Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 39
return this registration fo> must be received no n3Bw i c ° unty: I—l | Please check one of the following: Call 1-800-DHITEST, fax (814) 865-3924 i Address: Web die http:lhwmnjkia.psit.ulii If ■ jj Pemoylvania Dairy Herd Improvement Aaodidon' If I u prf j rode- Phone- DMA Service Center, Orchard Road, Umvenity Park, PA 16802 "• 1 ’ " ■————a——i mmmm—mX. \ I I Yes. eserve me a sleeping room Annual Meeting Slated i i STATE COLLEGE (Centre meeting promises to be as exciting i Co.) The tenth annual meeting as ever with subjects such as Heif- i of the Pennsylvania DHIA is slated cr Nct » Internet Reports, Coopera- ; for fEbruary 19 and 20,1998 at the tivc Bulk Buying (Project Eagle). ■ Penn Stater Conference <yn ffT Milk Urea Nitrogen as it relates to | Hotel. The meeting will begin on Truc Protein and an outstanding ■ _ Thursday, February 19, at 1:00 spouses program. Be sure to con- > p.m. and continue until noon on tact Judy walker at Friday, February 20. This year’s 1-800-344-8378 immediately for reservations. ATTENTION 609 TOBACCO GROWERS f #ttl Al l lcll w f f f . » _• __ « ■ We are now waiting to process tobacco - ■V€^l'S3H"> / 3cllO until we see what happens in Maryland, by I Ct . 1(-| A the end of March. lf you want to sell part or all of your crop ' n " '' now, check with us before deliverymg. Watch For Next Week’s Ad ,_. n . . . . _ . . _. , . - 3 Bin Bale boxes on special - Specials Throughout The Store What we have in stock. Rentals available. 609 seed, tobacco paper, and I cotton twine : or sale. CJIJCS II PENN LEAF TOBACCO CO. L 343 Christiana Pike, Chnstiana, PA 17509 J| 661 ' ?s °* Call Mon.-Fri. 8:00 to 9:00 AM or leave message , rr tt ■ F 7 " PA DHIA 1998 Tenth Annual Corporate Meeting Registration F rm Please return this registration form to PA DHIA, PO Box 1077, Lemont, PA 16851 to the attention of Judy Walker Registration must be received no later than February 8,1998. r -- - - ..... - - - - j County: 1 Please check one of the following; | | Delegate | | Local Committee Member/Director ( | Co. Agent County Delegate - cost is free f~] Non-Delegate fl c nn „ CIK p mnra m Fn ($4O Attendance Reimbursement)’ — 1 Single or Double room - $75 I — l spo 09 1 | Spouse-$5O Meals and Registration - $6O _ tls (Covers all meals including Awards , nf u» rh< - Banquet, sleeping room and (Covers all meals including Awards inc ua^k. oe e ' registrar) Banquet, sleeping room and Crafts Shopping, Stress and How registration) t 0 Handle 11 for Spouse is due upon Total: for is due upon arrival or enclose your check made Payment is due upon arrival or am 'f a or nl . payable to PA DHIA with this enclose your check made payable to ™ de P^l 10 PA m DHIA W ' th registrabon form. PA DHIA with ilus registration form. this icgistratio o . uncut* Farming, Sunday. Fatruary 7,1898-A3Q for February 19 Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help fanners across the state to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s last week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Pennsylvania. Remember, these are averages, so you will need to adjust your fig ures up or down according to your location and the quality of your crop. Scholarships Offered TOWSON, Md. The Na tional Dairy Promotion and Re search Board (NDPRB) is accept ing applications for up to 20 $1,500 scholarships for junior and/or senior undergraduate stu dents enrolled in college or uni versity programs that emphasize dairy food science, technology, or marketing. Scholarships are awarded based upon outstanding academic achievement, a commitment to a career in dairy food-related disci pline, and demonstrated leader ship, initiative, and integrity. Candidates are expected to complete an application form, submit a transcript of all college courses, and write a short state ment describing their career as- Spouse: I I No, I will not be needing a sleeping room Com, No.2y 3.06 bu., 5.48 cwt. Wheat, No. 2 3.22 bu.. 5.38 cwt. Barley, No. 3 2.37 bu., 5.06 cwt Oats, No. 2 1.76 bu., 5.48 cwt Soybeans, No. 1 6.56 bu., 10.96 cwt Ear Com —82.18 ton, 4.11 cwt Alfalfa Hay —182.50 ton. 9.13 cwt Mixed Hay 167.50 ton, 8.38 cwt Timothy Hay 161.00 ton, 8.05 cwt. pirations, dairy-related activities, and work experiences. Completed applications at each university should be submitted to the department head who will pri ortize them and forward them to the NDPRB c/o Dairy Manage ment Inc. by March 31, 1998. Applications for the NDPRB dairy science, technology and marketing scholarship arc avail able through the food science de partment chairman or the financial aid office of colleges and universi ties throughout the country. For more information or to re ceive an application, please con tact the Middle Atlantic Market ing Association at (410) 321- 0266. S