Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 14, 1998, Image 14
Al4-UncMtw Farming, Saturday, February 14, 1998 Phila. Potato PHILADELPHIA Terminal Price* as of 11-FEB-98 Provided by: Fruit and Vegetable Mark et News. Federal-State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (1215) 597-4536 Fax: (215) 336-0355 cloudy 34-54 NA-FVO3O ONIONS AND POTATOES ONIONS DRY: MARKET ABOUT STEADY US#I OR GENERALLY GOOD QUAL AND COND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Yellow Globe Type NY SO lb sics Ige 8.50 med 6.00-7.00 some 5.50 tnstr entr 20 2-lb med 6.00 mstr entr 24 2-lb mshsks med 7.00- Spanish Hybrid CO 50 lb sks jbo 10.00- ID/OR 50 lb sks col 11.50- jbo 10.00-11.00 mostly 10.00- some 9.00 Super Colossal 1330-14.00 WA 50 lb sks jbo 10.00-11.00 Red NY 25 lb sks jbo 12.00-13.00 Igc 11.00- mostly 1130 med 8.00-10.00 WA 25 lb sks jbo 13.00 NEW CROP White MX 50 lb sks jbo few fr appearance 20.00- —POTATOES: MARKET STEADY US#l SZ A WASHED OR BRUSHED UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED Russet Burbank ID bid 10 S-Ib sks non sz A 7.00-8.00 50 lb ctns 40s 14.00 SOs 14.00 60s 14.00 70s 13.00-14.00 some 12.30 freond 11.00-1130 SOs 10.00-12.00 mostly 1130-12.00 some 1230 90s 8.00- mostly 9.00-10.00 some 11.00 fr qua! 7.00-730 100 s 7.00-10.00 mostly 8.00- fr qual 6.00-630 6 cz min fr qua) 5.50- 50 lb sks 6 oz min fr qual 5.25-6.00 Round Red MN/ND SO lb sks 9.00- mostly 930 sz B 13.00 NY 50 lb sks sz B 10.00-11.00 WA 50 lb ctns 14.00 WISO lb sks 8.50 sz B 12.00-12.50 Round White CD Prince Edward Island CDOne 50 lb sks 530-6.00 mostly 6.00 Ige 630 DE 50 lb sks Ige 6.00 LI 50 lb sks 5.00- Ige 6.00-6.25 NEW CROP Round Red FL 50 lb sks 18.00-19.00 Round White FL 50 lb sks 19.00 fr qual 9.00- sz B 18.00-19.00 CALL OR VISIT US TODAY AND PUT THE FIRST ONES IN TRACTION FIRESTONE FARM TIRES TO WORK FOR YOU. CATTLE 321 [PDA] [Supply included 112 slaughter steers and heifers, 152 si cows and 41 feeder cattle] Compared with last Wednesday's sale si steers I 25 to 200 lower, si cows 75 to I 00 higher, spots 3QO higher, si. heifers mostly 200 Up ,3 j( ?s t lower, si bulls steady to 2 00 lower SLAUGHTER ' STEERS Choice 1085/1605 lbs 59.00-62 75, few Yield Grade 5 down to 58 00, Select 55 00- 59 50, few Standard 50 00-52 00 HOLSTEINS STEERS High Choice and Prime 1275/1595 lbs 55 00-58 25, Choice 1280/1770 lbs 5100-56 50, Select 48 00-50 00, few Standard 44 50- 47 75 HEIFERS Choice II 15/1380 lbs 58 50-63 50, Select 54 00-58 25, few Standard 44 00-52 75 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 37 00-41 00, few to 42 75, Cutler and Boning Utility 34 75-38 50, (in ner and Low Cutter 31 75 35 75 Shells down to 24 50 BULLS Yield Grade No 1 1340/2480 lbs 44 75-49 25, few No 2 915/1370 lbs 43 00-44 25 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Medium Frame No I 800/850 lbs 60 50-63 50, one lot Medium Frame No 2 650 lbs <a> 58 00 HEIFERS Medium Frame No 2 300/700 lbs 62 00-64 00, one lot @ 66 00, Medium Frame No 2 305/700 lbs 55 00 60 00, few Large Frame No 2 700/935 lbs 44 00-49 00. BULLS Medium & Large Frame No 2 680/850 lbs 49 00 55 00 CALVES 190 VEALERS few Good 115/475 lbs 55 00-65 00, Standard and Good 80/110 lbs 34 00-40 00, tew lo 45 00, Utility 60/110 lbs 10 00- 25 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady No I Holstein bulls 95/125 lbs 95 00 125 00, No 2 85/120 lbs 65 00 87 50, few down to 40 00 one No I Holstein heifer 90 lbs <s> 5 5 00 HOGS T? Barrows and gilts 200 lo When you're out working in the field, nothing's more important than good traction That's why so many farmers make Firestone farm tires their first choice Firestone tires feature the proven long bar/long bar tread design that digs in and pulls you through in all kinds of field conditions In fact Firestone is the only company that features the long bar/long bar tread design on all its radial and bias rear traction tires For hard-working farm tires, go with the leader Firestone LEESPORT, PA February 11, 1998 • QUALITY • SERVICE 300 higher, sows mostly 1 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-3 245/265 lbs 36 00-37 00, US 2-3 265/295 lbs 34 00-34 50 SOWS US 1-3 360/470 lbs 24 50- 25 50, 475/630 lbs 26 25-27 50 BOARS couple 315 & 665 lbs 17 50- 18 00 FEEDER PIGS 63 US 1-3 20/25 lbs @ 80 00. 40/60 lbs 60 00-62 50 per cwt SHEEP 11 NEW CROP LAMBS few Choice 65/70 lbs 125 00-135 00, few 100/115 lbs 95 00-100 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 24 00-46 00 GOATS 10 One Medium @ 80 00, few Large Nannies 50 00-80 00, Large Kids 52 50-70 00, one Small @ 40 00 per head PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FEBRUARY 6, 1998 14 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 4865 Compared with 5120 head last week and 3837 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary slaughter steers 50 to 1 50 lower, si heifers I 00 to 200 lower, si cows steady to I 50 lower, bulls weak to 2 00 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice & Prime 65 00-68 50, Choice 62 25- 66 50, Select and Low Choice 5 8 GO -64 00, Select 55 00-63 00, Standard 45 00-56 00 HOLSTEINS few High Choice & Prime 57 75-61 50, Choice 55 00-59 00, Se lect 48 00 55 00, Standard 42 GO -48 75 HEIFERS Choice 60 00 65 25, Select 54 00 62 00, Standard 42 00-55 00 COWS Breaking Utility & Commercial 33 00-44 75 mostly 35 25-43 00, Ou ter & Boning Utility 30 00-39 75, few to 43 00, Canner and Low Cutler 27 GO -36 00, few to 25 00 Shells down to 15 00 BULLS Yield Grade No I 1000/2400 lbs 42 00 56 00, No 2 900/2000 lbs 35 00-43 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame No I 275/600 lbs 60 00 80 00, few to 94 00, Medium & Large SAFEMARK CALL 1-800-PFB-TIRE For Dealer Nearest You Frame No 2 500/950 lbs 42 00-62 50, HEIFERS Medium & Large Frame No I 300/600 lbs 60 00-79 00, Medium & Large Frame No 2 300/850 lbs 36 00- 60 00, few Large Frame No 2 500/875 lbs 42 00-55 00, BULLS Medium & Large Frame No I 275/700 lbs 56 00- 75 00, few to 92 00, Medium & Large Frame Frame No 2 300/850 lbs 40 GO -63 00 CALVES 3276 Compared with 3271 head last week and 2563 head a year ago VEAUERS steady to strong few Choice 140/350 lbs 85 00-110 00, few Good 130/325 lbs 40 00-70 00, Stan dard and Low Good 70/110 lbs 20 GO -37 00, few to 15 00, Utility 50/100 lbs 9 00-25 00, few to 500 FARM CALVES Holstein bull calves steady to 10 00 higher, Hol stein heifers steady to 30 00 lower No 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs 90 00-136 00, 80/95 lbs 70 00- 105 00, No 2 80/125 lbs 50 00- 95 00, few to 32 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 85/125 lbs 75 00-127 00. No 2 75/125 lbs 40 00-75 00, few to 27 00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/140 lbs 60 00-125 00, few to 35 00 HOGS 2702 Compared with 2738 head last week and 1903 head a year ago Bar rows and gilts steady to 100 higher, sows steady to strong BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 220/265 lbs 34 00-42 00 mostly 37 00-39 00, US 1-3 210/270 lbs 34 00 37 50, few US 2-3 220/300 lbs 31 50-3400. few US 1-3 180/210 lbs 30 00-32 75 i SOWS US 1-3 300/700 lbs 39 50 mostly 25 00-35 00 BOARS 15 00-1800 FEEDER PIGS 417 Compared with 399 bend last week and 229 head a year ago Feeder pigs US 1-3 20/40 lbs 14 00- 27 00, 3S/60 lbs 22 50-47 00 per head SHEEP 840 Compared with 1742 head last week and 1612 head a yeai ago Slaughter lambs steady to 10 00 highei SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 50/85 lbs 94 00 130 00, few to 80 00 80/130 lbs 80 00-105 00, lew to SDE Biglerville Tire & Auto Biglerville, PA 17307 717-677-8338 ms Rhodes Farm Supply Williamsburg, PA 16693 814-832-2491 Histand's Farm & Home Service Rome, PA 18837 717-744-2371 Mi „ „ . Jtegheny Farm Service Kantners Tire Service Marion Cen(er| PA 15370 Shoemakersville, PA 412-397-2660 i yooD 610-562-2567 Miller Tire & Auto Blooming Glen PA 18911 215-257-4307 AlsTireof Barnesboro Barnesboro PA 15714 814-948-7880 Dunkle & Gneb Centre Hall, PA 16828 814-364-1421 S G Lewis & Sons West Grove, PA 19390 610-869-2214 Stolzfus Farm Service Cochranville, PA 19330 610-593-2407/2408 Richland, PA 17087 717-866-7518 Steve Shannon Tire Co, Inc Bloomsburg, PA 17815 800-343-TIRE Steve Shannon Tire Co, Inc Route 487 Benton, PA 17814 717-925-2821 70 00 NEW CROP LAMBS- Choice 30/50 lbs 133 00-170 00, few to 200 00, 50/80 lbs 120 00-170 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 28 00-55 00 ONE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 325 Compared with 1063 head last week and 409 head a year ago Feeder pigs very uneven, mostly steady US I - 2 20/30 lbs 55 00-70 00, 30/40 lbs 110 00-120 00, few to 50 00, 50/65 lbs 60 00-68 00 per hundredweight SLAUGHTER COWS: 125 HEAD, TREND STEADY TO 1.00 LOWER. UTILITY 35.00-39.75; CANNBRS 30.00-35.00; SHELLY 30.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG#l 1695 LBS. AT 59.75; YG#2 1200-1400 LBS. 43.00-45.00. FED STEERS; 1 SELECT 1255 LBS. AT 55.0 Q; 1 LOW CHOICE 950 LBS. AT 62.00 FED HEIFERS: LOW CHOICE HOLS TEINS 1400-1650 LBS. 42.50-48.75. VEAL CALVES: 250 HEAD. CULLS 85-110 LBS. 25.00-33.00; 60-80 LBS. 20.00-30.00; WEAK/ROUGH 19.00 DOWN. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 95-120 LBS. 90.00-115.00; 85-95 LBS. 45.00- #2 80-90 LBS. 35.00-45.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS «1 95-120 LBS. 100.00- «2 80-100 LBS. 40.00- BEEF X BULLS 40.00- HEIFERS 35.00-85.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 40 HEAD, 2.00- LOWER. USBI-2 230-265 LBS. 35.0036.50, FEW 40.0044.00. 23 25 SOWS: 450600 LBS. 24.0027.00. STOCK CATTLE: STEERS 300500 LBS. 66.0078.00; 700800 LBS. FEW TO 64.00. HEIFERS: FEW OFFERED. HOLS TEINS 250400 LBS. TO 6750; 400600 LBS. TO 58.50. GOATS: LARGE 75.0090.00, 1 AT 120.00; MEDIUM 35.0065.00. msam BarnckTire Sales Newville, PA 17241 717-776-5762 ■PKOlaii™ Long's Tire Service Halifax, PA 717-896-2215 Burns Tire Service Waynesboro, PA 15370 412-627-8263 msm Bakers Farm Equipment Commodore, PA 15729 >4OO !-25‘ Leola Tire Service Leola PA 17540 717-656-2574 Messick Farm Equipment, Inc Elizabethtown PA 17022 717-367-1319 Sankey’s Feed Mill Volant, PA 16156 412-530-2463 UtEE Lebanon Valley Implement, Inc lillHil Joe’s Battery & Tire Allentown, PA 18103 610-437-4961 firestone rh i i rft n i R in rii f ri ii n • DEPENDABILITY • ECONOMY Frederick Livestock Auction Frederick, Md. February 9, IMS Report Supplied by Auctkw Pine Glen harm Service McVeytown, PA 17051 717-899-7400 Steve Shannon Tire Danville, PA 17821 717-275-5506 mimrn Rovendale Supply Watsontown, PA 17777 717-538-5521 or 717-742-7521 Smith Farm & Equipment Newport, PA 17074 717-567-3562 Charles Snyder, Inc Tamaqua PA 18252 717-386-5945 Mifflmburg Farm Supply Inc Mifflmburg PA 17844 717-966-3114/3115 mmm J&M Machinery Co Greensburg, PA 15601 412-668-7850 State Line Tire & Auto Shrewsbury, PA 17361 717-235-8789 Farmers Brokerage & Supply Allentown, NJ 08501 609-259-7324 Tire King Sussex, NJ 07481 201-875-5250