Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 38
ASS-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Fabmary 7, 1998 Adams Beef Farmer Has Nutrient Restraints And Management Plans (Continued from Pago A 1) Equivalent Units (AEU's) or 2,000 pounds of live animal weight per acre must develop a nutrient management plan for their operation" Mike explained that he has too many animals for the acres he has so he must "export all of the manure off my ground " The act mandates that he must have a nutnent management plan But, because "they cost some money" Mike explained, he will attend three classes, and after completing* and passing tests on what he learned, will draw up his own plan "Mine is pretty simple I have to export it all (manure)," he said McCollum explained that "The Plan Development Incentives Program is a cost share program providing funds to existing livestock or poultry operations to offset the cost of developing a nutnent manage ment plan under the act" However, "Only agricultural operations that were producing livestock or poultry as of Oct 1, 1997 are eligible to receive cost share funding under this pro gram," he said Mike, whose farm is desig nated to a Concentrated Animal Operation—all farms with the CAO designation must develop the nutrient management plan—has funding available to him to develop the plan through Sept 30 Farmers who are not PENNSYLVANIA FFA FOUNDATION LIMITED EDITION TRACTOR John Deere Model ”B” (1/16 scale) The Pennsylvania FFA Foundation is pleased to provide this John Deere “B” Narrow Front l/16th scale tractor made by Ertl It will be available after June 1, 1998. This quality diecast metal tractor has a narrow front end and rubber tires with diecast spoke wheels The FFA logo is printed on the hood sides and umbrella This special edition tractor comes with a Keystone logo cast into the body Advanced orders are currently being accepted Tractors will be shipped as soon as they are received from Ertl Checks, money orders, Discover, Visa or Master Card will be accepted Tractors are $5O 00 each, including shipping and handling Make checks payable to: Pennsylvania FFA Foundation Send order form along with payment to: Pennsylvania FFA Foundation Attn. Steve Kline, P.O. Box 54, Markley Lane Beaver Springs, PA 17812 Phone (717) 658-6592 Fax: (717)658-2517 Name Street Address UPS delivers to street address only City State Phone (, Number of Tractors @ $5O 00 Total $ * Credit Card '"3 Discover Cl Visa □ Master Card Cardholder Name Signature: Card Number Card Expiration month/year ADVANCED ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 21.1998 required to develop a plan, but want to volunteer to do so, are eligible for funding through same date In both categories funding is available to "existing animal operations for development of a nutrient management plan under the act by a commercial planner or farmer certified to write a nutrient management plan," McCollum said The nutrient specialist fur ther explained the funding stat ing "A 'one-time' cost share pay ment will be provided to the operator for costs associated with the development of an approved nutrient management plan for the operation." Cost share payment will be provided according to the follow ing guidelines Commercially developed plans—o-50 acres, 75 percent of actual costs not to exceed $250 per operation and 50 or more acres, 75 percent of actual cost not to exceed $4 per acre of $BOO per operation Individually (farmer) devel oped plans—o-50 acres $2OO per operation, and 50 or more acres $3 per acre not to exceed $BOO per operation A program application must be approved before a payment is provided, McCollum said To participate, according to McCollum, the farmer should contact the local conservation district or state Department of Agriculture for an application, Zip complete it and submit it to the conservation district office or the state ag department at the following address. Pa Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Management Program, Bureau of Plant Industry, 2301 N Cameron St., Rm Gil, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408. Hoffman Seeds Congratulates 1997 NCGA Contest Winners For consistent top yields, it’s hard to beat NK® Brand hybrids. Time and again, yield contest results prove it. Check out these results. Richard Crone, Danville, PA Matthew Maximuck, Doylestown, PA Tim Bishop, Queenstown, MD Sam Santim, Jr., Stewartsville, NJ Clara Santim, Stewartsville, NJ Jacob Bilyk, Blevidere, NJ Roger Woolf, Washington, NJ Santino Santim, Stewartsville, NJ Chris Santim, Stewartsville, NJ Robert Santim, Jr., Phillipsburg, NJ Doug Tindall, Trenton, NJ Sharon Santim, Phillipsburg, NJ Keith Jones, Catskill, NY William Lasher, Catskill, NY William Lasher, Catskill, NY Mirian Lasher, Catskill, NY Grouten Farms, Farmington, CT Jay Justice, Beckley, WV James C. Justice 111, Beckley, WV The opportunity is real. See your Hoffman Seeds dealer, and plant a yield 0 Hoffman Seeds, Inc. 167 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17602 1-800-776-7929 NK* Brand is a registered trademark of Novartis Seeds, Inc., Golden Valley, MN fTf rrrrsj* s-r > ■* rrssr re f r* rr r.f rjv r» mi Mike Riser and his wife, Josie Riser, who is holding 14-monlh-old Hannah Riser, stand on the concrete slab installed at their new steer barn. The couple received 80 percent Chesapeake Bay Program funding to construct the slab which restricts run off from the barn. PA NCGA PA NCGA MD NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NJ NCGA NY NCGA NY NCGA NY NCGA NY NCGA CT NCGA WV NCGA VA NCGA Trusted Value. New Ideas mm BUILDINGIHE FUTURE Class A Non-lrng Cl. A. Ridge Till Non Irr. Class A Non-lrrig. Cl. A No-Till Non-lrng. Cl. A. No-Till Non-lrng Class A Non-lrrig Class A Non-lrng. Cl. A. Ridge-Till Irrig. Cl. A Ridge-Till Non-lrr. Cl. A Ridge Till Non-lrr Cl. A Ridge Till Non-lrr. Cl. 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