Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 169
£ h £L* Uugeamountofroundend. WESTERN ALFALFA, touted saraass? Corn silage for salo, alfalfa and clover. Balaage $265/ton dalivarad! WANT: Spring whert^tead, ‘Straw $35/ton. Can dalivar. testing 18-20 paroanl pro- 410-627-0304. 2 ®WStSmall Square Bales 7,7 ' e T 44 -i i’, , Corn ftilago, irrigated, c „ n ( 8i4) 36 7-5238 or COTTON SKID (908)99*4379. W"” 1 * °S5SyS4g* y«"T to y: m. s> S22S2™ svrvss TBSf l,p 717/376-2234. PBHOcP OH WHJI qaEgsa^gaaaaaTTTmaasreaaaassg.^^ LIVESTOCK BEDDING: /'"'Triple f Oil 111 i square bales, tested and Clean sawdust up to 70 V Farm t Vyll 1*115(11 111 , GOOD 5549 Old Philadelphia Pike E App. $225/tOII Delivered 1-800-821-5303. , BER CO., INC. Douglass- Gag,PA 17527 t Bn, and HiotT mSi= 717/708-7529 E (9731764-4681 Shelled Corn. STUMP lffT n 7 pm ' JllllllllinilZll ACRES 717/792-8216. Long Season Processed r. _ = Com SUaoe stored in ao Alfalfa bead , ” FOR SALE: AIM*. Hayl- uIJ? Taking Orders. 1 BUYING EAR CORN ( age or haylage andloom caster Co. $39/ton. • fnr nprmmafinn 1 i Shelled Corn & Soybeans silage mix. Dale Good 717/426-4910 lasted tor germination ; . . ; 1 717-949-2371 Lebanon I am I purity. 1 Contract or Daily Pnce | , CO- P A * W,IIshi P )JPS 1 OrD^ P ToM?nh.i m '1 ' FOR SALE: Barley straw, * sl92/lb - !.i (717)665-4785 $1.50 a bale. Also mixed * 5O lb ba 9 s P 7 171 cob oaLCSQ 1 Homestead M r DsuphS 4i2«94-2463. Nutrition Inc. ; NOLL GRAIN - . - ,■ - Mixed hay, 2nd/3rd cutting, (717)354-4398 .. Trailer loads of i **• 4 hioh moisture 00m at farm. —* ■ 222 - J „ Mushroom Mulch avai able Northampton Co. p— ■— M *»**-*»*-«■■ squares. 2 Sens loads 3rd (610 )588-7898 cutting alfalfa, medium Z2_ squares. Delivered to your Mixed hay 4x5 round mr." x _ , _ TtSi? '‘"‘■H farm. 605/775-9140. bales, stored Inside,' no Ryr Crain Bought and Sold >yN For Sale: Alfalfa Tsnothy !?* n ' Br Top prices paid for corn and soybeans ’B Baleage; also smafl square Mixed hay for sale. Myer- | W with prompt payment. w bales Timothy hay. stown, PA. 610-589-5763 | I Call for daily quotes, Ask about our special | 716/593-6118. y I co-pay trucking program. I Grass hay for heifers or quantity for sale for nurse- 1k Shady Lane Farms A horses. 717-838-6191 af- "?• mushrooms. U- n avid , Fite /■ sir 6am pickup or can deliver. uavio l. i-ue s ■ * ropm 717-444-3572 K Quarryville, PA J : 717-786-1725 NteS HAY AND STRAW for Orange peek and pulp. ■■■■iMMtow*—— horses and dairy. We de- Treated w/Balequik. Ap- NHHHNNNHHHHN liver L J HAY INC I* o *- 25 7 ard * P®* to®*l --800-622-9902. ’ ' $475/truckload delivered _ _ _ CORN SILAGB East of Harrisburg. M N | r U S^roHa Com silage, baiage, hay * aoo«4o-7383 John. iwiuiuii vardue ChoDDed. usina John Deere straw. Delivery available. ——-—————— Qtrauu uom . a w 610-932-8900. olraw chopper with roller mill Hay. Top Quality s26oAon. 4x4xB Vfestem Any Slze Bales nT?T nn ?r> v &\r& n art v Timothy, smal square & Alfalfa, 200 + RFV, fil OORA-ftdfi't DELIVERY AVAILABLL large round bales. Deliv- $220/«on. Omar S. Kauff- ° ,U 400 OHO ° r? armt , ered. (519)666-0289. man, 1624 Cambridge Rd.. Star-ROCK Farms High fat, high energy Honey Brook, PA. 19344. (717) 872-9152 or (717) 392-6854 breading by-product. Quality 4lh cutting alfalfa 1— 1 j ' steady consistanl clean baleage. Delivery avail- ■ - «i supply available in 23 ton able. 717/258-6682 No ) ■ r AWAWAWWA7SWAWWAYrA , ft'A7WAV loads. (716)344-4452 Sunday calls. UVAUVBII i. P®^***^^*^**** I *^*?**^ High moisture shelled com, Rolled Com Silage for sale, teWeelw IMU * f Ronald S. Keener Grain \ \ STSi bST. S£ MulchHayand ;;; Buying and Selling Ear and \l, Berks Co. 610-582-4591 trucks. Blower available. Straw, round or i ► Shelled Com and Soybeans 4 High Quality com Silage square bales j) 60’ Trailer Scales f { lor sale. 717-933-5943 banon Co. (717)949-2371. t ►. 