Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 35
Irish Scientist To Speak At g; (Dauphin Co.) Sinclair Mayne, a scientist at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, will be the keynote speaker at the Pennsylva nia Grazing Conference at the Grantville Holiday Inn, March 4-5. Mayne’s grazing research with dairy cattle and beef is some of the strongest in die world. Mayne’s Wednesday. March 4 9:00 am Registration; Trade Show 10:00 am Welcome 10:15 am Forage Productivity and Utilization by Ruminants to Optimize Profits —S. Mayne 11:15 am Grazing Dairy My Way -L. Stuttle Noon Lunch and Trade Show 1:30 am Breakouts Session A—Managing Summer Slump -N. Mast, T. Williams, L. Sayre Session B—Fencing —L. Sapp Session C—Applying Manure to Alfalfa and Pasture —L. Lanyon 2:30 pm Break and Trade Show PIONEER® BRAND HYBRIDS MORE OF WHAT YOU GROW COBN FOB. Growers throughout the East weighed and compared PIONEER* brand hybrids with the competition. See your Pioneer sales rep for the hybrids that deliver more of what you grow corn for. TEST INCOME COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE Laurel Locks Farm Pollstown, PA OeKolb DK6IB Fielders ChSlll PIONEER 3335 PIONEER 33Y09 DeKalb DK595 DeKalb DK546 Doeblers 679XP Doeblers 636XY 75% ECB Planted: 5/6/97 Harvested: 11/7/97 TEST INCOME COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE Peter Miller DeKalb DK66B 159 6 25 6 57 0 $365)9 TEST INCOME Spring City, PA PIONEER 34G81 166 0 20 0 56 0 $398 42 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE Planted 5/8/97 Harvested 10/21/97 Ronald Wegman Farms PIONEER 33Y09 155 8 24 7 TEST INCOME Reading, PA Novartis MAX4S4 114 9 28 3 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT /ACRE Wayne Erb PIONEER 35N05 1341 19 2 Ml. Joy, PA PIONEER 33Y09 129 7 20 7 Novartis N74398T 117 5 22 2 Planted 4/24/97 Harvested-11/10/97 60% ECB COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID TEST INCOME Brubaker Farms PIONEER 3335 215.7 27 5 $485 39 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. / ACRE Ml. Joy, PA Novartis MAX 496 2093 24 6 $48303 Jan Cowan PIONEER 3394 134 4 22 0 580 $317.26 50% ECB Planted. 5/5/97 Harvested. 10/13/97 Neetyton. PA PIONEER 3335 129 2 24.0 57.0 $299.85 Doeblers 636XP 106 6 21.0 560 $253 79 Planted 5/5/97 Harvested. 11 /4/97 TEST INCOME COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE Lynn M. Good PIONEER 32K61 209.2 19 5 East Earl, PA Doeblers 82XP 197 7 23 9 20% ECB Planted-4/22/97 Harvested: 10/29/97 TEST INCOME COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE Dwight Hess Novartis MAX2I 177.2 226 55 5 $41600 7E51 INCOME Marietta, PA PIONEER 35N05 203 9 21.4 57 0 $483 64 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE 20%EC8 Planted 4/21/97 Harvested-10/6/97 lrwlnS Martin PIONEER 33Y09 183 0 30 0 TEST INCOME Li tilz, f A Novartis MAX 496 1650 300 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE 53%EC8 Planted:s/5/97 Harvested. 10/1/97 John Burrief PIONEER 3153 112.9 27.2 57.0 $254 65 TEST INCOME Middletown.MD Oooblers 75X 93.6 31.4 54.5 $203 33 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE Planted; 4/20/97 Harvested: 10/31 /97 Nlssley Brothers PIONEER 33Y09 201.1 20 6 56.0 $480.29 TEST INCOME M l. Joy, PA Novartis N6BOOBT 190 4 20.9 560 $453.51 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE Novartis MAX4S4 ) 90 ,5 | 9 3 56.0 $459.95 Planted-4/25/97 Harvested: 10/24/97 Brad Gamble PIONEER 33Y09 141.9 27.3 59.0 $319.91 23XECB Dry Run, PA Novartis N6BOOBT 89 7 26.5 580 $20358 10% ECB Planted-4/28/97 Harvested 11/19/97 TEST INCOME ——— COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE JayL Todd PIONEER 3335 177 3 25 7 56 5 $405 31 Manhelm, PA Novartis MAX4S4 1613 22 6 560 $37883 Harmon Hawbaker PIONEER 33Y09 77.4 26 5 54 5 $17559 PIONEER 33V08 1715 216 57 5 $406.21 Chambersburg, PA Novartis MAX 496 71.6 23 3 52.5 $16710 23%EC8 Planted.s/1/97 Harvested 10/29/97 10% ECB Planted-5/6/97 Harvested 11/19/97 Pwinr* brand pnduch an provid'd iub|Kt to 9» tvma and oondMona of pwdiaaa which an part ot tw laMkig and purdiaaa documanto*. SMTM Tiadamariia and nnfca marl* ngbtand or applad tor, o< Plonaat HMkad Intamattoasal, he of Daa Mohaa, tom, USA *I99IPHII research has emphasized improv ing grazing management to in crease intake and utilization of pasture. In addition, he has been involved in a long-term study to evaluate the optimum genetic merit of different cow (needs for grazing management systems. In addition to the educational program, there will be a trade 555 $145 33 52.3 $lBB 57 560 $224.63 560 $254.29 550 $207 07 55.0 $2lB 73 53 5 $199.41 53.0 $lB6lB 59.2 17.3 80.5 22 9 934 19.7 106 0 201 83.9 16 6 89.6 17.9 82.4 19.0 768 188 $32889 $309 41 $276 91 TEST INCOME WT. / ACRE YIELD MST. TEST INCOME $50408 COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT /ACRE $459.13 Grazing Conference show and company representa tives available to showcase the lat est in grazing technology. If it is New Zcaland-stylc milking facili ties, fence insulators, or the new est plant species for pasture that you are interested in, you can learn all about it at the trade show. For more information, contact the Grazing Research and Educa tion Center at (814) 863-2543. Breakouts Session A-Parasites —L. Gasbarre Session B~Economics of Grazing Dairy —J. Swisher, T. Martin, F. Strieker 3:00 pm Session C-Applying Manure to Alfalfa and Pasture L. Lanyon Trade Show and Grazing the Web for Forages PFGC Awards Reception 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Informal Evening Discussion (Bring discussion topics and questions) Session A—Fencing —D. Pysher, 7:00 pm Session B—Dairy —L. Muller, S. Mayne, F. Strieker, L. Stuttle G. Gorrell Session C—Beef —J. Comerford, L. Sayre Session D--Grazing the Web D. Hannaway TEST INCOME COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. 7 ACRE PIONEER 3394 DeKalb DK642 DeKalb DK6IB 70% ECB PIONEER 3335 Planted. 5/8/97 PIONEER 33Y09 Harvested. 10/21/97 Doeblers 737XP Doeblers 75X PIONEER 32K61 Fielders Ch 8111 Cargill 8527 PIONEER 33Y09 Roy Kolb j. Sons Spring City, PA COOPERATOR Jim Wenger Bridgeton. NJ Harvested. 10/8/97 Ernest A Melly Jr PIONEER 3335 120 4 20 4 59 0 $2BB 08 Ml Union, PA Doeblers 737 115 9 21.5 54 5 $274.68 Agway AG657 102 1 23 2 550 $238 61 Planted 4/28/97 Harvested 10/22/97 TEST INCOME COOPERATOR BRAND HYBRID YIELD MST. WT. /ACRE PIONEER. BRAND PRODUCTS L. Sapp 1472 202 1502 245 144.4 21 6 157.4 23 9 182.7 22 6 138.5 210 131.6 21.9 149.7 23 5 135 1 23 8 157 4 258 173 2 23 7 YIELD MST. HYBRID BRAND 206 I 21 5 205 6 21 7 1486 185 1933 218 33Y09 33V08 MAX2I 33V08 PIONEER PIONEER Novartis PIONEER 8:00 am 8:15 am 8:45 am 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:45 am 11:45 am 1:15 pm Session C-Economics of Hay Making Practices — A. Rotz 11 '45 am Lunch and Trade Show 57 0 $35258 54 5 $34699 560 $341.97 555 $365 40 570 $429.03 550 $329 73 560 $310.74 57 0 $34891 54 5 $31394 565 $359 45 560 $402.90 215 pm Integrated Farming Systems 300 pm Wrap Up and Adjourn Name Address $359 34 $256 75 TEST INCOME WT / ACRE 57.0 $48848 560 $486.41 580 $361.00 580 $457.07 Phone ♦Registration fees through February 16 $7O conferee; $4O guest (2 days) $_ $45 conferee; $25 guest (I day) $_ ♦Registration fees after February 21 $B5 conferee; $45 guest (2 days) $ $55 conferee, $3O guest (1 day) $ PFGC Awards Reception —$12 $. Total amount enclosed $ One-Day Attendance $402 60 $36300 *Registration fee includes, lunch(s), breakouts, and conference proceedings/reference materials Registration is limited, so register early. Make checks payable to: Pennsylvania Forage & Grassland Council Please return registration and fees to: Richard Hann P. O. Box 355 Hershey, PA 17033 Make lodging reservations by February 16 Call the Hobday Inn (1-717-469-0661) To receive the conference rate, be sure to mention that you are attending the Pennsylvania Grazing and Forage Conference PLEASF DO NOT include your room payment with registration Thursday, March 5 Registration; Trade Show Alfalfa; Grazing and No Till —W. Thompson New Zealand: Not All That Glitters is Gold -M. Hall Are We Selecting the Correct Dairy Cows for Grazing? —S. Mayne Break and Trade Show Breakouts Session A—Dairying and New Technologies-BST, etc. -J. Estrada, Protiva, D. Williams, G. Gorrell Session B—Poisonous Plants —D. Wolf gang Session C—Economics of Hay Making Practices —A. Rotz Lunch and Trade Show Breakouts Session A—Animal Health Issues —D. Wolfgang Session B-New Forage Varieties — D. Hannaway Breakouts Session A-Animal Health Issues I• 15 pm --D Wolfgang Session B—New Forage Varieties --D. Hannaway Session C—Efficient Use of Hay or Silage for Pasture-Based Dairies —L Holden —A Rotz Conference Registration State (which day)