»y GaflcGß i I For more information f 1 r * * The Pennsylvania Beef Council I *>oo Fulling Mill Rd ■ News and Views on $1 per head Beef Checkoff Program Middletown, pa 17057 I ° 7T7-959-7QOO ■ Beef Producers Show “PA Pride” ■ FREE """ ■ I at Farm Show | “BEEF. It’s What’s You Want.” Water Bottle | I Each January, thousands of consumers flock to Harrisburg for the annual g Bring this coupon to Pa Beef Council Booth _____ g I Pennsylvania Farm Show. This year on behalf of all cattle producers, the ■at 1998 Pa Farm Show in the Beef Barn (NW Bldg.) |!JNN| ■ I Pennsylvania Beef Council will be sharing their “Pennsylvania Pride, ” a brand | Must have coupon to receive bottle mjSJSiV I I new specially designed exhibit. g One bottle per coupon. „ IT , S WHAT YOU WANT”H I The theme focuses on the sense of pride beef, dairy, and veal producers have for I the beef and veal industry, as well as on the importance the industry bears on the _ _ * IjJjjJjE * IJjjjJE *E *JJ[* * ® I economy of Pennsylvania. Beef and veal recipes will be distributed to consumers “ " -H throughout the week. Many recipes will be of Pennsylvania flavor. Also, free ® ® I samples of various condiments from Heinz will be available to all attending! I kPAtovFw \_/JT Jl I I The Beef Council is also coordinating the meat display in the Farm Show’s " CTlr'AK' T nVITU’C * I Food Pantry exhibit area. Beef, veal, pork and lamb products processed in * dltbAIV L/LIVEK S ■ ■ Pennsylvania will be displayed in a special meat case in the Food Pantry exhibit I ' Bring this coupon to PA Beef Council Booth I I area. Additionally, chef and product demos will be conducted throughout the five- ® at 1998 Pa Farm Show in the Beef Barn (NW Bldg.) ■ I day event. ® Must have coupon to receive discount. For use at 1998 PA Farm Show I H Beef On The Internet Happier Holidays Planting Seeds of I Cattlemen on the Web (hup//www beet org), the industry’s Web site r ar «/ <= ’ ■ lot agncultural audiences, has undergone major reconstruction The new- 01 ays are assocldtec * wll h lamilies and lood BoiYlQlirl I and-improved sue- winch contains new graphics, more mlormat.on, and Peo P le cnjoy B , ctlm g t °B cthcr and swa PP ,n 8 stones OeiUdna ■ a newer format lor easier surlmg- debuted June 1997 Consumers can over great meals Beet checkoff funds help increase In i drmin g y oU ’ve got to plant the seed to reap the H learn more about the heel industry by taking a tour ot Cow Town America interest in heel over the holidays by providing recipe rcwd rd It’s the same with heel demand, with seeds ■ on the Wch (hup //wwwcowtown org) Cow Town America is a great 1 CdS 10 * OO e ltors reminding consumers that beet is what they ically want source (or beet tacts, recipes, photos, chpart. audio, and dtar.es of cattle ° nc su " h e, I ,ort rcsul ' cd ,n art,cles ,n more ,han when tfs tune to cat ■ tannlies Why not surl the Web lor heel today 9 sixteen hundred publications, such as Good Not a month will go by this year without commercials H Housekeeping and Ladies Home Journal In 1997 appearing on television The emotional approach H A FpW Spfltsi Rpmaitl Foi* placements were made in publications reaching 124 capitalizes on the consumer’s love for heel. H Z-l. J. IVLIIiaiU lUi billion homes Through food communications, A dl ,d will reach 87 percent o( adults ages 25-54 ■ dollars hclp ,ncreasc an average ol 14 limes during the year Thanks H -DCCI demand t 0 that’s a total ol 101 '' Cattlemen from all segments ol the commonwealth’s heel industry will million people who will be reminded regularly H base the oppoitumty to paiticipale in a three-day course January 9-12, that beef is what they want 1998 at Penn State University Bcel 2000 is coordinated by the PA Beet H Council in cooperation with Penn State Department ot Dairy and Animal H Science and the Pennsylvania Cattleman’s Association H The program with provide participants the opportunity evaluate live U | j -mj • H battle with the use ol ultrasound equipment and then observe the Ivl .DcHSIES*** H slaughter process in the packer s shoes, as well as grade and inspect the School children have more to learn these days than ever But they still need the basics - including I carcasses with a USDA inspector and grader Participants will then basics about nutrition Through their checkoff program, U.S beef producers arc helping provide students I tabneate the carcasses into wholesale and retail cuts, assessing a value to . ~ , . , ... . ■ the toduct ilnou >h each stc with information on good eating habits, the environment and the wholesomeness ol heel ■ ‘ program ,s an outstanding opportunity to ° ver a f,ve yCai P cr,od ’ morc lhan 32 m,11,0n students rrom P ,e - sch ° o 1 through h.gh school arc reached ■ help cattlemen become more cll.e.cni in their business practices, while throu S h checkoff-funded education materials. Th.ough its education programs, the heel checkoff is ■ mingling with other cattlemen The registration cost is $3O per PA increasing knowledge among tomorrow s consumers producer and $lOO per agribusiness representative or out-01-state H pioduccr, plus overnight accommodations The Beet Council has tried H diligently to keep the costs ol this program down with the help ol the PA I Cattleman’s Association and several animal health companies H Applications arc available by contacting Tammy Weaver, Director ol . H Industry Relations at PBC, (800) 572-2020 Space is limited ■ Veal Industry ||jB|MBi IT’S WHAT YOU WANT. SM I Makes Changes Oi/wnar/. (Jafwed. I Veal industry leadcis recently kicked off two brand new NCBA Ropf TnHll