Pennsylvania Livestock Summary JANUARY 23, 1998 PA DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE CATTLE 5036-Com pared with 5054 head but week and 4488 bead a year ago. Compared with hut Friday’s sum mary-slaughter steers & heifers 50 to 150 higher, si. cow* & bulls 150350 higher- SLAUGHTER STEERSi High Choice A Prime 66.00-7050, Choice 6250-67.75, Select and Low Choice 593)0-64.00, Select 5650-6350, Stan dard 4650-5650. HOLSTEINSi High Choice & Prime 5750-61.85, Choice 54.00-58.75, Select 49.00-56.00, few Standard 44.75-49.00. HEIFERS) Choice 613)06675, Select 56506350, Standard 45.0055.00, few to 39.00. COWS) Breaking Utility A Commercial 360045.00, few to 47.75, Cutter A Bon ing Utility 31.00-43.75, mostly 3350-41.75, Canner and Low Cutter 285037.00, few to 2450. Shells down to 15.00, BULLS) Yield Grade No. 1 1000/2400 lbs. 43.005050, few to 55.25, few No. 2 900/2000 lbs. 400043.75. FEEDER CATTLE) STEERS) Medium A Large Frame No. 1 320/650 lbs. 625079.00, few to 8950, few 620/780 lbs 565063.00, few Medium A Large Frame No. 2 275/800 lbs. 49.006250, Large Frame No 2 400/770 lbs Holst el ns 30505850, mostly 40505150; HEIF ERS) Medium A Large Frame No. 1 375/740 lbs. 52506350, few to 7050, Medium A Large Frame No. 2 30(1/770 lbs. 40505550; BULLS) Medium A Large Frame No. 1 365/580 lbs. 55507350, few to 8450, Medium A /fiSfRB4*SL /tefega Jt ntilutton lywrcffisaJ » / f} /y//( Agricultural Heaters Models from 40,000 BTU to 225,000 BTU The Purafire heater provides a consistent, cleanburning and fuel efficient source of warmth for all types of poultry and swine houses. With near 100% efficiency, it uses less energy to yield greater BTUs for your money. ■p Agricultural v Heaters models from 15,000 BTU to 325.000 BTU ty UfcU|UWU fa> i w * h > J m W^* 1 * *^P*"* W, "****» ■ ■ With an L B White pilot heater, you get the dependability of a time-proven design plus the safety standards you'd expect (rom an industry leader So your animals stay warm and you don't have to spend time worrying about their safety g| Shenandoah Shen Heats like the Sun and very fuel efficient with 40,000 BTU/h HOUSING CALF HUTCHES by RH & LH Access Our Deluxe model features new, extra tall offset entry door opposite a nght or left side feed access flor Lets you group hutches side-by-side for easy feeding and service Comes with two large pails, inside pail holder and eyebolts for lifting Rainproof ndge-lop ventilators keeps calves dry and comfortable Hours: Mon-Fri 7 to 5:30 ® at t 0 Noon slrvice Fanner Boy Ag Systems a tjlsj 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 tSilB &Hfe| 1/31/98 717-866-7565 • 1-800-845-3374 M<gl Large Frame No. 2 330/850 lbs. 40505650. CALVES 3158-Com pared with 3446 bead hut week and 2742 head a year ago. VEALERS) mostly steady to weak.-Choice 140/325 lbs. 77509550, few to 105.00, Good 130/300 lbs 50507750, Standard and Low Good 70/110 lbs. 20503350, Utility 50/100 lbs. 9502350 FARM CALVES) Hols tein bull calves uneven, mostly steady to 5.00 lower, Holstein heifers mostly steady—No. 1 Holstein bulb 85/125 lbs. 65.00-120.00, No. 2 80/125 lbs. 40508550, few to 3050; No. 1 Holstein heifers 85/125 lbs. 75.00-112.00, No. 2 75/125 lbs. 45508550. Beef cross bulb and heifers 76/115 lbs. 30507050, few to 12050. HOGS 2982—Compared with 2572 head last week and 2534 head a year ago. Borrows and gilts 50 to 150 higher, instances 350 higher, Sows 50150 Iow er—BARROWS AND GILTS) US 1-2 220/265 lbs. 37503755, US 1-3 210/270 lbs. 35503755, US 2-3 220/300 lbs. 33503550. SOWS) US 1-3 300/500 lbs. 22502750, few to 3250, 500/700 lbs 255029501 BOARS) 14501750 FEEDER PIGS 261-Com pared with 212 head last week and 225 head a year ago. Feeder pigs—US 1-3 20/40 