Farming, Saturday, February 7,1998 "" Chester Co, PA Farm machinery, 3 tractors, JD 4430, 4022, 1020, 02 Catapdlar, 5209 discblne, new In 93. By Bill & Kitty June Shep hefd Pelerehelm Auction Service Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication WED FEB 25 - 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemulh Auction, 717-656-2947 WED FEB 25 - 9AM On farm, 5 mi S of Jersey Shore or 1 mi N of Rauchtown, just off Rt 880 near P Stone, Lycoming Co, PA Amish (arm mach, 8 work horses, 65 Hol stein dairy cattle, etc By Daniel & Barbara Lapp Fraley Auction Co WED FEB 25-9 AM 1195 Mon dale Rd, Bird-m-Hand, Lane Co, PA Mules, horee related Items, & farm equip By Daniel S & Emma K Slollzfus Mel Hower, Auct WED FEB 25 -10 AM Hidden Acres Farm, Va 1-81 Exit 264, W on Rt 211,8 mi toa Ron Acade my Rd (Rt 734), 9 mi to auction, New Market, VA Signs Farm Equipment Auction, combine, trac tors, irrigation, tillage, hay, planting & harvesting &misc equip By DF Crump & R D Crump Laugh- Im Auctions, Inc 540-477-9393 WED FEB 25 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Aucl WED FEB 25 - 6 30PM Williamsport Fire Hall, Brandy Drive, Exit 1 off Rt 81, Williamsport, MD Computer Auc tion, PC Parts, Inc , Aucts THURS FEB 26-9 30AM 3miE of White Horse, From it 340. S on Cams Rd at Baldwin’s Garage, to sale, Lane Co, PA Farm machin ery JD hydro manure spreader, JD diesel w/loader, tractors, corn silage, corn, 80 head Holstein herd, Hh goods & antiques By John & Elizabeth Beiler Peter sheim Auction Service THURS FEB 26 6 20PM Emmaus Fire Co, Emmaus, PA Computer Auction, PC Parts Inc Aucts THURS FEB 26&FRI FEB 27- 830 AM 10 mi E of Lancaster, 2- 1/2 mi W of New Holland Turn off Rt 23 on S Groffsdale Rd, Lon Musser School Rd, Lane Co, Pa 2 Day Public Auct of antique trac tors, engines, new, used & abused farm equip By EliasS &B John Beiler Bob & Dennis Wolgemuth, Robert, Jeffrey, S Michael Martin, Randall Ranck, Ed Goodnch, Jr Aucts FRI FEB 27 - 25 mi S of Harns burg, along Rt 15, near Oillsburg, PA Southern PA Contractor's Auction, accepting consignments of equip, trucks & trailers Wolfe Industrial Auctions, Inc, 301-898- 0340 or 800-433-9580 FRI FEB 27 - 9AM 2 mi 9 nf PUBLIC SALE SAT., FEB. 21,1998 at 10:00 A.M. LOCATED AT. 538 Bulkhead Rd , Newville, PA. From Newville, follow Rt 533 West approx 4 miles to Bulkhead Rd , turn left. From Shippensburg, follow Rt. 533 East approx 6 miles to Bulkhead Rd , turn right Sale signs will be posted at Bulkhead Rd Sale Day Massey Ferguson 1085 diesel, factory cab, good tires, dual hyd , power steering, Massey Ferguson 1085 diesel tractor, dual hyd & power steering; Long 510 diesel, 4 wheel drive, power steering, good tires, heavy duty loader with 2 buckets, Gehl 4510 gas skid loader, good cond.; COMBINE New Holland T R 70 with Cat 3208 diesel engine, 4 row narrow corn head (good cond) 1976 Ford 900, with Cat 1150 diesel engine with fertilizer spreader box, 1971 Kenworth, with Detroit diesel engine, dump bed, 1986 Isuzu, pick up, diesel engine 