Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 176
D2B-UncastBr Fuming, Saturday, Fabruary 7, 1998 ATTENTION Kennels Want a good solid meat base dog food? Try Our Hy Pro 27% -12% Meat - Corn - Rice - Poultry Fat No Soy Formulation Other Formula’s Available Truckload Pricing Upon Request (W 5 & 10 Ton Dealers Wanted 717-799-0192 AKC St. Bernard pups, shots, wormed, ready 2/9/98. $l6O. Ben King, 210 Monterey RO., Bird-In- Hand, PA I PUPPIES I I WANTED I S AKC or § mixed breed | I* Looking for | exotic S animals also! | ft - Call - | 215*997-8686 WANTED gj t 1 Puppies ft/» 1 k For Pets AKC, Purebred, or Mixed Litters. Please call when 4 to 5 weeks old. Forest Ridge Kennel 296 S. Vintage Road Paradise. PA 17562 717-442-4259 Stud service available for many breeds. Pups wanted in Litter lots Call when pups are 5 weeks- old for best pickup results I buy pure & mixed breeds anywhere in Penna Cash paid - no pups over 8 weeks old wanted Call after February 20th Next pickups 2/23 & 2/24 Call Jo Jo 609-452-9291 410-778-1429 For best results call mornings before Sam - keep trying QUALITY DOG KENNELS * AND ACCESSORIES ’• Galvanized Tubing ’• Galvanized Wire ’• 33" Opening '• Free Standing ’• Optional Plastic ■ Floor >• Insulated Dog Boxes • Kennel Awnings (717) 353-7100 Quality Fencing & Supply 147 A Amlshlown Rd. Ns* Holland, PA y| NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS The Lancaster Conservation District is requesting bids for the construction of an Agricultural Waste Management System in Caernarvon Township The project includes a storage structure and some barnyard runoff control work, to be funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Program Prospective contractors can receive a bid package, which contains Instructions to Bidders, the Plans (or the Project and a Bid Sheet Construction standards and specifications are contained in the Contractor's Handbook Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Program dated January 1996 These are to be considered part of the contract package, and need to be used during project installation Small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises are encouraged to respond to this invitation for bids The site showing will take place on Thursday, February 19,1998, 9:00 A.M. at the project site Sealed bids will be accepted until the public bid opening in the Conference Room of the Farm & Home Center on March 4,1998 at 9:00 AM. Bid packages and/or the Contractor's Handbook will be available at site showings or by contacting the Lancaster County Conservation District office in room 6 of the Farm & Home Center at 1383 Arcadia Road Lancaster, PA 17601 717-299-5361 INVITATION >R BID! The Fulton County Conservation District will be requesting bids for the construction of several Agricultural Waste Management Systems to be funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Program Construction is expected to begin on these projects during 1998 The sites are located throughout Fulton County, Pennsylvania The bid packages for these projects were pre pared using the “Contractors Handbook - Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Program”. Contractors brdding on these projects are expected to have in their possession and use this manual to carry out this contract Those contractors who do not possess a copy of the manual may obtain one from the conservation district responsible for these projects Small and minority businesses and women’s business enterprise are encouraged to respond to this invitation for bids Prospective contractors who wish to receive more information about these and other projects are asked to contact the Fulton County Conservation District at Fulton County Conservation District 216 North Second Street McConnellsburg, PA 17233-1170 (717) 485-3547 or 485-4423 Attn: William C. Fink RPI SSSPIANOS WANTED. B*Mmwb i juc/wie Top prioM paid lor your Spinet, Console, or Grand Piano. Call STEVE'S DIS- COUNT PIANOS, ask for (2) Snyder rotary phase Steve. (717)888-4739. jmm Portorcabte floor under, uchOBO. (215)654-9237. portable, $750. 3 phase reoeesed light fix- 717/354-31 OS lures, 2X4 lay in tight, U.L listed econo-watt, cool white, 277 V, 60 Hertz, 2 batast/light, 3 bub system w/new bulbs, all new in orig. boxes. 35 sets. SIS/ea (410)658-4351 (5) Larger size sawdust blowers, no motor, w/intets, IS'-23’, good condition, $5OO/each. 717/354-3105. Abrasive belt sender, 8' wide belt feed, carborun dum, model 1000 C-8, Ser ial #65030, 25hp, 3ph, needs repairs, $2500. 717/354-3105. Babbin Blower, size 31, type MEP, Serial #3816-1069, 31' inlet, 3 7/16 shah, no motor, good condition, $950. 717/354-3106. Bridge Crane (Coming in), 20,0001 b, 90' span. 717/354-3105. Child's JD Pedal Tractor, 717/766-3067. Coolant: water aokibla ma chining coolant, aynthatic & regular. $6/gai., retails for $lB/gal. 717/354-3106. Diehl 68 jointer, Shp/head, power feed, fair condition, $2500. 717/354-3106. FOR SALE: (2)/ea 16.9x38 8-ply tires, 50% tread, great for duals, $225 080. 717-366-2173 FOR SALE: Glenwood wood burner, modal 1250, 33 gallon tank, $5OO. 717-362-9668 FOR SALE: Used desks, files, chairs, fireproof files, shelving etc. NOLT'S Ephrata, PA (717)859-1617. Hood for JO tractor, model M, MT, MC, excellent con dition. 610-682-2071 Molding under, 2 head, power feed, $2500. 717/354-3105. PAYING UP .TO $2.50/sq.fL for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move, Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pine and oak siding 1* A thicker. 800/765-3966. Peerless *2 surfaoer, Shp, sandpaper 16* wide w/ extra sandpaper, $750. 717/354-3105. -IVE GAME FISH Fingerlmgs and Adults Large and Small Mouth oidast Fish Bass, Spotted and Rock Bass Bream Crappies, Trout, F,flh h tonn Channel Cats, Bullheads, Walleyes, Perch, Minnows, , Northerns, Pickerel Muskies, Red Gills, Mullets, Caip, » Eels, Turtles Frogs, Israeli Carp Also Aquatic Plants and Water Lilies COLORFUL CATALOG $2 00 jf n/ Truck, Air and Parcel Post Delivery Specialists ZETTS FISH HATCHERIES DRIFTING, PENNA. 16834 Phone: 614-345-5357 Delta 12" Radial Arm Saw Three Blades, Excellent Condition SCMI Sliding Table Panel Saw SC3 With Extension Table Bnsemeyer Fence 10" Blade 3" Scoring Blade Grizzley 20" Planer Extra knives For More Information, call (717) 748-1095 Spany NH 3-wheeler, rare, t Kiti ■.•!■ i wy 1970'5, excotent con } JP') "•* lww I ditfon, $5OO 080. I y/T'l Fltb I (717)386-1144. F»™ I =■ ' Nice Colorful Koi to fCcM Airmc J beautify your pond ( ■■■ MfiUS 2"-6" Starting at J Press Brake, Verson 16*. J I CHEVY'S, FORD'S, etc. 190 ton. 1954. good condi- J 215*536-6076 * Cars and trucks. Over 300 lion. $18,500 delivered $ SW-4 vehicles. Every Monday instated. 717/354-3106. Jf™- Radial arm Porter ; Top Dollar Paid SPRINGS PUBLIC AUTO 1, 43 ’ 2 ?! B ®™' for AUCTION. RT 16. York * 2^ 6, J^L h Li P «’i ™ Wide Attic Flooring, j| Spring e. PA 717/354-3106. ’ ’ Barn Graincry Boards. 1 1-000-222-2038. Wide Roof Boards, 11 Sander, 16’ block w/(2) 8’ Big Beams of ,' wide beds, Shp/head, fair I, Chestnut, Heart Pine, ' 1 condition, $1650. White Oak, White : 717/354-3106. ;; Pine, Interior Salvage 1 Thin Band sawmil, port- of Early Stone of Brick I j A Dual IHS »*>W«« able, 15' track w/3' log 11 House, Indian Doors, ~ ******* ttessw damps, 30" D xl2* log ca- {. Hanri.Hpwn Hmisp. padty, 9hp, Demo Sale Joints dR f( , $3500.717-564-9112 ! ■ Sui^ J&St!SSM£. !l ES TRUCKS S 2/22, E.Greenville Fire ) ' w/M TRAILERS Hall, E.Greenville. PA. I „ "°“!. c l | B:3oam-2pm. Adults- (610)857-1002 - - ???j£. rt o2L PA Turnpik *- | Fa y the most & , qmC C&C, Detroit diesel, 215/679-ZB3B. I Travel the Farthest l $2OOO 080. Schuylkill Co. 717/739-4650. Turret Lathe, Warner Swesy M 3400, 1956, $2200. 