r - .uni.x,. „ lu „ „ Bm Q HraQHgmßgggHHgas|nHga9rVH L« nc Mt* r Pinning, Saturday, FMniary 7,t»8-CM \r/ John Deere V# Collector- Ij f ■ in | rf 1 Out of Room! 1 i Must Reduce Ny Beautiful Collection I | 1 IHIHIBIIIHBHIHB, Many Rare and Unusual Tractors JD A Unstyled #453867 Recond w/Road Gear 1, 1 A #569093 Handstart , ftra Wisc.-Robin, Kawasaki, Kohler, Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh, Honda fa JD A W/F #571262 Real Straight ' m Rockford and Twin Disc Clutch Part* * Armories Hi JD * Uns, y'® d #410953 °P en Fanshaft. Factory j Q —— |H Rounds, New Tires I IS| ROBIN ENGINE Wisconsin New& Rebuilt ul dD A Unstyled #455853 F&H Front Adj Wheels k 9 SPECIALS REPLACEMENT engines Short Blocks 9 JD A Unstyled #455702 Recond., Fact Fenders, KHKHKKKKKKKHKKKBBBIBBBB Kg ,- UD „ a New Tires JD .972 4020. W.F., 1200 o*. Hta, Cab. la,.. 1 I. 8 ShT f~ ' ■ . „ TV ~ „. ,„ R JD ‘ AIWPM. Dual Remote. Syncro Shift. New From, B slaning®s433 I H JD BUnshedo2l9o4Bolt,Fact Founds Tires, Orig. Owner HI •11HP - tapered shaft I Center ffl JD B Unstyled #2750 Recond , New Tires I 418 CfMl r»Mi v niup i urc rep IEI starting @ $477 | rI c u rp B JD BW Unstyled #31955 Recond , Fact Rounds 3>I»,3UU ONLY ONE LIKE IT Kg . 22 Hp starting @ $ 1,097 I JOBS r 1 S H K B JD BR Unstyled #332657, Fact Rounds, Recond, ; Snow Blower Magee Front Mount, TA’, New .HI •9 HP Vanguard 1” I JHIH £ N C I N EB9 Hnd Strt Condition, Mounts On JD 4020 With Front PTO :Ea threaded shaft starting @ I M JD BN T $5,500 ,l IS $594 - 90 I erviceß in n Vln, ’ l ln • Other models available | " "■■ ii B, JJ 717-432-3235 E u>m»w>h>i.>h.h.wuwms»ii»..Jl ““•““■g333EMB3ISOHii3Ii!OIBSaaOHB3IaOB jd g#2 JD 6 Row Narrow Corn Hoad, Field RoadySl JD Kama! Proctaaor, Raid Ready $1 JD 4 Row Convarglng Narrow Com Hoad, FMd Roady J JD 13' Qrasa P/u Hoad, Floating Augor, Fiol< Roady ; Jol3’ Grass P/U Hoad w/Flxod Auger . . $6,000 JD T Qrasa F/U Hoad, Raid Roady.. . $? *94 JD 6710. 326 Hp. 4WO, C/A, 24.5x32,800 h Motai Dot. Hydro, Vary Nico With Kama! Pr0c.....*..... $l3 *93 JD 8810,270 Hp, 2WD. C/A, 23.1x26,195C Motai Dot, Hydro, Wry flood With 4 Row Narrow Com Hoad * w Oraoo PAJ Hoad A Komai Proc..— „ $s __ irk ~_n - /A *9l JD iISO, 300 HP, 4 WD, Cat, 2ILRx2f, 2* 85 JD 4850, 190 HP, MFWD, C/A, Hr«., U.UI dm., Hydro, Vwy Nlc, WHh K< 20.8x38, 3975 Hrs., 2 REM, PS, Very Proe.,« Row Narrow Com HMd $1 Nice JD 6(30,400 HP, 2 WD, Cab, 23.1«28,32(4 I cnn Metal Dot, Hydro, Good Machino, With Goo*. 