Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 40
A4O-UncMttr Fanning, Saturday, Fsbruary 7, 1998 i Dairy Shrine Offers McCullough Scholarships COLUMBUS, Ohio Incoming college freshman plan ning to major in dairy or animal science with a communications emphasis, or major in agricultural journalism with a dairy emphasis may be eligible for one of two National Dairy Shrine scholarships. According to the Maurice Core, executive director of the National Dairy Shrine, based cm Columbus Ohio, two scholarships are to be awarded this year in memory of Marshall McCullough, a well known Georgia nutrition research er and educator. Applications for the scholar ships are available from Core by writing to him at 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Columbus, Ohio, 43228-9792; or calling him at (614) 878-5333; or fascimile, (614) 870-2622. The deadline for submitting a scholarship application is March 15. Funds for the new scholarships /gs ATTENTION W ALL 609 TOBACCO GROWERS If you are unhappy with current 609 tobacco prices, please contact us to find out some of your other options. (717) 656-3076 ''We're Here We Can Insure Your Buildings For As Little As $3.50 Per Thousand Of Coverage. We Also Offer Product Liability For Salmonella Claims For All Types Of Farm and Agribusiness Insurance Please Call For Quotations or Information Carol - Roger Slusher - Cindy 2488 Maple Ave., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-1711 (800) 882-1415 For Installed STANDING SEAM ROOFING contact STRICKLE!? METAL ROOFING 717-865-3093 Specializing in double crimp standing seam Available In prefinished in 20 + Colors Galvalume - Galvanized - Tern - Etc. FREE ESTIMATES Work Approx. 80 Mile Radius of Lebanon, Pa. RD #2 Box 350-A Annville, PA 17003 come from a $50,000 bequest to National Dairy Shrine from the estate of Marshall McCullough. One $2,500 scholarship and one $l,OOO scholarship are to given each year. Half of the money is to be awarded during each recipient’s first college semester and the other half given at the completion of the sophomore year. In a career that spanned nearly 50 years, McCullough was a pro lific writer, popular speaker, respected researcher and effective consultant, as well as a long-time member and supporter of Dairy Shrine. National Dairy Shrine the Hall of Fame for the dairy industry, has more than 15,000 lifetime mem bers located in all 50 states and in many other countries. Lifetime membership is open to anyone for a one-time fee of $5O. For more information on becoming a member of National Dairy Shrine, contact Core. m Mncij To SerVe'"' POULTRY FARMERS Berks Co. Holstein Club Tour Set FLEETWOOD (Berks Co.) building). Beverages will be pro- Bus departs from the Fleetwood vided, courtesy of Clover Farms Grange at 7:15 am. An additional Dairy. Please bring a bag lunch; stop will be made at the Bethel supper will be sponsored by Star Community Library at 8 a.m. Silo and Mark Wicks Breeding (please park in the rear of the Service. Approximate return *iny> Producers, Retailers (Continued from Pago AST) Cattle futures for February as projected last July 23 stood at 72.40 per hundredweight. They fell last Friday to 64.60 for February. “I’m less optimistic about the future of the cattle business,” he said. Price projections for 1998 are Choice steers. $66-$7l per hun dredweight and utility cows at $39-$44. Hogs are projected at $4O-S4S, broilers SS6-$62, and turkeys at $62-$66. Avian Health Symposium (Continued from Pago A3O) ... , ... cases such as avian influenza number of licensed technicians to should mclude R • be able to take blood samples to backyarders> j j meet health testing requirement, , c to more and to work in partnership to help straightforward not to m . the mdustty aimply. ing" if they know they have the S f disease and that the state will help, should be done to get to the root of nQt ut£ the avmn influenza problem - Last , stafc offi . whether it ,s a lack of adequate ckls what * to testmg, or somc other issue, rather New York to than settling for a reactionary wjth ite Uvc bird market response to the disease dons, iven reallties Q f the Romig also said that breeders 3^^ com use a vaccine For their (N ext week> Part ID looks at birds, especially breeders, some Pcnnsy , vania rcgu |atory protection, such as a vaccine authority and New York regula agamst avian influenza would be tions> a other |ssues } acceptable. Avaihbh hm Pmwykmua'fi fangett SamtM! Hardwood Kiln Dried Shavings at FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Loading Daily Monday Thru Friday. Delivery Is Available For Tractor Trailer Loads Only. WEABW, RR #4, Box 1255* Lebanon, PA 17042 Toll Free (800) 344-3114 Local (717) 867-2212 Also at the Cattle Feeder’s Day, John Maltilio, ag lender from Core States Bank (now First Union), spoke about a banker’s view of cattle feeding. Cheryl Fairbaim, board chair man for the Pennsylvania Beef Council, spoke about the new tagline for the industry, “Beef Is What You Want,” and showed TV ads featuring the new line. Fair baim spoke about the efforts of the Council in the past year to show how checkoff dollars work. A state plan for dealing with dis- INC. to Bethel 9 p.m. Please send number of reserva tions and check made payable to “Berks Co. Holstein Club” Price per person $2B. Reply to Dennis Sattazahn, RDI Box IS6, Womelsdorf, PA 19567, (610) 589-2310. Reservation Deadline: Sat., February 21, 1998. Windsor Manor Farm: Jason Myers and Family, Windsor, Md., 85 cows with herd average of 23,000 lbs. and 840 fat. BAA of 107.5. Cows are milked in a unique flat barn type parlor, Jason is current president of the Mary land State Holstein Assoc. Glen-Toctin Farm; William Al len and Sons, Mike, James and Bill (PHA), 150 cows with herd average of 21,000 3.8% 790 3.2% 670 BAA 105.2 PBR winner. They have numerous bulls in studs Slocum and Jumps hot at Sire Power and Johnson at CRI: GT at Select Sires. Savage Leigh Farm: Wayne and Cindee Savage and Family, Knox ville, Md. Herd average 25,132 4.3% 1097 3.3 832 P 23 EX and numerous Very Goods BAA 107.5. A total of 6 All-Americans and Junior All-Americans. Cold Springs Farm; Marlin Hoff and Family (former national director). They are currently milk ing over 600 head in a double 20 parallel parlor, herd average is ap proximately 24,000 lb. and BAA of 105. They farm 2,000 acres with 1,100 acres in corn, 250 acres in barley and 200 acres in hay. There are also several bulls on the farm that they are currently prov ing. HERSHEY 241 • WEABER, INC. Located on Mount Wilson Road, Route 241 S