(Public Auction Register I Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. I of each week’s publication I lf T G^nra^ M PA 03 RtiS.mm S* 7 - FEB 7 ' 9AM - 733 E State SAT FEB. 7 - 9AM. 323 Sweet- f al **» J*** s ?' 6 -* ac : HaiS f St (rMr >’ Hamburg, Bette Co. PA mans Lane, Perrlnevllle NJ Cen- tors ’ horsedrawn cultivator, priml- " VBmo,y “ LBners narawam & Qarage equip, parts, riding ESTATE FIREARM’S AUCTION Will sell the following located at the COCHRAN AUCTION COMPLEX, 7704 Mapleville Road, Boonesboro, Washington County, Maryland on: (2) WINCHESTER 42 410; WINCHESTER 12 12 Ga.; (3) WINCHESTER 12 12 Ga. Mod.; (3) WINCHESTER 12 16 Ga., WINCHESTER 12 20 Ga.; WINCHESTER 37 410; (2) WINCHESTER 37 12 Ga.; (2) WINCHESTER 37 16 Ga ; WINCHESTER 37 12 Ga. 2 3/4” & 3” Chamber; (2) WINCHESTER 97 12 Ga.; WINCHESTER 1897 12 Ga.; WINCHESTER 94 30-30 Win. Golden Spike Commemorative; WINCHESTER 94 30-30 Win.; (2) WIN CHESTER 94 .32 WS: WINCHESTER 70 30-06 w/Scope; WINCHESTER 100 .308 Win.; WINCHESTER 1890 22 w/Octagon Barrel; WINCHESTER 88 .308; WINCHESTER 9422 Win. Mag.; WINCHESTER 94 30-30; WIN CHESTER 43 22 Hornet; WINCHESTER 1904 22; WINCHESTER 62A 22; WINCHESTER 67A 22, WIN CHESTER 69A 22; (4) WINCHESTER 61 22; WINCHESTER 61 22 Win. Mag., (2) WINCHESTER 62 22; WIN CHESTER 63 22; (3) WINCHESTER 67 22. (2) REMINGTON 760 270 Win. w/Scope, (2) REMINGTON 760 30-06, REMINGTON 7600 .308 Win w/Scope; REMINGTON 7600 270 Win.; REMINGTON 7608DL .270 Win.; REMINGTON 760 30-06 w/Scope; REM INGTON 722 244 Rem. w/Scope; REMINGTON 721 30-06; REMINGTON 722 .222 Rem w/Scope; REMING TON 722 .244 Rem w/Scope, REMINGTON 722 .257 Roberts; REMINGTON 722 222 Rem., REMINGTON 7 6mm w/Scope; REMINGTON 14A .35 Rem , REMINGTON 870 Wing Master 12 Ga.; REMINGTON 870 Wing Master 20 Ga , (2) SAVAGE 99 .300 Sav., 1 w/Scope, SAVAGE 1899 300 Sav, SAVAGE 99F 308 Win.; SAV AGE 24 22-410 Over & Under; SAVAGE 99 .250; SAVAGE 67 410-NIB; SAVAGE 220 12 Ga. , 37 SAKO, BROWNING & OTHERS 37 SAKO 2700 270, SAKO A 1 17 Rem , (2) BROWNING 42 410; (2) ITHACA 37 Feather Light 12 Ga. Pumps- American Bicentennial, MARLIN 30AW 30-30 w/Scope, MARLIN MR7 30-06 w/Scope, RUGER 77 25-06 w/Scope. (2) U S SPRINGFIELD 1898 30-40; MAUSER 1891 w/Scope; US. Blackpowder; ROSSI 62SA 22- NIB, STEVENS 22 410 Over & Under, STEVENS Little Scout; STEVENS 12 w/Rabbit Ears, (2) VICTOR SPE CIALS 12 Ga , SPRINGFIELD 12 Ga Double Barrel; REVELATION 3IOC 20 Ga , REVELATION 350 Series P 410, CENTER ARMS 12 Ga. Double Barrel, CENTER ARMS 948 410, COIUMOIA Ejector 10 Ga Single Barrel; EXCEL 16 Ga Single Barrel, GLENFIELD 25 22 w/Scope; H&R 48 Topper Single Barrel; H&R 88 16 Ga ; H&R 88 Topper Junior 410; H&R 148 Topper 410, H&R 490 Topper Junior 28 Ga , HOPKINS & ALLEN ARMS 22 Long, J C HIGGINS 101 1 410, MOSSBERG 268 22; MOSSBERG 500 AB 12 Ga., And Other Guns and Related Items AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Ninety-Two (92) guns from an Estate We will be accepting a few other guns and relat ed items for this auction Please call so that we can get your gun cataloged All guns sold in compliance with State and Federal laws TERMS: Cash or approved check with positive identification Reserved ABSOLUTELY NO BUYER’S PREMIUM! AUCTIONEER: James G. Cochran CLERK: TE Bikle (17-98) Discontinuing our farming operation of over 6,000 acres, and retiring, we will sell the following on the premises located at From Emmitsburg, take Rt. 15 South approx. 