9*ftp,9UU Komai Proc + Vary Good 6 Row Narrow Com Hoad $62,250 ‘67 JD 5630, 300 HP, 2 WD. Cab. 23.1x26,4700 Hro, Motai Dot. Hydro, Good Clean Machine With Good Kama! Processor +l3’ Graos P/U Hoad. WHh Floating Augor $66,675 '66 JD 5630,300 HP, 2WD, Cab. 23.1x26,1700 Hro . Motai Dot, Hydro, Very Nico, With Komai Proc. +4 Row Narrow ComHoad .... $60,175 ‘69 JD 5630, 300 HP, 2 WD, C/A. 600-65x34,3260 Hro., Motai Dot., Hydro, Good Machino With Komai Proc ... $49,750 *9l JD 5630, 300 HP. 2WD, Cab, 23 1x26, 2591 Hro, Motai Dot, Hydro, Good Clean Machino .... $47,770 '67 JD 5630,300 HP. 2 WD, Cab, 23 1x26, 3556 Hro . Motai Dot, Hydro, Good Machin0..544,760 '62 JD 5820, 280 HP, 4WD, Cab, 23 9x38,4424 Hro, Motai Dot, Hydro, Good Clean Machino With Komai Proc A 7' Oraoo P/U Hoad A 6- row Narrow Com head $47,445 '9O JD 5830, 300 HP. 2 WD. Cab, 23 1x26, 2499 Hro, Motai Dot, Hydro, Good Clean Machine - $46,160 ‘B2 JD 5820,280 Hp, 4WD, Cab, 23.1x26,4726 Hro, Motai Dot, Hydro, Good Cloan Machino With 4-Row Narrow Corn Hoad $36,525 '•6 JD 5820,280 HP. 2 WD, Cab, 23.1x28 (Now). 3122 Hro, Motai Dot Hydro. Sound Power -Train.. ...«, sr. m ...528,54S ‘B3 JD 5820, 280 Hp, 2WD, Cab, 23 1x28,4243 Hro., motai Dot, Hydro, Good Cloan Machino With 4-Row Narrow Corn Hoad . $27,635 'B2 JD 5820, 280 HP 2 WD. Cab, 23 1x26, 5430 Hro, Metal Dot, Hydro, Cloan, Field Ready $24,500 ‘BB JD 5730,225 HP, 4 WD, Cab, 231x26 (Now). 2548 Hra , Metal Dot, Hydro, Good Machine, With 4 Row Narrow Corn Hoad + T Grass PAJ Hoad $54,250 ‘B9 JD 5730,225 Hp. 2WD, Cab. 231x26, 3072 Hrs. Motai Dot. Hydro, Good Cloan Machino With Komai Proc A 13’ Grass P/u Hoad $47,550 ‘B3 JD 5720,225 HP, 2WD, Cab, 23.1x26,3156 Hrs, Metal Det, Hydro, Good Machine With 4 Row Converging Narrow Com Head $28,500 '7B JD 5460,250 HP, 4WD, C/A, 18 4x26,4549 Hrs , Hydro, Sound Power Train With 4 Row Converging Narrow Corn Hoad $33,500 76 JD 5460, 250 Hp, 4WD, Cab, 23 1x26, 6579 Hrs , Metal Dot, Hydro, Good Cloan Machine. $22,565 '94 Claas 695,316 Hp. 4WD, C/A. 281x26,2200 Hrs, Metal Det, Hydro, Very Nice With Kernel Proc A 6-Row Narrow Com Head.. $89,400 *9O Claas 698SL, 316 Hp, 4WD, C/A, 281x26,3600 Hrs., Metal Dot., Hydro, Good Field Ready Machino With komai Proc A 6-Row Corn Head ..... $79,875 ‘B7 Claas 690,4W0, 316 Hp. C/A, 281x26, 3800 Hrs, Metal Det, Hydro, Good Field Ready machine with komai Proc A 6-Row Narrow Com Head $68,425 ‘B9 Claas 690 • 316 HP, 4WD, Cab, 3660 Hrs , Metal Det, Hydro, Sound Power Tram with Kemal Proc +6 Row Com Head .