Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1998, Image 14
Al4-Uncastar Faming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE JANUARY 30, 1998 14 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 5120 Compared with 5036 head last week and 3492 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary slaughter steers & heifers steady to 1 00 lower, si cows 1 00-3 00 lower, bulls 1 00-2 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice & Prime 66 50-69 00, Choice 63 GO -67 25. Select and Low Choice 59 35- 65 00, Select 56 00-64 25, Standard 46 50-57 50 HDLSTEINS High Choice & Prime 59 00-6175, Choice 55 00-59 25, Se lect 48 25-56 35, Standard 42 00- 49 75 HEIFERS Choice 62 75-66 75, Select 56 25-64 00, Standard 40 00-55 75 COWS Breaking Utility & Commercial 35 00-44 00, Cutter & Boning Utility 31 00-41 25, Canner and Low Cutter 24 50-36 75 Shells down to 20 00 BULLS Yield Grade No 1 1000/2400 lbs 4500-59 25, No 2 900/2000 lbs 35 50 46 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame No I 100/550 lbs 72 DO SS 00, 600/BIS lbs 62 00-75 00, Me dium Frame No 2 150/975 lbs 42 00- 59 00, Large Frame No 2 425/107S lbs Holsteins 78 00-49 SO, HEIFERS Me dium & Large Frame No I 2SS/SSO lbs 56 00-72 00, 600/92S lbs 47 50- 57 00 Medium & Large Frame No 2 100/900 lbs 44 SO-60 00, BULLS Me dium & Large Frame No 1 SlO/760 lbs S 4 SO 69 00, Medium Frame No 2 100/900 lbs 42 00 60 SO, Large Frame No 2 Holsteins 400/760 lbs 17 00- 60 00 CALVES 1271 Compared with 11S8 head last week and 266 S head a year ago VEALERS mostly steady Choice 200/100 lbs 62 SO 100 00, Good 140/260 lbs 48 00-62 00. Standard and Low Good 70/120 lbs 17 00 10 00 few to 16 00, Utility SO/100 lbs 10 00- 2,100 FARM CALVES Holstein bull calves strong to 10 00 higher, Holstein heifers steady to 40 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90/12S lbs 7S 00 110 00 80/90 lbs SO 00-80 00, No 2 80/I2S lbs 10 00 100 00 No 1 Hol stein heifers 90/I2S lbs 7S 00-IS7 00. No 2 70/110 lbs 10 00-55 00 HOGS 2718 Compared with 2982 head last week and 1170 head a year ago Bar A LEGACY OF PRIDE From a proud neighborhood dairy in the 1910's to a modern manufacturing company of the 1990’5, the Dietrich family-owned business continues to move forware. With the dedication of three generations and a heritage rich in experience and innovation, Dietrich’s Milk Products faces the future with confidence. As in the past, our future success depends upon fine quality products made from quality milk. We need more good dairy farm families from your area to assure a continued bright future together. OUR BENEFITS • Strong Market Premiums • Extra Pay For High Solids Milk • A Field Staff That Knows The “Cow Business" And Is Here To Help You! SERVING LANCASTER, CHESTER, BERKS COUNTIES AND THE SURROUNDING AREA A DIETRICH S MILK PRODUCTS, INC. I 100 McKinley Avenue Reading, PA 19605-2117 READING OFFICE; 800-526-6455 DANIEL VOSBURG: 717-354-5562 JEFF JOHNS: 610-323-4630 rows and gilts steady, sows 1 00 to 3 00 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 220/265 lbs 36 50-38 00 with a few to 45 25, US 1-3 210/270 lbs 34 85- 37 00, US 2-3 220/300 lbs 31 50- 35 50 SOWS US 1-3 300/500 lbs 24 00-35 00, few @ 38 00, 500/700 lbs 26 50-36 00 BOARS 16 00-20 00 FEEDER PIGS 399 Compared with 261 head last week and 189 head a year ago Feeder pigs US 1-3 20/40 lbs 16 GO -35 00, 40/60 lbs 25 00-42 00— per head SHEEP 1742 Compared with 2100 head last week and 1651 head a year ago Slaughter lambs 10 00 to 20 00 lower SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 60/90 lbs 90 00-115 00. 