Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 173
Kl| fertilizer A Ufl PLANTS Rooted Geranium cuttings, $ 50/ea. Available in many different colors. 609-268-8417 Early Snapdragon see dlings and Dracaena plugs for sale. (717)898-8741. Vegetable plants. Place or der now for spring broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. Breezy Knob Greenhouses 410/893-7213. We are taking orders for cabbage, broccoli, caulif lower plants for spring planting. Christian K. Esh, 2008 Horseshoe RD„ Lan caster, PA 17602 717-299-2731 Kl*] FRUITS S VEGETABLES v MN v FARMS 25840 Worton-Lynch Rd., Uy NURSERY Antique Apple Trees- Over 30 varieties for Spring ship ping. Free catalog. Spring Valley Nursery, 11096 Spring Valley Lane. Oela plane, VA 20144. Phone 540/364-3160, Fax 540/347-1592. Bandana vacuum seeder, plug seeder, shuttle con veyor, top dresser, 5 seed plates, Dibbler, excellent condition, $2,500. (717)687-0980. Barit mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. Carman’s Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. B&B Sheared While Pine, 6-B', $25. Also, Contract digging. (610)377-8817 FOR SAL£: SAJE 8’ Bee trimmer, excellent condi tion, asking $l5OO 080. 717-652-7294 Clearing NURSERY STOCK, row run prices, Hemlocks, Arts, yews etc Call for prices. (410)308-3082. |fj FRUITS S VEGETABLES 600 treated Cyprus tomato stakes 4‘, plastic mulch lifter #lBOO, $900; water wheel planter $1,000; wheels $5O; S' plant trailer v/shelvr Snyder County, w/t /es; Sn 717-539-2272! Bryon 103 sweet corn harvester, like new, asking $7500. Central PA 717/433-3580. E-ZY Grower green houses, in stock, 21x48' $880; 21x96’ $1,660; 24x96' $1,886. Tuffiite greenhouse plastic, Mod ine gas heaters, potting soil, flats, inserts, plastic mulch and drip irrigation supplies. Write or call for FREE catalog. Martin's Produce Supplies, 625 Bri tian Rd., Snippensburg, PA. 17257 (717)532-5918. FOR RENT: Bee Hives for pollination, each hive $35. Call (717)445-9990. 0) 778-1065 Hl- CLEARANCE MACHINES 4 Models For Various Applications Clearances Up To 83” 30 Machines In Stocks Call For Specs Japanese Maples, Blood good, 8-12*, $3.00; Garnet 6 Red Select, 12-15’, $4 00; 15-18*. $5.00. Lar ger sizes available. Cavag naro Nursey, 154 Fairview Drive, Neshanic, NJ. 06853. (906)369-5899 Caretree Compact Model 632-4 tree spade, like new, used once, 2 complete sets of spades, cone and trun cated, w/guidee for quick change, quick disconnect for skid loader. 908/479-6304. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477 LANDYSHADE MULCH PRODUCTS 717-806-7689. Mushroom Mulch lOObu, $7O; SOObu, $170,1200bu $196. Mulch delivered FREE within 25 miles of Lancaster. We carry Bark Mulch, Topsoil Mechanical transplanter, CTIO, Christmas trees and others. (410)721-0684 Tree Spade*, 20* to 60’; Tree Planted, 3* shoe to 24* shoe; Tree Boa*, one man tree loading system. TREE EQUIPMENT DE SIGN INC. RD 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717/386-3515. Container & B&B Nursery Stock, Wide Selection For free price list- Stoudt Landscape & Nursery RD 2, 80X1324 . Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 717/739-4650 Spruce^> S 4' to 15’ S* \ B&B X Somerset County X ZJI4|6»-9MIL\ 4 ;s.r;:,-.4 • Blue Spruce • Vr TDCC W • White Pine • White Spruce • ' I fiCC 4 • Norway Spruce • CADHJIO • Black Hill Spruce • Hemlock • rnlilVlo .. • Arborvitae • Quality Douglas Fir, • Maple Trees • Dogwoods • White pjn( . B| J e Cut and B&B Cutandß&B FINE QUALITY / \ Available. affordable price / } Reasonable Delivery Available | | Prices Custom Tree Digging & Large Tree Planting Available Transplanting also available with . 4 Big John 80 inch spade' FARMS Orwigsburg, PA New Ringold, PA 17960 11 (717) 943-2137 • John (717) 386-2107 (717) 943-2499 • Dave A TWIN BROOK TRANSPLANTS Quality in product ' Integrity in business Many species of Firs, Spruces, Pines, and Hemlock shipped fresh to your doorstep Order Now for April Delivery TWIN BROOK PLANTATIONS Located in Northeastern PA 1-800-595-GRQW • 717-256-3440 Fax Choice evergreen planting stock for Christmas tree, landscape, and conservation planting. "We're working harder to serve you better" Millwood Landscape & Tree Transplanting (717)464-5108 IMffi From 4'-40' TALL CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE TC-120 ULTRA ALUMI NUM pickup dumpers, kjht-weight, dumps 5000*. TRUCK—CRAFT OR WIQSBURG. 717/366-0780. GROFF TREE MOVING SERVICE Diqqiiu) 24'to 84 Brill (BRB) Anv Amount - Anywhote -Buy Si li IVhuieujk- Call Don 717-664-4587 Landyshade Mulch Products Lancaster, PA 17601 717-898-7689 Railroad ties #1  We also sell mulch & topsoil FOR SALE 12* Lawn Roller (71 7) 748*1093 CRAWFt RD EVERGREEN! Wholesale Price List Spring ‘9B State inspected Christmas trees • Transplants • Seedlings Top Quality - Low Prices is Fir Lincoln: 2 yr seedlings 6-12" 3 yr seedlings 10-18” Concolor Fir 2yr seedlings 6-12” $27 00 $135 00 3 yr seedlings 10-18” $37 00 $lB5 00 4yr transplants 2/2 12-20” $9O 00 $450 00 4yr transplants 2/2 14-24” $llO 00 $550 00 White Pine 3 yr. transplants 2/1 6-12” STONE MOUNTAIN GROWERS MIFFLINTOWN, PA White Colorado White Concolor Spruce Blue Soruce Pine N/A $2B N/A $34 N/A $34 N/A N/A N/A $4O $36 N/A $45 $5O $36 N/A $65 $74 $5O N/A 11/2 -2 C 2 21/2 C 21/2 3’C $55 $65 $B5 $55 $65 $B5 $55 $65 $B5 $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 N/A $55 $65 $75 $55 $65 $75 $55 $65 N/A $45 $55 N/A $45 $55 N/A $55 $65 $75 $45 $55 $65 $45 $55 N/A $45 N/A N/A $55 $65 N/A $4O $5O $6O Norway Soruce $26 $32 $4O $5O $7O 4’-5' s'-6' 6’-7' 7'-8' B'-9’ Red Sunset Maple Autumn Blaze Maple Sugar Maple Deborah Norway Maple Royal Red Maple Super Form Maple Emerald Queen Maple Weeping Cherry Mulberry Kwanzan Cherry Krauters Vesuvius Plum Honeylocust Shademaster Pm Oak ,• Camperdown Weeping Elm Zelcova Ash 3 Species Glenleven Linden Jacquemonti Birch Crabs White, Pink, Red Trees 1 Vi” Caliper & Less Available - $35 Red Sunset Autumn Bl izc and Sugar Maple Avail ibte in 3 C+ tai SlOO 00 and Wetping Cherry Available At S7S 00 717/436-9564 Ejl LAWN A GARDEN Used Equipment for sale Steiner Model 410 4x4 w/16 HP Onan and sft rear disc deck, 186 hours .. . $7,600. Steiner Model 410 4x4 w/16 H P. Onan and 5 ft. rear disc deck, 1200 hours .. $5,800 Steiner Model 425 4x4 w/New 25 HP Kub Diesel $7,900. Steiner Model 220 2x4 w/20 HP. Onan engine (14” turning radius) . . $3,200 Heckendorn (Zero Turn Industrial Machine) w/28 HP. Kub Diesel 72” Deck and bagger system, 310 hours .. .■» $5,000. Gravely Pro-Master Model 30H W/30H.P. Yanmar Diesel, 6 ft. deck, 52” snowblower, 5 ft. blade, 1400 hours $7,900 Roy's Steiner Sales K Service Lenhartsville, PA 19534 610-756-6150 Uncmw Finning, Saturday, ftbnury 7, 1998-D25 per 100 per 1000 $27 00 $135 00 $35 00 $175 00 $60.00 ■ $295 00 BEACHY CAT endless track garden tractor SINCE 1942 $685.00 (Free Shipping if check Qy LAWN* m GARDEN 1996 JD 425 54* mower, $6250; 1997 Allis 1920 H 60’ mower, $6750; 1994 Cub Cadet 2084 54* mower. $4950. All models are 20hp, hydro, w/PS. 1990 JD 430 w/60* mower. $5500. Snow blower at tachments available. Wal ter's Tractor Service, 717/646-0132 717/469-7110. *95 Grasshopper 718,16 hp Grasshopper w/hoppor A vac, $5500 080. 717-445-4541 save $lOOO on leftover In gersolt 3014 heavy duty garden tractor w/44’ mower, only $3688. Reg. $4688. Supplies limited. 717-445-4541 Case 224 garden hyd. trac tor w/mower, $l4OO. 717-445-4541 Casa IH model FEB 46 snowblower, brand new, $550. (614)364-9333. Core Aerator Mill Creek, Model 54E, 54*. good con dition, fits Category 1-0 3pt, 1 year old, $475. 717-367-6637 Demo Massey 1120, 4WD diesel tractor, unheard of price, $7999. 717-445-4541 F 935 JD front mount mower, 60’ cut, excellent condition, $4900. 717-354-0940 Ford 930-A 60' rear mounted rotary mower, ex cellent condition, $l,lOO. (215)362-8709. Grasshopper riding lawn mower, 18hp brakes, 61’ cut, $2OOO. Metal grass catcher for 61*-52' deck, $5OO. 610-827-7620 Kubota 82150, 4WD, 375 hrs., PS, like new. (814)364-9333. Log splitter, Super Split, Bhp Honda, log tray, high speed wheels, trailer hitch, $1950. 609-589-3418 Massey Ferguson 1026 front dozer blade for com pact tractor w/hyd. angle, hardly used. Must sell) $1500060. 717-445-4541 Sims cab for Kubota B se ries tractor, like new, $750. (814)364-9333. Used 146 Yanmar diesel tractor w/power shift, 48* mower & 48’ snowthrower, $3950 080. 717-445-4541 Used Massey Ferguson, 16hp tractor hydro w/ mower & bagger, $l9OO. 717-445-4541 WANT TO BUY antique & old Gravelys, attachments, literature. Any condition. (610)942-4901. Yanmar belly mower, near new, model YMM4S w/ electric clutch, $BOO. (814)364-9333. W SERVICES HI OFFERED 18' grain truck. General Hauling. Bryan Foose Quarryville, PA. (717)786-3423 Custom digging w/30" Care Tree Spade on skid steer. Specializing in B&B everg reens. 410/374-1499. Custom horse hauling, dean, new equipment, 17' trailer, 350 diesel, local hauling Along distance. Call (717)464-1528 Hauling w/28' rollback truck. Lavem Rutt, ML Joy. PA. (717)653-4725. Liquid Nitrogen is cheap now. Let us haul it for you. Grain hauling also. Call Cihylik Farms at (610)261-1261 days and (610)262-5623 evenings. Miller's Home Improve ment specializing in pole buildings, horse barns, dairy bams, farm equip ment sheds. We do all types of renovation repair work. Call Dan, (717)354-9550.