15 } < uinh MM iitu .ii-T Round bales of hay, mostly Call eve. ® Elizabethtown, Pa. f ( 7 Xe^ohB«~ * 80 °L b (610) 598-7317 < < 717-367-63)59 Home S caster County. JT'®!’ 7T7-653-5254 Elevator \ (717)786-3060. ?5 n t b ? d ® ,iv « red . ln - *-T< f - —1 40-bale loads. High quality com silage, 717/673-5063. S&f°N(SiraS slh> ! JJS 't*!' "?■ Buying SA.'tSKK.'r: Mulch tfay Ua4i&MjU High yielding, high protein, mixed w/field corn silage. Large Chester Co 7,rTOiyaT. <, *" v * ,y mushtoomfarm & Shaving^*' twdwi ,419)657 ' 6727 — STRAW tor Mto. STUMP buying mutch hay, | Peanut Hulls 1. Home grown clover seed. ACRES 717/792-3216, square bales, il ■ YoritCo ' Timothy Orchard Grass ‘I Hay & Straw I w oouniy.trjj mothy hay and wheat Good PfICBS o 11 r. 1 D „i«„ m , -b < T n T?Mr 7?- t™' P'THTa-a/M contact - Bagged - Bale^^ 1717K35M4 L'?. c JS‘Sm!SS." 618932-9157 prices. 1-888-255-9344 Up I Horse quality Timothy, $l6O/ton. FREE delivery available. 717-484-4196 ' IDAHO'S BEST ALFALFA delivered direct to you. Ida- Best Hay Co. 600/558-2378, ask for Darren. Top quality mixed hay. $3.00/bale at barn. 717/865-4650. Used fiber egg fiats to thred for bedding. SS/pallet (approx. 400 lbs.). We can deliver locally. K 331-3811 Dutch y Egg Farm. Fred ricks burg, PA VERY GOOD CORN SIL AGE. ROLLED. $35 TON AT SILO. Lancaster 717-464-4080 Very good large round bales for sale; also com sil age. 717/724-1946. WANT: damaged or moldy corn and barley. Hauling available. (800)4366236. WANTED: Damaged or moldy com, grain or soy beans. 717/733-4616. WANTED: Good quality al falfa hay, round or square, large and small bales. 717/258-5224. Wheat straw, small and large square bales, com and soybeams. (610)779-3284. While rye straw, approx. 200 bales, 40-45 lb. bales. 717-366-2173 WANTED Hay & straw Square or Round Bales John Llpyd 610-869-2078 I SELLING 4 i HIGH j \ MOISTURE \ I CORN J r Will Deliver J { LUKE H. KURTZ V f 610-944-0263 \ J ] p PRICES j \ Giorgi Mushroom 4 f Company i p is now purchasing A k mulch hay in i ,r round or square i p bales. 0 Pli ' call j I . Jease v \ 610-9264811 > f ext. 634 \ I for our latest price 4 \ and delivery Jl (■ information * HAY DAIRYMEN Offering Top Quality Western Dairy Hay - Call - Lowell A. Horning Rochester, MN 507-285-9709 IfiiamWhaM Hottwod, PenndL Buying Corn, Beans, Wheat, & Barley 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 Bloomsburg, PA Now Receiving @ Mainville Ag Grain (717)784-6922 MULCH HAY WANTED Hy-Tech Mushroom Compost, Inc. 02i For current price C 4x4x3 bales only Call 610-669-0202 Lanctttsr Fuming, Saturday, February 7, 1998-021 Sawdust & Shavings! Quality Kiln Dried Hardwood or Softwood. Bulk Trailer Load Delivery. Call Jay Fared AWFInc. 1-800-624-9663 R.K.^OGT 1225 Colebrook Rd. BUYING EAR CORN, SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract prices available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM Shelled Corn, Ear Corn and Soybeans - Barley & Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 Hot 8 Straw 5-10 ton loads, sound, small, square bales: Bright grass hay mix *l5O/ton Reg. Grass Hay ’l3O-135/ton Bright Wheat Straw ’125/ton Grass Hay, 4x4 round bales *ll5/ton Clarence Bange (717) 292-6595 KILN DRIED WOODSHAVINGS BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER 2.8,3.0, 3.25 Cu. Ft. Paper/Plastic Bag 2.5 to 1 Compression Grade of Fine, Medium or Flaky Woodshavings Year-Round Supply for Year-Round Customers Distributors Welcomed APPALACHIAN SHAVINGS QUEBEC, CANADA For Delivered or FOB Plant prices Tel: 514-425-0835 Fax: 514-425-8871 Sensenig’s Wood Shavings Kiln dried, approximately 5 ton loads w/some dust: 750 cu ft. for Lancaster Co area dairy bedding. North of Rt. 340 Lancaster-Lebanon-Berks Co. Eugene Sensenig | 717/338-2047 RAIN Marietta, PA 17547 Z ist- ROHRER * Soybeans I lb. or Bulk York Co.