85/110 lbs 83 00-105 00, 125/140 lbs 72 GO -84 00 NEW CROP LAMBS Choice 40/60 lbs 115 00-180 00, few up to 240 00. 60/90 lbs 130 00-170 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 23 00-55 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 1063 Compared with 839 head last week and 1271 head a year ago Feeder pigs uneven, mostly steady to 10 00 lower, slaughter steady to strong US 1 - 2 40/50 lbs 57 00-80 00, 50/60 lbs 56 00-77 00, 60/70 lbs 58 00-69 00 Slaughter 25/40 lbs 100 00-140 00 per hundredweight MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION February 3, 1998 CATTLE 197 [PDA] Compared with last week's sale si steers and heifers 100 to 2 00 lower, si cows uneven, I 00 to 2SO lower to 1 00 higher, si bulls steady to strong SLAUGHTER STEERS few High Choice and Prime 1275/ISOO lbs 64 50-67 00. Choice 1115/1530 lbs 62 2S-6S 00, 1700/1900 lbs S 2 00 61 50. Select 56 00-6100, Standard 4S 00-54 25 HOLSTEINS few High Choice and Prime 106S/1440 lbs 58 25-58 75. Choice 1175/1545 lbs 55 25 58 00, Select 49 75-55 50, Standard 40 GO -48 75 HEIFERS few High Choice and Prime 1225/1340 lbs 64 25-66 25, Choice 1125/1500 lbs 62 00-64 50, Select 55 00-61 50, Standard 41 50-54 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer- • High Quality Milk Premiums • Sensible Hauling Rates • A Local, Family-owned Dairy - Large enough to Serve your Milk Marketing Needs - Small enough to Know You! cial 36 00-42 25. Cutter and Boning Utility 31.25-38 50, Canner and Low Cutter 25.00-32 00. Shells down to 19 00 BULLS Yield Grade No 1 1165/2025 lbs 42 75-47 25 with a few up to 54 25, No 2 1100/2100 lbs 35 50- 43 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame No 1 450/650 lbs 62 DO -65 50, one lot @ 69 00, few Medium & Large Frame No 2 475/785 lbs 34 00- 46 00 HEIFERS Medium & Large Frame No 1 315/615 lbs 53 50-63 50, Medium & Large Frame No 2 460/770 lbs 35 50- 48 00 BULLS few Medium Frame No 1 380/620 lbs 50 50-58 00, one 805 lbs @ 43 00, few Medium & Large Frame No 2 500/800 lbs 35 50-45 00 and Good 75/120 lbs 23 00-33 00, Utility 55/80 lbs 10 00-20 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 5 00 to 10 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs 80 00-124 00, 80/90 lbs 75 00 97 50, No 2 80/120 lbs 34 00- 80 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 90/110 lbs 80 00-122 50, No 2 70/105 lbs 29 00-52 50 Few beef cross bulls and heifers 95/105 lbs 85 00-102 00 HOGS 147 (2/2 & 3/98) Bulk of sup ply sold on Monday and supplied by the auction Barrows and gilts mostly steady BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 235/265 lbs 37 00-39 50, few to 4150, US 1-3 220/270 lbs 35 GO -37 00, lightweights US 1-3 190/205 lbs 32 50-36 00 SOWS US 1-3 300/465 lbs 25 GO -32 00. 510/550 lbs 24 00-30 00 BOARS few 230/250 lbs 20 GO -23 00, few 310/485 lbs 16 00-1900 $ ON FARM STORAGE FOR MAXIMUM PROFITS • FARM BINS • GALVANIZED FANS AND HEATERS • TOP DRY SYSTEMS • GRAIN DRYERS • HOPPER BOTTOM TANKS • COMMERCIAL FLAT BOTTOM • FLEX-FLO FEED SYSTEMS • SAFETY ACCESS EQUIPMENT We Supply Expert Installation and Service Check Our Price• Before You Buy Painted, Galvanized and Stainless Steel Fabrication, Peed Pine, Feeders, Hoppers, Covers, Dump Pits, Augers, and Control Systems to Automate Your Operation. FEEDER PIGS 89. .US 1-3 25/40 lbs 16 00-19.50, 45/65 lbs 19 50-29 00, Utility 25/50 lbs 5.00-9 00 per head SHEEP 2.. SLAUGHTER SHEEP couple 29 00 & 39 00 GOATS 10 One Large Billy @ 144 00 couple Medium 50 00 & 81 00, one Large Nanny @ 81 00, few Large Kids 31 00-43 00 per head LEESPORT LIVESTOCK AUCTION LEESPORT, PA February 4, 1998 CATTLE 284 [PDA] [Supply included 112 slaughter steers and heifers, 138 si cows and 26 feeder cattle] .Compared with last Wednesday's sale si steers I 00, spots 200 lower, si cows steady to 100 lower, si heifers I 00 to 3 00 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS few Choice 1165/1435 lbs 6100-64 00. few Yield Grade 5 1360/1420 lbs 59 75-61 00, Select 57 00-61 00, few Standard 51 00- 56 75 HOLSTEINS STEERS High Choice and Prime 1265/1540 lbs 57 75-61.50. Choice 1260/1695 lbs 53 25-57 75, Select 47 50-54 00, Standard 41 75- 46 75 HEIFERS Choice 1110/1350 lbs 60 75-63 75, Select 58 00-61 25, Stan dard 49 25-54 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 36 00-41 75, Cutter and Boning Utility 33 00-37 75, Canner and Low Cutter 28 75-35 25 Shells down to 15 50 BULLS Yield Grade No 1 1265/1890 lbs 47 00-50 50, few No 2 1350/1810 lbs 45 00 automatic farm systems 608 E. Evergreen Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: 717-274-532(3 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS. Large Frame No 2 580/770 lbs Holstems 55 00-59.00. HEIFERS few Medium & Large Frame No 2 680/845 lbs 38.50-46 00. BULLS few Large Frame No 1 470/695 lbs 58 00-64 00, few Medium & Large Frame No 2 420/900 lbs 45 50-48 00. one 55 00 CALVES 164 VEALERS few Good 100/110 lbs 40 00-50 00. Standard and Good 80/110 lbs 32 00-40.00, Utility 55/95 lbs 10 00-27 00, few to 5 00 FARM CALVES; Holstein bulls steady to 500 lower No 1 Holstein bulls 100/125 lbs 100 00-127 50, 90/95 lbs 90 00-100 00, No 2 85/120 lbs 40 00-100 00 mostly 55 00-85 00, one No 1 Holstein heifer 90 lbs @ 77 00 HOGS 110 Barrows and gilts 50 to I 00 lower, sows steady to 50 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 240/275 lbs 34 00-35 00, US 1-3 220/280 lbs 33 25-34 25, US 2-3 220/290 lbs 31 50-33 00, US 1-3 200/210 lbs 30 00-32 75 SOWS US 1-3 350/490 lbs 25 50- 27 50, 505/610 lbs 27 50-28 50, few Medium 340/580 lbs 22 00-26 75 BOARS 280/530 lbs 13 00-15 50 FEEDER PIGS 88 US 1-3 20/40 lbs 70 00-73 00, one lot 62 lbs @ 58 00 - percwt SHEEP 15 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 100/130 lbs 77 50-85 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 28 00-36 00 GOATS 8 One Medium @ 55 00, One Large Kid @ 87 50, Small 12 00-27 00 per head CUSTOM MADE AUGERS Galvanized • Carbon • Stainless AUGER INSTALLATIONS ✓ In feedlots ✓ In drying systems ✓ Commercial Standard Auger Specifications applications ✓ At feedmills or elevators ✓ Around poultry & dairy barns ✓ At your gram bins or bulk tanks ✓ Replacement Augers for feed Tube Gauge Flight Thickness Bu /Hr mixers and farm ‘ ~, _ ~ „ ~ equipment Ca// (7s For Custom Specifications e p p^m enl U-TROUGHS 3/16" 3/16" 3/16' 3000 2000