834-Lancast*rt Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 ■ i I ■ Lebanon, Lebanon Co , PA Complete dairy dispersal ByVal ley Pond Farms The Cattle I I Exchange Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M of each week’s publication MON MAR 9 - 9AM Rudmcks Sales, Rt 213, Galena, MD Annual Spring Farm Machinery Sale Rudmck Sales, Inc, 1-410- 648-5601 or 1-800-772-5601 MON MAR 9 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co Pa Hay, grain & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc MON MAR 9 7PM Gateway Gallery auction, 643 Knner Rd , Chambersburg, PA 1/2 mi off Exit 5 of 181 Farm Land Auction, acreage along Twin Bridge Rd 101 3593 acres By Fred E & Ruth A Yeager John F Kohler Jr & Dennis D Welker, Aucts TUES MAR 10 - Newvnie, PA Farm machinery By Owen & Neal McCulloch Klmg's Auc tions Inc 717-789-3883 WED MAR 11 - 9 30AM At Intersection of Rt 897 & Rt 30 Gap, Lane Co PA Full line of farm machinery, (3) Case trac tors, harvester, skid loader, etc By Leroy & Naomi Stoltzfus Petersheim Auction Seivice WED MAR 11 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct THURS MAR 12 - 117 Peace Rd Leola From Leola Rt 23E L onto Brethren Church Rd, to Peace Rd, farm on corner of Peace & Brethren Church Rds , West Earl Twp Lane Co , PA Farm machinery, tractors & per sonal prop By Warren R & Emma N Martin Kline Kreider & Good, Aucts THURS MAR 12- 11AM 1300 Airport Rd Bethel Berks Co PA Farm machinery By Cletus Doutnch Harry Bachman & Nel son L Ebersole. Aucts FRI MAR 13 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co , Pa Tractors, farm equip & supplies A&C Diffenbach Auc tion Inc FRI MAR 13-9 AM 9-1/2 mi Eof Centre Hall, or 1/2 mi W of Madis onburg, off Rt 192, Centre Co PA 8 Head mules, full line of machinery & shop, items By Christian K & Rachel Stoltzfus MarkGlick Auct FRI MAR 13-12 Noon Middle burg Livestock Auct Sis , Inc Middleburg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk Owners 717-837-2222 FRI MAR 13-1 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle PA Slate graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 717-249-4511 FRI MAR 13 & SAT MAR 14 9AM Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, MD 32nd Annual Wachter Consignment Auction George Lease, Sales Manager, 301-473-5211 SAT MAR 14 - Mechanicsburg, PA Farm Machinery Auction By Merle Stambaugh, Wilbur Bucher & Lee Deputy Klmg's Auctions Inc Landisburg PA 717 789- 3883 SAT MAR 14 Lebanon Valley Lvst Mkt, 1 mi Eof Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work, dri ving & riding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover. Aucts SAT MAR 14-3 miles E of Muncy, PA along Kepner Hill Rd Fraley’s Annual Spring Consign Sale Lycoming Co's Largest Consign Auction, tractors, trucks, farm mach , lawn & gar den & must more' Consignors call 717-546-6907 Fraley Auc tion Co SAT MAR 14-,830AM Gor donville Fire Co, Viiigant St Gordonville, Lane Co PA Hh goods quilts, antiques, farm equip , horses & mules By Gor donville Fire Co Various Local Auctioneer SAT MAR 14 9AM Morrisons Cove Product Auction, Roaring Spring PA Farm Machinery Consignment Auction For info 814 793-9384 John Esh. Aucl SAT MAR 14 - 9AM Keystone Auto Auction, Exit 28, off Rt 81 in Grantsville Pa Auto Auction Keystone Auto Auction SAT MAR 14 -10 30AM 3mi N of Dover, off Rt 74, York Co , PA Real Estate Auction 2 story Williamsburg style, 4BR, 31/2 baths, 2 car, 6 acre wooded lot w/slream SAT MAR 14- 10 30AM Rt 74 3 mi N of Dover, PA, turn at Hakes Store E to Conewago Rd, at stop sign, R to Old Carlisle Rd , go to stone fence, L on gravel rd, follow signs Real estate 6+ acres wooded w/2 sty house & att garabe By Eugene E & Nancy J Knaub Rentzel’s Auct Syc SAT MAR 14-10 45AM Just off Rt 343 on Heffelsmqer Rd SCHEESE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Sat., March 7,1998 - 9:00 AM Scheese Farm Equipment 369 Cohansey-Friesburg Road Elmer, NJ 08318. Complete line of Farm Machinery, Farm Tractors, Farm Trucks, Combines, Irrigation Equipment, and Antique Tractors. Consignments are being accepted. For additional details or to consign, please contact Scheese Farm at; 609-455-3462 or 609-769-4025 Fax 609-455-4417 Auctioneer - Rentzel’s Auction Service PA Lie. #761 MON MAR 16 - S sth Ave, Lebanon, PA Tractors, truck, farm machinery By Martha Hrtz Harry H Bachman. Aucl MON MAR 16 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Diffenbach Auction, TUES MAR 17 - 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar- TUES MAR 17 - Dieter Rd. Strasburg, PA Farm Machinery By Amos Lapp, Jr Harry H Bach man, Aucl TUES MAR 17 - 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 717-249- 4511 WED MAR 18 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola, Lane Co PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct THURS MAR 19 - Chambers burg PA Dairy Herd Dispersal, By Clyde Kuhns, Klmg’s Auc tions, Inc , Landisburg PA, 717- FRI MAR 20-Carlisle,Pa Farm machinery By Luther Lebo Klmgs Auctions, Inc, Landisburg, FRI MAR 20-9 AM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc , Middleburg, PA Equipment Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners, 717- 837-2222 FRI MAR 20 - 9AM 3 mi S of Belleville, turn East off Rt 655 on Knepp Rd to stop sign, R 3rd farm on R Mifflin Co PA Dairy equip , full line of machinery & some Hh goods By Henry E & Barbara Byler 717-483-6977 Mark Click, Auct FRI MAR 20-10 AM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc 101 W Fulton St New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale 717-354- 4341 PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Feb. 21,1998-9:30 A.M. For: Bucci Farms Located: Llewellyn Ave., Richland, NJ Off Rt. 40 bet. the 38 & 39 m.m. The Bucci’s have been veg. farmers for the last 45 yrs. & will sell the following. Tractors: '9l Case Int M-1896 5 9 liter diesel w/enclosed cab - A/C - stereo - 1421 hrs , ‘BO M F M-1085 w/enclosed cab - A/C - 4800 hrs , ‘95 M F M-240 w/creeper gear - 1400 hrs '9l Case Int M-265 offset w/creeper gear - cul tivs - 1470 hrs . '76 M F M-145 diesel w/32” tires. 'B4 M F M-245 diesel w/hi-low, '64 M F M-45 (gas) w/hi low - 42' tires, all the above w/3 pt hitch 2 - McCormick super AV s w/hyd touch controls - high clearance, ‘96 Cub Cadet M-1440 w/44" mower deck (new cond ), also ‘B4 Toyota fork lift 4000 lbs tap w/pneumatic tires, M F 16 4 bottom plow tor 4 pt hitch, 10 ft Chisel plow w/gauge wheels - 4 pt hitch 10 ft profector field preparalor 4 pt hitch 5 ft bush hog w/4 pt hitch, M F M-520 II It hyd cut hanow (excel ) 4 - Ford Bft cultiv, Int 1 row potato digger 52 1 Tedder bed maker. 6 It & 8 It scraper blades for 4 pt hitch, 7 ft disc, 4 cultiv tor AV Farmalls, 3 row Powell Cole planter Jr seeder w/roller & 3 pt hitch Lilly & Baltimatic broadcasters, 52” basket culti , Cole planter w/4 pt hitch - 1 row. Planet Jr seeder, JBS M-196 100 gal sprayer w/4 pt hitch MTD rototiller w/forward & revetse 2 row J D transplanter ‘B7 Chevy M-30 I ton 14' cube van w/new motor FMC 100 gal air blast sprayer tor 4 pt hitch lerti drill w/4pt hitch, set of 42” runs & tires. 500 gal - 1500 gal & 1750 gal liquid ferti tanks w/hoses B'x 18' cooler box w/new unit 4 single axle farm trailers, 2 - foul wheel wagons 2 - 550 gal fuel tanks w/elec pumps. 6-lettuce transplanters lor 4 pt hitch, 4 veg wash tanks, approx 200 lengths of 4 ’x4o ft alum irrtg pipe w/nsers, approx 40 lengths of 4” x4O ft plastic img pipe, 2 pipe trailers, sev rolls of lay flat img, many hand & power tools stabilizers top links, hitch pins, chains binders, Lincoln welder, cutting torch, 10'xlO' galv bldg . propane & kerosene space heaters. 2 old pit's drill press, chop saw power washer roll around tool chest, bench grinder, labor camp turn , cots, lockers, chest freezer, refng , gas stove, old wood burning cook stove, old horse drawn plows old wooden cow stanchion, old stump chopping block on wheels, old iron wheels, pallet jack 5000 lb cap , approx 500 - 5/8 plastic baskets, approx 2500 128 size trays (heavy plastic), thousands of mum pots, cell perm trays veg crates, wooden pallets & bins, Ig amount of scrap metal, Ithaca M-66 36” lever action shotgun, old double barrel 12 ga shotgun w/mule ears, 8 ft wooden handmade double barrel shotgun (replica), and much more TJ. Sullins the Auctioneer Ram/Shme - Food Available TERMS: Cash or approved checks. No out of state checks accepted. Payment in full at sale time. All items sold “as is”. NOTE Most equip has been well maintained & is in good to excel c ond Sale Conducted By Newfield Auction Co. (609) 697-4053 Mr Bucci (609) 697-0104 HONEYBROOK FIRE CO. ANNUAL AUCTION Saturday, February 21,1998 Sale Starts at 9:00 A.M. - Quilts Start at 12 Noon I (nation Auction to be held at Honey Biook Fuc Company, one block South ol the-mtei section of Route 10 and Route 122 on Firehouse Lane in the Borough of Honey Brook. Chester County Omits, Wall Hannings, Quillows. Pillows. Table Runners. Placemats. Shadow Boxes Blue Bird Houses Afm Eail\ Quilt Listings Autumn Splendor. Dahlia. Wedding Rings. Folded Star. Hearts All Around OUTDOOR FURNITURE Wishing Wells, Lighthouse Towers. Chairs, Rockers. Gliders. Settees. Picnic Tables. Swing Sets, Indoor and Outdoor Ornamental Iron HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Two Cherry Wood Bedroom Suites, 15 foot Extension Table, Oak Table with Four Chairs, Dry Sink, Cedar Chests, Toy Chest, Wooden Waste Basket, Hutches, Corner Cabinets, Roll Top Desk 8-Oun Cabinet in Oak, Oak Extension Bench, Bookcase Cabinet, Double Pedestal Cherry Table with 6 Color Matching Chairs, Oak Entertainment Center. From Noble Road Milking Equipment. 4 Used Delaval Bucket Milkers, 4 Used West Faha Bucket Milkers, 4 West Faha Bio Bucket Milkers, 1 Used Milk Porter Sputnik. 10 Cube 2-Wheel Wheel Barrows, Hand Crafted Wooden Wheelbarrows, 1-2-3-4 Horse Hitches, Garden Cultivators, New Farm Built Wagon on Steel Wheels, New Work Harness and Harness Parts, Lots of Dairy Supplies. MISCELLANEOUS Bxl2 Quaker Shed with 3 x 4 Porch on Front - Free Delivery within 15 miles. Roller Type Quilt Frame to do Quilting, Snow Princess Miniature Sleigh, Wmross Trucks, Smucker s Bells. 1 Rug Loom Made by Newcomb Loom Co. Lots of Food by Honey Brook Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary No Out of State Checks • Not Responsible for Theft or Accidents No Sunday Pickups All Items Left After February 28, 1998 Become The Property of Honey Brook Fire Company Consignments Accepted Until Sale Day • Do Not Bring Unsalable Items. Lots of Small Items Too Numerous To Mention Sale by Local Auctioneers AU-3407-L For Information Call the Firehouse: 610-273-2688 or 273-2907 or 273-7742 VISA and Master Card Accepted PUBLIC AUCTION Sat, Feb. 21,1998 @ 9:00 AM ADVERTISING ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES Located: 314 Chestnut Street, York, PA (formerly Pantry Antiques) Advertising including Neuman’s Ice Cream porcelain sign, Strand Theatre “Box Office” sign, Karl Brooks Insurance/Hotel thermometer, York Sanitary Milk Co. tray. Green’s Ice Cream Neon sign, Mmnich’s Bread clock, Dietz Dairy thermometer, tins including Colonial Hotel Coffee, Lafean’s Cough Drops, E F Ahrens Lard, Stauffer’s tins, Sunbeam Bread, Morton Salt sign, Pepsi Cola thermometer, 7-Up thermometer, Cloverdale signs, Canada Dry corner shelf. Squirt sign, Royal Crown chalkboard, Deppens Butter Pretzel can, HB & GB Pfaltzgraff York PA #2 crock, Cream and Green Granite upright penny scales, coffee pot, sales man’s sample basin, tea strainer, soap dish, toaster, electric fan, roaster, hot pad holder, cake tin, kitchen utensils and potties, BlueAVhite Agate sm teapot, Ig teapot, saucepan w/hd, water pitcher, Colonial Kmte and Fork service for 8 including spooner, tumblers, pitcher, S&P, etc , Cape cod service for 8 including dinner plates, tumblers, sm basket, serving pcs , green Fenton, green Depression syrups, sugar shaker, green Greek Key straw jar, Kellogg’s measuring cup, embossed canister set (salt, pepper, flour sugar), crys tal batter set w/ cobalt lids. Orange Crush dispenser, green pretzel jar, other green canisters, early Roseville “Landscape” pitcher. Water Lily 6” ewer, 9" vase, con sole bowl, candlesticks; Zephyr Lily hanging basket, Fuchsia console bowl, Hull tulip clock, 12 Wallace Nutting prints, 3 Zimmerman paintings, 2 reverse painting on glass, 1966 White Rose Baseball schedule, pants, gloves, sweater, sock and hat stretchers, Aladdin lamp w/green base, FADA Bakalite radio, Seth Thomas regulator-style clock. Sessions mantle clock, razor straps, coffee grinder, towel rack, brass candlestick phone, wooden medicine cabinet, talc tins, cigar molds, cigar stacker, ice tongs. Busy Betty washing machine, child’s washboard w/green glass, bird juicer, Steiff ani mals including duck, giraffe, pig, kangaroo, lamb, dol phin, etc., Scottie dog items including pitcher, glasses, figures, thermometer, clock, soap holder, Schnauzer string holder, manufacturers premiums and giveaway collectibles including Pillsbury Doughboy collection. Snap, Crackle and Pop (plastic and cloth), Aunt Jemima, Betty Crocker hat and apron, Keebler Elf, Scrubbing Bubbles items, Campbell’s Kids, Seven Dwarfs, Bob’s Bigboy, Almost Home cookie jar, approx 75+ cloth dolls, Tuna of the Sea, Buster Brown, Burger King, Little Sprout, Northern Toilet Tissue girl, etc , Hess, Exxon, GTE Wmross and Ertl Martin’s Potato Chips trucks, and much more 1 " AUCTIONEER: Nevin B. Rentzel York, PA (717) 843-2679 PA Lie. #2483 LOTS OF GROCERIES CRAFTS & QUILTS FARM RELATED ITEMS TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK AUCTION HELD INDOORS AUCTION CONDUCTED FOR BILL ALBRIGHT TARA ALBRIGHT
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