Case 530 backhoe, exc. cond-$5875. Case 580 CK needs mjectbr pump - $3975. 2" water pumps, bng&st. - $lB5. 215-968- 7976 Bucks Co Pair 4yr old sorrel molly mules, broke. Bennie M. Stoltzfus, 985 White Oak Rd, Christiana Pa Lan caster Co 1993 Dodge 3/4-ton ex-cab diesel cummins, auto, o/d, LE, all toys, captian chairs, 2x4, v.g - $15,500 may trade. 814-356-3589 Bed fqrdCo New greenhouse, misc., also used. Best offer by March 1 st. Mervm Alguyer, 117-A Lower Valley Rd, Christiana, PA 17509 Lan caster Co. Bush Hog, rear discharge, 6ft finish mower, used less than 10hrs - $l3OO 814- 658-3848 Huntingdon Co Mueller OHIOOO milk tank with shp compressor, washer, digital thermome ter, 120 gal freheat system - $6OOO 080. 717-286- 3136 Northumberland Co Case 8300 CK, vg, lOOOhrs, on major over haul, Kaste S.U. wagon, 10t Int. 3pt rotary hoe, 6- row. 7-9 pm. 717-889- 3082 Sch Co. Autraiian Shepherd pup pies, blue merles, black tns, blue eyes, registered, wormed, vaccinated, health guarantee, outgoing and stock smart. 814-349- 5536 Centre Co. 1983 Western Star, rebuilt 4008 Cat breaksaver, 15spd, direct trans, 4,8001 b rears, 48"SLPR, top of Cab rough - $B5OO 080. 609- 875-4535 Camden CO.NJ 1983 Ford F-100 truck, 6cyl, 3speed, 80,000 miles, runs strong, reliable - $l3OO Neg. Call Matt. 215-679-6588 Lehigh Co John Deere 450 C track loader, good condition - $13,000 Neg. Call 717- 867-1959 Lebanon Co. Two male Llamas, one three year old, one two year old Ask for Laura. 610’760-9769 Lehigh Co. Does the following sound familiar? G 21% Protein Alfalfa Haylage □ Hi Energy Value Corn Silage O Hi Quality High Moisture Corn □ 55 lbs. Milk/Cow/Day ????? Are you one of the many dairy operators in the area with high quality crops and low milk production? Your herd is capable of much more. At Cargill Animal Nutrition we know how to make your cows reach their genetic potential and your farm maximize profits. Typical results have averaged $15,000/100 cows/year. Call for more information and a no obligation visit. Competitive Pricing ♦ Free Forage Testing ♦ Healthy Cows ♦ Consistent Results 1946 Studebaker truck, 13,000 GVW, excellent for restoring, not used since 1974, all tin excellent cond. $B5O 080. 908-236-6658 Hunterdon Co CaselH 235 hydro 4x4 turf tires, 18 horsepower, 188 hours, 60" mower, SQA loader, ex. condition. 717- 665-6254 Lancaster Co Farmall H with cultivators, good condition - $l7OO 516-727-0408 Suffolk Co. 73 Dodge truck, 21000 QVW, runs strong - $675. Four other older Dodge trucks for parts or restore. 717-469-2413 Leb. Co. 55 gallon Aquarium, com plete setup, including nice wood cabinet, some fish included - $250 neg. 717- 244-2038 York Co. 1956 Ford C6OO cabover platform dump, good shape - $4750 080. 908-852- 6372 Hunterdon Co. Planer blade grinder- $3OO. Gym uneven bars - $5OO. 10ft ramp - $275. Hospital bed - sloo.Bft pickup cap - $l5O. 717-286-5306 Northumberland Co. Oliver 1750 Diesel, NFE 3pt front and rear weights, 16.9-38 rubber, hydra pow er drive, nice tractor - $5BOO. 717-367-6084 Lancaster Co. Service age bull sired by Mascot, has type dam, pro duced 19,599 as a 2 year old. Asking $6OO. 717- 865-6654 Lebanon Co. Singer treadle sewing machine - $lOO. Dresser and double bed frame - $3OO. Victrola stand - $75. Pre-50's dmnette set - $lOO. 717-243-7974 Cumberland Co Open heifers, 4 months to yearlings. New Holland 518 manure spreader with endgate. 717-374-8607 Snyder Co Peddinghaus 210/20 iron worker, 225820 punch, both for $2500060. Deliv ery available. 717-872- 7081 Lancaster Co JD 31OA backhoe cab heater, low hours, machine is tight, very good condi tion, 24’ bucket, flip pads - $13,900. 717-249-8361 Cumberland Co. Cargill Animal Nutrition Lebanon, Pennsylvania Walkersville, Maryland 1-800-613-4459 1-800-833-3372 Reach Your Potential. Harvestore silo 20x70, with Goliath unloader. Also, 45ft 'conveyor - $5OOO 717- 733-2342 Lancaster Co 1800 Automatic earcorn roller mill w/blower, 3 years old, very good condition - $ll,OOO 080. 