA. FEBRUARY 11, 1998 NORTHEAST BROILER/FRYER PARTS - PART I FEDERAL-STATE Truck!ot buying activity was mixfd with most dealers cautious and making purch ases accordingly. Offerings were limited, but more often than not adequate for cur rent trade requirements. Demand through both retail and distributive channels was irregular as competition from other meat items was affecting overall movement The market tone was generally steady. PRICES PAID PER POUND. ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S 155 BREAST - WITH RIBS 78-79 BREAST - LINE RUN 78 LEGS 41-42 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 28-29 DRUMSTICKS 34-35 THIGHS 36-37 WINGS (WHOLE) 73-74 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 12-14 LIV ERS (5 POUND TUBS) 20-25 GIZ ZARDS (HEARTS) 45-50 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS. CON NECTICUT. RHODE ISLAND. AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). * TODAY’S NEGO TIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M. Belleville Poultry Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, February 11, IMS Report lupplied by Auctioe Geeae; 1.00-3.00 ea. Tuikeyt: 9.00 ea. Guineas: 4.00 ea. e ' M %■ CD 717-859-FARM (3276) (/> Aaron L. Fisher 2 Core/2 Category Elam K. Miller 2 Core/2 Category * Embers Inn 2 Core/2 Category * Kreider Farms Rest.... 2 Core/2 Category Stevens SrStoltzfus.. 2 Core/2 Category * Colony Inn Christ H. Esh 2 Core/2 Category All meetings are FREE and open to growers/farmers. All meetings qualify private applicators for Pesticide Update Points. Specific agendas will be set at least two weeks prior to the meeting and will be available by calling our office. Discussion topics will include, but are not limited to; Nutrient Management; Pesticide Options; Field Trail Results; Pesticide Safety; Sustainable Agricultural Programs... Roosters: 4.00-7.25 ea. Bantams: 1.00-3.75 ea. Heavy hens: 3.00-4.00 ea. Silkies: 1.75-3.2 S ea. Muscovy hens: 4.50 ea. Muscovy drakes: 9.00-11.00 ea. Mixed ducks: 1.75-4.73 ea. Bam pigeons: 150-250 ea. White birds: 4.004.00 ea. Fancy birds: none. Peacocks: none. Pheasants; 2.00-3.00 ea. Doves: none. Quail: none. Guinea Pigs: none. Rabbits: under 4 lbs. 1.75-8.00 ea., 4-6 lbs. 4.50-7.00 ea., over 6 lbs. 8.00-1000 ea. For more information phone 717-242-2898. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday at 4:00 pjn. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction Thursday, Feb. 12, 1998 RETURN TO FARM CALF 51.00-80.00. GOOD VEAL: 30.00-50.00. COMMON VEAL: 10.00-29.00. CHOICE STEERS: 61.0063.00. SELECT STEERS: 57.0060.00 COMMON STEERS: 500056.00 COMMERCIAL COWS: 34.00-41.25. CANNERS-CUTTERS: 28.0033.00 SHELLS: 23.00-27.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 42.00-52.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 30.00-61.50. BULLS: 40.00-47.00. HOGS: 38.0040.00. 7:00 PM 2599 Bachmantown Rd., Ronks, PA ...Feb. 17 7:00 PM 867 Goshen Mill Rd, Peach Bottom, PA ....Feb. 20 10:00AM-2PM Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, PA Feb. 23 9:3OAM-1:15 PM1461 Lancaster Rd., Manheim, PA ...Feb. 25 7:00 PM 47 Farmdale Rd„ Christiana, PA ...Feb. 25 11:30 AM Rt. 31 & Gordon St, Harrington, DE ...Feb. 26 7:00 PM Mar. 6 * Reservations Ai ireciated - Meal Count National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA FEBRUARY 11, 1998 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices were unchanged to lower on the East Coast and in the Midwest, and unchanged on the West Coast The market tone ranged steady to weak. Demand cov ered the full range and was mostly mod erate, best where featured. Supplies were adequate to ample, but tight in some Flori da locations. Breaking stock supplies were adequate to ample for the light demand, and prices were unchanged to lower. Light type hen supplies were sufficient for full plant schedules. NY Phil Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. FEBRUARY 06, 1998 EASTERN REGION FROZEN EGGS, FEBRUARY 06, 1998. FEDERAL STATE Prices were lower. The market tone was weak. Demand was very light to fair, most ly light Plants focused on filling previous ly committed orders. Supplies were adequ ate. Liquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) processed under federal inspec tion in the Eastern region for the week 192 Parlett Rd., Annville, PA c*'l* «,► sprA*'. UncMttr fanning, Saturday, February 14. 19M-A5 ending January 31. 1998 were 1% mote than last week, and 4% greater than the same week last year. Raw material offer ings increased and prices dropped dramati cally as breaking plants showed limited interest to purchase additional supplies. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 51-54 51-52 55-62 BLENDS (/) TFEWR 67-82 WHITES 35-39 36-37 40-50 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 80-85 81-82 86-92 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 76-79 77-78 80-89 (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER. GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, February 10, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .40-.90. MIXED FOWL .60. PULLETS 1.10. GEESE BACH 6.75-7.25. BANTAMS .45-1.25 LB., 1.10 EA. ROOSTERS .70-1.50. BUNNIES 1.00-1.80 EA. RABBITS .70-1.75. 19 4 7 LEESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610)926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY 1:00 PM FARMERS MARKET 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM FLEA MARKET 7:00 AM til ?? Serving Eastern Pennsylvania for 50 years Bill Weist & Woody Weist, Managers Pennsylvania Agricultural Commodities Marketing Association, Inc. FORWARD PRICING FEED INGREDIENTS I Corn Soybean Meal Soybeans Distillers Grams Wheat . //\ *;■ Hominy Soybean Meal ;/ / v* Cottonseed Cottonseed 1 jl Cattle / / 1 RISK MANAGEMENT CASH GRAIN MAR OJ/ , j Hedging Services I Feed Grains 7*" / Market Consultation Wheat ' „ -f Min/Max. Contracts Oilseeds «. * Specialized Contracts Cf, A privately held full service commodity merchandising firm. Call today to see how FACMA can broaden your marketing efforts whether you're BUYING or SELLING Agricultural Commodities Rail Facilities are available at Green Castle St Palmyra, FA 475 East High Street, Palmyra. PA 17078 800-PACMA Inc. • 717-838-7050 1-800-722-6246 Started by. Producers for producers PIGEONS 1.50-1.60 EA. GUINEAS BA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE EXTRA LARGE A JUMBO .60-.85, LARGE .50-.76. BROWN EXTRA LARGE A JUMBO .40-.78, LARGE .40-.75. MEDIUM .36-.55. Morrison’s Cove Auction Hay Moit(im , i Cove Report Supplied by Aucßou Feb. 9 ALFALFA: 160.00-242.50. TIMOTHY: 95.00-147.50. MIXED HAY: 77.50-157.50. STRAW: 75.00-97.50. SOYBEAN STUBBLE: 20.00 ROUND BALE. WOOD: 36.00-70.00. SAWDUST: 150.00-300.00 LOAD. SALE DAY MONDAY. 12:30 P.M. Belleville Hay Wednesday, Feb. 11 Belleville, PA Report Supplied by Auction ALFALFA HAY: 110.00-170.00. MIXED HAY: 85.00-157.50. STRAW; 70.00-102J50. 19 9 7