XliiincMter Firming, §aturday, 'j«'nuaiy'3l, c i^ Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection January 28. 1998 CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP Wednesday 01/28/98 (est) 131,000 7,000 375,000 15,000 Week ago (est) 131,000 7,000 363,000 15,000 Year ago (act) 127,000 6,000 346,000 14.000 Week to date (est) 390,000 19,000 1,106,000 40,000 Same Period Last Week (est) 391,000 20,000 1,085,000 43,000 Same Period Last Year (est) 380,000 19,000 983,000 42,000 Previous Day Estimated Steer and Heifer Cow and Bull Tuesday 103,000 26,000 *** Revision Tuesday Hog Slaughter ... 370,000 USDA National Carlot Beef Report DES MOINES, lOWA Wednesday, January 28, 1998 USDA NATIONAL CARLOT BEEF REPORT (includes major production areas in the Midwest and TX) as of 3:00 PM COW A BULL CARCASS FOB OMA HA 3.0 Loads Repotted. Compared to Tuesday's 3:00 P.M. report: Breaking Util ity carcasses 2.00 lower. Boning Utilities 3.00 lower; Cutter not established. Demand light for moderate demand. Lds Price Range Latest Estb. Mkt UT.brk 2-4 450#/up 1.0 63.00 63.00 UT,bng 1-3 400#/up 2.0 67.00 67.00 Cut ter 1-2 350#/up 68.00 D Bulls YO 1 5008/up COW A BULL CARCASS CAF WEST COAST Loads Repotted. Compared to last week; Market for Week Ended: January 23, 1998 Lds Price Range UT.brk 2-4 4SO#/up UT,bng 1-3 400#/up 69.00 Cutter 1-2 3SO#/up 69.00 Bulls YG 1 500#/up BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/ BEEF TRIMMINGS 194.0 Loads Reported. Lean boneless processing beef 4.50-6.00 lower in the Midwest, Texas 1.00-3.00 lower, 85% 3.00-4.00 lower, 75% 1.00-2.00 lower, 65% mostly 2.00 lower. Demand light for light to moderate offerings. Beef trimmings steady to firm on mostly moderate demand and offerings. FOB OMAHA BASIS: Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 25 100.0 - 102.5 101.30 90% fz unq 85% fr 4 95.0 95.00 85 %fz unq 75% ft 6 73.5-75.0 74.00 75% fe unq 65% fr 4 55.0 55.00 65% fz unq 50% fr 88 30.00 - 32.00 30.38 50% fz 43 35.00 - 36.00 35.19 50% bx unq Bull 92-94 118.00 118.00 E FOB EAST TEXAS AND OKLAHO MA: Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 14 103.0 - 104.0 103.86 90% fz 85% fr 85% fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz CAF NORTHEAST AREAS: Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 10 103.0 - 106.0104.2090% fz 85% fr 85% fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz CAF WEST COAST BASIS Market for Week Ended: 1/23/98 Chm £n Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 97.50 97.50 90% fz 85% ft 95.00 95.00 85% fz 75% ft 75% fz 65% ft 56.00 - 59.00 57.00 65% fz 50% fr 30.00 - 36.00 33.07 50% fz 39.50 39.50 **ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions.** Mlddleburg Livestock Auction MIDDLEBURG, PA January 27, 1998 CATTLE 441... PDA ...Compared with last week's sale...sl. steers unevenly steady, si. heifers steady, si. cows steady to Strang. SLAUGHTER STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 1250/1450 lbs. 67.50- Choice 1150/1550 lbs. 63.75- Select 58 JO-64.25. Standard 41.25- HOLSTEINS: High Choice and Prime 1045/1600 lbs. 59.00-61.75, Choice 1125/1615 lbs. 56.75-59.25, Select 51.25- Standard 43.75-50.00. HEIF ERS: Choice 1120/1340 lbs. 64.00-66.75, Select 58.00-64.00, Standard 40.00-55.