2 miles to Rt 76 Turn left Go approx 6 miles to farm lane on right Watch for auction signs. Ml .. SUNFLOWER 1232 32' fold-up transport C- Flex disk. SUNFLOWER 1232 2 V fold-up transport C-Flex disk, SUNFLOWER 42LL 24' fold-up transport chisel plow w/levelers and front disk, FARMHAND WP-42 36’ cultipack- |k er, FORD 14’ offset plowing disk, JDS bottom plow, 2 bottom plow, J D 7200 MAX EMERGE 2 6 row corn planter w/dry fertilizer boxes, CASE INTL 5300 SOY BEAN SPE CIAL 24 hoe gram drill, J D 750 15’ no-till drill HAY EQUIPMENT: JD 1360 diskbme, J D 348 square baler w/thrower, like-new cond (2) J D 335 round balers, J D 660 hay rake w/3rd wheel & rubbei based teeth. J D 662 hay lake w/3rd wheel & rubbei based teeth, N H 32’hay elevatoi, J D hay rake attachment to hook up two rakes. (2) 18’ kickbale wagons, (3) 16’ kickbale wagons, (1) 14’ kickbale wagon. (2) flatbed wagons, hay teddei, sickle bar mower HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: JD 3490 corn choppei w/30” corn head & pick-up head, (2) J D 716-AT/A forage wagons w/roots. J D 716T/Ator age wagon, N H 27 silage blower, N H SUPER 23 silage blowei. N H gnnder mixer MISC. FARM EQUIPMENT- CASE INTL 2255 loader, J D 3 pt serapei blade, GEHL SCAVENGER II 322 T/A manuie spreader, J D 785 HYDRO RAM T/A manure spreader w/hyd gate, slop tiough, and 2 teat beateis, 10' VALK snow plow to fit farm tractor. BUSHHOG 15’ batwing mowei. (2) hay torks & loader buckets, DANUSER post hole diggei, gravity bin, 50 gal 3 pt spiayei w/pump, 8’ RED DEVIL 3 pt PTO snow blowei w/hyd snout TRUCKS. 1960 CHEV. IMPALA & TRAILER: 1987 BRIGADIER T/A gram dump w/20' OBECO giam body w/roll tarp. N-14 CUMMINS diesel FULLER 7 spd trans , 1984 FORD 9000 T/A w/20' OBECO body, N-14 CUMMINS diesel 8 spd low hole tians . 1972 DIAMOND REO T/A w/6-71 DETROIT diesel. 20 spd trans , w/twm cylmdei hoist, 20‘ body, 1973 DIAMOND REO T/A w/6-71 DETROIT diesel, 20 spd trans , w/twm cylinder hoisl. 20’ body, 1982 IHC S/A w/au hit axle, DT-466 diesel eng , 10 spd ROAD RANGER nans, 20' gram dump body, 1984 CHEV C 60 S/A 16 box buck w/hlt gate. 4 spd gas eng , 1980 CHEV I ton flatbed. 4 spd , 350 gas eng , 1965 CHEV 30 flatbed w/recently overhauled gas eng 1983 CHEV 20 pick-up. 4 spd gas eng , MD INSPECTED. 1960 CHEV IMPALA 2 dooi haidtop ear, 16' bumper hitch stock trailei MISCELLANEOUS: Tractoi weights, top links, misc gales, LINCOLN 150 amp weldei gencralot, 10 HP. KOHLER gas eng . WESTFIELD 14 giam auget, UNVERFERTH universal hoppei & auger, lound bale teedei, bench gnnder, 2 1/2 ton motoi hoist, 20' wooden ext ladder, 3 pt wood splitter, 30 ton hyd press, misc hand tools, wheel balancer, chains, shovels, floor jack, tool boxes, rollei chain, grease gun, CRAFTSMAN push mowei, cold water poit pressure washer, 1200 psi CORN SILAGE: (2) Tiench Silos w/com silage to be sold "by the trench ’, Ticnch #1 is appiox 75 long x 26’ wide x 8-10’ deep (appiox 350 tons) Tiench #2 is approx 50’ long x 22’ wide \ 7’ deep (appiox 150 tons) TERMS: Cash. Good Check, Visa or Mastei Caid 59c administrative tee charged on any non-cash oi non-check purchase Nothing removed until settled loi Not tesponsible for accidents FINANCING: Available thiough Tclmaik, Inc with 3to 5 days notice pnor to the day of auction Contact Telmark Customer Service at 1-800-451-3322 FRANK & JUDY WILLIAMS, OWNERS Lunch By Rocky Ridge Vol Fire Co SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1998 12:00 (NOON) 43 WINCHESTERS 43 27 REMINGTONS & SAVAGE 27 Cochran MKTNKBS A MNGUIB U>. FnHiilttmlAmamfn » V>nknn Umt tm TTMMaptavHtoM, P.O. lok 122 ■oOMkoro, MO 2171 >0222 (JOI)73M*M P» Uc.