1985 TCM 840 Wheel Loader, Good Rubber, New Paint, Good Condition $24,900 1987 Cat 416 TLB, full cab, heat 1989 Hitachi Trackhoe, 1995 Gehl 4625 SX 2800 Hrs. w/ Hammer Skid Loader, low hours, & 26“ Bucket $26,000 new rubber $12,900 AA Equipment * 717/529-2512 ▼ No Sunday Calls 1797 Robert Fulton Hwy., Quarryville, PA 17566 • We Buy & Sell • Financing Or Lease Purchase Available • 90 Down NO Payment For 90 Days 1991 Cat EI2OB, New Paint, Good U/C $29,900 1965 Cat 9668, 23.5x25 Rubber, Good Condition $25,000 1993 Bobcat 7753, good rubber, nice $13,200 1989 Cat E2OOB Hyd. Excavator, plumbed, low hrs $48,000 1991 Cat El2O Hyd. Excavator $29,500 1993 Cat E7OB w/Blade, plumb for hammer, 2000 hrs $29,500 $17,500 Rogers 24'. 50 ton detach flblo pnnignedc traitor w/ wetHne, pony motor. Tri- Brook 24' aluminum dump trailer. 1981 Ford F-350 utility body. 1979 tandem axle GMC general. (610)367-1630. Sy-Klone air predeaners, cleans air before it gets to your equipments air filter. Greatly extends air filter life, reduces downtime. For free fact sheet, or to Order, call or write: New Techno logies, 320 East Cedi Av enue, Northeast, MD, 21901, (410)287-7836. WANT TO BUY al makes and models of construction equipment. (301)371-5500. ♦ ♦ JD 555 front and Kubota Model 820 tractor/ —— ■ ■ ■ ■ — .— now Hiritet teeth oood loeder/backhoe, 360 Mobile concrete mixer, 3 NH 785 ekid loader, 1991, condition slsoooorm«ke hours, $19,000. yard mobile mixsr on 1979 nice dean ongianJ paint, offer 215-682-7777. International diesel truck, sux. valve. $12,500. oner, $15,000. (717)676-3384 717-354-6706 Best Buys in Used Equipment We Have Machines Tough Enough For The Construction Site - Rugged Enough For the Farm See Binkley & Hurst Bros. Today 1 -800-41 4-4705 BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothavllle Station Rd. P.O. Box 0395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 Locatad 1/2 Mila North of Rothavitla H 1998 CASE CORPORATION - Visit us on tho Internet >it http //www r.ispcorp com Hw Case IH is it K*i)islneil trademark ol Cast: Corporation a»*««**«*i*« « • • «.* «. ««««««*■« v. v m *. *, k Lancaster Arming, Saturday, February 7, 1998-05 Almost New Case 580 Cab Air Heater, Extendahoe, 4 in 1 Loader Bucket, Wobble Stick Controls, Deluxe Cloth Seat Ask For Dean or Leonard (717) 626-4705 Super L TUrbo 1-800-414-4705 Fax 717-626-0996
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