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 36.00- Cutter and Boning Utility 31.75- Canner and Low Cutter 23.25- Shells down to 15.00. BUL LOCKS: one Select 52.00. BULLS; few Yield Grade No. 1 1370/1835 lbs. 43.00- few No. 2 980/1965 lbs. 39.50- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; Medium Frame No. I 300/550 lbs. 72.0083.50, couple 60.00 A 65.00, 750/1075 lbs. 59.0070.00, Medium Frame No. 2 650/975 lbs. 42.0054.00, Large Frame No. 2 495/960 lbs. Holsteins 30.0040.00; HEIFERS: Medium A Large Frame No. I 295/525 lbs. 54.0067.00, 685/810 lbs. S2.SO-SB.SO, Medium A Large Frame No. 2 250/435 lbs. 46.0055.00, 625/970 lbs. 40.00-45.50; BULLS; Medium Frame No. 1 325/760 lbs. 54.5062.50, few Medium Frame No. 2 230/680 lbs. 35.5048.00, few Large Frame No. 2 40C/700 lbs. 37.5045.00, one 33.00. CALVES 179...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75/105 lbs. 22.00-27.00, Utility 60/80 lbs. 10.00-21.00, couple 8.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 3.00 to 5.00 higher... No. 1 Holstein bulls 85/125 lbs. 70.00-120.00, one 124.00, bulk of sales 85.00-117.00, No. 2 75/110 lbs. 27.007750; few No. 1 Holstein heifers 80/95 lbs. 50.0085.00. Few beef cross bulls and heifers 80/90 lbs. 30.0067.00. HOGS 260...(1/26 A 27/98)...8u1k of supply sold on Monday and supplied by the auction. Barrows and gilts 150 to 2.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 235/265 lbs. 37.00-39.00, few to 4150, US 1-3 220/270 lbs. 34.85-3650, few light weights US 1-3 190/195 lbs. 2850-31.75. SOWS: few US 1-3 285/330 lbs. 38.0047.00,350/695 lbs. 2650-35.00, late sales to 39.00, few Medium 285/330 lbs. 38.00-47.00. BOARS: 295/505 lbs. 15.50-19.00. FEEDER PIGS 76... US 1-3 20/30 lbs. 750-12.00,35/50 lbs. i 6.00-24.00. Utility 30/40 lbs. 12.00-13.50. per head. SHEEP 12...SLAUCHTER LAMBS: few Choice 125/135 lbs. 80.00-85.00, one 50 lbs. 71.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 42.0047.00, one 57.00. GOATS 10... Couple Large Billies 90.00 A 140.00, few Large Nannies 70.00-75.00, few Medium 5250-57.50, few Large Kids 50.00-60.00, one Small 20.00. per head. Aberdeen Sales Company, Inc. Complete Auction A Appraisal Sorvkc Church Title, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, January 28, 1998 SLAUGHTER STEERS: 1.00 LOWER. CHOICE 2-4 1100-1400 LBS. 65.00- SELECT * LOW CHOICE 1000-1500 LBS. 61.00-65.00; HOL. STEERS HI CHOICE A PRIME 1250-1400 LBS. 59.00-62.00; CHOICE 1200-1500 LBS. 55,00-60.00; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 47.00-54.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: 1.00 LOW ER. CHOICE * PRIME 950-1300 LBS. 6450-67.00; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 900-1400 LBS. 54.0060.00. COWS: MARKET ZOO LOWER. BRK. UT. A COMM. 2-4 BULK 37.50-4150; HI MESSING 42.00-45.00; CUTTER * BON. UT. 35.00-38.00; HI MESSING 38.00- CANNBR A CUTTERS 29.00- LOW DRESSING INTRODUCING HEATMOR" Stainless Steel Outdoor Wood Furnaces Wood Heat made... • Safe • Economic • Convenient • Insurable With 10 year corrosion warranty! Let HEATMOR" be your ,u Complete Heat Source Call . 800-834-7552 E-mail-woodheaf(2'heatinor*t.oni VHP f °r your nearest Authorized Dealer DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME COW MATTRESSES ■ *r- , • S’ FEATURE TOPCOVER WEAR SURFACE MATTRESS TYPE CELL CONSTRUCTION RUBBER CONTENT WARRANTY MADE IN RETAIL WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT IN YOUR BARN??!! DEALER/INSTALLER TRIPLE H CONSTRUCTION 22.00-29.00; CRIPPLED, SLOW * SICK .17-50. BULLS; MARKET STEADY. ALL WEIGHTS 1100-1900 LBS. 44.00-55.00. VEAL CALVES: MARKET STEADY. CHOICE AND PRIME 200400 LBS. 69.00- HI GOOD AND LOW CHOICE ALL WEIGHTS 49.0047.00. FARM CALVES: MARKET 5.00 HIGHER. HOL BULLS 100-125 LBS. 95.00- HOL. BULLS 85-95 LBS. 60.00- HOL. HEIFER CALVES 100-120 LBS. 110.00-147.00; SMALL FRAME 70-105 LBS. 35.00-69.00; SLAUGHTER CALVES ALL WEIGHTS 15.00- FEEDER CATTLE; MARKET 3.00 HIGHER. BULLS * STEERS 400-900 LBS. 65.00-83.00; HEIFERS 300-700 LBS. 49.00-68.00. LAMBS; MARKET STEADY. CHOICE A PRIME 90-110 LBS. 95.00- LIGHTER LAMBS 120.00- HEAVY EWES 27.00- LIGHT 30.00-50.00, GOATS: STEADY. SMALL 25.00- MEDIUM 40.00-70.00; LARGE 80.00-135.00 HOGS: MARKET 1.00 LOWER. 210-250 LBS. 34.00-36.00; 255-300 LBS. 29.00- HEAVY SOWS 24.00-27.00, LIGHT 18.00-22.00. BOARS ALL WEIGHTS 15.00-19.00. St. Louis Cattle, Hogs Springfield IL Monday January 26, 1998 USDA-D Market News Service Farmers Livestock Marketing Association Green ville Illinois Receipts this week: 150 Last week: 200 Last year: na Compared to last week slaughter steers and heifers firm to 1.00 higher with most advance on Choice grade. Cows and bulls steady. Supply mainly Choice and mixed Select and Choice slaughter steers and heifers. Light supply holstein steers, around 15% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 E-Z REST 80 OZ. PROPRIETARY SLICK & NON-SLIP SLIPPERY 10 CELLS PATENTED WOVEN SEAMS SEWN SEAMS NORTH BROOK 130 LBS, 3 YEARS USA $44.95 EPHRATA, PA 717-738-2142 CRAFT-BII.T CONSTRUCTION, INC. MANHEIM, PA (_ Pre-Engineered Buildings Lifetime Design Warranty Dairy Equine Self-Storage Commerical NORTH BROOK FARMS *44.95 PER STALL “DARE TO COMPARE” P-MAT 50 OZ 12 CELLS 100 LBS, 2 YEARS CANADA $55.00 MANUFACTURER/DEALER NORTH BROOK FARMS WHP. WEEDSPORT, NEW YORK 315-834-9390 e-mail petero@balcicom net 1050-1250 lbs. 62.0064.00.YG 2-f'and fancy YO 2-4 1150-1350 lbs. 64.0045.00. Select and Choice 2-3 1000-1175 Ibc. 59.00- Select 2-3 950-1150 Iba. 56.00- Holstein Steeis: Choice 2-3 1300-1500 lbs. 58.00-60.00. Select and Choice 2-3 1300-1400 lbs. 54.00-58.00. Select 2-3 1075-1400 lbs. 50.0054.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 24 975-1200 lbs. 62.0064.00; 2-3 and fancy 24 1025-1250 lbs. 64.00-65.00. Select and Choice 2-3 9001150 lbs. 59.0062.00; Select 2-3 925-1125 lbs. 56.0059.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: Cutter. Boning and Breaking Utility 14 32.0036.00; Few High Yielding 36.0038.00; Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 28.0032.00; Shelly Can ner 1-2 24.0028.00. BULLS; Few Yield Grade 1-2 1275-1600 lbs. 35.0040.00 Belleville Livestock Auction BELLEVILLE, PA January 28, 1996 CATTLE 120... SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTION . SLAUGHTER STEERS; couple Select 57.0058.25. COWS; Break ing Utility and Commercial 39.004150, Cutter and Boning Utility 34.0039.25, Canner and Low Cutter 28.00-33.75. Shells down to 25.00. BULLS: one Yield Grade No. 1 44.00, No. 2 38.7541.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: 52.0066.50. CALVES 72...VEALERS: Good 22.00-26.00, Standard and Good 16.0022.00, Utility 14.0016.00. FARM CALVES: Na 1 Holstein bulls 95/105 lbs. 90.00107.00, Na 2 75.009250. HOGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! FEEDER PIGS 52... US 1-3 20 lbs. and under 10.0018.00,2<V40 lbs. 18.0035.00, 40 lbs. and over 35.0042.00. per head. SHEEP 32... SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 80/100 lbs. 75.0075.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice 20/40 lbs 100.00121.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP. 20.0040.00. GOATS 6...Latge 50.0070.00. pa head. 80-QZ. • PREMIUM QUALITY • LOWEST PRICE • INCLUDES STRIPS AND SCREWS NORTH BROOK NORTH BROOK NORTH BROOK NORTH BROOK NORTH BROOK NORTH BROOK NORTH BROOK — B— i
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