«(*a<lOWtt2-t) FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION IATURDAY. FEBRUARY 28.1998 AT 9:30 A.M (121 TRACTORS (121 CASE INTL 9170 4x4, 20 8x42 duals, articulated, pulser trans, yr round cab, 3500 hrs , CASE INTL 7220 Magnum 4x4, powershift trans , yr round cab, 20 Bx3B rubber, 3pt hitch, 540 and 1000 PTO, 1459 his , CASE INTL 2096 5 9 Iti, yr round cab, 20 Bx3B rubber, powershift trans , 540 and 1000 PTO, 4100 hrs , CASE INTL 2096, 5 9 Itr, yr round cab, 20 Bx3B rubber, powershift trans , 3 pt, 540 PTO, 4100 hrs , CASE INTL 3394 4x4 w/duals, 20 Bx3B rubber, yr round cab, powershift, 3900 hrs , CASE INTL 1594 w/rollbar, 18 4x38 (90%) rubber, vg cond , CASE INTL 695 4x4, 18 4x30 rubber, 1360 hrs, JCB 14008 loader backhoe, O/ROPS. w/wmdshield & soft cab, 2400 hrs ,N H L 325 skidsteer loader wAVisc gas engine manuie forks & bucket, FARMALL M, 3 pt, FAR MALL H, JOHN DEERE 730, 3 pt, ps , new engine & clutch COMBINES & HEADS: 1997 JD 9500 4x4 COMBINE w/straw chopper, 443 eng hrs, 337 separator hrs , J D 7720 TITAN II w/stiaw chopper, 3800 hrs , J D 918 flex head, J D 643 6 row corn head, J D 925 grain head TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIPMENT: S-C s< x PLEASE CLIP THIS AD •■< live tools, tools, trunks, boxes, 4 much more. Alfred's Auctions lm SAT. FEB, 7 - 9AM. 1550 Sandhill S£L F p?, 7 nerahey, PA Longaberger u^w , s R Orchaids U off Ftt 174 Baskets Auction, over3oobaskets §g? Aucton 00 • LW 717 -533- S^SS —— Kevin M Wickafd.Auct Not responsible for accidents. mower, tools & related Items By Lloyd G.K Klmmel Klinger Auc tioneer Service SAT. FEB 7 - 9AM Hauseman’s Farm MkL (Bam), Hill Church Rd. Pikeville, PA Hh goods, furniture, antiques, wrought Iron fence, cher ry lumber, truck, snow plow for trac tor, & other equip Gary Hause man. Auct SAT. FEB. 7 - 9AM. Lebanon Val ley LvsL MkL,l mi Eof Fredericks burg, PA, along Rt. 22 Farm Machinery Consign Auct For info Dave, 717-866-5783. Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover, Aucts SAT FEB 7 -9.30 AM Shamrock AucL Gallery, Rt 6, Black Walnut Wyoming Co, PA, btwn Laceyvllle & Meshoppen 93 Guns, pistols, Hh goods, appliances, snowmobile & more. By James Askey, Sham rock Auction Service. Jerry Burke & Assoc, Aucts. SAT FEB 7 -930 AM John Julian Construction Co, 900 Julian Lane, Bear, DE Construc tion Co Liquidation of Business Established In 1939 John J McGrellis 111, Auct SAT FEB 7-930 AM 1-1/4miW of Beaver Spnngs, along Ridge Rd., Snyder Co, PA Horses, machinery, harness & some Hh goods By Steven J &Lean Yoder Mark Glick, Auct SAT FEB 7 -10 AM Walters Farm, US 13, 8 ml S of Dover, DE on US 13. N of Canterburg light Consignment Auction, trac tors, trucks, combines, farm & lawn & garden equip & misc items Sam Walters 111, Auct SAT FEB 7 -10 AM From Fleet wood, Fleetwood-Topton Rd & turn Rto Bowers Rd, in Bowers for 1 mi to auct, Rockland Twp, Berks Co, PA Signs MH Pony tractor w/mower & attach, farm items, collectibles, tools & hard ware By Janet A Ketner Kenny Leibv Auction Service SAT FEB 7 -10 AM Ridge Fire Co, along Rt 23 btwn