717-665- 7655 Lancaster Co. Gehl 65mx grinder mixer, 10 steel gates w/posts, 38" h x 5'7"1, good for hog's, sheep, etc. 717-682-3572 Sch. Co. Ford F 250 4x4, 7.3 diesel, Sspeed, dual tanks, cruise 717-538-1855 Union Co. JD 4400 combine for parts or whole rolled MF 410 combine for parts or whole 12'gram table. 717-566- 6668 Dauphin Co Brushy Bandit model IUU, chipper, 12" capacity, hydro feed, gas engine - $7200 JDIIO L&G w/mower round fender - $550. 609-737- 1781 Mercer Co, NJ Inf. Cub, 10-box, #154, wide front,with sft belly, 3 blades & snowplow. JD 15"x8‘ wagon wheels, new. 717- 652-5412 Dauphin Co. Hydra Mac 8C skid loader, 4 1/2" bucket, Fort Onan engines. 610-932-3352 Chester Co. John Blue field sprayer, 30 ft. booms, good condition - $750. 610-683-7198 Berks Co. Seven run dog kennel, 3x5 wire, runs 3x3 boxes - $5OO 080. Used for Mini Daushund. 717-656-4799 Lancaster Co. Pequea 710 hay tedder, one row cultivator for Far mall AY, complete side dress system, new fertiliz ers hoppers. Evenings 717-889-3197 Sch. Co. Tractor chains - "Durognp’ size 18x38 - $125. Step bumper for pickup - $75. 500 g fuel tank, Savage 300 - $6OO. 717-273-6018 Lebanon Co. Case 400 diesel tractor, runs okay - $l7OO 080. Write: Joseph Stoltzfus, 870 King Pen Rd. Kirk wood. PA 17536. Lane. Co 323 com picker, good con dition, bin wagon, wagon gear, ground drive mower for parts. 498 Twin Elm Rd, Strasburq, Lane. Co Hay, Clover, Timothy mix, good quality. No Sunday calls. 814-839-4165 Bed (ord Co. 48x70 cow mats, only 1 year old, heavy-duty wear ing mat but fairly soft - $4O/ea. 717-445-9851 Lancaster Co. Eskimo Spitz pups, 8 weeks old. Also, Dorset ram, 1 1/2 years old. 717- 367-3662 Dauphin Co No.l Alfalfa hay - $lB5/ton 1 Belgian horse, choice of 3 -$l5O. Stephen Smucker, 322 A Hagers Rd. Stras burg, 17579. Lane Co New Century welder and helmet, rods 230 amp - $175. Wanted; mower with bagger in good condition. 717-445-6327 Lane. Co. New Zealand white rabbits, 2 bucks, 2 months old 717-484-0677 Lane Co IHC 1967 dump truck, 11,00 GVW, 4x4, rebuilt motor, new clutch, new tires, new exhaust, new paint - $3BOO. 717-548- 3936 Lancaster Co. JD 55 senes 466 block - $750. 4430 Quad pack with 55 series kit - $650. Flywheel clutches valve body. 540-436-8336 Shen. Co. VA Stackable rabbit or bird cages and breeders. Also, GQF Quail layer cages with dropping pens, metal chicken nests. 717-687- 5143 Lancaster Co. Snow blower and blade for original Cub Cadet, Wind breaker for 127, 108 with deck, IH power unit (conti nental). 717-359-7534 Adams Co 1989 Ford van, VB, auto overdrive, A/C, loaded, 7 passenger, just inspected, good shape. Call 717-464- 1829 Lancaster Co Mobile home frame, 14'x70‘, 3 axles, tires, wheels, auto, washer, oil furnace. 717-993-2358 York Co. Firestone rear tractor tires, 12.4x38, 25% tread - $5O/each. 717-993-6152 York Co. Gravely Model "L", 30” mower, 4ft snow blade, chains, elect, start, excel lent condition - $450 410- 489-7668 Carroll Co, MD Uncattar Fuming, Saturday. Fafaruuy 7, IWB-823 Complete 2” glass pipeline for 50 cows, Boumatic vac uum pump, runs 6 units, like new. 717-529-4018 Chester Co s'xB' trailer - $375. Carber ator for John Deere B trac tor, rebuilt and painted - $l6O. ’ 717-423-5353 Cumberland Co JD 603 6' retar/cutter - $595. Set (3) frptn weights, complete - $6OO JD 415 two-bottom plow - $350. 717-249-2591 Cumb Co Case 251 cu.m gas engine, Fox #9OO harvester 2-row corn, pickup heads for parts 717-426-3684 Lancaster Co. Horses, reg Paint, Quar terhorses, Paso Finos, Tennessee Walkers, foals broodmares and riding horses - $5OO up 717-665- 6263 Lancaster Co Lincoln Idealanc 250 AC DC stick welder - $4OO 36” & 30 jump shears. 6m notcher, 21 & 30" barfolder. 717-792-9282 York Co. Fox Terrier puppies. Play ful pets for children or seniors. 