79,865 miles, 4x4 New Holland 852 round baler (auto wrap). New Holland 477 Haybine 7 ft cut; 3 pt hitch wheel rake (4 wheels), 2 round bale carriers, 3 pt hitch, round bale feeder; FARM EQUIPMENT J D 11 It transport disc (22 in disc), J D 11 tt transport spring tooth Harrow. Int Chisel plow 3 pt 7 tooth, Oliver 546 4 bottom auto reset plow. Bnllion 12 ft culti packer, Brady 1440 stalk shredder, 12 ft 1000 RPM . Central tractor 300 gal field sprayer, pull type. Badger 160 manure spreader, 2 beater. Gravity bin wagon, (heavy duty wagon), Hutchinson 52' by 6” PTO gram auger (transport), White 543 4 row narrow no till com planter, Huskee Model 6 flat bed wagon, Baltic 3 pt fertilizer spreader, Oliver #5 I row cornpicker, Smidley self feeding range feeder, 3 pt hitch, post driver, 2 row 3pt cultivators. Rotary cutter 6ft cut 3 pt. 40 ft extension lad der (aluminum), 2 Wisconsin engines, air compressor, 3 pt wood splitter 20’ hyd. cylinder. Honda 3 wheeler, 150 & 250 gal fuel tanks with pumps, 5 hp electric motor, (15 K.W. PTO GENERATOR WITH 200 AMP ELECTRIC WELDER; ACETYLENE WELDING SET, 2 TANKS & CART), N.H. 352 Grinder-Mixer SALE BY: STEPHEN S. SMITH R-3, Box 526 MANCHESTER, KENTUCKY 40962 PHONE: 1-606-599-9318 TERMS: Cash or good check, sale day ID REQUIRED FOR BIDDER NO Not Responsible For Accidents Auct Foreman AUII63L Clerks, Foremans’ SALE INFO: RICHARD SMITH (717)-776-3984 Auct. Note: Steve & his family have taken up residence in Kentucky. All equip ment is in good cond & very clean Not a lot of small items to sell. Please be Prompt, approx a 2 hr. Sale. Sale site is at RICHARD SMITH property, on Bullshead Road Allensville.PA, turn off RL 655 at county line, to intersection, R Ist farm 5 Belgian horses & harness, horse drawn machinery, green house & supplies, Hh goods & butchenng items By Jonas J. Sr & Sarah zook Mark Click, Auct FRI FEB 27 -1030 AM Clifford Rd, Sellngsgrove, Snyder Co, PA Tractors, TMR Mixer, modem farm machinery & related items By Samuel N Hostetler Bryan D Imes, Auct FRI FEB 27 - 1 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 717-249-4511 SAT FEB 28 - BAM From 1-83 exi!6E, Rt 7451 mi to Campbell’s Music Store, Ll-1/2 mi on Oak Rd to sale, Southern York Co, Dallas town, PA Brenneman’s Consign Sale, tractors, skid loader, farm equip, trucks, trailers, const items, & more Rick Foreman & Ralph Brenneman. Aucls SAT FEB 28 - 8 30AM - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Mlddleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Mlddleburg, PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717-837-2222 SAT FEB 28 - 8 30AM Newber rytown Fire House, Newberrytown, PA Public Toy Sale, pedal trac tors, farm tractors, farm & const equip, race cars, cards & pictures, trucks, banks, motorcycles By L C Eichelberger Ike Eichelberg er, Aucl SAT FEB 28 - 8 30AM 34 W Mam St, Strasburg, PA 24th Ann All Day Auct, horses, mules, farm mach, small goods, buggies, lawn & garden, quilts, turn , antiques & lots more Numerous Aucts SAT FEB 28 - 9AM Vmeland- Bndgeton