AMancwter Farming, Saturday, February 14. 1998 Lancaster County Livestock Market Auction ♦ ' *. ' i-it V '«< r.v.' i<V w ,V* - , ,V , , LANCASTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION MONDAY FEBRUARY 9, 1998 CATTLE SHEEP GOATS MONDAYS AUCTION 81 169 206 LAST WEEK 187 444 LAST YEAR 212 214 CATTLE Compared to ThOrsday, slaughter steers started the week I 00 tomostly 200 lower Slaughter heifers 1 00-1 50 lower Slaughter cows sold fully steady with weighing conditions mostly full Slaughter bulls were I 00- 200 higher Trade was fairly slow as buyers became more selective, showin gonly moderate demand for steers and heifers Near 61 percent ot offerings was made up of slaughter steers, with 17 percent cows SLAUGHTER STEERS Few High Choice and Prime 2-4 1300-1430 lbs 64 00-66 83 Choice 2-3 1130-1430 lbs 62 25-64 30. few 1450-1600 lbs 38 75-61 83 Selectand low Choice 2-3 1000 1500 lbs 37 23-62 50, few high dressing up to 63 73 HOLSTEINS Choice 2-3 1480 1673 lbs 33 33-37 30 Select and low Choice 2-31285-1700 lbs 49 73-33 23 Select 1-2 1000 1430 lbs 43 00-30 30 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 2-3 1180-1330 lbs 62 23-64 30 Select and low Choice 2-3 930-1330 lbs 34 30- 60 73 Heiferettes Commercial and Standard 2 3900-1230 lbs 44 00-30 73 SLAUGHTER COWS LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRES S ING Brkg Utihty/Commercial 2-3 37 23-43 30 Cutler and Boning Utility 13 32 23-33 73 33 30-40 0039 00 41 30 Canner and low Cutter 1-2 26 00 33 00 32 30-36 75SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield grade 1 1150-2100 lbs 47 73-36 00, individual 39 73,few out standing 1250-1420 lb 63 75-67 25 Yield grade 2 1000 2120 lbs 43 25 48 00 CALVES Vealers and slaughter calves were not well tested HOGS Not well tested SHEEP Compared to last Monday's auction, slaughter lambs sold steady andslaughler ewes were 300 to 3 00 lower SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 2-7 70- 80 lbs 112 00-118 00, 80-100 lbs 9S 00-102 00 125 MS lbs 88 00- 9S 00 NEW CROP LAMBS Choice 2-7 few 70-40 lbs 178 00. 40 SO lbs 120 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good I 7 55 00 S 2 00 GOATS All goats sold by the head Bil Quality Feeder Cattle Specializing In; Fresh Off The Farm Stockers and Feeders Order Buying caii Eugene Martin 717-336-2690 Office 717-336-3676 Home Licensed & Bonded Get more capacity and better service from Chore-Time’s 9\[eiV Next Generation bin ~High Capacity 40‘ root (tall) .cElgr allows more storage and stays cleaner than conventional 30° root (right) u ■*;, • ACCESS PLUS* permit* Call (or pricing on bins sissmblad ind my C lsin out of the bin delivered to your farm from the ground VINTAGE LIVESTOCK TUESDAY FEBRUARY SHEEP GOATS TODAY CALVES hog; LAST TUESDAY 0 0 ,LAST YEAR CATTLE Compared to Monday's sharply lower steer market, prices on slaughtersteers were steady Slaughter heifers were not well tested Slaughter cowssold firm to 50 higher and a light offering ot slaughter bulls sold weak This week's supply included 26 percent slaughter steers and 69 percent cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1250-1425 lbs 6175 67 75 Choice 2-1 1150-1450 lbs 62 00 64 50 Select and low Choice 2-1 1100-1500 lbs 58 00-61 00 HOLSTEINS Select and low Choice 2 3 1180 1430 lbs 48 75-34 73 Select 1-2 1000-1300 lbs 43 23-30 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Not well tested SLAUGHTER COWS LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESS ING Breaking Utility/Comm 2-3 33 23- 38 00 37 23-43 73 Cutler/Bomng Utility 1-3 32 00-3600 33 73 40 00 39 23-43 SO Canner/low Cuttci 1-2 27 00-33 73 32 00-37 73 BULLS Few Yield Grade 1-2 1200-2300 lbs 42 73-50 00 CALVES Compared to last Tuesday, vealers sold 300 to 700 higher Calvesreturmng to the farm sold 10 00-20 00 lower with only moderate to good demand and trade was not as ac tive as recent weeks Supply included 684 headm the graded auction and 83 lies Large 93 00-110 00 Nannies Medium 40 00-48 00, Large 38 00- 63 00 Yearlings Choice 63 00- 80 00 Kids Choice 48 00-62 00 Utility and Good 30 00-40 00 , t * / NydroShield* Wealher, Guird prevent* water from running down hopper AUCTION 10, 1998 CATTLE CALVES 611 821 B&R CATTLE CO RD 1 Marietta, PA 17547 Office Phone (717)653-8164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN (717)653-5728 RON RANCK (717)656-9849 HAY, STRAW, & CORN Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyera-Caah or Certified Check Only Contracts available call for information ■ Turkey ■ Broiler ■ Pullets Call for our free brochure “What is contract production?” Replace your bi with 5-7-9 Watts 5*49 eai 5.79 ea Universal ballai it handles 5,7 or 9 Watts /'"N Light Bulbs o£2 a ( V 25 to 100 Watts OOVEa. Brass Base - 5000 Hrs. izsd B-_l Northeast Agri Systems Inc |f S! (7,7)2702 Fedetalsburg MD IM HB 1-800-673-2580 1-800-735-6361 BW Lancaster Livestock Auction Wednesday’! market report has been discontinued until farther notice became of umubstantial receipt*. percent returned to the farm VEALERS High Good and low Choice 70-110 lbs 24 00-18 00 Few Standard andlow Good 70-85 lbs 15 00-23 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES Few Utility and Good 175-400 lbs 50 00-67 00 RETURNED TO FARM Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 90 00-117 00, 80-90 lbs 80 00-95 00 Small frame calves 90- 125 lbs 50 00-80 00, 65-90 lbs 25 GO -55 00, few 12 00-25 00 Holstein heif ers 90-115 lbs 111 00-117 00 Small frame calves 90-115 lbs 50 00-80 00, 75-90 lbs 25 00-40 00 New Holland Livestock New Holland, Pa. Thursday, Feb. 12, 1998 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 1203 662 148 43 Last Thursday 1045 Last Year 1157 583 626 90 86 CATTLE: COMPARED TO TUES DAY. SLAUGHTER STEERS SOLD STEADY TO FIRM, AS BUYERS WERE LESS SELECTIVE THAN EARLIER IN THE WEEK. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS SOLD STEADY IN A LIGHT TEST. SLAUGHTER COWS WERE STEADY TO 1.00 HIGHER AND SLAUGHTER KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 11:00 Located Rt 472 5 miles south of Quanyville or 6 miles north of Oxford corner of Rt 472 and Noble Road Lloyd H Kreider, Auctioneer AU 000513 L No out of state checks ilbs and save electricity Fluorescent Lights 13 Watts Master Distributor Since! BULLS SOLD STEADY. SUPPLY INCLUDED AROUND 45 PERCENT SLAUGHTER STEERS AND 41 PER CENT COWS. SLAUGHTER STEERS: HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1200-14S0 LBS. 64.00-67.75; HIGH DRESSING INDIVIDUAL 68.75. CHOICE 2-3 1150-1450 LBS. 62.00-64.75; 1450-1600 LBS. 58.00-62.75. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1100-1500 LBS. 57.75-63.00; 1500-1700 LBS. 55.00-60.00. FEW SELECT 2-3 1050-1400 LBS. 54.00-58.75. HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 2-3 1185-1750 LBS. 55.25-60.25. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1300-1785 LBS. 50.00-57.00. SELECT 1-2 1150-1800 LBS. 46.00-52.