717-367-6103 Lancaster Co. Honey extractor, 8 frame, home-made ■ $25. Tool box, steel, 3.s'lxl.s'wxl'd - $25. 717-938-5802 York Co 8-71 DD power unit Rock well torad - $2500 Bobcat wheel 12-16.5 - $4O. 69 Scout with plow, 4cyl, run ning - $5OO. Evenings 973*948-6996 Sussex Co, NJ Weil-McLain steam boiler, 550,000 BTU, oil fired, ex. condition, used two sea sons, ready to load - $650 717-653-2717 Lane. Co. IH 504 diesel with IH 2000 loader, new rubber, excel lent. IH 966, rebuilt engine, nice. Spring Haven Farm 540-289-9290 McGahrvsville Co. VA Polled Hereford yearling bulls and heifers, cows with calves, dark red, good milk ers, registration if needed 717-437-2656 Col. Co. 1940 JD H cultivator, new paint, decals, engine over hauled, new tires, light kit, plus spare parts - $3OOO Neg. 410-923-3885 MD Used tires, 900 R-20, 11R22-5, 10R22-5 717- 538-2106 Northumb. Co. RG4, 4-row cultivator Best Offer. 8* water gate valve. Wanted: hood emblems for Joh«) Deere 4020 717-684-0501 Lan caster Co. JD 875, 6-row mm-till culti vator - $1950. 610-286- 8674 Chester Co. Oliver 70, runs - $4OO Steel wheels for Farmall H & 9NFord IH 1600 truck, 14' flatlift gate - $525 Nights. 215-968-4808 Bucks Co. JD 450 bulldozer, 6-way blade w/bkho, engine, brakes, clutches rebuilt - $14,000 80 VW pickup, 45mpg diesel, 4spd - $1295 215-536-9239 Bucks Co Cupem M wide front end - $2650 FarmallH - $l2OO Loader for H - $125 6' snow plow - $350 Call evenings. 610-796-1929 Berks Co Disk harrow, 3pt hitch, 6' CC, meeker harrows three complete with hitch, Pepsi Cola machine upnght, cash register. 609-561-4618 Camden Co. NJ One Limousine bull, 3 yr old, purebred - $B5O Emanuel Esh, 132 Acade my Rd, Kirkwood, PA 17536. Lane. Co. Free Collie-Dalmation mixed puppies, and adult female AKC Collie. Also, used farm equipment rea sonably priced Retiring farmer. 717-334-7993 Adams Co. Carburator for later model JD “B" tractor - $125 JD P.T.O air pump - $lOO 717-334-0459 Adams Co E-Z trailing 890-W running gear, new, never used 717-244-5941 York Co JD model Ml tractor, 5N20047, good original condition, fenders, rock shaft, tires 90% N/F 1977 MG Midget, nice. 717- 395-3364 Bradford Co FarmallH Ford9N with belly mount sickle bar on both - $lOOOl-1, $15009N Mitts& Merrill brush chipper, 12" 300ci Fqrd - $l5OO 717- 992-1124 Monroe Co CAmG ; _ L Heavy broilers Cornishx, pasture raised - $6.50/ea. Good mixed grass hay, no dust, never wet $2.75/bale. 650 Bales. 607-765-8151 Yates Co, NY Registered Belgian stallion, 5 year qld, 17 hand, dark blond white mane and socks, broke. 607-243- 5370 Yates Co. NY 16' steel flat bed dump body - $lOOO. 2 Michilen 11x20 rad tires, 90% - $2OO. Engine for HD6 - $650. 410-378-2785 Cecil Co, MD 49 rubber cow mats, 4'x67", good condition Call between 6:30-7 pm. 717-664-2134 Lane Co Farm raised, gram fed freezer beef, can purchase quarters, halves, or whole - $1.65/pound. 610-932- 8986 Chester Co. Manual potters wheel-$75. Old parlor wood stove sloo. Old horse drawn cul- 5O. Sawmill lum ber available-reasonable. 609-927-2912 Atlantic Co, NJ Troy-bilf horse rototillers, Bhp, new and rebuilt - $7OO. Also, parts, new and used, Troy rototillers 973- 694-0834 Morns Co. NJ Potato planter, 2-row JD - $5OO. 2-row digger - $3OO 3pf Hiller - $3OO 1972 Pin to - $9OO MF 3pf cultivator, 6-row 717-258-6247 Cumberland Co Big Dutchman feeders for broilers, brooder stoves, Bft waterers with stainless steel troughs 717-966- 1173 Union Co Model airplanes, boats, race cars and related items Also, small gas or electric motors for them 717-545-9289 Dauph Co Oliver 1450 utility tractor with Fiat engine, over hauled lyear ago, excel lent condition, MM-UT-100, excellent condition 717- 866-4655 Lebanon Co Heavy pine, smooth, 48“ drafting table with adj stand - $75 Drafting machine protractor head, auto indexed - $125 301- 791-9326 Wash Co, MD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers