Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1998, Image 7
EIGHtY-FOUR LIVESTOCK SALES, INC EIGHTY-FOUR, PA December 29, 1997 CATTLE 197. .[PDA]..Compared with last week's sale, .slaughter cows steady to 2 00 higher. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Standard 33 CO -39 75, few to 44.50. COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 35 50-39.00, Yield Grade 4 & 5 29 75-36 00, Cutter and Boning Utility 32 00-36.00, Canner and Low Cutter 25 00-31.50. Shells down to 20.00 BULLS: few Yield Grade No 1 1395/1825 lbs 42.50-48.50, few No 2 1365/2000 lbs 34.75-38.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medium & Large Frame No 1 300/700 lbs 65.00- 82.00, few Medium & Large Frame No 2 400/925 lbs. 43.50-58.00 HEIFERS' Medium & Large Frame No 1 325/575 lbs. 60 00-68 00, Medium & Large Frame No. 2 275/700 lbs 35.00- 60 00, few to 30 00, BULLS: few Me dium & Large Frame No. 1 250/600 lbs. 63 00-78 00, few Medium & Large Frame No 2 300/750 lbs 33.00-61.00. CALVES 164...VEALERS. Standard and Good 90/115 lbs. 16 00-32 50, 65/85 lbs 15 00-25 00, Utility 55/95 lbs 5 00-14 00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls steady to 10 00 higher.. No I Holstein bulls 90/130 lbs 80.00-117.50 mostly 90 00-115 00, No 2 80/115 lbs 32 50-75 00, few No 1 Holstein heifers 90/110 lbs 105 00-140.00, few No 2 85/100 lbs 35 00-85 00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 85/110 lbs 35 00-72 50 HOGS 63.. Barrows and gilts steady to 3 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-3 225/260 lbs 35 75-38 50, US 2-3 250/310 lbs 34 00-35.50, US 1-3 135/170 !bs 33 50-34.25 SOWS US 1-3 350/485 lbs 25 00- 30 50, 515/640 lbs 25 00-30.50 It’s better at 20 different jobs than most tractors are at one. Sure, the Steiner 430 Max is a great turt tractor, with constant four wheel drive, our unique articulated frame and new features that improx e driver comfort and control But it's also one of the best snow blowers you can own And, a terrific chipper/shredder Not to mention a mighty fine lawn mower The secret 7 Steiner Quick-Hitch Financing available through Dealers Credit, Inc (800) 735-1903 KEYSTONE FARM SHOW Jan. 6 & 7 - Memorial Hall, York Fairground, PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW Jan. 10-15 - Farm Show Building Harrisburg, PA EASTERN SPORTS & OUTDOOR SHOW Feb. 7-15 - Farm Show Building Harrisburg, PA HENRY H. HARTMAN 2300 Black Rock Road, Hanover, PA 17331 717-637-3741 - FAX 717-633-5051 We proudly sell products Made in USA! BOARS; few 215/300 lbs. 20.00- 22.00. FEEDER PIGS 7... US 1-3 78/88 lbs 29.00-30.00. per head SHEEP 69... Slaughter lambs steady to 25.00 higher. SLAUGHTER LAMBS; Choice 30/70 lbs. 100.00-142.00, 80/95 lbs 93.00- 117 00, Good and Choice 75/100 lbs 62.50-76.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP' 26.00-48.00 GOATS 12. Few Nannies 120/135 lbs 45 00-53.00 per cwt Medium 49.00-41.00, Large Kids 17.00-28.00 - - per head. NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEW WILMINGTON, PA December 29, 1997 CATTLE 97. [PDA],..Compared with last week's sale .si. cows 50 to 1.50 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS: few Standard 43.75-49 00 HEIFERS: one Select @ 55.00. COWS - Breaking Utility and Commer cial 35.25-39.00, one @ 42 00, Cutter and Boning Utility 29.00-36.50, din ner and Low Cutter 25.50-30 00 Shells down to 18.00. BULLS: one Yield Grade No 1 1645 lbs. @ 42 75 CALVES 162. VEALERS: Standard and Good 75/130 l|)s 17 50-31 00, Utility 55/95 lbs 4.00-17 50 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 120/125 lbs. 99.00, 95/115 lbs 113.00-115.00, 85/90 lbs 64 00- 85.00. No. 2 85/145 lbs. 30.00- 100 00, few No. 1 Holstein heifers 90/100 lbs. 102.50-110.00, few No 2 90/120 lbs 70 00-92 50 Few beef cross bulls and heifers 85/100 lbs 30 00-80 00 HOGS 205 Barrows and gilts 250 to 3 50 lower BARROWS AND GILTS. US 1-2 220/250 lbs 34 00-35 50, one large lot Snow Blower attachments, which can do the work of 20 single-purpose machines All with the quality and performance that vou'd expect from a Steiner Visit your authorized dealer today THE STEINER ATURF TRACTOR WITH A DIFFERENT TWIST York, PA 37 00, US 1-3 220/270 lbs. 33 50- 34.25, US 2-3 210/275 lbs. 32 DO -34 00, few US 1-3 185/200 lbs 32.00- 35.00 SOWS: US 1-3 335/675 lbs. 28 00- 35.00. BOARS: few 210/255 lbs. 22.00- 26.00, one 380 lbs @ 22 00. FEEDER PIGS 46. .US 1-3 25/45 lbs 20.00- few US 1-3 50/80 lbs 57.00- per head. SHEEP 53... SLAUGHTER LAMBS' Choice 100/130 lbs. 65 00-80 00, 85/100 lbs 80.00-91 00, 45/85 lbs 100.00-121.00 NEW CROP LAMBS Choice 40/65 lbs 110 00-127.00. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: 25.00-63.00 GOATS 23...C0up1e Large Billies 92.50 & 97 50, Medium & Small 27.50-45.00, Large Nannies 50.00-64 00, few Large Kids 21 00-30.00, few Small 12 50- 16.00. --perhead. New Holland Horses New Hollaed Sale* Stable* New Holla**, PA Moeday, Deco bar 29, 1997 Report Supplied Bj Aadta 133 HEAD. MARKET STRONGER. WORK HORSES 890.00-1173.00. DRIVING 405.00-1200.00. RIDING 460.00-890.00, 3 HEAD 910.00-1025.00. KILLERS. 1 AT 800.00, HEAVY WEIGHTS 640.00-725.00, LIGHT WEIGHTS 4i0.00-sss.oa PONIES 110.00-375.0 a LARGE PONIES 420.00475.00. COLTS 185.00-375.00. s-AGWAY Slip Scoop HENRY B. HOOVER, 1731 W. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 717- Feed those grains for big savings. We will roast on your farm. Your Yard, Garden and Pet Place VEGETABLE GROWER SPECIALS We Ship UPS YORK AGWAY 2600 W. Market St., York, PA 17406 717-792-2674 AGWAY Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 3, 19W-A7 Leesport livestock Lcoport, PA Wednesday, Dee. 31, 1997 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 283...PDA...SUPPLY INCLUDED 151 FED STEERS AND HEIFERS. 17 FEEDER CATTLE. COM PARED WITH 12/17 SALE.. STEERS STEADY, COWS WEK TO 1.00 LOWER. STEERS: CHOICE 1070-1480 LBS. 63.75-66.75, SELECT 68.26-64.00, HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 1210-1615 LBS. 57.00- SELECT 60.00-67.26, STANDARD 39.75-49.25. HEIFERS: CHOICE 1105-1480 LBS. 61.25-65.75. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY & COM MERCIAL 36.50-43.00, CUTTER & BONING UnUTY 31.5048.00, CAN NER & LOW CUTTER 26.60-34.25, SHELLS 10.00-27.50. BULLS: FEW YIELD GRADE #1 1310-1700 LBS. 43.00- BULLOCKS: COUPLE 48.00 St 52.60. FEEDER CATTLE: FEW Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help fiumen across the state to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s last week’s ayerage costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Pennsylvania. Remember, these are averages, so you will need to adjust your fig ures up or down according to your location and the quality of your Hours Mon.-Thurs. 7:30-6 PM Fri. 7:30 - 8 PM; Sat. 7:30 3PM STEERS AND HEIFERS 355-630 LBS. 67.60-70.00. CALVES: 215; FEW GOOD TO CHOICE VEALERS 70.00-55.00. STAN DARD & GOOD 70-115 LBS. 30.00- UnUTY 50-115 LBS. 5.00- FARM CALVES: #1 HOLS TEIN BULLS 90-125 LBS. 80.00-120.00. *2 BULLS 85-115 LBS. 45.00-90.00. #1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-125 LBS. 85.00- BEEF CROSS BULLS & HEIFERS 80-105 LBS. 40.00-80.00. HOGS: 142. BARROWS & GILTS. COMPARED TO 12-17 SALE 4.00-5.00 LOWER. BARROWS A GILTS US 1-3 227-262 LBS. 32J0-34.75. SOWS: FEW US 1-3 395-505 LBS. 28.25-30.00. BOARS: 19.00. FEEDER PIGS: 68. US 1-3 ONE LOT 66 LBS. 62.00 PER CWS. SHEEP: 12. LAMBS CHOICE 95-160 LBS. 70.00-90.00, SLAUGHTER SHEEP 30.00- GOATS: 2. SMALL NANNY 20.00, ONE BILLY 100.00 PER HEAD. crop. Corn, No.2y 3.06 bu. t 5.48 cwt Wheat, No. 2 3.31 bu.. 5.53 cwt Barley, No. 3 2.32 bu., 4.96 cwt Oats, No. 2 1.73 bu.. 5.40 cwt Soybeans, No. 1 6.64 bu.. 11.06 cwt Ear C0m—82.04 ton, 4.10 cwt Alfalfa Hay —153.75 ton. 7.69 cwt Mixed Hay —144.50 ton, 7.23 cwt Timothy Hay 143.75 ton, 7.19 cwt Those roasted grains are really tasty CHNUPP’S N ROASTING .ox 840, Lebanon, PA 17046 17-865-6611 Fax #865-7334 800-452-4004 is At The PA Farm Show Estagsa BiColor Com Restores White Corn White Argent Corn Silver Queen Fordhook Dwarf White Sugar Strike Beans Fabulous Tomato 32 lb White Onion Domestic Baby Pam Pumpkin Mf Spring Tomatoes 5000 mm $14.00/1000 King Arthur Peppers 5000 mm $19.50/1000 Pro Mix-BX 3 8 Cu Ft x 513.75 1 Qt Berry Boxes 1 Pt Berry Boxes 4x2000’ 1 mil Smooth Black or Clear Plastic 4x4000' 1 mil Smooth Black or Clear Plastic Less 4% Till Jan. 15th, ‘9B INC. 733-6593 5 lb mm $4.00 Lb 5 lb mm $4.90 Lb 5Lb Mm $4.30 Lb 5 lb mm. $4.00 lb 5 lb mm $1.30 lb 5 lb. mm. 900 lb 5 lb mm $1.75 lb 1000 $15.30 $15.00 $11.50 lb 250/case $16.75 600/case $22.50 $28.00 $56.00 [vKMj