Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 14, 1998, Image 10
.*r vsanvirt #obiutsB AtO-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, February 14, 1998 OPINION Thanks For Helping We came across this little piece on the Internet about the ten commandments for farm wives that may make you smile. Evi dently someone who subscribes to Dairy-L bad them hanging on the kitchen wall. They are: • Thou shalt not sort cattle with your hands in your pockets (husbands and cows don’t like that.) • Thou shalt cook meals which can be served thirty minutes early or two hours late. • Thou shalt learn to keep farm records...(wben did we turn out that bull?). • Thou shalt love the smell of new mown hay, freshly plowed earth, sweet smelling silage, and ammonia in the bam. • Thou shalt be inspired to see the sun rise and relieved to see it set • Thou shall learn to open gates, close gates, and guard gates. • Thou shall thrill at the birth of a new calf and at the sight of a new tractor. • Thou shall live closer to God with faith to exceed many city dwellers. • Thou shall cherish meals together, long nights for the vet to arrive, and decisions of plowing up the winter wheat. • Thou shall be exalted at the brotherly hand on your shoulder, the tender kiss on your forehead, and those three precious words “Thanks for helping!” Maybe in no other business is the husband/wife team more important. In fact, if the whole family is pulling together, the suc cess of the farming operation is more secure. We think in the above list, the words “Thanks for helping” should not be consid ered commandments but rather come from spontaneous appreci ation for all; each family member contributes to the family farm. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! sth Annual Southeast Pa. Grazing Conference, Lancaster Host Expo Center, Lancaster, thru Feb. 17. Elk Creek Watershed Association Forum and Open House, Elk Township Building, Lewisvil le, 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Pottcr/McKean Crops Day, Coudersport Elementary, Coudersport, 9:45 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost Discovciy For Beef Produc ers and Beef Management, Montoursvillc Presbyterian Church, 7:30 p.m. Young Farmcrs/FFA Awards Din ner, West Fallowfield Christian School, 6:45 p.m. Tobacco Management Meeting, Summit Valley Elementary School, New Holland, 1 p.m. Bradford County Fairy Days, S.R.U. School, East Smithfleld, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Adams County Fruit Growers’ M Bigle' illr High agement Forum, The Light house Restaurant, Chambets buig, 9:15 a.m.-2;30 p.m. PayMid-Atlantic Direct Market ing Conference and Trade Show, Willow Valley Resort and Trade Show, Willow Val ley Resort and Conference Cen ter, Lancaster, thru Feb. 20. Franklin County Fruit Growers Meeting, Savoy Restaurant, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Southeast Region Council Young Cooperators Conference, Wil low Valley Reseat, thru Feb. 18. —■ 9 ISEMIm ❖ Farm Calendar* New York State Dairy Princess Pageant and ADADC Annual Meeting, Four Points Hotel Sheraton, Liverpool, N.Y., 6 p.m., annual meeting through Feb. 18. Dairy Farm Financial Analysis, Howard Johnsons, Millington, Md., 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Equine Mini Series-Pasture Man agement, Holiday Inn, Carlisle, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Human Resource Management Workshop, Eric County Exten sion office, Eric, also Feb. 24. Greenhouse Dairy Bams and Barc- Bonc Parlors, Karen and Rus sell Tomlinson Farm, Wells boro, 1 p.m.-2;30 p.m. Specialty Hybrid Com Program, Clarion County Extension Office, 1 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Dairy-MAP Human Resource Management Workshop, Erie County Extension office, also Feb. 24. Bucks County Conservation and Pest Meeting Update, Nesha miny Manor Center, Doyles town, also Feb. 24. Tobacco Management Meeting, Penn Manor High School, vo ag classroom, 7 p.m. Soil Fertility School, Lebanon and Dauphin Ag Centers, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Also Feb. 18. Milking School, Berks County Ag Center. Franklin County Fruit Growers’ Day, Savoy Restaurant, Way nesboro, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. PA/Mid-Atlantic Direct Market ing Conference and Trade Show, Willow Valley Restort, Lancaster Feb. 17-20. To Prepare Cows for Calving How well a cow does in her lactation depends greatly upon the care she receives in the weeks pre ceding calving, according to Glenn Shirk, Lancaster County Exten sion Dairy Agent. Preparation for calving and a new lactation begins not a few days before calving, but months before calving Proper nutrition is very impor tant for a healthy, vigorous call, good milk production, good con ception rates and tor the long term health of the cow. The dry period is a good time to do corrective foot trimming and to administer necessary vaccina tions for such things as IBR, PI 3, BVD and BRSV. Other vac cines that may be necessary are a 5 strain lepto vaccine and J-5 vac cine for colitorm mastitis. Consult your veterinarian for specific recommendations. Con tinue to protect dry cows from in fections and injuries by housing or confining them in clean, dry and comfortable areas. To Feed Dry Cows Properly When profit margins arc tight and good quality forages are scarce and expensive, it may be tempting to skimp on the feeding of' dry cows and heifers Glenn Shirk. Lancaster County Extension Dairy Agent, reminds us, that could be a big mistake that you will pay dearly m the months that he ahead Test your forages and TMRs and work closely with a trained nutritionist to make sure your ra tions are properly balanced This is important for building up the cow's energy and nutrient reserves Boscov’s Gardening Meeting, Boscov’s Auditorium, John Passing On The Farm Workshop, Clinton County Cooperative Extension. Delmarva Com/Soybean and Broiler Conference, Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, Salisbury, Christmas Tree Short Course, Penn State Conference Center, University Park, thru Feb. 20. New York AD ADC Annual Meet ing, Four Points Sheraton, Liverpool, 8 a.m. Maryland Dairy Industry Associa tion Pastures Along The Infor mation Superhighway, Harford County Extension office. Fore st Hill, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. South Jersey Fruit Meeting, Mas so’s Crystal Manor, Glassboro, N.J. Northwest Pa. Livestock and Grazing Management Work shop Series, Wesley Grange, Barkeyvillc, 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. (Turn to Pago A 34) prior to calving. Aim to have cows dry off with a uniform body condition score of approximately 3.5. Feed them a bulky, good quality forage based ration. Supplement it with a few pounds of a dry cow grain mix with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Two to three weeks be fore calving, start adding a few pounds of the lactating ration to the dry cow mix. To Look Up - Power Lines Are Hot Coming in contact with over head power lines can be deadly. Today's farm machinery is bigger and taller, making the danger of working around electric lines greater than ever. Remember, util ity lines are uninsulated. WHAT TO DO WHILE WAITING February 15, 1998 Background Scripture: II Peter 3 Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 17:5-10 Fifty years ago I read a book by the late Methodist Bishop Gerald Kennedy that was to have a pro found affect upon my life and faith, both then and now. The name of the book was The Lion and The Lamb: Paradoxes of the Christian Faaith (Abingdon- Cokcsbury, 1950). Actually, it saved my faith be cause it introduced me to the para doxical nature of the Christian faith, for me a brand new idea. A paradox is the holding together in creative tension of two ideas which seem quite contradictory. Before reading this book. I was struggling with some of the more obvious contradictions in the Christian teachings. Despite the creeds and doctrines, I was finding that lots of Christian teachings did not fit together nicely. Addicted to logic, I thought contradiction was indicative of error. Then I read Kennedy’s book and I was impressed that, instead of denying the contradictory na ture of some Christian teachings, he acknowledged it In fact, he ex alted it, presenting paradox as an asset to belief, rather than a lia bility. For life itself is paradoxical, full of seeming contradictions. “Christianity dares to go beyond logic,” Kennedy wrote, “because life does... It is not afraid to stale its truth in paradoxes, because life does.” APOCALYPTIC In my mind—and I doubt that I am alone in this there is no Christian teaching more seeming ly contradictory and paradoxical than the apocalyptic writings we find in the Bible, particularly in the Book of Revelation, I Thessa lonians 4:13 to S;2, Jude v. 9, Mark 13. and II Peter. Apocalyp tic literature was a specialized type that arose in the Near East in about ISO BC and flourished for another 300 to 400 years. Some scholars believe the Jews were in troduced to the apocalyptic during their exile in Persia. It is a style of thinking and writ ing that focused on cosmic dual ism (the universal forces of good vs. evil), superhuman beings (an gels and demons), dream-like vi sions, the destruction of the world, a heavy code-like dependence Do not let your body become a direct link to the ground or the re sult can be fatal. Know the clear ance height of all farm equipment. To be safe, keep all objects at least 10 feet away from overhead lines. Never attempt to raise or move a power line. If you are op erating a piece of equipment that touches a line, stay where you are and have someone call the utility company. If you must leave the equipment that is touching the line, jump as far as you can so that no part of your body touches the equipment and the ground at the same time. Feather Prof.'s Footnote: "You cannot put a price tag on love , but you can on all its accessories." upon symbols, and a pessimistic, fatalistic view of the present age. If you read II Peter 3, you get a glimpse of this apocalyptic con cept The writer is certain that the present age could not be redeemed or improved and therefore it must be brought to a calamitous end by divine intervention. Now, the paradoxical aspect of the apocalyptic is that it appears to be quite contrary to the teachings of Jesus concerning the kingdom of God. These teachings, by con trast, seem optimistic or hopeful of what God can accomplish in the world. God has not given the earth up to Satan and the kingdom will come as we open ourselves up to it Some Christians base their faith on the apocalyptic, while others base theirs on the kingdom of God. CREATIVE TENSION This is for me another Christian paradox. The ultimate truth is to be found in neither polarity, but in the creative tension between these two truths that to the limitation of human knowledge appear to be contradictory. There is value in both concepts, even if we don’t know how to fit them together in one complete and harmonious pic ture. So, whether you believe Jesus will return to destroy the world or look to his return in glory with the fulfillment of the kingdom, II Pe ter 3 has some good advice for all of us. Whether you believe that Je sus will come at the end of time or that his second coming is some thing we experience after we leave this earthly life, we can appreciate that what appears to be God’s de lay is merely the difference be tween time in God’s sight and our own (3:8). Furthermore, “The Lord is ... forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, that all should reach repen tance” (3:9). In the meantime, we are not to spend our time speculating on when and how the kingdom will come. This is in God’s hands and “the day of the Lord will come like a thief. .(3:10). Regardless how we view the destiny of the world, we can all “live lives of holiness and godliness” (3:11). We do not just impatiently “tread water” until that day. Instead, while we wait, we are to “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” Lancaster Farming Established 1955 Published Every Saturday Ephrata Review Building IE. Main St Ephrata, PA 17522 -by- Lancaster Farming, Inc. A Steinman Enterprise Robert Q. Campbell General Manager Everett R. Newswanger Managing Editoi Copyright 199* by Luicutcr F«rminf