717/354-3105. Two speed differential for Ford 700; also 82 Interna tional pull-type combine. Call (717)527-4028 Ju niata Co Used round fence poets, 8‘ long, $2/ea. Walk-in refrigerator/freezer, com mercial, SS, needs as sembly, used, $250. Fire wood, cut not split, cherry, U-load & haul, $25/per load. 717-529-3199 WANTED: 501 b trip Ham mer in good working condi tion. Contact Cherry Lane Mfg., 2849 Lincoln High way East, Ronks, PA 17572 WANTED: Used tools and machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder. B.J. TOOL* SUPPLY. RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA. 1-800-772-9845. Wide belt Sander, 50* Un den, 2 head, air tracking, power set (2) SOhp mo tors, good condition, $B5OO, REDUCED TO $6500. 717/354-3105. Wood Hog Biotherm *ll2, bio-jet 40hp 3ph, 18* screen, like new, $2750. 717/354-3105. Valby Three Point Hitch Chipper, 540 RPM or 1000 RPM $3OOO Lebanon Co. 717/ 949-3937 ANTIQUES 1941 Nash Ambassador, 4-dr, OD, twin ignition, bam stored, not used from 1962, $2,400. Also 1946 IntKSIVt ton rack, $1,200. (717)897-7002. 2 large wooden wheels, $l5O/pr. Old com shelter, $2OO. Large anvil, $2OO. 717/665-3437. Antique gas pump, Texaco Fire Chief, 1940'-50 ,< s, re stored perfectly, TA ’ tad a welcome addition to gameroom or retail sho wroom. $2,995.00 FIRM (607)739-8473 days Bert For Sato: 1911 antique wa ter wagon, 1,000 gallon $2OO. Largo very old school be! $5OO. 1956 na tional reel mower, $6OO. Call Joe (610)932-0144. JO MC bulldozer, new chains, rebuilt motor, new steering, $5,000. (717)253-2588. JO MT farm tractor WF, nice shape, $2,500. (717)253-2588. Private collector selling antique garden tractors, call for details. (610)495-6170 SCARECROW HERB FARM. IX miles east of Exit 1183, Shrewsbury, PA. Wednesday-to Sunday 717/227-0268. 10% off till 2/15. IECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1982 Skidoo snowmobile, Blizzard SSOOMX, 496ce, excellent shape, $1550. 717-432-3235 1988 Ski-Doo Fromular MX. 4670 c, water coded motor, new skis, and track, runs greatl $l7OO 080 610-682-2894 72 Superior 22' motor home, Class A Dodge en gine, recently painted, clean, good condition, must see, $6500. 717/666-6770. 87 Mallard 26’ fifth wheel, ball pull, excellent condi tion, sleeps 6, $5OOO. 717/235-2446. 80 Bounder, 27', fully equipped, 30,000 miles, good condition, Onan Emerald 1 generator, $10,500. 717/733-0863. 01 Harley Davidson FLHTC Ultra Classic Tour Guide, very good condi tion, $16,000. 717/733-0863. Coleman pop-up, 1097, Santa Fe, sleeps 6, many extras, excellent condition, used 5 times. $4500 FIRM. (215)630-6331 Call even ings for details. Bucks Co. 10' frailer 3000 GVW tilt and sides. Asking $9OO. (717)349-2679 16' fifth wheel, 4‘ sides, tandem axle, electric brakes. 717/235-2446. 1961 Mack Thermodyne 8422, gas, very nice condi tion, $1,500 Arm. Eager Beaver 9 lon fei-axle frailer, VQ condition, $2,500. (914)566-9184. 1962 867 Thermodyne Mack diesel, twin cylinder dump, 18' MkJwost grain body, $5OOO good condi tion. 302-398-8754 1966 Chevy custom cam per pick up, V-8, auto, a/c, 35,000 orig. miles, sitting 15 yrs. $9OO. (610)495-6170 1969 InL flatbed, lOspd. rear, 14' bed w/hyd. PTO, nice cab and body, runs perfect, used daily, 20,000 GVW, $3200/obo. (908)730-7281 1973 Ford w/3000 gal. Walker tank; 71 Ford w/4000 gal. Walker tank; 4000 gal. tank; 82 Ford single axle tractor. All diesel powered. Good for milk, water or manure. 717/987-3761. 1973 IH 1800 5-speed w/L2O new Hter In# box. old but good shape, $lBOO 080. 717-567-6000 Perry Co. 1976 Int 1800 grain truck, 16'grain body, 15 ton hoist, 10.20 tires, 5+2, power steering, 30,000 GVW. Phone evenings, (717)786-1119. 1977 Mack S/A dump, 237, 5 speed, w/10' P/A plow and tailgate spreader. Ex cellent condition, $15,000. 1989 custom trailer, 9 ton, dual tandem, electric brakes, $3,000 or $17,000 for both. (610)703-0344. 1978 Int Scout II 4WD, great condition inside & out. Must see. 90,000 miles. $4600. 610/793-3557. 1979 GMC Brigidere truck, 653 trubo diesel, straight chassis, good condition, 1 owner. Cal 973-853-3138 evenings NJ 1979 GMC General, 80,000 GVW, big cam 290, 9 speed, RR, 11R22.5 on aluminum Budds, 60,000 on overhaul, new radiator, PTO mechanically sound, good condition, ready to work $9200. 717-464-0835 1981 Chevy C-30 dump, V-8 350, 4 speed, P/W, P/L, power angle 8' West ern, hydraulic for salt spreader, 4 new rear tires, $4,850. (717)540-9973. 1983 Ford TLT 9000, very good cond., recently re painted, 400 HP CAT, 15 spd road ranger, tandem, wetline hyd. system, 3.73 rears. $9,800. Call Troy (717)872-8888 1983 Ford tandem cab and chassis, 2lohp angina, w/ Allison automatic trans., 50,000* GVW, $5OOO neg. 717-927-0172 1983 GMC pickup. Food concession trailer. Can be bought separately 717-653-6833 1984 GMC Brigadier, trac tor Cummins 240 7-speed, good body/tires, fresh overhaul, 60,000 mi, ISO' wheel base, $5500. 717/745-3344. 1985 Ford F6OO diesel, long wheel base, new tires, 132,000 miles, $4,000 080. Juniata County, (717)527-2573. 1985 Ford 10-wheeler, alu minum box, steel floor, 671 Detroit engine, 8-LL trans mission, $14,500 make of fer. (717)274-3305. 1985 Freightiiner conven tional, 400 Cummins en gine, 265* WB, 60* sleeper, 120 K on rebuilt, wetline, new paint, new inspection, $20,000. 717-389-1130 1986 Ford Cargo Cab, diesel, 22* Morgan body, lift gate, $7OOO. 6 1 0/4 9 7-0 45 4, 610/869-3209 evenings. 1966 GMC 7000, 4x4, 366„ 5-speed, 1A) hubs, 2Sp transfer ease, 70K, under COL, excetient con dition, $12,500 080. 301-271-2365 1987 Chevy pickup, 4dr, V-8, auto, utility bed, good tires, new inspection, good condition, $4,000. (717)456-6427. 1967 diesel Int. Metro II van, 16* bed, 133,000 miles, excellent condition. Must see to appreciate, $8,700. (410)836-8953. 1987 Ford 7000, cinder/ lime body, low mileage, ex cellent shape, $7OOO. 215-348-5514 1988 Ford LNT9OOO, twin screw, good condition. 384,000 miles, $6,500. Ro ger 8-5 (717)393-4441. 1988 Int 1900 aeries truck, 16' Andrews box w/top load, hydraulic dump, 466 diesel, 230 hp, 90,000 miles, Mchelin radials, me chanically excellent. Must see to appreciate! In spected, (410)857-5668. 1988 Wil-Ro 16’ gooseneck stock trailer, good condition. 717-246-0430 1989 38* Dorsey frameless dump trailer, 96"x66“, bam door & top hinge gate, grain chute, tool box, new tarp, new liras, excellent condition, $18,900. 540-350-4214 1989 Chevy Pick-up Truck, 2500, 350, 4x4, AC, loaded. $7900. 610489-7831. 1989 Ford F-700 dump, 18' flatbed, grain sides. 1990 GMC SL Sierra, 12‘ flatbed sides. Both good condition. 717-865-4329 weekdays. 1989 Ford Fl5O, 4x4, Western snow plow, $4,700 080. (610)869-5898. 1990 Chevy pickup, 4x4, long bed, Silverado, excel lent shape. (610)779-3284. 1991 Adam 16' gooseneck stock trailer, has divider gate 6 2-way rear gate, ex cellent condition. $3OOO 080. 906/350-5934. 1991 Chevy 1 ton 4X4 du ally, 38,000 mi. (717)762-6415 1991 InL 22* box, liftgate, rolldoor, tracking, DT466, 164 K, excllent, $13,900. 1980 Ini 22* box, liftgate, rolldoor, sidedoor, DT466, 180,084 miles, excellent, $B7OO. 610-261-0307 1993 Dodge Ram PU V ton, turbo diesel, 60K, 4+2, A tide, good cond., garage kept, $14,950/obo 610-670-0444 1993 Eby 16'x8'x8’ gooseneck double deck trailer, excellent condition; Hillsboro 24' flatbed gooseneck, 4' beavertail drop ramp, lyr, 12,000)bs 814/793-4366.