$53,000 ‘96 Claas 660, 442 HP. 2 WO. C/A, 30 5x32, 370 Hrs, Metal Det, Hydro, Exceptional Machine, With Very Nice Kemper 4500 6 Row Hoad 4 Com Cracker $179,775 Kemper 3000,4-Row Head, Field Ready $20,000 Kemper 4500,6-Row Head, Field Reedy $29,900 ‘B5 JD 2950, 85 HP, MFWO, C/A, 18.4x38, 6660 Hrs., 2 Rem, Hi-Lo, Very Good $24,900 75 JD 4430,126 Hp, 2WD, C/A, 18.4x38,3950 Hrs., 2 Rem, Quad, Very Nice $17,500 Hydro, Good Clean Field Ready Machine • with Good Kemper 3000 4-Row Head. $80,755 JF 1 '- *K 'tolß '9l JD 5830, 300 Hp, 4WD, Cab, 23.1x26, 2207 Hrs., Metal Det., Hydro, Very Nice with Very Nice Kemper 4500 6-Row Head. Priced: Chopper Only $67,665; Kemper Only; $29,900. Package Price $92,000 ‘9O JD 5830, 300 Hp, 4WD, Cab, 23.1x26, 2300 Hre., Metal Det., Hydro, Very Nice ■ with 13‘ Grass P/u Head $59.935 WE CAN DESIGN & INSTALL ANY TYPE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM - SOLID SET + FROST CONTROL - TRICKLE - GIANT SPRINKLER - WHEEL ROW - CENTER PIVOT - HAND MOVE - LIQUID MANURE (Or Waste Water Disposal) - HOSE REEL - LATERAL MOVE * SIDE ROLL Good Clean Machine '■ In*! ‘B5 JD 5820, 280 HP, 4WO, C/A, 28.1x26, 3700 Hrs., Metal Det., Hydro, Good Clean Field Ready Machine - with Kemal Proc. & 6-Row Claas Narrow Com Head. TICO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS IRRIGATION HEADQUARTERS EASTERN UNITED STATES RT. 13, WILLIAMSTOWN, N.Y. 13493 PHONE (315) 964-2214 or 800-813-8046 $52,900 157.935 FREE ESTIMATES • FREE ENGINEERING - FINANCING AVAILABLE - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY-NEW & USED EQUIP. Hydro, Very Nice, with Very Nice Kernel Proc. & 6 Row Narrow Corn Head. $49,000 . V ; * * 76 JD 5460, 250 Hp, 2WD, Cab, 18.4x26, 5095 Hrs., Hydro, Sound Power Train $15,500 » M ' «««*- I /'a ‘B7 ciaaa 690, 315 Hp, 2WD, Cab, 23.1x26, 2858 Hrs., Metal Det., Hydro, Good Clean Field Ready Machine - with Kernal Proc. & 6- Row Claas Corn Head $49,750 81 NH 2100, 325 HP, 4WD, Cab, 28Lx26, 2852 Hrs., Metal Det., Hydro, Good Machine $29,850 ‘B4 Ford 7710, 86 HP, MFWD, C/A, 18.4RX38, 2652 Hrs., 2 REM, DP $23,900 VIRTUALLY ALL MAKES OF USED & NEW PIPE - COUPLERS - FITTINGS - GASKETS - PUMPS - MOTORS - NOZZLES + SPRINKLERS ARE ON HAND & READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. OVER 30 YEARS SERVICE TO U.S. & CANADIAN GROWERS ‘BB Case 7110, 130 HP, MFWD, C/A, 20.8RX38, 1305 Hrs., 2 Rem, PS, Very Nice $43,500 ‘B4 IH 5288, 160 HP, MFWD, C/A, 20.8RX38, 3,200 Hrs., 3 Rem., 18F/6R $31,500 ‘B4 CASE 2294, 130 HP. MFWD, C/A, 18.4RX38, 2111 HRS., 2 REM, PS, Good Clean $22,900 $7,500 76 AC 7000 105 Hp, 2WD, Cab, 18.4x38, 3855 Hrs., 1-Rem, 12F/3R, Good Clean Machine $9.400 No Serial Tag 11-42 Tires istyled #127058, Recond istyled #76624, Fact Flats, All Arnd iSA777 Recond #32937 Exc ~24826, Nice GP Unstyled #212239, 1928, Very Good B Unstyled, Round Spokes, Totally Restored L Totally Restored M Totally Restored JD JD JO JD 830 Pony Start, Totally Restored GN #37872 Recon Fenders, New Rubber D #158910 Gd Paint, Hnd Strt MT #16815 W/F Fenders & Hitch 430 W #146392 Recond., 3 Pt Fact Cntr Lnk, Ong. 34” Tires JO 430 Std #180906 Recond , Full 3 Pt, Spin-Out Wheels, Front Weights, Exc JD 520 #5213030 38” W/ F, Recond , Fenders, 3 JD 70 #7009224 New Pnt, Exc JD 70 #7014428 All Fuel, WF, 3 Pt, Recond , Rare JD 720 #7201211 WF, Gas, Dual Hyd, 3 Pt Recond JD 720 LP #7222635 w/3 Pt JD 720 LP Std #7206686 JD 720 #7207916 Gas, 3 Pt Dual Hyd JD 730 #7324026 3 Pt, Pony Strt Diesel, New 15 5-38 JD 730 #7307337 Gas, W/F, 3 Pt, New Pnt, Exc JD 730 #7317731 LP, Std , Recond JD 620 LP #6209598 3 Pt, Exc JD 2010 HC #17585 Gas, For Restor JD 2010 HC No #, Diesel, For Restor JD 2020 #115143T, 1333 Hrs , VG Cond 16 928's JD 3020 #T123P090575R PS, 3 Pt, New Rubber, New Engine, Ong Paint, Power Shift JD 4010 #2T52725 Std , Gas, Only 93 Bit JD 4020 #T213R189376R w/Loader, Diesel JD G Rears and Mam Section Traactor JD STDAdj. W/Frnt End JD Single and Tricycle Frnt End 620-730 JD 3 Pnts for 30 Series CAT Road Scraper Hnd Strt Min. Moline Street Sweeper #60037 IH W 9 WC860780W128 Std w/Live Hyd, New Pnt, Exc IH Super H #12301 J Recond IH Super M #510325 Recond , New Tires & Fndrs IH M Diesel #F8DK272536 IH Super H #29258J w/45 JD Loader, Recond Ford 4000, Gas, One Owner This Is A Beautiful Collection of Many Years Please Call 732-946-8876 Si WMfaru equipment ■■ WANTED 13- 15ft. cultimulcher with out reliefs. 12 cast closing wheels for JD or Kinze planter. (301)334-1269 6 Insecticide boxes for JD 7200-7240 corn planter. 410-692-6471 Athens 12' chisle plow, pull type, must be in good con dition. 410-643-5482 after 6pm Case IH plow, sb, automa tic reset, like new condi tion. 717-898-2088 WANTED: USED FORD & KUBOTA TRACTORS Call 717-949-2000 Daytime f\ Harley Power Rake Model S-8 or T-8, Rockhound 40-60-HP Compact 4WD tractor and 10' Lely Roterra. 814-942-2861. WANT; Complete or partial 3pth for Case 430 tractor. (610)488-0736. WANTED; Complete used top beater tor JD 450 hydro spreader. 717/649-5728. WANTED: JD 2010. 2020, 2510, 2520, 3010, 3020, 4010, 4020. 609/567-0453. WANT: White 5100 6R no til com planter in good con dition. (717)632-8718.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers