Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection Febnuiy 11, 1998 CATTLE CALVES 116,000 6,000 WEDNESDAY 2/11/98 (ESI) WEEK AGO (ESI) YEAR AGO (ACT) WEEK TO DATE (ESI) SAME PD LT WK (ESI) SAME PD LT YR (ESI) Central Carlot Beef Report DES MOINES, IQWA Wednesday, February 11, 1996 USDA NATIONAL CARLOT BEEF REPORT (includes major production areas in the Midwest and TX) as of 3:00 PM COW & BULL CARCASS FOB OMAHA 3.0 Loads Repotted. Compared to Tues day's 3:00 P.M. report: Utility carcasses steady to firm; Cutter not established. Demand and offerings light to moderate. Lds Price Range Latest Estb. Mkt. UT.brk 2-4 450#/up 1.0 62.00 62.00 UT.bng 1-3 4008/up 2.0 65.00 - 66.00 65.00 - 66.00 Cutter 1-2 3SO#/up 65.00 C Bulls YG 1 500#/up COW & BULL CARCASS CAP WEST COAST Loads Reported. Compered to last week: Market for Week Ended: February 6, 1998 Lds Price Range UT.brk 2-4 450#/up UT.bng 1-3 400#/up 63.00 Cutter 1-2 350#/up 63.00 Bulls YG 1 500#/up 79.00 BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/ BEEF TRIMMINGS 147.0 Loads Repotted. Lean boneless unevenly steady; 85% and 65% steady to weak. Demand light to moderate for mostly moderate offerings. Beef trimmings lower on light to Technology That Yields* Hvbridsllial deliver moreofwlial you grow com for PjONEEK Elite Hl )[ 11 ' f ' • till ' fth q 5^ ' ' i <it jr jf h n f f f I I I \ ' r PIONEER tin iri j i f- 1 r irf 'i| i i I , in, /ihJ , I ni,i Fh h*•id i il< idn t- iMi h 1 i' i ri tijjt tj t j I jtt- jldn f in ji jt r ti iiti ji ' itfi jid I* if <jf h ire ji iif-' 5 In I’M 3 1 1 i- [i ( t- f rn b jr<- r d irnac l h t dorm jitmlar tu 3 394 /d6\ PIONEER Bt Or ■ with the nel Jhh-jrcJ q» ne t i > 'tf >ri-il t ; 1 i'h jnd I'itt-rrni-i jidte ri_ i tarn'-'tt rnuiv\unn f V Writ, n I trin -(n l=i, Ir it ( )nt all 1 1 ft KIH < Ujt t 111 ill Uj /\<A H ]l t H Iff- rn]U i mi t i ykjit. h jl ruj \ ill i 1 Ir i t in i u> n r tid (wi njlit i Int uf 1 ii i tln ft,t ii I i ii I i i j J k ( n<i imlit , mssarn>Z: m Etite_ . " i iomif pj< kage a ith ' H njht t I i iik t f nailer it t jll> r t jnd tpp'-Mi A<| ni h n <-> t i i i hlli n t-i iti 11 till th ml< t r \ \ * i 1 i )i v\th in t Mf, hn;rly i/ pi >t r i td n i el t f lit lit qr iin , eld [>.d nti il ith h-d \ tt I v i i jht cind h t dr>v n 32K61 hi pi in11 eti>r hi jti il i /i* IJj m J f rid I (in legibility IMPORTANT Each hybrid has unique strengths and considerations Contact your local provider of Pioneer brand products for more complete information on these and other Pioneer hybrids /3& PIONEER V W J BRAND SEED CORN PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC ® SM TM Trademarks and service marks registered or applied for of Pioneer Hi Bred International Inc Des Moines IA All purchases are subject to the terms of labeling and purchase documents © 1997 PHII 6,000 6,000 18,000 18,000 20,000 130.000 128.000 371.000 374.000 373.000 moderate demand and moderate to heavy offerings. FOB OMAHA BASIS: Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 33 92.0 - 98.5 95.11 90% fz unq 85% fr 6 88.0 - 90.0 88.83 85% fz unq 75% fr 73.0 73.00 A 75% fz unq 65% fr 19 53.0 - 54.5 53.82 65% fz unq 50% fr 65 30.00 30.00 50% fz 15 34.00 - 34.50 34.17 50% bx unq Bull 92-94 115.00 115.00 D FOB EAST TEXAS AND OKLAHO MA; Gun Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 9 95.0 95.00 90% fz unq 85% frunq 85% fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz CAF NORTHEAST AREAS: Gun Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% frunq 90% fz unq 85% frunq 85% fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz CAF WEST COAST BASIS Market for Week Ended; 2/6/98 Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 95.00 - 96.50 95.82 90% fz unq 85% fr 87.00 - 92.00 88.11 85% fz uqq 75% frunq 75% fz unq 65% fr 55.00 - 56.00 55.84 65% fz unq 50% fr 35.00 35.00 50% fz 38.00 38.00 **ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test. Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no Itst or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions.** ni- p i 1131. PM I I t 33Y09 'W r> v>rf^^ ' jfe/4 jp itjrs HOGS 365.000 365.000 337.000 1.090.000 1.090.000 992.000 SHEEP 17.000 16.000 16,000 47.000 41.000 48.000 Weigh Be JMing Let’s set the record straight. Test after test, side-by-side after side-by-side, Pioneer* brand com hybrids deliver MORE HARVESTABLE YIELD. It’s a documented fact. IT’S A PERFORMANCE REVOLUTION. Greencastle Livestock GrwcuHe, Pa. Feb. 9, 1998 CATTLE 611...PDA...COMPARED TO LAST WEEK’S S AUB..SL. STEERS AND HEIFERS 1.50-2.50 LOWER, SL COWS MOSTLY STEADY, SL. BULLS 1.00- HIGHER...SUPPLY INCLUDED 87 SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS, 380 SL. COWS, 31 BULLS AND 163 FEEDER CATTLE SLAUGHTER STEERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1355-1440 LBS. 62.75-64.25, FEW CHOICE 1155-1285 LBS. 60.00-63.00, SELECT 55.75-60.50. FEW STANDARD 45.00-51.25. HOLSTBINS: FEW CHOICE 1325-1480 LBS. 52.50-59.00, FEW SELECT 49.00-52.25, STANDARD 38.00- HEIFERS: HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1135-1425 LBS. 6Z75-63.75, FEW CHOICE 1080-1365 LBS. 56.0(V61.75. PEW SELECT 55.50-59.65, STANDARD 38.50-54.50. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 37.25-42.50, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 32.75-39.50. CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 25 JO-36.75. SHELLS DOWN TO 22.00. BULLS: YO#l 1185-2315 LBS. 46.25- #2 1215-2250 LBS. 43.25- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME #1 325-450 LBS. 79-50-9000, 450-615 LBS. 74.00-80.00, 725-875 LBS. 54.0064.00, FEW MED. FRAME #2 360400 LBS. 66.00-69.00, HEIFERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME «1 300-480 LBS. 61.00-75.00, 500-700 LBS. 55.00-63.50, 750-875 LBS. 41.0050.00, MED. FRAME #2 500620 *********** Landsttr FimflAg; Situntty, ’Ffbraify 14,1998417 LBS. 52.00-57.00, LARGE FRAME «2 400625 LB. HOLSTBINS 41.0V49.00, ONE AT 68.00; BULLS MED. AND LARGE FRAME #1 350-450 LBS. 80.00- 465-650 LBS. 67.50-74.00, FEW MED. FRAME #2 440-820 LBS. 45.00- CALVES: 425...V8AL8RS FEW GOOD 130-135 LBS. 600065.00, STAN DARD AND GOOD 75-120 LBS. 21.00- UTILITY 50-90 LBS. 9.0020.00, FEW AT 5.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS STEADY. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 15.00- LOWER...«I HOLSTEIN BULLS 85-120 LBS. 80.00120.00, #2 80-120 LBS. 28.0085.00, 70-80 LBS. 25.00- FEW #1 HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS 95-105 LBS. 67.50-105.00, LATE SALES 13 HEAD 145-250 LBS. 72.50-107.50, FEW #2 80-125 LBS. 50.00- BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 85-100 LBS. 45.00-80.00 WITH ONE AT 95.00. HOGS; 39...8ARR0WS AND GILTS US«2-3 220-320 LBS. 36.00-39.00, LIGHTWEIGHTS US«I-3 170-200 LBS. 32.00- SOWS: US#l-3 320-465 LBS. 24.00- 500630 LBS. 25.00-34.00, FEW MED. 350-495 LBS. 15.00-21.00. BOARS; COUPLE 165-195 LBS. 20.00 AND 25.00. FEEDER PIGS: 0.. NO MARKET TEST. SHEEP: 73... SLAUGHTER LAMBS HIGH CHOICE 60-65 LBS. 112.00-120.00, FEW CHOICE 90-150 LBS. 61.00-82.00, FEW GOOD AND CHOICE 40-70 LBS. 42.50-77.50. NEW CROP LAMBS: CHOICE 35-50 LBS. 120.00-145.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 33.0045.00 WITH A FEW 48.00-SS.OO PER CWT., FEW LAMBS BS.OO PER HEAD. GOATS: 71...8Y THE HEAD. LARGE BILLIES 72.50-112.50, MED. S7.SO-80.00. LARGE NANNIES 56.00-68.00, MED. 52.00-65.00, LARGE KIDS 25.00-53.00, FEW SMALL 5.001150 PER HEAD. Valley Stockyards Athena, Pa. February 9, 199 S Report Supplied By Auction HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES TO 135.00. BACK TO FARM CALVES 95-120 LBS. 90.00-127.50, 70-95 LBS. 30.0085.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES 7.0033.00. GRASSERS AND FEEDERS 29.0079.00. FEEDERS 36.5059.00. LAMBS 87.50110.00. SHEEP 35.00. HOGS, 200250 LBS., 33.0042.00. SOWS 23.00. BOARS, NONE. PIGS, EACH 200027.00. HEIFERS 30.0055.00. STEERS 37.0039.00. BULLS 34.75-48.50. COWS. GOOD 35.0041.00. COWS, MEDIUM 25.0034.75. COWS. POOR OR SMALL 7.0024.50. CATTLE MARKET STEADY. CALF MARKET STILL STRONG. HORSES AND PONIES, NONE. GOATS 47.5090.00. ACTIVE MARKET. DAIRY SALE 1:30 P.M. FEB. 19. *■*,* t
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