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: FEW CHOICE 2-4 1 150-1440 LBS. 60.00-62.50. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1000-1450 LBS. 56.25-60.75. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY/ COMMERCIAL 2-3 LOW DRESSING 36.00-37.75, BULKL 37.25-43.25. CUTTER/BONING UTILITY 1-3 LOW DRESSING 33.25-36.50, BULK 36.25- HIGH DRESSING 39.25- CANNER/LOW CUTTER 1-2 LOW DRESSING 27.50-33.75, BULK 32.25- BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 1150-2100 LBS. 46.50-SS.SO. YIELD GRADE 2 1100-2070 LBS. 42.25-48.50. CALVES: COMPARED TO MON DAY’S AUCTION, VEALERS SOLD 5.00 TO 7.00 LOWER IN A LIGHT TEST. AS OVER 90 PERCENT OF THE CALVES SOLD TO BE RETURNED TO THE FARM. PRICES FOR CALVES RETURNING TO THE FARM WERE MOSTLY STEADY WITH MODERATE QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • interest Due when Cattle Are Sold • No Monthly Payments SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 * Contract Feeding Programs ■ Marketing of Finished Cattle ■ Daily Heifers Your Source for Quality Cattle Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers I Inside Pennsylvania: 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 | j Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 | B|BimHLimqßinmqmßaaaßaiquimuiqqßßaaßßaßaaMßqqLißiqqKiaaaaaaHHMßiamuiu|qii|i!iii|iji VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE Selling Feeders Every Tuesday At Approx. 1 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT L ROBERT FRAME, SR , PRESIDENT BUS (717) 442-4181 BUS (717) 768-8204 HOME (610) 458-8518 IRWIN MARTIN, FIELD RER (717) 733-7434 TRUCKING SERVICE KENNETH E HERSHEY, FIELD REP. AVAIL-LOCAL* TO GOOD DEMAND. SLAUGHTER CALVES WERE NOT WELL TESTED. VEALERS: FEW GOOD AND CHOICE 75-100 LBS. 20.00-27.00, SOME TO 31.00. STANDARD AND LOW GOOD 65-80 LBS. 11.00-15.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: NOT WELL TESTED. RETURNED TO FARM: HOLSTEIN BULLS 95-125 LBS. 95.00-125.00; 80-100 LBS. 75.00-100.00. SMALL FRAME CALVES 70-100 LBS. 40.00- FEW 25.00-40.00. HOLS TEIN HEIFERS 90-125 LBS. 90.00- 117.00. SMALL FRAME CALVES 75-100 LBS. 45.00-70.00. SHEEP: COMPARED TO MONDAY'S AUCTION. A LIGHT SUPPLY OF SLAUGHTER LAMBS SOLD MOSTLY STEADY. SLAUGHTER EWES WERE NOT TESTED. SLAUGHTER LAMBS; FEW CHOICE 2-3 100-130 LBS. 85.00-100.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: CHOICE 2-3 35-60 LBS. 150.00-200.00; 60-90 LBS. 115.00- 90-115 LBS. 100.00- Cattle Calves This Week 2574 1665 Last Week 2396 1730 Last Year 2458 1685 CATTLE: COMPARED TO LAST WEEK'S CLOSING PRICES, SLAUGH TER STEERS ENDED THE WEEK 1.50-2.00 LOWER. SHARP EARLY WEEK LOSSES CONTINUED THROUGHOUT THE WEEK. ALTHOUGH DEFINITE PRICE SUP PORT WAS EVIDENT ON THURSDAY. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS FINISHED 1.00-1 JO LOWER ON A LIGHT TEST. SLAUGHTER COWS CLOSED JO-1 JO HIGHER AND SLAUGHTER BULLS SOLD MOSTLY 1.00 HIGHER. SUPPLY C. Howard Scarff, II Home (717) 445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (717) 940-2633 Incorporated SALE CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS •GET CALVES IN EARLV OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. Lancaster County Weekly Lancaster, PA Friday, Feb. 13, 1998 (Turn to Pago A 43) W. Conly Scarff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410) 790-2650 6:00 P.M vis
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