Pike (Rt 56), W of Rain bow Lake, Pittsgrove Twp, NJ Tractors, farm equip, lawn & gar den equip, shop tools, light md, & const equip By Schaper Bros Wolgemuth Auction SAT FEB 28 - 9AM - 3PM Sug arloaf Fire Co, Inc, Rt 93, Sybertsville, PA, btwn Hazleton & Berwick 4th Annual Toy Show, farm construction, trucks, raicng, banks, dolls, etc By Sugarloaf Fire Co, Inc, 717-788-3405 SAT FEB 28 - 9AM 2 mi E of Aaronsburg, on Rt 45, turn N in farm lane, Centre Co, PA Farm machinery, Hh goods, harness, gun, furniture, bee items & some old items By Mrs Noah H (Emma) Hostetler Mark Ghck Auct SAT FEB 28-9 30AM 2-1/2 mi S of Oxford 902 Shadvside Rd TRACTORS & SKID LOADER TRUCKS HAY EQUIPMENT SAT FEB 28 ■ 9 30AM. 15210 MotteTs Station Rd, Rocky Ridge, MD Tractors, combines 4 heads, tillage, planting, hay & harvesting & forage equip, grain trucks, 1960 Chevy Impala, stock trailer, com silage, rnlsc farm equip & tools By Frank & Judy Williams Trout Auc tKweers. Inc SAT FEB. 28 -10 AM Old Lycoming Fire Dept off Rt 15, Williamsport, PA Computer Auc lion, PC Parts, Inc, Aucts SAT FEB 28 -10 AM Along Roush Rd, 2 mi Nof Miffllnburg, off Buffalo Valley Rd, Union Co, PA Modem (arm machinery, har vester, forage equip, tractors, Ivst truck 4 trailer, combine & more By Memo H & Manana Reiff Bryan D Imes, Auct SAT FEB 28- 10AM Hwy 701 S 7 mi, Elizabethtown, NC Farm Machinery Auction Sale, tractois, 5-long-small box bams By Lane Kmlaw Lloyd Meeklns & Sons Auction Co SAT FEB 28- 10AM RD #2, Along Tarry Hall Rd, Miltetsburg, Dauphin Co, PA Farm equip, tractors, combines, trucks, planting & tillage, hay & gram equip, misc items By Marlin E 4 Anna Miller Kling's Auctions, Inc, Landisburg, Pa 717-789-3883 . SAT FEB 28- 10AM RD #l, Upper Georges Valley Rd, Spring Mills, Centre Co, PA 65 Acre dairy farm & farm machinery By Mike Fredd Leon J & James T Smith, Aucts SAT FEB 28- 11AM Ulysses, Potter Co, PA Complete Farm Dispersal of Modern Machinery, Well cared for By Mr &Mrs Cart D Etway, 814-848-7200 Pirrung Aucts, Inc. Wavland, NY MARCH MON MAR 2 - Murry Auction Emporium, 23 N Water St, LiMz, Lane Co, PA Longeberger Bas ket Auction E M Murry Assoc, Aucts MON MAR 2 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, grain & straw auc tion A & C Dmenbach Auction, TUES MAR 3 - 548 Alexander SRd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat -3 Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. 717-249-4511 TUES MAR 3 - 9AM 154 Bartville Rd, Kirkwood, off Rt 472 E on Bartville Rd 32 Dairy cows, horses & farm equip By Joel L Stoltzfus Abe Diffenbach & Sons. Aucts . 717-393-4464 TUES MAR 3-3 30PM 1 miSof Allensville, PA along Fit 655 at the Mlfflin/Huntmgdon Co line Coun ty Line Market and General store, dwelling house & inventory By Harvey & Ruth Nolt, 6233 Mark Gllck. Auct TUES. MAR. 3 - 7:3OPM. 548 Alexander Spring Rd., Carlisle. Leola, Lane. Co., PA. Wotgemutti PA Feeder cattle sale. Carlisle Hay Sale. Dennis Wolgemulh, Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- Auct 4511 WED MAR. 4 - 109 N Maple tional Holstein Embryo Offering. Ave. Leola. Lane. Co, PA Lum- The Cattle Exchange, www cat ber & Building Materials Sale Wolgemuth Auction, 717-656- WED MAR. 4- 6 30PM. 100 W. 2947. Jackson St, New Holland, Lane WED. MAR 4 -10 AM Wolge- Co., Pa. Winross, Hess, (arm & muth Auction, 109 N. Maple Ave, toys A&C DHfenbach Auction Inc ANOTHER PRESIDENT S DAY AUCTION POTATO AND GRAIN FARM DISPERSAL FOR MR. AND MRS. WAYNE IVORY MON., FEB. 16,1998 ii:OOAM CHEST SPRINGS (CAMBRIA COUNTY) PENNSYLVANIA (Blizzard Date Wed. Feb. 18) ALTOONAAREA Sale at the farm on Russett Road, 1 mile west off State Rt. 36 just north of Chest Springs, south of Patton. Sale is 20 miles northwest of Altoona; 60 miles southwest of State College; 60 miles north of Somerset; 70 miles northwest of Bedford. Discontinuing farming selling will be a well cared for lineup of equipment! Contact owner for details!! COMBINE-TRACTOR-SKID LOADER: GEHL 4510 SKID STEER LOADER, ! 190 hrs , gas engine with catalytic gas purifier muffler for indoor use, real sharp!, 1991 M.F. 699 M.F.W.D. TRAC TOR, factory cab with air/heat/stereo, 3600 original owners hrs., app 85 h p rating, 3 pt„ 2 remotes, 16 9x38 tires, I.H. 986 TRACTOR, factory cab with air/heat, 3 pt. hitch, 2 p t o. drives, 2 hyd. remotes, 18 4x38 rubber, 3700 original owners hrs,; I.H. HYDRO 100 TRACTOR, 3 pt., 2 p.t o. drives, 2 remotes, 18 4x38 rubber, 5400 original owners hrs ; I.H. 656 HYDRO, 3 pt, 2 remotes, 15 5x38 tires, 4900 original owners hrs , 1978 JOHN DEERE 4400 DIESEL COMBINE, straw chopper, 13 ft hume reel gram head and 444 4-row wide corn head, 2240 engine hrs , GENERAL MACHINERY CASE-I.H. 5300 18 double disc drill, dry fert, front mount grass seeder, BRILLION FSC 1445 12 ft corn stalk chopper, like new l , HARDI 3pt sprayer with 38 ft chicken wing folding booms, electric over hydraulic controls, independent boom controls, 250 gal poly tank, HARDI 3 pt sprayer with 38 ft. manual fold booms, 230 gal poly tank, MYERS 150 gal. 3 pt "Mighty Misty" air blast sprayer. Two (2) CASE-I.H. 183 3 pt and 2 pt 4-row cultivators with power slide hitch, I.H. 475 12 1/2 ft transport disc, I.H. 11 1/2 ft 11 shank 3pt chisel plow with gauge wheels J.D. 145 5-16 semi-mt plow with power slide hitch, J.D. 145 4- 16 semi-mt. plow; I.H. 4-16 semi-mt plow with power slide hitch and coulters; I.H. 1200 2 pt sickle bar mower; N.H. Super 55 rake, I.H. 900 haybme; Flat rack hay wagon; KILLBROS 385 gravity box with model 114 14 ft. hyd auger; N.I. 3 pt broadcaster spreader, J.D. 2 row pull type corn planter, 16 ft spiketooth harrow with transport carrier; J.D. 8 ft model H-3 pull behind lime sower, 1981 MACK C/O diesel truck, S/A, cab wand chassis, good farm truck'; Old I.H. LOADSTER truck with 12 ft. bulk fert. body with hyd auger, CUB CADET 1810 Hydro with 46 in. belly mower; 20 ft. storage body on wagon gear; 14 ft. van body for storage; 750 gal poly nurse tank, 1000 gal. fuel tank with elec pump; 550 gal. skid tank with elect pump; 15 ft. x 5 in. gram auger. Three (3) 2- Dayton, 1-Knipco) 150000 b.t.u. salamander heaters; Various 100 lb. I H suitcase weights; SPECIALIZED POTATO/ VEGETABLE EQUIPMENT McConnell 555 four row planter, dry fert. hoppers with stainless chains, picker arm rollers, nice condi tion 1 , UTAH 445 two row harvester, hydrostatic speed control, belted side chain and belted cross chains; LOCKWOOD 76 two row windrowers, "ADMIRE” applicator unit with 30 gal. poly tank, pump, plumbing and front mount, DILTZ WETZEL seed cutter; Two (2) 16 ft bulk produce bodies mounted on dual tandem trailer gears, 14 ft bulk body on dual tandem gear. Three (3) 14 ft bulk body on single tandem gear; 12 ft. bulk body on single axle dual wheel trailer; Four (4) ZIGGY 14 ft bulk bodies on single wheel tandem trailers, ADVANCED 24 ft boom bin stacker with spool sizer, new bloom belt, LOCKWOOD 40 tt conventional boom bulk loader with 24 in chain sizer and picking table, 24 ft and 20 ft flat belt conveyor, 1974 FORD F-600 S/A truck with 14 ft bulk body, 19641. H. 1600 cab and chassis no title with 14 ft bulk body PACKING LINE: WEIGH-O-MATIC 10 head auto bagger, THOMAS E. MOORE bag closing unit with adjustable height stand, infeed conveyor and UNION SPECIAL sewing head, FISCHBEIN hand sewing machine, HAINES 26 in chain si/ter, LOCKWOOD 24 in washer, LOCKWOOD 24 in picking table; HAINES and LOCKWOOD 2 station manual baggeiS, Two (2) plat form scales: Various warehouse fans. TERMS: CASH or honorable check is required sale day. Nothing to be removed until settled for in full. Customers not known to auction company or the Ivory family should bring a bank letter guaranteeing pay ment to allow for immediate removal of equipment. Acceptable ID is required for a bidder card. owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ivory 814-674-5823 Auction Conducted By James P. Pirrung PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. P.O. BOX 607 WAYLAND, NEW YORK 14572 Phone 716-728-2520 Fax 716-728-3378 Penna. Lie. #001672L and #000776L WED. MAR. 4 -12 Noon Interna- AUCTION SAT., FEBRUARY 21,1998 @ 9:30 AM COMPLETE DAIRY AND MACHINERY DISPERSAL Located on Golden Acres Dairy Farm 13 Miles East of Frederick on Rt. 26 to Unionville Rd. Go 1/2 Mile to Woodvi Me Road - Second Farm on Right Watch For Signs (Sale Held in Heated Tent) SNOW DATE; FEB. 23,1998 100 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY 100 COWS AND HEIFERS 10 Cows Fresh Last 90 Days, Remaining cows m dif ferent stages of lactation Heifers’ 10 Due in March/Apnl, 6 Due June/July, 12 Short Bred and 12 Heifers 10-12 Mo of Age, Cows averaging 65 lbs of milk, 4 2 Fat, 3 2 Protein, 149,000 Somatic Cell Count Also Selling 25 Fresh or Close cows and 10 Bred Heifers from Tom Miller All Cattle have been Pregnancy Checked, TB and blood tested and given 9-way protection shots tor Interstate Shipment Loading chute available Semen tank sells with 72 units of Cenex Semen sires, including Charm, Elite, Carvel and Belltone. etc SILAGE FEED 300 TONS 100 Tons Com silage in upright silo. 60 tons Corn silage on Covered Pile 140 Tons Sorghum/Soybeans mixed silage in Ag-Bag never opened Analysis avail able **ALL MUST BE REMOVED BY APRIL 15 FARM MACHINERY IH 1066 Black Stripe, Cab, WF, dual Hyd & PTO, 3 Pt, 20 8-38 Tires, good rubber, 7800 Hrs , 1 set 20 8-38 tire chains; IH 3288 WF, Dual Hyd & PTO, 3 Pt, 18 4-38 Tires, good rubber, 3500 Hrs, IH 656 Diesel, Hydro W.F, dual Hyd, 540 PTO, New 15 5-38 Tires, 4650 Hrs Wind Breaker, Heat Houser for 656, BOB CAT 7438 Skidloader w/5 ft bucket, 3450 hrs attach ments sold separately. Large 5 ft bucket, 5 ft. fork bucket, 6 ft rubber tire scraper, Round bale spear, 1979 FORD F7OO, V-8, 370, 5+2 Trans w/16 ft. gram dump and barn doors tailgate, CASE IH 881 Forage Harvester w/elec controls, 6 ft gram head, 2-row com head; 2 BADGER 1050 Silage Wagons w/roofs & 12- ton T/A Running Gear; NH 8 Silage Wagon w/roof and 12-ton T/A Running Gear; BADGER 1054 Forage Blower; KNIGHT 2375 TMR Wagon w/elec scales; GEHL 7190 Feed Wagon, CASE IH 1350 Grmder/Mixer w/elec scales Excellent Cond, 150 Bushel Capacity, NH 853 Round Baler w/bale com mand, NH 256 Hay Rake, Smoker 24-ft Hay Elevator w/ 1/2 h p elec motor; WESTFIELD 56 ft. x 8 in. dia Grain Auger: Hydro-Trail Double Rake Hitch; IH 1190 Haybine 9 ft., BUSH HOG 12 ft Disc Harrow, MILLER 10 ft Offset Disc w/hke-new disc; UNEV ERFERTH 18 ft. Folding S-Tme Harrow, AC 10 ft. Disc Harrow; JD 18 ft folding spring-tooth Harrow; AC 7-row, No-till, Soybean Planter w/extra parts; CASE IH 1570 Manure Spreader w/Hyd. tailgate and top beater, NH 520 Manure Spreader w/Hyd tailgate and top beater, 2 wooden Hay Wagons 14 & 18 ft, GROVE 7 ton Running Gear, FARMCO 20 ft Round bale Wagon, 3 FARMCO 24 ft Feed Wagons, J D FBB 17-Disc Gram Drill, JD Cat 111 3-pt Quick Hitch, IH 2250 Mount-O-Matic Loader w/IH 56 Series Brackets, NEW IH 84-85 Series Brackets for 2250 Loader, 110 Gallon Fuel Tank w/elec pump, RED DEVIL 8 ft Snow Blower LIKE NEW, used only once, 1996 KAWASAKI 220 BAYOU 4 Wheeler, ZIM MERMAN Head Lock Gate LIKE NEW, Tractor Canopy Shade, 10 Barn Fans (36”, 24”, and 18") w/Schatfer & Dayton; Alfa-Laval 6-umt teat spray sys tem. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Most machinery in excel lent condition and 65 years old or less Plan to attend this sale jot a good hue of cows and excellent mat hat ers SALE ORDER 930 a m-small and misc items off wagon, approx 10-00 a m-cows sell then feed 12-30 p m -machinery sale TERMS: CASH OR APPROVED CHECK WITH POSITIVE I.D. DAY OF SALE. NOTHING REMOVED UNTIL SET TLED FOR ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS TAKE PRECEDENT OVER ALL ADVERTISEMENTS! NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS LUNCH RIGHTS RESERVED BY LINGANORE GRANGE. SALE MANAGER; GOLDEN ACRES DAIRY FARM TOM MILLER PHONE: (301) 695-8096 CLERKS; FERN HINES & STEWART CASHOUR CONTINENTAL AUCTION SERVICE JOHN CLEVE TROUT, AUCTIONEER PHONE: (301) 845-0090 RONALD W. & ANGELA L. MATTHEWS (301)829-2509 8358 WOODVILLE RD. MT. AIRY, MD. 21771
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