lbs. 13.002950,40/65 lbs 25504950 per head. SHEEP 2100L.Com pared with 2007 head Inst week and 1612 head a year ago. Slaughter lambs unevenly steady—SLAUGHTER LAMBS) Choice 40/80 lbs. 100.00135.00, 80/105 lbs. 955011250, few to 13050,100/130 lbs. 805010550, few to 7050. NEW CROP 4 <. A £ Radiant S FEED BINS We assemble, deliver and set up bins on your farm ’Weather tight die-formed roof * Stronger engineered sidewalls ’Ground controlled fill caps ’Galvanized roll-formed legs * Engineered leg braced systems * Fast flowing hopper bottom Flex-flo™ AUGER SYSTEM In 21/4” dia. to 5” dia. ~ New Concept In - Chick Feeding” ■■■■■ * Easy-to-Attach SNAP-^ C-SWIVEL Chick Feed fi^ SSP FJBRB Dispenser with Feeder f ’ *1 Tray. We will install on CWckwate Tubes. 3’ & 4’ CRAFT PAPER FOR BEDDING Jg! yt Check Our Low Low Prices LAMBSi Choice 40/65 Ibi. 130.00175.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEPi 35A062J00. TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 839—Compared -with 1026 head hut weeh and 693 head a year ago. Feed er pigi strong to 30.00 higher, ehiughter mostly steady—US 1-2 few 25/40 lbs. 4O/50 Iba 72.50-90.00, few to 5O/60 Iba 60.0080.00, few 60/70 lbs Slaughter 25/40 lbs. 72.00-108.00. per hundredweight. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday at 4:00 pja. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction Thursday, Jan. 29, 1990 RETURN TO FARM CALF 60.00-110.00. GOOD VEAL: 30.00-59.00. COMMON VEAL: 10.00-29.00. CHOICE STEERS: 62.0065.00. SELECT STEERS: 55.0061.00. COMMON STEERS: 53.0054.00 COMMERCIAL COWS: 35.0042.00. CANNERS-CUTTERS; 300036.00 SHELLS: 25.00-29.00. CHOICE HEIFERS: 60.0044.00. SELECT HEIFERS: SS.OO-59.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 48.00-54.00. GOOD FEEDERS: 6000-70.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 30.00-59.00. BULLS: 38.00-43.75. with the Dhemilizer HN 55 MEDICATOR The Smart 2 Part System 1. Water Motor 2. Chemical Pump 2-YEAR GUARANTEE Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Waynesburg, Pa. Thun, Jan. 29, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE: SL. COWS: UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 32.5041.25; CUTTER & BONING UTILITY 28.0034.00; CAN NER A LOW CUTTER 25.0029.50; SHELLS 25.00 & DOWN. BULLS; YIELD GRADE 1 15004-2000# 37.00-47.00; YIELD GRADE 2 1000#-1400# 30.0040.00. FEEDER STEERS: M&L-l 300-500# 50.0088.00; 250-280# 66.0094.00. M 600900 LBS. 54.0072.00. HEIFERS M l&L-l 300-500# 40.00-82.00; L-l 400650# 38.007000. BULLS M&H 300620# 42.0087.00. CALVES: VEAL.. PRIME 40.0080.00; CHOICE 38.00-72.00; GOOD 35.0048.00. Quality Assured Case IH Parts BEST PARTS.... BEST DEAL.... BEST VALUE When You Need Parts, ®Call SALEM For FAST figop Courteous Service. Express Service To Your Farm.... Please Call Today. SALEM&m I I f&RU svppir l Route 22; Salem, NY 1-800-999-FARM (3276) FAX: 518-854-3057 CASE CREDIT CARD - FARM PLAN - VISA - MASTERCARD - DISCOVER CASEJH Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 31, 19QS-Al7 FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-120# FEW 35.00-69.00; #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS SO-100* FEW 20.00- BEEF X BULL&HFRS/HD. 20.00- HOGS: BARROWS &. GILTS *l-2 210-255* 35.5 Q-48.00; *2-3 255-280* 33.00- SOWS #l-3 300-500* 27.00- FEEDER PIGS: 1-3 15-20* 5.00- 17.00/HD.; 1-3 25-35# 10.00- LAMBS: HIGH CHOICE 80-100 LBS. 72.00- CHOICE 70-90 LBS. 74.00- FEEDER LAMBS GOOD 80.00- SHEEP 20.0048.00; FAT SHEEP 30.00 & DOWN. GOATS; LARGE 70.00 100.00/HD.; MEDIUM 30.00-57.00/HD.; SMALL 10.0029.0Q/HD. HORSES: 35.00-60.00, PONIES 20.0041.50. LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS MAD
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