Phoenixville, PA & Rt 100 Pavil ion books, records, dental cabi net, cabinets coll of old earners & photographic equp toys Strains Blue Room toys from the Startzenbach estate Ted Maurer, Auct SAT FEB 7 -10 AM Al long Bartques Rd, Millheim, Penns Valley, Centre Co, PA Horses, modem horse drawn farm mach on steel, milking equip, & feed & related farm items By Amos B & Lydia R Stoltzfus Bryan D Imes. Auct Lunch Rights SAT FEB 7 - 10 30AM Mel’S Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 SAT FEB 7-12 Noon SmlWof South Williamsport, arrows off Fit 654, Nisbet, Lycoming Co, PA 43 dairy cattle, reg, holstem, heifers By Mr & Mrs Carl Steppe Fraley Auct Co yirout jf Auctioneers, Inc. ‘Experience Doesn t Cost, It Pays' 9801 Hansonvilla Rd Frederick, MD 21702 301-898-9899 Fax 301-898-3596 http.//www.auctionada .com Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 7,198»829 SUN FEB 8 -10 AM - 7 Ren nlnger Mkt., Rt 61, Schuylkill Haven, PA Antiques & Collec tables Kenneth F Hartranft, Aucl MON FEB 9 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dfffenbach Auction, Inc MON FEB 9 - SPM Cochran Auct Complex, 7704 Mapteville Rd, Boonsboro, MD Lawn & Gar den Auction J G. Cochran Aucts & Assoc, Ltd TUES FEB 10 - 9AM 296 A Mount Pleasant Rd, Quarryvllle, PA Horses, crops, farm equip ment, horse related items, diesel shed equip By Daniel G &Emma E Beiler Mel Hoover, Aucl TUES FEB 10-9 30AM 3miS of New Holland, turn off Rt 23 to Peters Rd to Hollow Rd, turn R, Ist farm on R, Lane Co, PA Full line of farm equipment, shop equipments Hh goods By Aaron B Lentz Robert E Martin S Sons. Aucts TUES FEB 10 -9 30AM 3miS of New Holland, off rt. 23 in Groff dale on Peters Rd, Ron Hollow Rd, Lane Co, PA Farm S dairy equip, Hh goods By Aaron Lantz Robert E, Jeffrey R, S Michael L Martin. Aucts TUES FEB 10 - IPM Farm ersville Auction, 3 mi E of Brown stown, Farmersville, Lane Co, PA Hh goods, antiques, col lectibles & furniture Larry E Putt Auct WED FEB 11 - 9AM Gouglersville Fire Co Banquet Hall, off of Rt 222 & Mohn’s Hill Rd, Reading, Berks Co, PA Fur niture, glass, advertisement, post cards Valentines, button coll, baskets, books, china, lighting, tin ware, ironware, miniatures, banks & dolls By Anita I Watson Collec tion Pennypacker-Andrew Auc lion Centre, Inc WED FEB 11 -9AM 1/4 mi Eof Intercourse, 2nd farm R off Route 772, Newport Rd, Lane Co, PA Farm machinery, 6 head top mules, horse, baler, planter wagon, milkers, Sputmck, antiques By Samuel I & Mary Esh Petersheim Auct Svc At 9:00 A.M. DISCONTINUING FARMING we will sell for Tim Crawford the following; Inti. 250 A mdus. loader tractor w/shuttle shift, 3 pt.; Inti. 2050 A indus. loader tractor w/3 pt., PTO & chains; Hesston 1150 (12’) haybine; Vicon wheel rake (24’) working width; NH 570 baler w/#72 throw er, hyd. tension; N.l. 486 Bale King round baler; N.I. 279 rotary scythe; (4) 18x9 wood hay wag ons; (1) 16x8 wood hay wagon; (1) 18’ flatbed wagon; Zimmerman 40 ft. elevator; dou. spike loader; 3 pt. bale earner; White 5 bottom plow; Brillion 10 ft. cultipacker, J.D. 22A sub-soiler; J.D. 1460 6 row & J.D. 1440 4 row no-till planters w/dry fert boxes & monitors; Haybuster 107 no til drill w/dry fert. boxes; N.H 25 blower; Wmco 45/25 PTO generator; Danuser 3 pt. post hole dig ger; (8) deep H concrete pre-cast bunk feeders; 8 HP 24 ton wood splitter; (2) 4 ft. vent fans; GSI 4 ton feed bin; 2300 gal. T/A manure spreader; N.I. 364 T/A manure spreader w/3 beaters & end gate; Butler 6” shredder pump; Nesseth manure pump, 3 pt.. To Be Offered with Reserve; 8 Big Claw DeLaval milkers w/wash sys.; Mueller 1000 gal. “O” model milk tank w/washer & pre-heater, DeLaval 78 vacuum pump w/oil reclaimer; Stalls, feeders & 3” S/S lowline & DeLaval S/S milk receiver for double 4 parlor. ALSO SELLING: Int 5088 tractor w/all weath er cab, 3 pt. dual hyd.; Fartnall M Tractor; N.H 320 baler; N.I 3639 manure spreader, less than 1 yr. old; Butler 3,250 gal. hq. manure spreader; Inti. #l4 sub-soiler. Miller 10 ft offset disc har row; Bnlhon 12 ft single transport cultipacker, (2) Fox 3310 forage choppers I w/pickup head; J D. 716 T/A forage wagon w/rool, (3) metal hay wagons, Gehl forage blower: Int 4 row corn planter, Inti. 7 ft, 3 pt. sickle bar mower, Grimm hay tedder, Danuser 3 pt post hole digger TERMS: Cash, Check, Visa or Master Card. 5% administrative fee charged on any non cash or non-check purchase. NO BUYER’S PREMIUM. Not responsible for accidents. SALE ORDER: 9AM Huge scl of tools, 11 AM farm machinery & construction equipment SINCE 1920 FARM MACHINERY AUCTION We will sell the following located at the RT. 15 AUCTION CENTER, 9801 HAN SONVILLE RD., FREDERICK, MD. From Frederick take Rt. 15 North approx. 8 mi. to Hansonville Rd. & turn left. Go approx. 1 mi. to center on right on: SAT., FEBRUARY 21,1998 CONSIGNMENTS BEING ACCEPTED CONTACT AUCTION CO. See Wolfe Industrial Auctions Ad For SINCE 1920 Vlrout jf Auctioneers, Inc- Exparianca Doesn t Cost, tt Pays' 9801 Hanaonvilla Rd Frederick, MD 21702 301-898-9899 Fax 301-898-3596 WED FEB 11 -10 AM Wdge muth Auction, 109 N. Maple Ave., Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED FEB 11-1 30PM Belleville Lvst Mkt, Belleville, PA Complete Herd Dspersal, 88 miking cows By MrS Mrs Robert Musser For more info 717-935-2146 or 717- 667-2703 WED FEB 11 -2PM HorstAuo hon Center, Comer of Rt 322 S Durlach Rd. Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Antiques, Hh goods, col lecßbles Stools Horst Aucts THURS FEB 12-9 AM Take 472 across Octarora Lake to Street Rd, Rto T (Forge Rd), Lto sale on L, from Nittingham, forge Rd N Smtosaleonß 4452 Forge Rd, Oxford, PA 51 Head herd disper sal, draft horses, farm equip S misc. By Joseph Z S Malinoa B Gllck Mel Hoover, Auct THURS FEB 12-11 AM 4miW of Lqysvllle, off Rt 274, L on Madi son Rd, Ist farm across from St Paul’s Church, Perry Co, Pa Cat tle, feed S farm machinery By Billy J Rice Ktng’sAuctKxis.ino.Lan disbuig, Pa 717-789-3883 THURS FEB 12 -620 PM Leesport Farmer's Mkt, Rt. 61. Leesport, PA Computer Auction PC Parts. Inc, Aucts THURS FEB 12 - 7PM 394 Shaub Rd , Strasburg, Twp . Lane Co, PA (1 mi Sof STras burg, btwn May Post Office Rd & Bunker Hill Rd) Real estate w/rear wood shake siding, w/2 car garage By Richard H Shaub Estate Howard E Shaub, Inc, Auct FRI FEB 13-9 AM 100 W Jack son St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Tractors, farm equip, & sup plies A&C Dilfenbach Auction Inc FRI FEB 13 -12 Noon Middle burg Livestock Auct Sis , Inc Middleburg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717-837-2222 FRI FEB 13-1 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle. PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 717-249-4511
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers